fr.ght1pc9kc.testy.beat.extensions.WithRabbitMock Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package fr.ght1pc9kc.testy.beat.extensions;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.rabbitmq.client.Channel;
import com.rabbitmq.client.Connection;
import fr.ght1pc9kc.testy.beat.brokers.EmbeddedBroker;
import fr.ght1pc9kc.testy.beat.brokers.QpidEmbeddedBroker;
import fr.ght1pc9kc.testy.beat.messaging.AMQPHelper;
import fr.ght1pc9kc.testy.beat.messaging.MockedReceiver;
import fr.ght1pc9kc.testy.beat.messaging.MockedSender;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.AfterAllCallback;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.AfterEachCallback;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.BeforeAllCallback;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.BeforeEachCallback;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtensionContext;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtensionContext.Store;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ParameterContext;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ParameterResolutionException;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ParameterResolver;
import reactor.core.scheduler.Scheduler;
import reactor.core.scheduler.Schedulers;
import reactor.rabbitmq.ReceiverOptions;
import reactor.rabbitmq.SenderOptions;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import static fr.ght1pc9kc.testy.beat.messaging.AMQPHelper.declareAndBindQueues;
import static fr.ght1pc9kc.testy.beat.messaging.AMQPHelper.deleteReplyQueue;
* Allow getting a rabbit broker in tests.
* - Can be configured with a customized {@link ObjectMapper}
* - Starts an embedded AMQP broker
* - Opens an AMQP connection and channel on each test (closes after)
* - Builds sender and receiver options, injectable as test parameters
* - Can declare many queues with related exchanges
* - Builds a {@link MockedSender} and a {@link MockedReceiver} to simplify the mocking of the queues.
* Usage :
* private static final String QUEUE_1 = "test-queue-1";
* private static final String QUEUE_2 = "test-queue-2";
* private static final String EXCHANGE_1 = "test-exchange-1";
* private static final String EXCHANGE_2 = "test-exchange-2";
* {@literal }
* private static final WithObjectMapper withObjectMapper = WithObjectMapper.builder()
* .addModule(new com.fasterxml.jackson.module.paramnames.ParameterNamesModule())
* .build();
* private static final WithRabbitMock withRabbit = WithRabbitMock.builder()
* .declareQueueAndExchange(QUEUE_1, EXCHANGE_1)
* .declareQueueAndExchange(QUEUE_2, EXCHANGE_2)
* .build();
* {@literal @}RegisterExtension
* {@literal @}SuppressWarnings("unused")
* static final ChainedExtension chain = ChainedExtension.outer(withObjectMapper)
* .append(withRabbit)
* .register();
* Example to test a "listener" class.
* A "listener" is expected to:
* - Declare the queue and exchange
* - Consume the messages from the queue
* - Apply a treatment on the message (specific to each listener)
* - Reply another message on the reply queue
* - The {@link MockedSender} can be used to simplify the sending of messages on a queue.
* {@literal @}Test
* void should_consume_queue_and_reply_message(MockedSender mockedSender, ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
* // Here the tested listener creates a queue and consumes on it.
* tested.subscribe();
* {@literal }
* final String request = "message sent to tested";
* final byte[] requestBody = DeliveryMappingHelper.writeObjectAsByte(request, objectMapper);
* final String actualResponse = mockedSender.rpc(AmqpMessage.of(requestBody))
* .on("exchange", "routing-key")
* .map(delivery -> DeliveryMappingHelper.readDeliveryValue(delivery, objectMapper, String.class))
* .block();
* assertThat(actualResponse).isEqualTo("expected message replied by tested listener");
* }
* Assert example to test an "emitter" class.
* An "emitter" is expected to:
* - Send a message on the queue/exchange
* - Treat the response.
* Note that:
* - An {@link MockedReceiver} can be injected to the test.
* - It can consume a defined number of messages on a queue and reply defined responses.
* - The method {@link MockedReceiver.MockedConsumerBuilder#start()} returns all the requests consumed from the queue.
* {@literal @}Test
* void should_emit_message_and_manage_response(MockedReceiver mockedReceiver,
* ObjectMapper objectMapper) throws IOException {
* final String response = "response from receiver";
* final byte[] responseBody = DeliveryMappingHelper.writeObjectAsByte(response, objectMapper);
* final Flux<Delivery> receivedMessages = receiver.consumeOne()
* .on("queue")
* .thenRespond(AmqpMessage.of(responseBody))
* .start();
* {@literal }
* // Tested method sending a message on the queue
* tested.execute();
* {@literal }
* final List<String> actualEmittedMessages = receivedMessages
* .map(delivery -> DeliveryMappingHelper.readDeliveryValue(delivery, objectMapper, String.class))
* .collect(Collectors.toList());
* assertThat(actualEmittedMessages).containsExactly("message sent by tested");
* }
public final class WithRabbitMock implements BeforeAllCallback, AfterAllCallback, BeforeEachCallback, AfterEachCallback, ParameterResolver {
private static final String P_RABBIT_CONNECTION = "rabbit-connection";
private static final String P_RABBIT_CHANNEL = "rabbit-channel";
private static final String P_RABBIT_SENDER_OPT = "rabbit-sender-opt";
private static final String P_RABBIT_RECEIVER_OPT = "rabbit-receiver-opt";
private static final String P_MOCKED_RECEIVER_PREFIX = "rabbit-mocked-receiver";
private static final String P_MOCKED_SENDER_PREFIX = "rabbit-mocked-sender";
private static final Scheduler SCHEDULER = Schedulers.boundedElastic();
private final EmbeddedBroker embeddedBroker;
private final Map queuesAndExchanges;
private WithRabbitMock(EmbeddedBroker embeddedBroker,
Map queuesAndExchanges) {
this.embeddedBroker = embeddedBroker;
this.queuesAndExchanges = queuesAndExchanges;
public static WithRabbitMockBuilder builder() {
return new WithRabbitMockBuilder();
public void beforeAll(ExtensionContext context) {
final SenderOptions senderOptions = new SenderOptions()
final ReceiverOptions receiverOptions = new ReceiverOptions()
final Store store = getStore(context);
store.put(P_RABBIT_SENDER_OPT, senderOptions);
store.put(P_RABBIT_RECEIVER_OPT, receiverOptions);
public void afterAll(ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
public void beforeEach(ExtensionContext context) throws IOException {
final Store store = getStore(context);
store.put(P_RABBIT_CONNECTION, embeddedBroker.newConnection());
Connection conn = getRabbitConnection(context);
Channel channel = conn.createChannel();
queuesAndExchanges.forEach((queue, exchange) -> {
try {
declareAndBindQueues(channel, queue, exchange);
} catch (IOException e) {;
store.put(P_RABBIT_CHANNEL, channel);
store.put(P_MOCKED_RECEIVER_PREFIX, new MockedReceiver(channel));
store.put(P_MOCKED_SENDER_PREFIX, new MockedSender(channel));
public void afterEach(ExtensionContext extensionContext) throws Exception {
final Channel rabbitChannel = getRabbitChannel(extensionContext);
if (rabbitChannel.isOpen()) {
final Connection connection = getRabbitConnection(extensionContext);
if (connection.isOpen()) {
public boolean supportsParameter(ParameterContext parameterContext, ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
Class> aClass = parameterContext.getParameter().getType();
return aClass.equals(Connection.class)
|| aClass.equals(Channel.class)
|| aClass.equals(SenderOptions.class)
|| aClass.equals(ReceiverOptions.class)
|| aClass.equals(MockedReceiver.class)
|| aClass.equals(MockedSender.class);
public Object resolveParameter(ParameterContext parameterContext, ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
Class> aClass = parameterContext.getParameter().getType();
if (Connection.class.equals(aClass)) {
return getRabbitConnection(extensionContext);
if (Channel.class.equals(aClass)) {
return getRabbitChannel(extensionContext);
if (SenderOptions.class.equals(aClass)) {
return getSenderOptions(extensionContext);
if (ReceiverOptions.class.equals(aClass)) {
return getReceiverOptions(extensionContext);
if (MockedReceiver.class.equals(aClass)) {
return getMockedReceiver(extensionContext);
if (MockedSender.class.equals(aClass)) {
return getMockedSender(extensionContext);
throw new ParameterResolutionException("Unable to resolve parameter for Rabbit Channel !");
private Store getStore(ExtensionContext context) {
return context.getStore(ExtensionContext.Namespace.create(getClass()));
* Get the Rabbit Channel used for communication
* @param context The extension context useful for retrieving object into store
* @return The Channel created
public Channel getRabbitChannel(ExtensionContext context) {
return getStore(context).get(P_RABBIT_CHANNEL, Channel.class);
* Get the Rabbit connection used for communication
* @param context The extension context useful for retrieving object into store
* @return The connection.
public Connection getRabbitConnection(ExtensionContext context) {
return getStore(context).get(P_RABBIT_CONNECTION, Connection.class);
* Get the Sender Options used for communication
* @param context The extension context useful for retrieving object into store
* @return The Sender Options used for channel creation
public SenderOptions getSenderOptions(ExtensionContext context) {
return getStore(context).get(P_RABBIT_SENDER_OPT, SenderOptions.class);
* Get the Receiver Options used for communication
* @param context The extension context useful for retrieving object into store
* @return The Receiver Options used for channel creation
public ReceiverOptions getReceiverOptions(ExtensionContext context) {
return getStore(context).get(P_RABBIT_RECEIVER_OPT, ReceiverOptions.class);
* Obtain the {@link MockedReceiver} to manage queue receiving messages
* @param context The extension context to get objects from the store.
* @return The {@link MockedReceiver}
private MockedReceiver getMockedReceiver(ExtensionContext context) {
return getStore(context).get(P_MOCKED_RECEIVER_PREFIX, MockedReceiver.class);
* Obtain the {@link MockedSender} to send messages on mocked queue.
* @param context The extension context to get objects from the store.
* @return The {@link MockedSender}
private MockedSender getMockedSender(ExtensionContext context) {
return getStore(context).get(P_MOCKED_SENDER_PREFIX, MockedSender.class);
* Allow to build a Channel rabbit
public static class WithRabbitMockBuilder {
private final Map queuesAndExchanges = new HashMap<>();
private @Nullable EmbeddedBroker embeddedBroker;
* Define a customized embedded broker.
* If not set, a {@link QpidEmbeddedBroker} will be used by default.
* @param embeddedBroker The embedded broker.
* @return Builder instance.
public WithRabbitMockBuilder withEmbeddedBroker(EmbeddedBroker embeddedBroker) {
this.embeddedBroker = embeddedBroker;
return this;
* Declare the queues and exchange for rabbit communication
* @param queueName The name of queue for communication
* @param exchangeQueueName The name of queue for exchange
* @return the builder
public WithRabbitMockBuilder declareQueueAndExchange(String queueName, String exchangeQueueName) {
queuesAndExchanges.put(queueName, exchangeQueueName);
return this;
* Build the Rabbit Mock junit extension
* @return The extension
public WithRabbitMock build() {
final EmbeddedBroker broker = Optional.ofNullable(this.embeddedBroker)
return new WithRabbitMock(broker, Map.copyOf(queuesAndExchanges));