fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat.Crypto.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat
import fr.acinq.bitcoin
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat.KotlinUtils._
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
object Crypto {
* A bitcoin private key.
* A private key is valid if it is not 0 and less than the secp256k1 curve order when interpreted as an integer (most significant byte first).
* The probability of choosing a 32-byte string uniformly at random which is an invalid private key is negligible, so this condition is not checked by default.
* However, if you receive a private key from an external, untrusted source, you should call `isValid()` before actually using it.
case class PrivateKey(priv: bitcoin.PrivateKey) {
val value: ByteVector32 = priv.value
def add(that: PrivateKey): PrivateKey = PrivateKey(this.priv plus that.priv)
def subtract(that: PrivateKey): PrivateKey = PrivateKey(this.priv minus that.priv)
def multiply(that: PrivateKey): PrivateKey = PrivateKey(this.priv times that.priv)
def +(that: PrivateKey): PrivateKey = add(that)
def -(that: PrivateKey): PrivateKey = subtract(that)
def *(that: PrivateKey): PrivateKey = multiply(that)
def isZero: Boolean = priv.value == bitcoin.ByteVector32.Zeroes
def isValid: Boolean = priv.isValid
def publicKey: PublicKey = PublicKey(priv.publicKey())
* @param prefix Private key prefix
* @return the private key in Base58 (WIF) compressed format
def toBase58(prefix: Byte): String = priv.toBase58(prefix)
def toHex: String = priv.toHex
override def toString = priv.toString
object PrivateKey {
def apply(data: ByteVector): PrivateKey = PrivateKey(new bitcoin.PrivateKey(data.toArray))
* @param data serialized private key in bitcoin format
* @return the de-serialized key
def fromBin(data: ByteVector): (PrivateKey, Boolean) = {
val compressed = data.length match {
case 32 => false
case 33 if data.last == 1.toByte => true
(PrivateKey(data), compressed)
def fromBase58(value: String, prefix: Byte): (PrivateKey, Boolean) = {
val p = bitcoin.PrivateKey.fromBase58(value, prefix)
(p.getFirst, p.getSecond)
* A bitcoin public key (in compressed form).
* A public key is valid if it represents a point on the secp256k1 curve.
* The validity of this public key is not checked by default, because when you create a public key from a private key it will always be valid.
* However, if you receive a public key from an external, untrusted source, you should call `isValid()` before actually using it.
case class PublicKey(pub: bitcoin.PublicKey) {
val value: ByteVector = pub.value
def hash160: ByteVector = ByteVector.view(pub.hash160())
def isValid: Boolean = pub.isValid
def add(that: PublicKey): PublicKey = PublicKey(this.pub plus that.pub)
def add(that: PrivateKey): PublicKey = PublicKey(this.pub plus that.priv.publicKey())
def subtract(that: PublicKey): PublicKey = PublicKey(this.pub minus that.pub)
def multiply(that: PrivateKey): PublicKey = PublicKey(this.pub times that.priv)
def +(that: PublicKey): PublicKey = add(that)
def -(that: PublicKey): PublicKey = subtract(that)
def *(that: PrivateKey): PublicKey = multiply(that)
def toUncompressedBin: ByteVector = ByteVector.view(pub.toUncompressedBin)
def toHex: String = pub.toHex
override def toString = pub.toString
object PublicKey {
* @param raw serialized value of this public key (a point)
* @param checkValid indicates whether or not we check that this is a valid public key; this should be used
* carefully for optimization purposes
def apply(raw: ByteVector, checkValid: Boolean = true): PublicKey = fromBin(raw, checkValid)
def fromBin(input: ByteVector, checkValid: Boolean = true): PublicKey = {
require(!checkValid || Crypto.isPubKeyValidStrict(input), "public key is invalid")
PublicKey(new bitcoin.PublicKey(bitcoin.PublicKey.compress(input.toArray)))
* Computes ecdh using secp256k1's variant: sha256(priv * pub serialized in compressed format)
* @param priv private value
* @param pub public value
* @return ecdh(priv, pub) as computed by libsecp256k1
def ecdh(priv: PrivateKey, pub: PublicKey): ByteVector32 = ByteVector32(ByteVector.view(bitcoin.Crypto.ecdh(priv.priv, pub.pub)))
def hmac512(key: ByteVector, data: ByteVector): ByteVector = ByteVector.view(bitcoin.Crypto.hmac512(key.toArray, data.toArray))
def sha256(x: ByteVector): ByteVector32 = ByteVector32(ByteVector.view(bitcoin.Crypto.sha256(x)))
def ripemd160(x: ByteVector): ByteVector = ByteVector.view(bitcoin.Crypto.ripemd160(x))
* 160 bits bitcoin hash, used mostly for address encoding
* hash160(input) = RIPEMD160(SHA256(input))
* @param input array of byte
* @return the 160 bits BTC hash of input
def hash160(input: ByteVector): ByteVector = ByteVector.view(bitcoin.Crypto.hash160(input.toArray))
* 256 bits bitcoin hash
* hash256(input) = SHA256(SHA256(input))
* @param input array of byte
* @return the 256 bits BTC hash of input
def hash256(input: ByteVector): ByteVector32 = ByteVector32(ByteVector.view(bitcoin.Crypto.hash256(input.toArray)))
def isDERSignature(sig: ByteVector): Boolean = bitcoin.Crypto.isDERSignature(sig.toArray)
def isLowDERSignature(sig: ByteVector): Boolean = bitcoin.Crypto.isLowDERSignature(sig.toArray)
def checkSignatureEncoding(sig: ByteVector, flags: Int): Boolean = bitcoin.Crypto.checkSignatureEncoding(sig.toArray, flags)
def checkPubKeyEncoding(key: ByteVector, flags: Int, sigVersion: Int): Boolean = bitcoin.Crypto.checkPubKeyEncoding(key.toArray, flags, sigVersion)
* @param key serialized public key
* @return true if the key is valid. Please not that this performs very basic tests and does not check that the
* point represented by this key is actually valid.
def isPubKeyValidLax(key: ByteVector): Boolean = key.length match {
case 65 if key(0) == 4 || key(0) == 6 || key(0) == 7 => true
case 33 if key(0) == 2 || key(0) == 3 => true
case _ => false
* @param key serialized public key
* @return true if the key is valid. This check is much more expensive than its lax version since here we check that
* the public key is a valid point on the secp256k1 curve
def isPubKeyValidStrict(key: ByteVector): Boolean = isPubKeyValidLax(key) && bitcoin.Crypto.isPubKeyValid(key.toArray)
def isPubKeyCompressedOrUncompressed(key: ByteVector): Boolean = bitcoin.Crypto.isPubKeyCompressedOrUncompressed(key.toArray)
def isPubKeyCompressed(key: ByteVector): Boolean = bitcoin.Crypto.isPubKeyCompressed(key.toArray)
def isDefinedHashTypeSignature(sig: ByteVector): Boolean = bitcoin.Crypto.isDefinedHashTypeSignature(sig.toArray)
def compact2der(signature: ByteVector64): ByteVector = bitcoin.Crypto.compact2der(signature)
def der2compact(signature: ByteVector): ByteVector64 = bitcoin.Crypto.der2compact(signature.toArray)
* @param data data
* @param signature signature
* @param publicKey public key
* @return true is signature is valid for this data with this public key
def verifySignature(data: ByteVector, signature: ByteVector64, publicKey: PublicKey): Boolean = bitcoin.Crypto.verifySignature(data.toArray, signature, publicKey.pub)
* @param privateKey private key
* @return the corresponding public key
def publicKeyFromPrivateKey(privateKey: ByteVector): PublicKey = PrivateKey(privateKey).publicKey
* Sign data with a private key, using RCF6979 deterministic signatures
* @param data data to sign
* @param privateKey private key. If you are using bitcoin "compressed" private keys make sure to only use the first 32 bytes of
* the key (there is an extra "1" appended to the key)
* @return a signature in compact format (64 bytes)
def sign(data: Array[Byte], privateKey: PrivateKey): ByteVector64 = bitcoin.Crypto.sign(data, privateKey.priv)
def sign(data: ByteVector, privateKey: PrivateKey): ByteVector64 = sign(data.toArray, privateKey)
* Recover public keys from a signature and the message that was signed. This method will return 2 public keys, and the signature
* can be verified with both, but only one of them matches that private key that was used to generate the signature.
* @param signature signature
* @param message message that was signed
* @return a recovered public key
def recoverPublicKey(signature: ByteVector64, message: ByteVector, recoveryId: Int): PublicKey = PublicKey(bitcoin.Crypto.recoverPublicKey(signature, message.toArray, recoveryId))
def recoverPublicKey(signature: ByteVector64, message: ByteVector): (PublicKey, PublicKey) = {
val p = bitcoin.Crypto.recoverPublicKey(signature, message.toArray)
(PublicKey(p.getFirst), PublicKey(p.getSecond))
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