Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package fr.acinq.lightning.utils
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flow
/** The first byte of a unicode character tells us how many bytes this character uses. */
fun utf8ByteCount(firstCodePoint: Byte) = when (firstCodePoint.toUByte().toInt()) {
in 0..0x7F -> 1
in 0xC0..0xDF -> 2
in 0xE0..0xEF -> 3
in 0xF0..0xF7 -> 4
else -> error("Malformed UTF-8 character (bad first codepoint 0x${firstCodePoint.toUByte().toString(16).padStart(2, '0')})")
* When using TCP, the electrum protocol adds a newline character at the end of each message (encoded using JSON-RPC).
* This allows multiplexing concurrent, unrelated messages over the same long-lived TCP connection.
* This flow extracts individual messages from the TCP socket and returns them one-by-one.
* @param chunkSize we're receiving a potentially infinite stream of bytes on the TCP socket, so we need to read them
* by chunks. The caller should provide a value that isn't too high (since we're pre-allocating that memory) while
* allowing us to read most messages in a single chunk.
fun linesFlow(socket: TcpSocket, chunkSize: Int = 8192): Flow = flow {
val buffer = ByteArray(chunkSize)
while (true) {
val size = socket.receiveAvailable(buffer)
private fun Flow.decodeToString(): Flow = flow {
// We receive chunks of bytes, but a chunk may stop in the middle of a utf8 character.
// When that happens, we carry the bytes of the final partial character over to the next chunk of bytes we'll receive.
val previousChunkIgnoredBytes = ByteArray(3) // utf8 characters use at most 4 bytes, hence the size of 3
var previousChunkIgnoredBytesSize = 0
collect { receivedBytes ->
val bytes = previousChunkIgnoredBytes.subArray(previousChunkIgnoredBytesSize).concat(receivedBytes)
var utf8AlignedSize = 0
while (utf8AlignedSize < bytes.size) {
val count = utf8ByteCount(bytes[utf8AlignedSize])
if (utf8AlignedSize + count > bytes.size) break
utf8AlignedSize += count
// The chunk ends with a truncated utf8 character: we store that partial character to be processed with the next chunk.
if (utf8AlignedSize < bytes.size) {
bytes.copyInto(previousChunkIgnoredBytes, 0, utf8AlignedSize, bytes.size)
previousChunkIgnoredBytesSize = bytes.size - utf8AlignedSize
private fun Flow.splitByLines(): Flow = flow {
// We receive valid utf8 strings, and need to decompose them into individual messages (separated by a newline character).
var buffer = ""
val lineEnding = Regex("\\n")
collect {
buffer += it
while (true) {
// If we don't have any newline character, we wait for the next string chunk.
val match = lineEnding.find(buffer) ?: break
emit(buffer.substring(0, match.range.first))
buffer = buffer.substring(match.range.first + 1)
// Our parent flow has been closed. We may have an incomplete message in our buffer, but it doesn't make sense
// to emit it, since listeners won't be able to decode it, so we simply silently drop it.