fr.acinq.bitcoin.MerkleBlock.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package fr.acinq.bitcoin
import java.io.{InputStream, OutputStream}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.MerkleBlock.topHeight
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Protocol._
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* @param version Block version information, based upon the software version creating this block
* @param previousBlockHash The hash value of the previous block this particular block references
* @param merkleRoot The reference to a Merkle tree collection which is a hash of all transactions related to this block
* @param timestamp A timestamp recording when this block was created (Limited to 2106!)
* @param bits The calculated difficulty target being used for this block
* @param nonce The nonce used to generate this block… to allow variations of the header and compute different hashes
* @param txCount Number of transactions in the block (including unmatched ones)
* @param hashes hashes in depth-first order (including standard varint size prefix)
* @param flags flag bits, packed per 8 in a byte, least significant bit first (including standard varint size prefix)
case class MerkleBlock(version: Long, previousBlockHash: ByteVector, merkleRoot: ByteVector, timestamp: Long, bits: Long, nonce: Long, txCount: Int, hashes: Seq[ByteVector], flags: ByteVector) extends BtcSerializable[MerkleBlock] {
require(previousBlockHash.length == 32, "length of preivous block hash should be 32")
require(merkleRoot.length == 32, "length of merkle root hash should be 32")
hashes.foreach(h => require(h.length == 32, "length of hash should be 32"))
require(txCount > 1, "transaction count should be greater than 1")
override def serializer: BtcSerializer[MerkleBlock] = MerkleBlock
def computeRoot = MerkleBlock.computeRoot(txCount, topHeight(txCount), 0, hashes, MerkleBlock.toBits(flags), Nil)
object MerkleBlock extends BtcSerializer[MerkleBlock] {
override def read(input: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): MerkleBlock = {
val version = uint32(input)
val previousBlockHash = hash(input)
val merkleRoot = hash(input)
val timestamp = uint32(input)
val bits = uint32(input)
val nonce = uint32(input)
val txCount = uint32(input).toInt
val hashCount = varint(input)
val hashes = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[ByteVector]
for (i <- 0 until hashCount.toInt) hashes += hash(input)
val flags = script(input)
MerkleBlock(version, previousBlockHash, merkleRoot, timestamp, bits, nonce, txCount, hashes.toList, flags)
override def write(input: MerkleBlock, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long) = {
writeUInt32(input.version, out)
writeBytes(input.previousBlockHash.toArray, out)
writeBytes(input.merkleRoot.toArray, out)
writeUInt32(input.timestamp, out)
writeUInt32(input.bits, out)
writeUInt32(input.nonce, out)
writeUInt32(input.txCount, out)
writeVarint(input.hashes.length, out)
input.hashes.foreach(bin => writeBytes(bin.toArray, out))
writeScript(input.flags.toArray, out)
def isBitSet(byte: Byte, bit: Int): Boolean = ((byte.toInt >> bit) & 0x01) != 0
def toBits(byte: Byte): List[Boolean] = (for (i <- 0 to 7) yield isBitSet(byte, i)).toList
def toBits(flags: ByteVector): List[Boolean] = flags.toSeq.flatMap(toBits).toList
* @param leafCount total number of leaf nodes
* @param height tree height (0 == bottom == leaf nodes)
* @return the number of nodes at the given height
def calcTreeWidth(leafCount: Int, height: Int) = (leafCount + (1 << height) - 1) >> height
* @param leafCount ttoal number of leaf nodes
* @return the height of the root node. For example if yo have 5 leaf nodes, the height of the root node is 3.
def topHeight(leafCount: Int): Int = {
def loop(height: Int): Int = if (calcTreeWidth(leafCount, height) > 1) loop(height + 1) else height
* compute the root hash of a partial merkle tree:
* Read a bit from the flag bit list:
* If it is '0':
* Read a hash from the hashes list, and return it as this node's hash.
* If it is '1' and this is a leaf node:
* Read a hash from the hashes list, store it as a matched txid, and return it as this node's hash.
* If it is '1' and this is an internal node:
* Descend into its left child tree, and store its computed hash as L.
* If this node has a right child as well:
* Descend into its right child, and store its computed hash as R.
* If L == R, the partial merkle tree object is invalid.
* Return Hash(L || R).
* If this node has no right child, return Hash(L || L).
* @param count total number of leaves
* @param height current height (0 == bottom of the tree == leaf nodes)
* @param pos current position at this height, 0 = first node from the left
* @param hashes remaining hashes to read from
* @param bits remaining flag bits to read from
* @return a (hash, matched, remaining_hashes, remaining_bits) tuple where:
* - hash is the hash at position (height, pos)
* - matched is a list of matched txids and their position in the original block
* - remaining_hashes and remaining_bits are hashes and bits that have not been used
def computeRoot(count: Int, height: Int, pos: Int, hashes: Seq[ByteVector], bits: List[Boolean], matched: List[(ByteVector, Int)]): (ByteVector, List[(ByteVector, Int)], Seq[ByteVector], List[Boolean]) = {
bits match {
case false :: tail => (hashes.head, matched, hashes.tail, tail)
case true :: tail if height == 0 => (hashes.head, (hashes.head, pos) :: matched, hashes.tail, tail)
case true :: tail if (pos * 2 + 1) < calcTreeWidth(count, height - 1) =>
val (left, matched1, hashes1, bits1) = computeRoot(count, height - 1, 2 * pos, hashes, tail, matched)
val (right, matched2, hashes2, bits2) = computeRoot(count, height - 1, 2 * pos + 1, hashes1, bits1, matched1)
require(left != right)
(Crypto.hash256(left ++ right), matched2, hashes2, bits2)
case true :: tail =>
val (left, matched1, hashes1, bits1) = computeRoot(count, height - 1, 2 * pos, hashes, tail, matched)
(Crypto.hash256(left ++ left), matched1, hashes1, bits1)
def verify(merkleBlock: MerkleBlock): Unit = {
val (root, matched, hashes, bits) = computeRoot(merkleBlock.txCount, topHeight(merkleBlock.txCount), 0, merkleBlock.hashes, toBits(merkleBlock.flags), Nil)
require(root == merkleBlock.merkleRoot, "invalid merkle root")
require(!bits.exists(b => b))
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