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package fr.acinq.lightning.wire
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.*
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.utils.Either
import fr.acinq.lightning.MilliSatoshi
import fr.acinq.lightning.blockchain.fee.FeeratePerKw
import fr.acinq.lightning.transactions.Transactions
import fr.acinq.lightning.utils.BitField
import fr.acinq.lightning.utils.msat
import fr.acinq.lightning.utils.sat
* Liquidity ads create a decentralized market for channel liquidity.
* Nodes advertise funding rates for their available liquidity using the gossip protocol.
* Other nodes can then pay the advertised rate to get inbound liquidity allocated towards them.
object LiquidityAds {
* @param miningFee we refund the liquidity provider for some of the fee they paid to miners for the underlying on-chain transaction.
* @param serviceFee fee paid to the liquidity provider for the inbound liquidity.
data class Fees(val miningFee: Satoshi, val serviceFee: Satoshi) {
val total: Satoshi = miningFee + serviceFee
/** Fees paid for the funding transaction that provides liquidity. */
data class FundingFee(val amount: MilliSatoshi, val fundingTxId: TxId)
* Rate at which a liquidity seller sells its liquidity.
* Liquidity fees are computed based on multiple components.
* @param minAmount minimum amount that can be purchased at this rate.
* @param maxAmount maximum amount that can be purchased at this rate.
* @param fundingWeight the seller will have to add inputs/outputs to the transaction and pay on-chain fees for them.
* The buyer refunds those on-chain fees for the given vbytes.
* @param feeProportional proportional fee (expressed in basis points) based on the amount contributed by the seller.
* @param feeBase flat fee that must be paid regardless of the amount contributed by the seller.
* @param channelCreationFee flat fee that must be paid when a new channel is created.
data class FundingRate(val minAmount: Satoshi, val maxAmount: Satoshi, val fundingWeight: Int, val feeProportional: Int, val feeBase: Satoshi, val channelCreationFee: Satoshi) {
/** Fees paid by the liquidity buyer. */
fun fees(feerate: FeeratePerKw, requestedAmount: Satoshi, contributedAmount: Satoshi, isChannelCreation: Boolean): Fees {
val onChainFees = Transactions.weight2fee(feerate, fundingWeight)
// If the seller adds more liquidity than requested, the buyer doesn't pay for that extra liquidity.
val proportionalFee = requestedAmount.min(contributedAmount) * feeProportional / 10_000
val flatFee = if (isChannelCreation) channelCreationFee + feeBase else feeBase
return Fees(onChainFees, flatFee + proportionalFee)
/** When liquidity is purchased, the seller provides a signature of the funding rate and funding script. */
fun signedData(fundingScript: ByteVector): ByteArray {
// We use a tagged hash to ensure that our signature cannot be reused in a different context.
val tag = "liquidity_ads_purchase"
val tmp = ByteArrayOutput()
return Crypto.sha256(tag.encodeToByteArray() + tmp.toByteArray() + fundingScript.toByteArray())
fun write(out: Output) {
LightningCodecs.writeU32(minAmount.sat.toInt(), out)
LightningCodecs.writeU32(maxAmount.sat.toInt(), out)
LightningCodecs.writeU16(fundingWeight, out)
LightningCodecs.writeU16(feeProportional, out)
LightningCodecs.writeU32(feeBase.sat.toInt(), out)
LightningCodecs.writeU32(channelCreationFee.sat.toInt(), out)
companion object {
fun read(input: Input): FundingRate = FundingRate(
minAmount = LightningCodecs.u32(input).sat,
maxAmount = LightningCodecs.u32(input).sat,
fundingWeight = LightningCodecs.u16(input),
feeProportional = LightningCodecs.u16(input),
feeBase = LightningCodecs.u32(input).sat,
channelCreationFee = LightningCodecs.u32(input).sat,
/** The fees associated with a given [FundingRate] can be paid using various options. */
sealed class PaymentType {
/** Fees are transferred from the buyer's channel balance to the seller's during the interactive-tx construction. */
data object FromChannelBalance : PaymentType()
/** Fees will be deducted from future HTLCs that will be relayed to the buyer. */
data object FromFutureHtlc : PaymentType()
/** Fees will be deducted from future HTLCs that will be relayed to the buyer, but the preimage is revealed immediately. */
data object FromFutureHtlcWithPreimage : PaymentType()
/** Similar to [FromChannelBalance] but expects HTLCs to be relayed after funding. */
data object FromChannelBalanceForFutureHtlc : PaymentType()
/** Sellers may support unknown payment types, which we must ignore. */
data class Unknown(val bitIndex: Int) : PaymentType()
companion object {
fun encode(paymentTypes: Set): ByteArray {
val bitIndices = {
when (it) {
is FromChannelBalance -> 0
is FromFutureHtlc -> 128
is FromFutureHtlcWithPreimage -> 129
is FromChannelBalanceForFutureHtlc -> 130
is Unknown -> it.bitIndex
val bits = BitField.forAtMost(bitIndices.max() + 1)
bitIndices.forEach { bits.setRight(it) }
return bits.bytes
fun decode(bytes: ByteArray): Set {
return BitField.from(bytes).asRightSequence().withIndex().mapNotNull {
when {
it.value && it.index == 0 -> FromChannelBalance
it.value && it.index == 128 -> FromFutureHtlc
it.value && it.index == 129 -> FromFutureHtlcWithPreimage
it.value && it.index == 130 -> FromChannelBalanceForFutureHtlc
it.value -> Unknown(it.index)
else -> null
/** When purchasing liquidity, we provide payment details matching one of the [PaymentType]s supported by the seller. */
sealed class PaymentDetails {
abstract val paymentType: PaymentType
// @formatter:off
data object FromChannelBalance : PaymentDetails() { override val paymentType: PaymentType = PaymentType.FromChannelBalance }
data class FromFutureHtlc(val paymentHashes: List) : PaymentDetails() { override val paymentType: PaymentType = PaymentType.FromFutureHtlc }
data class FromFutureHtlcWithPreimage(val preimages: List) : PaymentDetails() { override val paymentType: PaymentType = PaymentType.FromFutureHtlcWithPreimage }
data class FromChannelBalanceForFutureHtlc(val paymentHashes: List) : PaymentDetails() { override val paymentType: PaymentType = PaymentType.FromChannelBalanceForFutureHtlc }
// @formatter:on
fun write(out: Output) = when (this) {
is FromChannelBalance -> {
LightningCodecs.writeBigSize(0, out) // tag
LightningCodecs.writeBigSize(0, out) // length
is FromFutureHtlc -> {
LightningCodecs.writeBigSize(128, out) // tag
LightningCodecs.writeBigSize(32 * paymentHashes.size.toLong(), out) // length
paymentHashes.forEach { LightningCodecs.writeBytes(it, out) }
is FromFutureHtlcWithPreimage -> {
LightningCodecs.writeBigSize(129, out) // tag
LightningCodecs.writeBigSize(32 * preimages.size.toLong(), out) // length
preimages.forEach { LightningCodecs.writeBytes(it, out) }
is FromChannelBalanceForFutureHtlc -> {
LightningCodecs.writeBigSize(130, out) // tag
LightningCodecs.writeBigSize(32 * paymentHashes.size.toLong(), out) // length
paymentHashes.forEach { LightningCodecs.writeBytes(it, out) }
companion object {
fun read(input: Input): PaymentDetails = when (val tag = LightningCodecs.bigSize(input)) {
0L -> {
require(LightningCodecs.bigSize(input) == 0L) { "invalid length for from_channel_balance payment details" }
128L -> {
val count = LightningCodecs.bigSize(input) / 32
val paymentHashes = (0 until count).map { LightningCodecs.bytes(input, 32).byteVector32() }
129L -> {
val count = LightningCodecs.bigSize(input) / 32
val preimages = (0 until count).map { LightningCodecs.bytes(input, 32).byteVector32() }
130L -> {
val count = LightningCodecs.bigSize(input) / 32
val paymentHashes = (0 until count).map { LightningCodecs.bytes(input, 32).byteVector32() }
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("unknown payment details (tag=$tag)")
/** Sellers offer various rates and payment options. */
data class WillFundRates(val fundingRates: List, val paymentTypes: Set) {
fun validateRequest(nodeKey: PrivateKey, fundingScript: ByteVector, fundingFeerate: FeeratePerKw, request: RequestFunding, isChannelCreation: Boolean, feeCreditUsed: MilliSatoshi): WillFundPurchase? {
val paymentTypeOk = paymentTypes.contains(request.paymentDetails.paymentType)
val rateOk = fundingRates.contains(request.fundingRate)
val amountOk = request.fundingRate.minAmount <= request.requestedAmount && request.requestedAmount <= request.fundingRate.maxAmount
return when {
paymentTypeOk && rateOk && amountOk -> {
val sig = Crypto.sign(request.fundingRate.signedData(fundingScript), nodeKey)
val purchase = when (feeCreditUsed) {
0.msat -> Purchase.Standard(request.requestedAmount, request.fees(fundingFeerate, isChannelCreation), request.paymentDetails)
else -> Purchase.WithFeeCredit(request.requestedAmount, request.fees(fundingFeerate, isChannelCreation), feeCreditUsed, request.paymentDetails)
WillFundPurchase(WillFund(request.fundingRate, fundingScript, sig), purchase)
else -> null
fun findRate(requestedAmount: Satoshi): FundingRate? {
return fundingRates.firstOrNull { it.minAmount <= requestedAmount && requestedAmount <= it.maxAmount }
fun write(out: Output) {
LightningCodecs.writeU16(fundingRates.size, out)
fundingRates.forEach { it.write(out) }
val encoded = PaymentType.encode(paymentTypes)
LightningCodecs.writeU16(encoded.size, out)
LightningCodecs.writeBytes(encoded, out)
companion object {
fun read(input: Input): WillFundRates {
val fundingRatesCount = LightningCodecs.u16(input)
val fundingRates = (0 until fundingRatesCount).mapNotNull { }
val paymentTypes = PaymentType.decode(LightningCodecs.bytes(input, LightningCodecs.u16(input)))
return WillFundRates(fundingRates, paymentTypes)
/** Provide inbound liquidity to a remote peer that wants to purchase liquidity. */
data class WillFund(val fundingRate: FundingRate, val fundingScript: ByteVector, val signature: ByteVector64) {
fun write(out: Output) {
LightningCodecs.writeU16(fundingScript.size(), out)
LightningCodecs.writeBytes(fundingScript, out)
LightningCodecs.writeBytes(signature, out)
companion object {
fun read(input: Input): WillFund = WillFund(
fundingRate =,
fundingScript = LightningCodecs.bytes(input, LightningCodecs.u16(input)).byteVector(),
signature = LightningCodecs.bytes(input, 64).byteVector64(),
/** Request inbound liquidity from a remote peer that supports liquidity ads. */
data class RequestFunding(val requestedAmount: Satoshi, val fundingRate: FundingRate, val paymentDetails: PaymentDetails) {
fun fees(feerate: FeeratePerKw, isChannelCreation: Boolean): Fees = fundingRate.fees(feerate, requestedAmount, requestedAmount, isChannelCreation)
fun validateRemoteFunding(
remoteNodeId: PublicKey,
channelId: ByteVector32,
fundingScript: ByteVector,
remoteFundingAmount: Satoshi,
fundingFeerate: FeeratePerKw,
isChannelCreation: Boolean,
feeCreditUsed: MilliSatoshi,
willFund: WillFund?
): Either {
return when (willFund) {
// If the remote peer doesn't want to provide inbound liquidity, we immediately fail the attempt.
// The user should retry this funding attempt without requesting inbound liquidity.
null -> Either.Left(MissingLiquidityAds(channelId))
else -> when {
// Note that we use fundingRate instead of willFund.fundingRate: this way we verify that the funding rates match.
!Crypto.verifySignature(fundingRate.signedData(fundingScript), willFund.signature, remoteNodeId) -> Either.Left(InvalidLiquidityAdsSig(channelId))
remoteFundingAmount < requestedAmount -> Either.Left(InvalidLiquidityAdsAmount(channelId, remoteFundingAmount, requestedAmount))
willFund.fundingRate != fundingRate -> Either.Left(InvalidLiquidityAdsRate(channelId))
else -> {
val purchasedAmount = requestedAmount.min(remoteFundingAmount)
val fees = fundingRate.fees(fundingFeerate, requestedAmount, remoteFundingAmount, isChannelCreation)
when (feeCreditUsed) {
0.msat -> Either.Right(Purchase.Standard(purchasedAmount, fees, paymentDetails))
else -> Either.Right(Purchase.WithFeeCredit(purchasedAmount, fees, feeCreditUsed, paymentDetails))
fun write(out: Output) {
LightningCodecs.writeU64(requestedAmount.toLong(), out)
companion object {
fun chooseRate(requestedAmount: Satoshi, paymentDetails: PaymentDetails, rates: WillFundRates): RequestFunding? = when {
rates.paymentTypes.contains(paymentDetails.paymentType) -> rates.findRate(requestedAmount)?.let { RequestFunding(requestedAmount, it, paymentDetails) }
else -> null
fun read(input: Input): RequestFunding = RequestFunding(
requestedAmount = LightningCodecs.u64(input).sat,
fundingRate =,
paymentDetails =,
fun validateRemoteFunding(
request: RequestFunding?,
remoteNodeId: PublicKey,
channelId: ByteVector32,
fundingScript: ByteVector,
remoteFundingAmount: Satoshi,
fundingFeerate: FeeratePerKw,
isChannelCreation: Boolean,
feeCreditUsed: MilliSatoshi,
willFund: WillFund?,
): Either {
return when (request) {
null -> Either.Right(null)
else -> request.validateRemoteFunding(remoteNodeId, channelId, fundingScript, remoteFundingAmount, fundingFeerate, isChannelCreation, feeCreditUsed, willFund)
/** Once a liquidity ads has been purchased, we keep track of the fees paid and the payment details. */
sealed class Purchase {
abstract val amount: Satoshi
abstract val fees: Fees
abstract val paymentDetails: PaymentDetails
data class Standard(override val amount: Satoshi, override val fees: Fees, override val paymentDetails: PaymentDetails) : Purchase()
data class WithFeeCredit(override val amount: Satoshi, override val fees: Fees, val feeCreditUsed: MilliSatoshi, override val paymentDetails: PaymentDetails) : Purchase()
data class WillFundPurchase(val willFund: WillFund, val purchase: Purchase)