fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package fr.acinq.bitcoin
import fr.acinq.bitcoin
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat.Crypto.PublicKey
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat.KotlinUtils._
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.SeqHasAsJava
* see https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_specification
package object scalacompat {
implicit object NumericSatoshi extends Numeric[Satoshi] {
// @formatter:off
override def compare(x: Satoshi, y: Satoshi): Int = x.compare(y)
override def minus(x: Satoshi, y: Satoshi): Satoshi = x - y
override def negate(x: Satoshi): Satoshi = -x
override def plus(x: Satoshi, y: Satoshi): Satoshi = x + y
override def times(x: Satoshi, y: Satoshi): Satoshi = x * y.toLong
override def toDouble(x: Satoshi): Double = x.toLong.toDouble
override def toFloat(x: Satoshi): Float = x.toLong.toFloat
override def toInt(x: Satoshi): Int = x.toLong.toInt
override def toLong(x: Satoshi): Long = x.toLong
override def fromInt(x: Int): Satoshi = Satoshi(x)
override def parseString(str: String): Option[Satoshi] = None
// @formatter:on
implicit final class SatoshiLong(private val n: Long) extends AnyVal {
def sat = Satoshi(n)
implicit final class MilliBtcDouble(private val n: Double) extends AnyVal {
def millibtc = MilliBtc(n)
implicit final class BtcDouble(private val n: Double) extends AnyVal {
def btc = Btc(n)
// @formatter:off
implicit def satoshi2btc(input: Satoshi): Btc = input.toBtc
implicit def btc2satoshi(input: Btc): Satoshi = input.toSatoshi
implicit def satoshi2millibtc(input: Satoshi): MilliBtc = input.toMilliBtc
implicit def millibtc2satoshi(input: MilliBtc): Satoshi = input.toSatoshi
implicit def btc2millibtc(input: Btc): MilliBtc = input.toMilliBtc
implicit def millibtc2btc(input: MilliBtc): Btc = input.toBtc
// @formatter:on
def isAnyoneCanPay(sighashType: Int): Boolean = (sighashType & SigHash.SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY) != 0
def isHashSingle(sighashType: Int): Boolean = (sighashType & 0x1f) == bitcoin.SigHash.SIGHASH_SINGLE
def isHashNone(sighashType: Int): Boolean = (sighashType & 0x1f) == bitcoin.SigHash.SIGHASH_NONE
def computeP2PkhAddress(pub: PublicKey, chainHash: ByteVector32): String = bitcoin.Bitcoin.computeP2PkhAddress(pub, chainHash)
def computeBIP44Address(pub: PublicKey, chainHash: ByteVector32): String = computeP2PkhAddress(pub, chainHash)
* @param pub public key
* @param chainHash chain hash (i.e. hash of the genesis block of the chain we're on)
* @return the p2swh-of-p2pkh address for this key). It is a Base58 address that is compatible with most bitcoin wallets
def computeP2ShOfP2WpkhAddress(pub: PublicKey, chainHash: ByteVector32): String = bitcoin.Bitcoin.computeP2ShOfP2WpkhAddress(pub, chainHash)
def computeBIP49Address(pub: PublicKey, chainHash: ByteVector32): String = computeP2ShOfP2WpkhAddress(pub, chainHash)
* @param pub public key
* @param chainHash chain hash (i.e. hash of the genesis block of the chain we're on)
* @return the BIP84 address for this key (i.e. the p2wpkh address for this key). It is a Bech32 address that will be
* understood only by native sewgit wallets
def computeP2WpkhAddress(pub: PublicKey, chainHash: ByteVector32): String = bitcoin.Bitcoin.computeP2WpkhAddress(pub, chainHash)
def computeBIP84Address(pub: PublicKey, chainHash: ByteVector32): String = computeP2WpkhAddress(pub, chainHash)
* @param chainHash hash of the chain (i.e. hash of the genesis block of the chain we're on)
* @param script public key script
* @return the address of this public key script on this chain
def computeScriptAddress(chainHash: ByteVector32, script: Seq[ScriptElt]): Option[String] = {
bitcoin.Bitcoin.addressFromPublicKeyScript(chainHash, script.map(scala2kmp).asJava) match {
case null => None
case address => Some(address)
* @param chainHash hash of the chain (i.e. hash of the genesis block of the chain we're on)
* @param script public key script
* @return the address of this public key script on this chain
def computeScriptAddress(chainHash: ByteVector32, script: ByteVector): Option[String] = computeScriptAddress(chainHash, Script.parse(script))
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