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com.apyx.scala.ts2scala.ts.parser.TSDefParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* TypeScript importer for Scala.js
* Copyright 2013 LAMP/EPFL
* @author Sbastien Doeraene
package com.apyx.scala.ts2scala.ts.parser
import com.apyx.scala.ts2scala.ts.importer.Trees._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.token._
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.syntactical._
import scala.util.parsing.input._
class TSDefParser extends StdTokenParsers with ImplicitConversions {
type Tokens = StdTokens
val lexical: TSDefLexical = new TSDefLexical
lexical.reserved ++= List(
// Value keywords
"true", "false", "null", "undefined",
// Current JavaScript keywords
"break", "case", "catch", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete",
"do", "else", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "in", "instanceof",
"new", "return", "switch", "this", "throw", "try", "typeof", "var",
"void", "while", "with",
// Future reserved keywords - some used in TypeScript
"class", "const", "enum", "export", "extends", "import", "super",
// Future reserved keywords in Strict mode - some used in TypeScript
"implements", "interface", "let", "package", "private", "protected",
"public", "static", "yield",
// Additional keywords of TypeScript
"declare", "module"
lexical.delimiters ++= List(
"{", "}", "(", ")", "[", "]",
".", ";", ",",
"<", ">", "<=", ">=", "==", "!=", "===", "!==",
"+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "++", "--",
"<<", ">>", ">>>", "&", "|",
"^", "!", "~",
"&&", "||",
"?", ":",
"=", "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%=",
"<<=", ">>=", ">>>=", "&=", "|=", "^=",
// TypeScript-specific
"...", "=>"
def parseDefinitions(input: Reader[Char]) =
phrase(ambientDeclarations)(new lexical.Scanner(input))
lazy val ambientDeclarations: Parser[List[DeclTree]] =
lazy val ambientDeclaration: Parser[DeclTree] =
opt("declare") ~> ambientDeclaration1
lazy val ambientDeclaration1 = (
ambientModuleDecl | ambientVarDecl | ambientFunctionDecl
| ambientInterfaceDecl | ambientClassDecl
lazy val ambientModuleDecl: Parser[DeclTree] =
"module" ~> rep1sep(identifier | stringLiteral , ".") ~ moduleBody ^^ {
case nameParts ~ body =>
nameParts.init.foldRight(ModuleDecl(Ident(, body)) {
(name, inner) => ModuleDecl(Ident(, inner :: Nil)
lazy val moduleBody: Parser[List[DeclTree]] =
"{" ~> rep(moduleElementDecl) <~ "}"
lazy val moduleElementDecl: Parser[DeclTree] =
opt("export") ~> moduleElementDecl1
lazy val moduleElementDecl1: Parser[DeclTree] = (
ambientModuleDecl | ambientVarDecl | ambientFunctionDecl
| ambientInterfaceDecl | ambientClassDecl | ambientExportRefDecl
lazy val ambientVarDecl: Parser[DeclTree] =
"var" ~> identifier ~ optTypeAnnotation <~ opt(";") ^^ VarDecl
lazy val ambientFunctionDecl: Parser[DeclTree] =
staticModifier ~ ("function" ~> identifier) ~ functionSignature <~ opt(";") ^^ FunctionDecl
lazy val ambientInterfaceDecl: Parser[DeclTree] =
"interface" ~> typeName ~ tparams ~ intfInheritance ~ memberBlock <~ opt(";") ^^ InterfaceDecl
lazy val ambientClassDecl: Parser[DeclTree] =
"class" ~> typeName ~ tparams ~ intfInheritance ~ intfImplementation ~ memberBlock <~ opt(";") ^^ ClassDecl
lazy val tparams = (
"<" ~> rep1sep(typeParam, ",") <~ ">"
| success(Nil)
lazy val ambientExportRefDecl: Parser[DeclTree] =
"=" ~> identifier <~ opt(";") ^^ ExportRefDecl
lazy val typeParam: Parser[TypeParam] =
typeName ~ opt("extends" ~> typeRef) ^^ TypeParam
lazy val intfInheritance = (
"extends" ~> repsep(typeRef, ",")
| success(Nil)
lazy val intfImplementation = (
"implements" ~> repsep(typeRef, ",")
| success(Nil)
lazy val functionSignature =
tparams ~ ("(" ~> repsep(functionParam, ",") <~ ")") ~ optResultType ^^ FunSignature
lazy val functionParam =
repeatedParamMarker ~ identifier ~ optionalMarker ~ optParamType ^^ {
case false ~ i ~ o ~ t =>
FunParam(i, o, t)
case _ ~ i ~ o ~ Some(ArrayType(t)) =>
FunParam(i, o, Some(RepeatedType(t)))
case _ ~ i ~ o ~ t =>
s"Warning: Dropping repeated marker of param $i because its type $t is not an array type")
FunParam(i, o, t)
lazy val staticModifier =
opt("static") ^^ (_.isDefined)
lazy val repeatedParamMarker =
opt("...") ^^ (_.isDefined)
lazy val optionalMarker =
opt("?") ^^ (_.isDefined)
lazy val optParamType =
opt(":" ~> paramType)
lazy val paramType: Parser[TypeTree] = (
| stringLiteral ^^ ConstantType
lazy val optResultType =
opt(":" ~> resultType)
lazy val resultType: Parser[TypeTree] = (
("void" ^^^ TypeRef(CoreType("void")))
| typeDesc
lazy val optTypeAnnotation =
lazy val typeAnnotation =
":" ~> typeDesc
lazy val typeDesc: Parser[TypeTree] = (
| objectType
| functionType
lazy val typeRef: Parser[TypeRef] =
baseTypeRef ~ opt(typeArgs) ~ rep("[" ~ "]") ^^ {
case base ~ optTargs ~ arrayDims =>
val withArgs = TypeRef(base, optTargs getOrElse Nil)
(withArgs /: arrayDims) {
(elem, _) => ArrayType(elem)
lazy val baseTypeRef: Parser[BaseTypeRef] =
rep1sep("void" | ident, ".") ^^ { parts =>
if (parts.tail.isEmpty) typeNameToTypeRef(parts.head)
else QualifiedTypeName(parts.init map Ident, TypeName(parts.last))
lazy val typeArgs: Parser[List[TypeRef]] =
"<" ~> rep1sep(typeRef, ",") <~ ">"
lazy val functionType: Parser[TypeTree] =
tparams ~ ("(" ~> repsep(functionParam, ",") <~ ")") ~ ("=>" ~> resultType) ^^ {
case tparams ~ params ~ resultType =>
FunctionType(FunSignature(tparams, params, Some(resultType)))
lazy val objectType: Parser[TypeTree] =
memberBlock ^^ ObjectType
lazy val memberBlock: Parser[List[MemberTree]] =
"{" ~> rep(typeMember <~ opt(";")) <~ "}"
lazy val typeMember: Parser[MemberTree] =
callMember | constructorMember | indexMember | namedMember
lazy val callMember: Parser[MemberTree] =
opt(scopeModifier) ~> staticModifier ~ functionSignature ^^ CallMember
lazy val constructorMember: Parser[MemberTree] =
"new" ~> functionSignature ^^ ConstructorMember
lazy val indexMember: Parser[MemberTree] =
("[" ~> identifier ~ typeAnnotation <~ "]") ~ typeAnnotation ^^ IndexMember
lazy val namedMember: Parser[MemberTree] =
opt(scopeModifier) ~> staticModifier ~ propertyName ~ optionalMarker >> {
case isStatic ~ name ~ optional => (
functionSignature ^^ (FunctionMember(isStatic, name, optional, _))
| optTypeAnnotation ^^ (PropertyMember(isStatic, name, optional, _))
lazy val scopeModifier = "public" //TODO : detect others
lazy val identifier =
identLike ^^ Ident
lazy val typeName =
identLike ^^ TypeName
lazy val identLike =
"declare" | "module" | "delete" | "continue" | "default" | ident
lazy val propertyName: Parser[PropertyName] =
identifier | stringLiteral
lazy val stringLiteral: Parser[StringLiteral] =
stringLit ^^ StringLiteral
private val isCoreTypeName =
Set("any", "void", "number", "bool", "boolean", "string")
def typeNameToTypeRef(name: String): BaseTypeRef =
if (isCoreTypeName(name)) CoreType(name)
else TypeName(name)
object ArrayType {
def apply(elem: TypeRef): TypeRef =
TypeRef(TypeName("Array"), List(elem))
def unapply(typeRef: TypeRef) = typeRef match {
case TypeRef(TypeName("Array"), List(elem)) => Some(elem)
case _ => None