fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Simple Scala Bitcoin library
package fr.acinq.bitcoin
import fr.acinq.secp256k1.Secp256k1
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.sec.SECNamedCurves
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.{ASN1Integer, DERSequenceGenerator}
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Digest
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.{RIPEMD160Digest, SHA1Digest, SHA256Digest, SHA512Digest}
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.macs.HMac
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.{ECDomainParameters, ECPrivateKeyParameters, ECPublicKeyParameters, KeyParameter}
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.signers.{ECDSASigner, HMacDSAKCalculator}
import org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECPoint
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import java.io.{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream}
import java.math.BigInteger
object Crypto {
val params = SECNamedCurves.getByName("secp256k1")
val curve = new ECDomainParameters(params.getCurve, params.getG, params.getN, params.getH)
val halfCurveOrder = params.getN().shiftRight(1)
val zero = BigInteger.valueOf(0)
val one = BigInteger.valueOf(1)
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[Secp256k1])
private lazy val nativeSecp256k1: Option[Secp256k1] = try {
val handle = Secp256k1.get()
logger.info("secp256k1 library successfully loaded")
catch {
case t: Throwable =>
logger.info("couldn't find secp256k1 library, defaulting to bouncycastle")
def fixSize(data: ByteVector): ByteVector32 = ByteVector32(data.padLeft(32))
* Secp256k1 private key, which a 32 bytes value
* We assume that private keys are compressed i.e. that the corresponding public key is compressed
* @param value value to initialize this key with
case class PrivateKey(value: ByteVector32) {
def add(that: PrivateKey): PrivateKey = nativeSecp256k1.map { h =>
PrivateKey(ByteVector.view(h.privKeyTweakAdd(value.toArray, that.value.toArray)))
} getOrElse {
def subtract(that: PrivateKey): PrivateKey = nativeSecp256k1.map { h =>
PrivateKey(ByteVector.view(h.privKeyTweakAdd(value.toArray, h.privKeyNegate(that.value.toArray))))
} getOrElse {
def multiply(that: PrivateKey): PrivateKey = nativeSecp256k1.map { h =>
PrivateKey(ByteVector.view(h.privKeyTweakMul(value.toArray, that.value.toArray)))
} getOrElse {
def +(that: PrivateKey): PrivateKey = add(that)
def -(that: PrivateKey): PrivateKey = subtract(that)
def *(that: PrivateKey): PrivateKey = multiply(that)
def isZero: Boolean = bigInt == BigInteger.ZERO
// used only if secp256k1 is not available
lazy val bigInt = new BigInteger(1, value.toArray)
def publicKey: PublicKey = nativeSecp256k1.map { h =>
} getOrElse {
* @param prefix Private key prefix
* @return the private key in Base58 (WIF) compressed format
def toBase58(prefix: Byte) = Base58Check.encode(prefix, value.bytes :+ 1.toByte)
object PrivateKey {
def apply(data: ByteVector): PrivateKey = new PrivateKey(ByteVector32(data.take(32)))
def apply(data: BigInteger): PrivateKey = {
new PrivateKey(fixSize(ByteVector.view(data.toByteArray.dropWhile(_ == 0.toByte))))
* @param data serialized private key in bitcoin format
* @return the de-serialized key
def fromBin(data: ByteVector): (PrivateKey, Boolean) = {
val compressed = data.length match {
case 32 => false
case 33 if data.last == 1.toByte => true
(PrivateKey(data.take(32)), compressed)
def fromBase58(value: String, prefix: Byte): (PrivateKey, Boolean) = {
require(Set(Base58.Prefix.SecretKey, Base58.Prefix.SecretKeyTestnet, Base58.Prefix.SecretKeySegnet).contains(prefix), "invalid base 58 prefix for a private key")
val (`prefix`, data) = Base58Check.decode(value)
* Secp256k1 Public key
* We assume that public keys are always compressed
* @param value serialized public key, in compressed format (33 bytes)
case class PublicKey(value: ByteVector) {
require(value.length == 33)
def hash160: ByteVector = Crypto.hash160(value)
def isValid: Boolean = isPubKeyValidStrict(this.value)
def add(that: PublicKey): PublicKey = nativeSecp256k1.map { h =>
PublicKey.fromBin(ByteVector.view(h.pubKeyAdd(value.toArray, that.value.toArray)))
} getOrElse {
def add(that: PrivateKey): PublicKey = nativeSecp256k1.map { h =>
PublicKey.fromBin(ByteVector.view(h.privKeyTweakAdd(value.toArray, that.value.toArray)))
} getOrElse {
def subtract(that: PublicKey): PublicKey = nativeSecp256k1.map { h =>
PublicKey.fromBin(ByteVector.view(h.pubKeyAdd(value.toArray, h.pubKeyNegate(that.value.toArray))))
} getOrElse {
def multiply(that: PrivateKey): PublicKey = nativeSecp256k1.map { h =>
PublicKey.fromBin(ByteVector.view(h.pubKeyTweakMul(value.toArray, that.value.toArray)))
} getOrElse {
def +(that: PublicKey): PublicKey = add(that)
def -(that: PublicKey): PublicKey = subtract(that)
def *(that: PrivateKey): PublicKey = multiply(that)
def toUncompressedBin: ByteVector = nativeSecp256k1.map { h =>
} getOrElse {
override def toString = value.toHex
// used only if secp256k1 is not available
lazy val ecpoint = curve.getCurve.decodePoint(value.toArray)
object PublicKey {
def apply(data: ECPoint): PublicKey = new PublicKey(ByteVector.view(data.getEncoded(true)))
* @param raw serialized value of this public key (a point)
* @param checkValid indicates whether or not we check that this is a valid public key; this should be used
* carefully for optimization purposes
* @return
def apply(raw: ByteVector, checkValid: Boolean): PublicKey = fromBin(raw, checkValid)
def fromBin(input: ByteVector, checkValid: Boolean = true): PublicKey = {
if (checkValid) require(isPubKeyValidStrict(input))
input.length match {
case 33 => PublicKey(input)
case 65 => toCompressedUnsafe(input.toArray)
* This function initializes a public key from a compressed/uncompressed representation without doing validity checks.
* This will always convert the key to its compressed representation
* Note that this mutates the input array!
* @param key 33 or 65 bytes public key (will be mutated)
* @return an immutable compressed public key
private def toCompressedUnsafe(key: Array[Byte]): PublicKey = {
key.length match {
case 65 if key(0) == 4 || key(0) == 6 || key(0) == 7 =>
key(0) = if ((key(64) & 0x01) != 0) 0x03.toByte else 0x02.toByte
new PublicKey(ByteVector(key, 0, 33))
case 33 if key(0) == 2 || key(0) == 3 =>
new PublicKey(ByteVector(key, 0, 33))
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"key must be 33 or 65 bytes")
* Computes ecdh using secp256k1's variant: sha256(priv * pub serialized in compressed format)
* @param priv private value
* @param pub public value
* @return ecdh(priv, pub) as computed by libsecp256k1
def ecdh(priv: PrivateKey, pub: PublicKey): ByteVector32 = {
nativeSecp256k1.map { h =>
ByteVector32(ByteVector.view(h.ecdh(priv.value.toArray, pub.value.toArray)))
} getOrElse {
def hmac512(key: ByteVector, data: ByteVector): ByteVector = {
val mac = new HMac(new SHA512Digest())
mac.init(new KeyParameter(key.toArray))
mac.update(data.toArray, 0, data.length.toInt)
val out = new Array[Byte](64)
mac.doFinal(out, 0)
def hash(digest: Digest)(input: ByteVector): ByteVector = {
digest.update(input.toArray, 0, input.length.toInt)
val out = new Array[Byte](digest.getDigestSize)
digest.doFinal(out, 0)
def sha1 = hash(new SHA1Digest) _
def sha256 = (x: ByteVector) => ByteVector32(hash(new SHA256Digest)(x))
def ripemd160 = hash(new RIPEMD160Digest) _
* 160 bits bitcoin hash, used mostly for address encoding
* hash160(input) = RIPEMD160(SHA256(input))
* @param input array of byte
* @return the 160 bits BTC hash of input
def hash160(input: ByteVector): ByteVector = ripemd160(sha256(input))
* 256 bits bitcoin hash
* hash256(input) = SHA256(SHA256(input))
* @param input array of byte
* @return the 256 bits BTC hash of input
def hash256(input: ByteVector): ByteVector32 = ByteVector32(sha256(sha256(input)))
private def encodeSignatureCompact(r: BigInteger, s: BigInteger): ByteVector64 = {
ByteVector64(ByteVector.view(r.toByteArray.dropWhile(_ == 0)).padLeft(32) ++ ByteVector.view(s.toByteArray.dropWhile(_ == 0)).padLeft(32))
def isDERSignature(sig: ByteVector): Boolean = {
// Format: 0x30 [total-length] 0x02 [R-length] [R] 0x02 [S-length] [S] [sighash]
// * total-length: 1-byte length descriptor of everything that follows,
// excluding the sighash byte.
// * R-length: 1-byte length descriptor of the R value that follows.
// * R: arbitrary-length big-endian encoded R value. It must use the shortest
// possible encoding for a positive integers (which means no null bytes at
// the start, except a single one when the next byte has its highest bit set).
// * S-length: 1-byte length descriptor of the S value that follows.
// * S: arbitrary-length big-endian encoded S value. The same rules apply.
// * sighash: 1-byte value indicating what data is hashed (not part of the DER
// signature)
// Minimum and maximum size constraints.
if (sig.size < 9) return false
if (sig.size > 73) return false
// A signature is of type 0x30 (compound).
if (sig(0) != 0x30.toByte) return false
// Make sure the length covers the entire signature.
if (sig(1) != sig.size - 3) return false
// Extract the length of the R element.
val lenR = sig(3)
// Make sure the length of the S element is still inside the signature.
if (5 + lenR >= sig.size) return false
// Extract the length of the S element.
val lenS = sig(5 + lenR)
// Verify that the length of the signature matches the sum of the length
// of the elements.
if (lenR + lenS + 7 != sig.size) return false
// Check whether the R element is an integer.
if (sig(2) != 0x02) return false
// Zero-length integers are not allowed for R.
if (lenR == 0) return false
// Negative numbers are not allowed for R.
if ((sig(4) & 0x80.toByte) != 0) return false
// Null bytes at the start of R are not allowed, unless R would
// otherwise be interpreted as a negative number.
if (lenR > 1 && (sig(4) == 0x00) && (sig(5) & 0x80) == 0) return false
// Check whether the S element is an integer.
if (sig(lenR + 4) != 0x02.toByte) return false
// Zero-length integers are not allowed for S.
if (lenS == 0) return false
// Negative numbers are not allowed for S.
if ((sig(lenR + 6) & 0x80) != 0) return false
// Null bytes at the start of S are not allowed, unless S would otherwise be
// interpreted as a negative number.
if (lenS > 1 && (sig(lenR + 6) == 0x00) && (sig(lenR + 7) & 0x80) == 0) return false
return true
def isLowDERSignature(sig: ByteVector): Boolean = isDERSignature(sig) && {
val (_, s) = decodeSignatureFromDER(sig)
s.compareTo(halfCurveOrder) <= 0
private def normalizeSignature(r: BigInteger, s: BigInteger): (BigInteger, BigInteger) = {
val s1 = if (s.compareTo(halfCurveOrder) > 0) curve.getN().subtract(s) else s
(r, s1)
def checkSignatureEncoding(sig: ByteVector, flags: Int): Boolean = {
import ScriptFlags._
// Empty signature. Not strictly DER encoded, but allowed to provide a
// compact way to provide an invalid signature for use with CHECK(MULTI)SIG
if (sig.isEmpty) true
else if ((flags & (SCRIPT_VERIFY_DERSIG | SCRIPT_VERIFY_LOW_S | SCRIPT_VERIFY_STRICTENC)) != 0 && !isDERSignature(sig)) false
else if ((flags & SCRIPT_VERIFY_LOW_S) != 0 && !isLowDERSignature(sig)) false
else if ((flags & SCRIPT_VERIFY_STRICTENC) != 0 && !isDefinedHashtypeSignature(sig)) false
else true
def checkPubKeyEncoding(key: ByteVector, flags: Int, sigVersion: Int): Boolean = {
if ((flags & ScriptFlags.SCRIPT_VERIFY_STRICTENC) != 0) require(isPubKeyCompressedOrUncompressed(key), "invalid public key")
// Only compressed keys are accepted in segwit
if ((flags & ScriptFlags.SCRIPT_VERIFY_WITNESS_PUBKEYTYPE) != 0 && sigVersion == SigVersion.SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0) require(isPubKeyCompressed(key), "public key must be compressed in segwit")
* @param key serialized public key
* @return true if the key is valid. Please not that this performs very basic tests and does not check that the
* point represented by this key is actually valid.
def isPubKeyValidLax(key: ByteVector): Boolean = key.length match {
case 65 if key(0) == 4 || key(0) == 6 || key(0) == 7 => true
case 33 if key(0) == 2 || key(0) == 3 => true
case _ => false
* @param key serialized public key
* @return true if the key is valid. This check is much more expensive than its lax version since here we check that
* the public key is a valid point on the secp256k1 curve
def isPubKeyValidStrict(key: ByteVector): Boolean = isPubKeyValidLax(key) && {
nativeSecp256k1.map { h =>
h.pubkeyParse(key.toArray).length == 65
} getOrElse {
def isPubKeyCompressedOrUncompressed(key: ByteVector): Boolean = key.length match {
case 65 if key(0) == 4 => true
case 33 if key(0) == 2 || key(0) == 3 => true
case _ => false
def isPubKeyCompressed(key: ByteVector): Boolean = key.length match {
case 33 if key(0) == 2 || key(0) == 3 => true
case _ => false
def isDefinedHashtypeSignature(sig: ByteVector): Boolean = if (sig.isEmpty) false
else {
val hashType = (sig.last & 0xff) & (~(SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY))
if (hashType < SIGHASH_ALL || hashType > SIGHASH_SINGLE) false else true
* An ECDSA signature is a (r, s) pair. Bitcoin uses DER encoded signatures
* @param blob sigbyte data
* @return the decoded (r, s) signature
private def decodeSignatureFromDER(blob: ByteVector): (BigInteger, BigInteger) = {
private def decodeSignatureFromDERLax(input: ByteArrayInputStream): (BigInteger, BigInteger) = {
require(input.read() == 0x30)
def readLength: Int = {
val len = input.read()
if ((len & 0x80) == 0) len else {
var n = len - 0x80
var len1 = 0
while (n > 0) {
len1 = (len1 << 8) + input.read()
n = n - 1
require(input.read() == 0x02)
val lenR = readLength
val r = new Array[Byte](lenR)
require(input.read() == 0x02)
val lenS = readLength
val s = new Array[Byte](lenS)
(new BigInteger(1, r), new BigInteger(1, s))
private def decodeSignatureFromDERLax(input: ByteVector): (BigInteger, BigInteger) = decodeSignatureFromDERLax(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.toArray))
private def decodeSignatureCompact(signature: ByteVector64): (BigInteger, BigInteger) = {
val r = new BigInteger(1, signature.take(32).toArray)
val s = new BigInteger(1, signature.takeRight(32).toArray)
(r, s)
def compact2der(signature: ByteVector64): ByteVector = {
val r = new BigInteger(1, signature.take(32).toArray)
val s = new BigInteger(1, signature.takeRight(32).toArray)
val (r1, s1) = normalizeSignature(r, s)
val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(73)
val seq = new DERSequenceGenerator(bos)
seq.addObject(new ASN1Integer(r1))
seq.addObject(new ASN1Integer(s1))
def der2compact(signature: ByteVector): ByteVector64 = {
val (r, s) = decodeSignatureFromDERLax(signature)
val (r1, s1) = normalizeSignature(r, s)
ByteVector64(ByteVector.view(r1.toByteArray.dropWhile(_ == 0)).padLeft(32) ++ ByteVector.view(s1.toByteArray.dropWhile(_ == 0)).padLeft(32))
* @param data data
* @param signature signature
* @param publicKey public key
* @return true is signature is valid for this data with this public key
def verifySignature(data: ByteVector, signature: ByteVector64, publicKey: PublicKey): Boolean = {
nativeSecp256k1.map { h =>
h.verify(signature.toArray, data.toArray, publicKey.value.toArray)
} getOrElse {
val (r, s) = decodeSignatureCompact(signature)
require(r.compareTo(one) >= 0, "r must be >= 1")
require(r.compareTo(curve.getN) < 0, "r must be < N")
require(s.compareTo(one) >= 0, "s must be >= 1")
require(s.compareTo(curve.getN) < 0, "s must be < N")
val signer = new ECDSASigner
val params = new ECPublicKeyParameters(publicKey.ecpoint, curve)
signer.init(false, params)
signer.verifySignature(data.toArray, r, s)
* @param privateKey private key
* @return the corresponding public key
def publicKeyFromPrivateKey(privateKey: ByteVector) = PrivateKey(privateKey).publicKey
* Sign data with a private key, using RCF6979 deterministic signatures
* @param data data to sign
* @param privateKey private key. If you are using bitcoin "compressed" private keys make sure to only use the first 32 bytes of
* the key (there is an extra "1" appended to the key)
* @return a signature in compact format (64 bytes)
def sign(data: Array[Byte], privateKey: PrivateKey): ByteVector64 = {
nativeSecp256k1.map { h =>
val bin = h.sign(data, privateKey.value.toArray)
} getOrElse {
val signer = new ECDSASigner(new HMacDSAKCalculator(new SHA256Digest))
val privateKeyParameters = new ECPrivateKeyParameters(privateKey.bigInt, curve)
signer.init(true, privateKeyParameters)
val Array(r, s) = signer.generateSignature(data)
val (r1, s1) = if (s.compareTo(halfCurveOrder) > 0) {
(r, curve.getN().subtract(s)) // if s > N/2 then s = N - s
} else {
(r, s)
encodeSignatureCompact(r1, s1)
def sign(data: ByteVector, privateKey: PrivateKey): ByteVector64 = sign(data.toArray, privateKey)
* @param x x coordinate
* @return a tuple (p1, p2) where p1 and p2 are points on the curve and p1.x = p2.x = x
* p1.y is even, p2.y is odd
private def recoverPoint(x: BigInteger): (ECPoint, ECPoint) = {
val x1 = Crypto.curve.getCurve.fromBigInteger(x)
val square = x1.square().add(Crypto.curve.getCurve.getA).multiply(x1).add(Crypto.curve.getCurve.getB)
val y1 = square.sqrt()
val y2 = y1.negate()
val R1 = Crypto.curve.getCurve.createPoint(x1.toBigInteger, y1.toBigInteger).normalize()
val R2 = Crypto.curve.getCurve.createPoint(x1.toBigInteger, y2.toBigInteger).normalize()
if (y1.testBitZero()) (R2, R1) else (R1, R2)
* Recover public keys from a signature and the message that was signed. This method will return 2 public keys, and the signature
* can be verified with both, but only one of them matches that private key that was used to generate the signature.
* @param signature signature
* @param message message that was signed
* @return a recovered public key
def recoverPublicKey(signature: ByteVector64, message: ByteVector, recoveryId: Int): PublicKey = {
nativeSecp256k1.map { h =>
val bin = h.ecdsaRecover(signature.toArray, message.toArray, recoveryId)
} getOrElse {
val (pub0, pub1) = recoverPublicKey(signature, message)
if (recoveryId % 2 == 0) pub0 else pub1
def recoverPublicKey(signature: ByteVector64, message: ByteVector): (PublicKey, PublicKey) = {
val (r, s) = decodeSignatureCompact(signature)
val m = new BigInteger(1, message.toArray)
val (p1, p2) = recoverPoint(r)
val Q1 = (p1.multiply(s).subtract(Crypto.curve.getG.multiply(m))).multiply(r.modInverse(Crypto.curve.getN))
val Q2 = (p2.multiply(s).subtract(Crypto.curve.getG.multiply(m))).multiply(r.modInverse(Crypto.curve.getN))
(PublicKey(Q1), PublicKey(Q2))