fr.acinq.bitcoin.Transaction.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package fr.acinq.bitcoin
import java.io.{ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStream, OutputStream}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.PrivateKey
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Protocol._
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Script.Runner
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object OutPoint extends BtcSerializer[OutPoint] {
def apply(tx: Transaction, index: Int) = new OutPoint(ByteVector32(tx.hash), index)
override def read(input: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): OutPoint = OutPoint(hash(input), uint32(input))
override def write(input: OutPoint, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit = {
writeUInt32(input.index.toInt, out)
def isCoinbase(input: OutPoint) = input.index == 0xffffffffL && input.hash == ByteVector32.Zeroes
def isNull(input: OutPoint) = isCoinbase(input)
* an out point is a reference to a specific output in a specific transaction that we want to claim
* @param hash reversed sha256(sha256(tx)) where tx is the transaction we want to refer to
* @param index index of the output in tx that we want to refer to
case class OutPoint(hash: ByteVector32, index: Long) extends BtcSerializable[OutPoint] {
require(index >= -1)
* @return the id of the transaction this output belongs to
val txid: ByteVector32 = hash.reverse
override def serializer: BtcSerializer[OutPoint] = OutPoint
object TxIn extends BtcSerializer[TxIn] {
def apply(outPoint: OutPoint, signatureScript: Seq[ScriptElt], sequence: Long): TxIn = new TxIn(outPoint, Script.write(signatureScript), sequence)
/* Setting nSequence to this value for every input in a transaction disables nLockTime. */
val SEQUENCE_FINAL = 0xffffffffL
/* Below flags apply in the context of BIP 68*/
/* If this flag set, CTxIn::nSequence is NOT interpreted as a relative lock-time. */
/* If CTxIn::nSequence encodes a relative lock-time and this flag
* is set, the relative lock-time has units of 512 seconds,
* otherwise it specifies blocks with a granularity of 1. */
/* If CTxIn::nSequence encodes a relative lock-time, this mask is
* applied to extract that lock-time from the sequence field. */
/* In order to use the same number of bits to encode roughly the
* same wall-clock duration, and because blocks are naturally
* limited to occur every 600s on average, the minimum granularity
* for time-based relative lock-time is fixed at 512 seconds.
* Converting from CTxIn::nSequence to seconds is performed by
* multiplying by 512 = 2^9, or equivalently shifting up by
* 9 bits. */
override def read(input: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): TxIn = TxIn(outPoint = OutPoint.read(input), signatureScript = script(input), sequence = uint32(input))
override def write(input: TxIn, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit = {
OutPoint.write(input.outPoint, out)
writeScript(input.signatureScript.toArray, out)
writeUInt32(input.sequence.toInt, out)
override def validate(input: TxIn): Unit = {
require(input.signatureScript.length <= MaxScriptElementSize, s"signature script is ${input.signatureScript.length} bytes, limit is $MaxScriptElementSize bytes")
def coinbase(script: ByteVector): TxIn = {
require(script.length >= 2 && script.length <= 100, "coinbase script length must be between 2 and 100")
TxIn(OutPoint(ByteVector32.Zeroes, 0xffffffffL), script, sequence = 0xffffffffL)
def coinbase(script: Seq[ScriptElt]): TxIn = coinbase(Script.write(script))
* Transaction input
* @param outPoint Previous output transaction reference
* @param signatureScript Signature script which should match the public key script of the output that we want to spend
* @param sequence Transaction version as defined by the sender. Intended for "replacement" of transactions when
* information is updated before inclusion into a block. Repurposed for OP_CSV (see BIPs 68 & 112)
* @param witness Transaction witness (i.e. what is in sig script for standard transactions).
case class TxIn(outPoint: OutPoint, signatureScript: ByteVector, sequence: Long, witness: ScriptWitness = ScriptWitness.empty) extends BtcSerializable[TxIn] {
def isFinal: Boolean = sequence == TxIn.SEQUENCE_FINAL
def hasWitness: Boolean = witness.isNotNull
override def serializer: BtcSerializer[TxIn] = TxIn
object TxOut extends BtcSerializer[TxOut] {
def apply(amount: Satoshi, publicKeyScript: Seq[ScriptElt]): TxOut = new TxOut(amount, Script.write(publicKeyScript))
override def read(input: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): TxOut = TxOut(Satoshi(uint64(input)), script(input))
override def write(input: TxOut, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit = {
writeUInt64(input.amount.toLong, out)
writeScript(input.publicKeyScript.toArray, out)
override def validate(input: TxOut): Unit = {
import input._
require(amount.toLong >= 0, s"invalid txout amount: $amount")
require(amount.toLong <= BtcAmount.MaxMoney, s"invalid txout amount: $amount")
require(publicKeyScript.length < MaxScriptElementSize, s"public key script is ${publicKeyScript.length} bytes, limit is $MaxScriptElementSize bytes")
* Transaction output
* @param amount amount in Satoshis
* @param publicKeyScript public key script which sets the conditions for spending this output
case class TxOut(amount: Satoshi, publicKeyScript: ByteVector) extends BtcSerializable[TxOut] {
override def serializer: BtcSerializer[TxOut] = TxOut
object ScriptWitness extends BtcSerializer[ScriptWitness] {
val empty = ScriptWitness(Seq.empty[ByteVector])
override def write(t: ScriptWitness, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit =
writeCollection[ByteVector](t.stack, (b: ByteVector, o: OutputStream, _: Long) => writeScript(b.toArray, o), out, protocolVersion)
override def read(in: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): ScriptWitness =
ScriptWitness(readCollection[ByteVector](in, (i: InputStream, _: Long) => script(i), None, protocolVersion))
* a script witness is just a stack of data
* there is one script witness per transaction input
* @param stack items to be pushed on the stack
case class ScriptWitness(stack: Seq[ByteVector]) extends BtcSerializable[ScriptWitness] {
def isNull = stack.isEmpty
def isNotNull = !isNull
override def serializer: BtcSerializer[ScriptWitness] = ScriptWitness
object Transaction extends BtcSerializer[Transaction] {
// if lockTime >= LOCKTIME_THRESHOLD it is a unix timestamp otherwise it is a block height
* @param version protocol version (and NOT transaction version !)
* @return true if protocol version specifies that witness data is to be serialized
def serializeTxWitness(version: Long): Boolean = (version & SERIALIZE_TRANSACTION_NO_WITNESS) == 0
override def read(input: InputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Transaction = {
val tx = Transaction(uint32(input), readCollection[TxIn](input, protocolVersion), Seq.empty[TxOut], 0)
val (flags, tx1) = if (tx.txIn.isEmpty && serializeTxWitness(protocolVersion)) {
// we just read the 0x00 marker
val flags = uint8(input)
val txIn = readCollection[TxIn](input, protocolVersion)
if (flags == 0 && txIn.nonEmpty) throw new RuntimeException("Extended transaction format unnecessarily used")
val txOut = readCollection[TxOut](input, protocolVersion)
(flags, tx.copy(txIn = txIn, txOut = txOut))
} else (0, tx.copy(txOut = readCollection[TxOut](input, protocolVersion)))
val tx2 = flags match {
case 0 => tx1.copy(lockTime = uint32(input))
case 1 =>
val witnesses = new ArrayBuffer[ScriptWitness]()
for (_ <- tx1.txIn.indices) witnesses += ScriptWitness.read(input, protocolVersion)
tx1.updateWitnesses(witnesses.toSeq).copy(lockTime = uint32(input))
case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unknown transaction optional data $flags")
override def write(tx: Transaction, out: OutputStream, protocolVersion: Long): Unit = {
if (serializeTxWitness(protocolVersion) && tx.hasWitness) {
writeUInt32(tx.version.toInt, out)
writeUInt8(0x00, out)
writeUInt8(0x01, out)
writeCollection(tx.txIn, out, protocolVersion)
writeCollection(tx.txOut, out, protocolVersion)
for (i <- tx.txIn.indices) ScriptWitness.write(tx.txIn(i).witness, out, protocolVersion)
writeUInt32(tx.lockTime.toInt, out)
} else {
writeUInt32(tx.version.toInt, out)
writeCollection(tx.txIn, out, protocolVersion)
writeCollection(tx.txOut, out, protocolVersion)
writeUInt32(tx.lockTime.toInt, out)
override def validate(input: Transaction): Unit = {
require(input.txIn.nonEmpty, "input list cannot be empty")
require(input.txOut.nonEmpty, "output list cannot be empty")
require(Transaction.write(input).size <= MaxBlockSize)
require(input.txOut.map(_.amount.toLong).sum <= BtcAmount.MaxMoney, "sum of outputs amount is invalid")
val outPoints = input.txIn.map(_.outPoint)
require(outPoints.size == outPoints.toSet.size, "duplicate inputs")
if (Transaction.isCoinbase(input)) {
require(input.txIn(0).signatureScript.size >= 2, "coinbase script size")
require(input.txIn(0).signatureScript.size <= 100, "coinbase script size")
} else {
require(input.txIn.forall(in => !OutPoint.isCoinbase(in.outPoint)), "prevout is null")
def baseSize(tx: Transaction, protocolVersion: Long = PROTOCOL_VERSION): Int = write(tx, protocolVersion | SERIALIZE_TRANSACTION_NO_WITNESS).length.toInt
def totalSize(tx: Transaction, protocolVersion: Long = PROTOCOL_VERSION): Int = write(tx, protocolVersion).length.toInt
def weight(tx: Transaction, protocolVersion: Long = PROTOCOL_VERSION): Int = totalSize(tx, protocolVersion) + 3 * baseSize(tx, protocolVersion)
def isCoinbase(input: Transaction) = input.txIn.size == 1 && OutPoint.isCoinbase(input.txIn(0).outPoint)
* prepare a transaction for signing a specific input
* @param tx input transaction
* @param inputIndex index of the tx input that is being processed
* @param previousOutputScript public key script of the output claimed by this tx input
* @param sighashType signature hash type
* @return a new transaction with proper inputs and outputs according to SIGHASH_TYPE rules
def prepareForSigning(tx: Transaction, inputIndex: Int, previousOutputScript: ByteVector, sighashType: Int): Transaction = {
val filteredScript = Script.write(Script.parse(previousOutputScript).filterNot(_ == OP_CODESEPARATOR))
def removeSignatureScript(txin: TxIn): TxIn = txin.copy(signatureScript = ByteVector.empty)
def removeAllSignatureScripts(tx: Transaction): Transaction = tx.copy(txIn = tx.txIn.map(removeSignatureScript))
def updateSignatureScript(tx: Transaction, index: Int, script: ByteVector): Transaction = tx.copy(txIn = tx.txIn.updated(index, tx.txIn(index).copy(signatureScript = script)))
def resetSequence(txins: Seq[TxIn], inputIndex: Int): Seq[TxIn] = for (i <- txins.indices) yield {
if (i == inputIndex) txins(i)
else txins(i).copy(sequence = 0)
val txCopy = {
// remove all signature scripts, and replace the sig script for the input that we are processing with the
// pubkey script of the output that we are trying to claim
val tx1 = removeAllSignatureScripts(tx)
val tx2 = updateSignatureScript(tx1, inputIndex, filteredScript)
val tx3 = if (isHashNone(sighashType)) {
// hash none: remove all outputs
val inputs = resetSequence(tx2.txIn, inputIndex)
tx2.copy(txIn = inputs, txOut = List())
else if (isHashSingle(sighashType)) {
// hash single: remove all outputs but the one that we are trying to claim
val inputs = resetSequence(tx2.txIn, inputIndex)
val outputs = for (i <- 0 to inputIndex) yield {
if (i == inputIndex) tx2.txOut(inputIndex)
else TxOut(Satoshi(-1), ByteVector.empty)
tx2.copy(txIn = inputs, txOut = outputs)
else tx2
// anyone can pay: remove all inputs but the one that we are processing
val tx4 = if (isAnyoneCanPay(sighashType)) tx3.copy(txIn = List(tx3.txIn(inputIndex))) else tx3
* hash a tx for signing (pre-segwit)
* @param tx input transaction
* @param inputIndex index of the tx input that is being processed
* @param previousOutputScript public key script of the output claimed by this tx input
* @param sighashType signature hash type
* @return a hash which can be used to sign the referenced tx input
def hashForSigning(tx: Transaction, inputIndex: Int, previousOutputScript: ByteVector, sighashType: Int): ByteVector32 = {
if (isHashSingle(sighashType) && inputIndex >= tx.txOut.length) {
} else {
val txCopy = prepareForSigning(tx, inputIndex, previousOutputScript, sighashType)
Crypto.hash256(Transaction.write(txCopy, Transaction.SERIALIZE_TRANSACTION_NO_WITNESS) ++ writeUInt32(sighashType))
* hash a tx for signing (pre-segwit)
* @param tx input transaction
* @param inputIndex index of the tx input that is being processed
* @param previousOutputScript public key script of the output claimed by this tx input
* @param sighashType signature hash type
* @return a hash which can be used to sign the referenced tx input
def hashForSigning(tx: Transaction, inputIndex: Int, previousOutputScript: Seq[ScriptElt], sighashType: Int): ByteVector32 =
hashForSigning(tx, inputIndex, Script.write(previousOutputScript), sighashType)
* hash a tx for signing
* @param tx input transaction
* @param inputIndex index of the tx input that is being processed
* @param previousOutputScript public key script of the output claimed by this tx input
* @param sighashType signature hash type
* @param amount amount of the output claimed by this input
* @return a hash which can be used to sign the referenced tx input
def hashForSigning(tx: Transaction, inputIndex: Int, previousOutputScript: ByteVector, sighashType: Int, amount: Satoshi, signatureVersion: Int): ByteVector32 = {
signatureVersion match {
case SigVersion.SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0 =>
val hashPrevOut: ByteVector = if (!isAnyoneCanPay(sighashType)) {
Crypto.hash256(tx.txIn.map(_.outPoint).map(OutPoint.write(_, Protocol.PROTOCOL_VERSION)).foldLeft(ByteVector.empty)(_ ++ _))
} else ByteVector32.Zeroes
val hashSequence: ByteVector = if (!isAnyoneCanPay(sighashType) && !isHashSingle(sighashType) && !isHashNone(sighashType)) {
Crypto.hash256(tx.txIn.map(_.sequence).map(s => Protocol.writeUInt32(s.toInt)).foldLeft(ByteVector.empty)(_ ++ _))
} else ByteVector32.Zeroes
val hashOutputs: ByteVector = if (!isHashSingle(sighashType) && !isHashNone(sighashType)) {
Crypto.hash256(tx.txOut.map(TxOut.write(_, Protocol.PROTOCOL_VERSION)).foldLeft(ByteVector.empty)(_ ++ _))
} else if (isHashSingle(sighashType) && inputIndex < tx.txOut.size) {
Crypto.hash256(TxOut.write(tx.txOut(inputIndex), Protocol.PROTOCOL_VERSION))
} else ByteVector32.Zeroes
val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
Protocol.writeUInt32(tx.version.toInt, out)
out.write(OutPoint.write(tx.txIn(inputIndex).outPoint, Protocol.PROTOCOL_VERSION).toArray)
Protocol.writeScript(previousOutputScript.toArray, out)
Protocol.writeUInt64(amount.toLong, out)
Protocol.writeUInt32(tx.txIn(inputIndex).sequence.toInt, out)
Protocol.writeUInt32(tx.lockTime.toInt, out)
Protocol.writeUInt32(sighashType, out)
val preimage = out.toByteArray
case _ =>
hashForSigning(tx, inputIndex, previousOutputScript, sighashType)
* hash a tx for signing
* @param tx input transaction
* @param inputIndex index of the tx input that is being processed
* @param previousOutputScript public key script of the output claimed by this tx input
* @param sighashType signature hash type
* @param amount amount of the output claimed by this input
* @return a hash which can be used to sign the referenced tx input
def hashForSigning(tx: Transaction, inputIndex: Int, previousOutputScript: Seq[ScriptElt], sighashType: Int, amount: Satoshi, signatureVersion: Int): ByteVector32 =
hashForSigning(tx, inputIndex, Script.write(previousOutputScript), sighashType, amount, signatureVersion)
* sign a tx input
* @param tx input transaction
* @param inputIndex index of the tx input that is being processed
* @param previousOutputScript public key script of the output claimed by this tx input
* @param sighashType signature hash type, which will be appended to the signature
* @param amount amount of the output claimed by this tx input
* @param signatureVersion signature version (1: segwit, 0: pre-segwit)
* @param privateKey private key
* @return the encoded signature of this tx for this specific tx input
def signInput(tx: Transaction, inputIndex: Int, previousOutputScript: ByteVector, sighashType: Int, amount: Satoshi, signatureVersion: Int, privateKey: PrivateKey): ByteVector = {
//if (signatureVersion == SigVersion.SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0) require(privateKey.compressed, "private key must be compressed in segwit")
val hash = hashForSigning(tx, inputIndex, previousOutputScript, sighashType, amount, signatureVersion)
val sig = Crypto.sign(hash, privateKey)
Crypto.compact2der(sig) :+ sighashType.toByte
* sign a tx input
* @param tx input transaction
* @param inputIndex index of the tx input that is being processed
* @param previousOutputScript public key script of the output claimed by this tx input
* @param sighashType signature hash type, which will be appended to the signature
* @param amount amount of the output claimed by this tx input
* @param signatureVersion signature version (1: segwit, 0: pre-segwit)
* @param privateKey private key
* @return the encoded signature of this tx for this specific tx input
def signInput(tx: Transaction, inputIndex: Int, previousOutputScript: Seq[ScriptElt], sighashType: Int, amount: Satoshi, signatureVersion: Int, privateKey: PrivateKey): ByteVector =
signInput(tx, inputIndex, Script.write(previousOutputScript), sighashType, amount, signatureVersion, privateKey)
def correctlySpends(tx: Transaction, previousOutputs: Map[OutPoint, TxOut], scriptFlags: Int, callback: Option[Runner.Callback]): Unit = {
for (i <- tx.txIn.indices if !OutPoint.isCoinbase(tx.txIn(i).outPoint)) {
val prevOutput = previousOutputs(tx.txIn(i).outPoint)
val prevOutputScript = prevOutput.publicKeyScript
val amount = prevOutput.amount
val ctx = Script.Context(tx, i, amount)
val runner = new Script.Runner(ctx, scriptFlags, callback)
if (!runner.verifyScripts(tx.txIn(i).signatureScript, prevOutputScript, tx.txIn(i).witness)) throw new RuntimeException(s"tx ${tx.txid} does not spend its input # $i")
def correctlySpends(tx: Transaction, previousOutputs: Map[OutPoint, TxOut], scriptFlags: Int): Unit =
correctlySpends(tx, previousOutputs, scriptFlags, None)
def correctlySpends(tx: Transaction, inputs: Seq[Transaction], scriptFlags: Int, callback: Option[Runner.Callback]): Unit = {
val prevouts = tx.txIn.map(_.outPoint).map(outpoint => {
val prevTx = inputs.find(_.txid == outpoint.txid).get
val prevOutput = prevTx.txOut(outpoint.index.toInt)
outpoint -> prevOutput
correctlySpends(tx, prevouts, scriptFlags, callback)
def correctlySpends(tx: Transaction, inputs: Seq[Transaction], scriptFlags: Int): Unit =
correctlySpends(tx, inputs, scriptFlags, None)
* Transaction
* @param version Transaction data format version
* @param txIn Transaction inputs
* @param txOut Transaction outputs
* @param lockTime The block number or timestamp at which this transaction is locked
case class Transaction(version: Long, txIn: Seq[TxIn], txOut: Seq[TxOut], lockTime: Long) extends BtcSerializable[Transaction] {
import Transaction._
// standard transaction hash, used to identify transactions (in transactions outputs for example)
lazy val hash: ByteVector32 = Crypto.hash256(Transaction.write(this, SERIALIZE_TRANSACTION_NO_WITNESS))
lazy val txid: ByteVector32 = hash.reverse
// witness transaction hash that includes witness data. used to compute the witness commitment included in the coinbase
// transaction of segwit blocks
lazy val whash: ByteVector32 = Crypto.hash256(Transaction.write(this))
lazy val wtxid: ByteVector32 = whash.reverse
lazy val bin: ByteVector = Transaction.write(this)
// this is much easier to use than Scala's default toString
override def toString: String = bin.toHex
* @param blockHeight current block height
* @param blockTime current block time
* @return true if the transaction is final
def isFinal(blockHeight: Long, blockTime: Long): Boolean = lockTime match {
case 0 => true
case value if value < LOCKTIME_THRESHOLD && value < blockHeight => true
case value if value >= LOCKTIME_THRESHOLD && value < blockTime => true
case _ if txIn.exists(!_.isFinal) => false
case _ => true
* @param i index of the tx input to update
* @param sigScript new signature script
* @return a new transaction that is of copy of this one but where the signature script of the ith input has been replace by sigscript
def updateSigScript(i: Int, sigScript: ByteVector): Transaction = this.copy(txIn = txIn.updated(i, txIn(i).copy(signatureScript = sigScript)))
* @param i index of the tx input to update
* @param sigScript new signature script
* @return a new transaction that is of copy of this one but where the signature script of the ith input has been replace by sigscript
def updateSigScript(i: Int, sigScript: Seq[ScriptElt]): Transaction = updateSigScript(i, Script.write(sigScript))
def updateWitness(i: Int, witness: ScriptWitness): Transaction = this.copy(txIn = txIn.updated(i, txIn(i).copy(witness = witness)))
def updateWitnesses(witnesses: Seq[ScriptWitness]): Transaction = {
require(witnesses.length == txIn.length)
witnesses.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(this) {
case (tx, (witness, index)) => tx.updateWitness(index, witness)
def hasWitness: Boolean = txIn.exists(_.hasWitness)
* @param input input to add the tx
* @return a new transaction which includes the newly added input
def addInput(input: TxIn): Transaction = this.copy(txIn = this.txIn :+ input)
* @param output output to add to the tx
* @return a new transaction which includes the newly added output
def addOutput(output: TxOut): Transaction = this.copy(txOut = this.txOut :+ output)
def baseSize(protocolVersion: Long = PROTOCOL_VERSION): Int = Transaction.baseSize(this, protocolVersion)
def totalSize(protocolVersion: Long = PROTOCOL_VERSION): Int = Transaction.totalSize(this, protocolVersion)
def weight(protocolVersion: Long = PROTOCOL_VERSION): Int = Transaction.weight(this, protocolVersion)
override def serializer: BtcSerializer[Transaction] = Transaction
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