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fr.acinq.bitcoin.Protocol.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package fr.acinq.bitcoin

import{Inet4Address, Inet6Address, InetAddress}
import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, ByteOrder}

import scodec.bits._

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

 * see

case class ByteVector32(bytes: ByteVector) {
  require(bytes.size == 32, s"size must be 32 bytes, is ${bytes.size} bytes")

  def reverse: ByteVector32 = ByteVector32(bytes.reverse)

  override def toString: String = bytes.toHex

object ByteVector32 {
  val Zeroes = ByteVector32(hex"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
  val One = ByteVector32(hex"0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")

  def fromValidHex(str: String) = ByteVector32(ByteVector.fromValidHex(str))

  implicit def byteVector32toByteVector(h: ByteVector32): ByteVector = h.bytes

case class ByteVector64(bytes: ByteVector) {
  require(bytes.size == 64, s"size must be 64 bytes, is ${bytes.size} bytes")

  override def toString: String = bytes.toHex

object ByteVector64 {
  val Zeroes = ByteVector64(hex"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")

  def fromValidHex(str: String) = ByteVector64(ByteVector.fromValidHex(str))

  implicit def byteVector64toByteVector(h: ByteVector64): ByteVector = h.bytes

object Protocol {
   * basic serialization functions

  val PROTOCOL_VERSION = 70015

  def uint8(input: InputStream): Int =

  def writeUInt8(input: Int, out: OutputStream): Unit = out.write(input & 0xff)

  def uint16(input: InputStream, order: ByteOrder = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN): Int = {
    val bin = new Array[Byte](2)
    uint16(bin, order)

  def uint16(input: Array[Byte], order: ByteOrder): Int = {
    val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(input).order(order)
    buffer.getShort & 0xFFFF

  def writeUInt16(input: Int, out: OutputStream, order: ByteOrder = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN): Unit = out.write(writeUInt16(input, order).toArray)

  def writeUInt16(input: Int, order: ByteOrder): ByteVector = {
    val bin = new Array[Byte](2)
    val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bin).order(order)

  def uint32(input: InputStream, order: ByteOrder = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN): Long = {
    val bin = new Array[Byte](4)
    uint32(bin, order)

  def uint32(input: Array[Byte], order: ByteOrder): Long = {
    val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(input).order(order)
    buffer.getInt() & 0xFFFFFFFFL

  def uint32(input: ByteVector, order: ByteOrder): Long = {
    input.toLong(signed = false, ByteOrdering.fromJava(order))

  def writeUInt32(input: Long, out: OutputStream, order: ByteOrder = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN): Unit = out.write(writeUInt32(input, order).toArray)

  def writeUInt32(input: Long, order: ByteOrder): ByteVector = {
    val bin = new Array[Byte](4)
    val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bin).order(order)
    buffer.putInt((input & 0xffffffff).toInt)

  def writeUInt32(input: Long): ByteVector = writeUInt32(input, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)

  def uint64(input: InputStream, order: ByteOrder = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN): Long = {
    val bin = new Array[Byte](8)
    uint64(bin, order)

  def uint64(input: Array[Byte], order: ByteOrder): Long = {
    val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(input).order(order)

  def writeUInt64(input: Long, out: OutputStream, order: ByteOrder = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN): Unit = out.write(writeUInt64(input, order).toArray)

  def writeUInt64(input: Long, order: ByteOrder): ByteVector = {
    val bin = new Array[Byte](8)
    val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bin).order(order)

  def varint(blob: Array[Byte]): Long = varint(new ByteArrayInputStream(blob))

  def varint(input: InputStream): Long = match {
    case value if value < 0xfd => value
    case 0xfd => uint16(input)
    case 0xfe => uint32(input)
    case 0xff => uint64(input)

  def writeVarint(input: Int, out: OutputStream): Unit = writeVarint(input.toLong, out)

  def writeVarint(input: Long, out: OutputStream): Unit = {
    if (input < 0xfdL) writeUInt8(input.toInt, out)
    else if (input < 65535L) {
      writeUInt8(0xfd, out)
      writeUInt16(input.toInt, out)
    else if (input < 1048576L) {
      writeUInt8(0xfe, out)
      writeUInt32(input.toInt, out)
    else {
      writeUInt8(0xff, out)
      writeUInt64(input, out)

  def bytes(input: InputStream, size: Long): ByteVector = bytes(input, size.toInt)

  def bytes(input: InputStream, size: Int): ByteVector = {
    val blob = new Array[Byte](size)
    if (size > 0) {
      val count =
      if (count < size) throw new IOException("not enough data to read from")

  def writeBytes(input: Array[Byte], out: OutputStream): Unit = out.write(input)

  def writeBytes(input: ByteVector, out: OutputStream): Unit = out.write(input.toArray)

  def varstring(input: InputStream): String = {
    val length = varint(input)
    new String(bytes(input, length).toArray, "UTF-8")

  def writeVarstring(input: String, out: OutputStream): Unit = {
    writeVarint(input.length, out)
    writeBytes(input.getBytes("UTF-8"), out)

  def hash(input: InputStream): ByteVector32 = ByteVector32(bytes(input, 32)) // a hash is always 256 bits

  def script(input: InputStream): ByteVector = {
    val length = varint(input) // read size
    bytes(input, length.toInt) // read bytes

  def writeScript(input: Array[Byte], out: OutputStream): Unit = {
    writeVarint(input.length.toLong, out)
    writeBytes(input, out)

  implicit val txInSer = TxIn
  implicit val txOutSer = TxOut
  implicit val scriptWitnessSer = ScriptWitness
  implicit val txSer = Transaction
  implicit val networkAddressWithTimestampSer = NetworkAddressWithTimestamp
  implicit val inventoryVectorOutSer = InventoryVector

  def readCollection[T](input: InputStream, maxElement: Option[Int], protocolVersion: Long)(implicit ser: BtcSerializer[T]): Seq[T] =
    readCollection(input,, maxElement, protocolVersion)

  def readCollection[T](input: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long)(implicit ser: BtcSerializer[T]): Seq[T] =
    readCollection(input, None, protocolVersion)(ser)

  def readCollection[T](input: InputStream, reader: (InputStream, Long) => T, maxElement: Option[Int], protocolVersion: Long): Seq[T] = {
    val count = varint(input)
    maxElement.foreach(max => require(count <= max, "invalid length"))
    val items = ArrayBuffer.empty[T]
    for (_ <- 1L to count) {
      items += reader(input, protocolVersion)

  def readCollection[T](input: InputStream, reader: (InputStream, Long) => T, protocolVersion: Long): Seq[T] = readCollection(input, reader, None, protocolVersion)

  def writeCollection[T](seq: Seq[T], out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long)(implicit ser: BtcSerializer[T]): Unit = {
    writeVarint(seq.length, out)
    seq.foreach(t => ser.write(t, out, protocolVersion))

  def writeCollection[T](seq: Seq[T], writer: (T, OutputStream, Long) => Unit, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit = {
    writeVarint(seq.length, out)
    seq.foreach(t => writer(t, out, protocolVersion))

import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Protocol._

trait BtcSerializer[T] {
   * write a message to a stream
   * @param t   message
   * @param out output stream
  def write(t: T, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit

  def write(t: T, out: OutputStream): Unit = write(t, out, PROTOCOL_VERSION)

   * write a message to a byte array
   * @param t message
   * @return a serialized message
  def write(t: T, protocolVersion: Long): ByteVector = {
    val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
    write(t, out, protocolVersion)

  def write(t: T): ByteVector = write(t, PROTOCOL_VERSION)

   * read a message from a stream
   * @param in input stream
   * @return a deserialized message
  def read(in: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): T

  def read(in: InputStream): T = read(in, PROTOCOL_VERSION)

   * read a message from a byte array
   * @param in serialized message
   * @return a deserialized message
  def read(in: Array[Byte], protocolVersion: Long): T = read(new ByteArrayInputStream(in), protocolVersion)

  def read(in: Array[Byte]): T = read(in, PROTOCOL_VERSION)

   * read a message from a hex string
   * @param in message binary data in hex format
   * @return a deserialized message of type T
  def read(in: String, protocolVersion: Long): T = read(ByteVector.fromValidHex(in).toArray, protocolVersion)

  def read(in: String): T = read(in, PROTOCOL_VERSION)

  def validate(t: T): Unit = {}

trait BtcSerializable[T] {
  def serializer: BtcSerializer[T]

object Message extends BtcSerializer[Message] {
  val MagicMain = 0xD9B4BEF9L
  val MagicTestNet = 0xDAB5BFFAL
  val MagicTestnet3 = 0x0709110BL
  val MagicNamecoin = 0xFEB4BEF9L
  val MagicSegnet = 0xC4A1ABDC

  override def read(in: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Message = {
    val magic = uint32(in)
    val buffer = new Array[Byte](12)
    val buffer1 = buffer.takeWhile(_ != 0)
    val command = new String(buffer1, "ISO-8859-1")
    val length = uint32(in)
    require(length < 2000000, "invalid payload length")
    val checksum = uint32(in)
    val payload_array = new Array[Byte](length.toInt)
    val payload = ByteVector.view(payload_array)
    require(checksum == uint32(Crypto.hash256(payload).toArray.take(4), order = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN), "invalid checksum")
    Message(magic, command, payload)

  override def write(input: Message, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit = {
    writeUInt32(input.magic.toInt, out)
    val buffer = new Array[Byte](12)
    writeBytes(buffer, out)
    writeUInt32(input.payload.length, out)
    val checksum = Crypto.hash256(input.payload).take(4).toArray
    writeBytes(checksum, out)
    writeBytes(input.payload.toArray, out)

 * Bitcoin message exchanged by nodes over the network
 * @param magic   Magic value indicating message origin network, and used to seek to next message when stream state is unknown
 * @param command ASCII string identifying the packet content, NULL padded (non-NULL padding results in packet rejected)
 * @param payload The actual data
case class Message(magic: Long, command: String, payload: ByteVector) extends BtcSerializable[Message] {
  require(command.length <= 12)

  override def serializer: BtcSerializer[Message] = Message

object NetworkAddressWithTimestamp extends BtcSerializer[NetworkAddressWithTimestamp] {
  override def read(in: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): NetworkAddressWithTimestamp = {
    val time = uint32(in)
    val services = uint64(in)
    val raw = new Array[Byte](16)
    val address = InetAddress.getByAddress(raw)
    val port = uint16(in, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)
    NetworkAddressWithTimestamp(time, services, address, port)

  override def write(input: NetworkAddressWithTimestamp, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit = {
    writeUInt32(input.time.toInt, out)
    writeUInt64(, out)
    input.address match {
      case _: Inet4Address => writeBytes(hex"00000000000000000000ffff".toArray, out)
      case _: Inet6Address => ()
    writeBytes(input.address.getAddress, out)
    writeUInt16(input.port.toInt, out, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)

case class NetworkAddressWithTimestamp(time: Long, services: Long, address: InetAddress, port: Long) extends BtcSerializable[NetworkAddressWithTimestamp] {
  override def serializer: BtcSerializer[NetworkAddressWithTimestamp] = NetworkAddressWithTimestamp

object NetworkAddress extends BtcSerializer[NetworkAddress] {
  override def read(in: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): NetworkAddress = {
    val services = uint64(in)
    val raw = new Array[Byte](16)
    val address = InetAddress.getByAddress(raw)
    val port = uint16(in, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)
    NetworkAddress(services, address, port)

  override def write(input: NetworkAddress, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit = {
    writeUInt64(, out)
    input.address match {
      case _: Inet4Address => writeBytes(hex"00000000000000000000ffff".toArray, out)
      case _: Inet6Address => ()
    writeBytes(input.address.getAddress, out)
    writeUInt16(input.port.toInt, out, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) // wtf ?? why BE there ?

case class NetworkAddress(services: Long, address: InetAddress, port: Long) extends BtcSerializable[NetworkAddress] {
  override def serializer: BtcSerializer[NetworkAddress] = NetworkAddress

object Version extends BtcSerializer[Version] {
  override def read(in: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Version = {
    val version = uint32(in)
    val services = uint64(in)
    val timestamp = uint64(in)
    val addr_recv =
    val addr_from =
    val nonce = uint64(in)
    val length = varint(in)
    val buffer = bytes(in, length)
    val user_agent = new String(buffer.toArray, "ISO-8859-1")
    val start_height = uint32(in)
    val relay = if (uint8(in) == 0) false else true
    Version(version, services, timestamp, addr_recv, addr_from, nonce, user_agent, start_height, relay)

  override def write(input: Version, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit = {
    writeUInt32(input.version.toInt, out)
    writeUInt64(, out)
    writeUInt64(input.timestamp, out)
    NetworkAddress.write(input.addr_recv, out)
    NetworkAddress.write(input.addr_from, out)
    writeUInt64(input.nonce, out)
    writeVarint(input.user_agent.length, out)
    writeBytes(input.user_agent.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), out)
    writeUInt32(input.start_height.toInt, out)
    writeUInt8(if (input.relay) 1 else 0, out)

 * @param version      Identifies protocol version being used by the node
 * @param services     bitfield of features to be enabled for this connection
 * @param timestamp    standard UNIX timestamp in seconds
 * @param addr_recv    The network address of the node receiving this message
 * @param addr_from    The network address of the node emitting this message
 * @param nonce        Node random nonce, randomly generated every time a version packet is sent. This nonce is used to detect
 *                     connections to self.
 * @param user_agent   User Agent
 * @param start_height The last block received by the emitting node
 * @param relay        Whether the remote peer should announce relayed transactions or not, see BIP 0037,
 *                     since version >= 70001
case class Version(version: Long, services: Long, timestamp: Long, addr_recv: NetworkAddress, addr_from: NetworkAddress, nonce: Long, user_agent: String, start_height: Long, relay: Boolean) extends BtcSerializable[Version] {
  override def serializer: BtcSerializer[Version] = Version

object Addr extends BtcSerializer[Addr] {
  override def write(t: Addr, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit = writeCollection(t.addresses, out, protocolVersion)

  override def read(in: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Addr =
    Addr(readCollection[NetworkAddressWithTimestamp](in, Some(1000), protocolVersion))

case class Addr(addresses: Seq[NetworkAddressWithTimestamp]) extends BtcSerializable[Addr] {
  override def serializer: BtcSerializer[Addr] = Addr

object InventoryVector extends BtcSerializer[InventoryVector] {
  val ERROR = 0L
  val MSG_TX = 1L
  val MSG_BLOCK = 2L

  override def write(t: InventoryVector, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit = {
    writeUInt32(t.`type`.toInt, out)
    writeBytes(t.hash.toArray, out)

  override def read(in: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): InventoryVector = InventoryVector(uint32(in), hash(in))

case class InventoryVector(`type`: Long, hash: ByteVector) extends BtcSerializable[InventoryVector] {
  require(hash.length == 32, "invalid hash length")

  override def serializer: BtcSerializer[InventoryVector] = InventoryVector

object Inventory extends BtcSerializer[Inventory] {
  override def write(t: Inventory, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit = writeCollection(t.inventory, out, protocolVersion)

  override def read(in: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Inventory = Inventory(readCollection[InventoryVector](in, Some(1000), protocolVersion))

case class Inventory(inventory: Seq[InventoryVector]) extends BtcSerializable[Inventory] {
  override def serializer: BtcSerializer[Inventory] = Inventory

object Getheaders extends BtcSerializer[Getheaders] {
  override def write(t: Getheaders, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit = {
    writeUInt32(t.version.toInt, out)
    writeCollection(t.locatorHashes, (h: ByteVector, o: OutputStream, _: Long) => o.write(h.toArray), out, protocolVersion)
    writeBytes(t.stopHash.toArray, out)

  override def read(in: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Getheaders = {
    Getheaders(version = uint32(in), locatorHashes = readCollection[ByteVector](in, (i: InputStream, _: Long) => hash(i).bytes, protocolVersion), stopHash = hash(in))

case class Getheaders(version: Long, locatorHashes: Seq[ByteVector], stopHash: ByteVector) extends BtcSerializable[Getheaders] {
  locatorHashes.foreach(h => require(h.length == 32))
  require(stopHash.length == 32)

  override def serializer: BtcSerializer[Getheaders] = Getheaders

object Headers extends BtcSerializer[Headers] {
  override def write(t: Headers, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit = {
    writeCollection(t.headers, (t: BlockHeader, o: OutputStream, v: Long) => {
      BlockHeader.write(t, o, v)
      writeVarint(0, o)
    }, out, protocolVersion)

  override def read(in: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Headers = {
    Headers(readCollection(in, (i: InputStream, v: Long) => {
      val header =, v)
      val dummy = varint(in)
      require(dummy == 0, s"header in headers message ends with $dummy, should be 0 instead")
    }, protocolVersion))

case class Headers(headers: Seq[BlockHeader]) extends BtcSerializable[Headers] {
  override def serializer: BtcSerializer[Headers] = Headers

object Getblocks extends BtcSerializer[Getblocks] {
  override def write(t: Getblocks, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit = {
    writeUInt32(t.version.toInt, out)
    writeCollection(t.locatorHashes, (h: ByteVector, o: OutputStream, _: Long) => o.write(h.toArray), out, protocolVersion)
    writeBytes(t.stopHash.toArray, out)

  override def read(in: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Getblocks = {
    Getblocks(version = uint32(in), locatorHashes = readCollection(in, (i: InputStream, _: Long) => hash(i), protocolVersion), stopHash = hash(in))

case class Getblocks(version: Long, locatorHashes: Seq[ByteVector], stopHash: ByteVector) extends BtcSerializable[Getblocks] {
  locatorHashes.foreach(h => require(h.length == 32))
  require(stopHash.length == 32)

  override def serializer: BtcSerializer[Getblocks] = Getblocks

object Getdata extends BtcSerializer[Getdata] {
  override def write(t: Getdata, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit = writeCollection(t.inventory, out, protocolVersion)

  override def read(in: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Getdata = Getdata(readCollection[InventoryVector](in, protocolVersion))

case class Getdata(inventory: Seq[InventoryVector]) extends BtcSerializable[Getdata] {
  override def serializer: BtcSerializer[Getdata] = Getdata

object Reject extends BtcSerializer[Reject] {
  override def write(t: Reject, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit = {
    writeVarstring(t.message, out)
    writeUInt8(t.code.toInt, out)
    writeVarstring(t.reason, out)

  override def read(in: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Reject = {
    Reject(message = varstring(in), code = uint8(in), reason = varstring(in), ByteVector.empty)

case class Reject(message: String, code: Long, reason: String, data: ByteVector) extends BtcSerializable[Reject] {
  override def serializer: BtcSerializer[Reject] = Reject

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