spoon.ContractVerifier Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* SPDX-License-Identifier: (MIT OR CECILL-C)
* Copyright (C) 2006-2019 INRIA and contributors
* Spoon is available either under the terms of the MIT License (see LICENSE-MIT.txt) of the Cecill-C License (see LICENSE-CECILL-C.txt). You as the user are entitled to choose the terms under which to adopt Spoon.
package spoon;
import spoon.reflect.CtModelImpl;
import spoon.reflect.code.CtArrayWrite;
import spoon.reflect.code.CtAssignment;
import spoon.reflect.code.CtExpression;
import spoon.reflect.code.CtFieldWrite;
import spoon.reflect.code.CtLambda;
import spoon.reflect.code.CtVariableWrite;
import spoon.reflect.cu.CompilationUnit;
import spoon.reflect.cu.SourcePosition;
import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutable;
import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtConstructor;
import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement;
import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtExecutable;
import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtField;
import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtMethod;
import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable;
import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage;
import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtShadowable;
import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType;
import spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameter;
import spoon.reflect.declaration.ParentNotInitializedException;
import spoon.reflect.path.CtPath;
import spoon.reflect.path.CtPathException;
import spoon.reflect.path.CtPathStringBuilder;
import spoon.reflect.path.CtRole;
import spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference;
import spoon.reflect.reference.CtFieldReference;
import spoon.reflect.reference.CtReference;
import spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReference;
import spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference;
import spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault;
import spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner;
import spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers;
import spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper;
import spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.TypeFilter;
import spoon.support.Experimental;
import spoon.support.Internal;
import spoon.support.reflect.CtExtendedModifier;
import spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment;
import spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import static spoon.testing.utils.Check.assertNotNull;
* Verifies all contracts that should hold on any AST.
* Usage: `new ContractVerifier(pack).verifyAll();`
public class ContractVerifier {
private CtPackage _rootPackage;
public ContractVerifier(CtPackage rootPackage) {
this._rootPackage = rootPackage;
/** use at your own risk, not part of the public API */
public ContractVerifier() {
/** verify all possible contracts in this class */
public void verify() {
/** verifies that the explicit modifier should be present in the original source code */
public void checkModifiers() {
for (CtModifiable modifiable : _rootPackage.getElements(new TypeFilter<>(CtModifiable.class))) {
for (CtExtendedModifier modifier : modifiable.getExtendedModifiers()) {
if (modifier.isImplicit()) {
SourcePosition position = modifier.getPosition();
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = position.getCompilationUnit();
String originalSourceCode = compilationUnit.getOriginalSourceCode();
assertEquals(modifier.getKind().toString(), originalSourceCode.substring(position.getSourceStart(), position.getSourceEnd() + 1));
private static void assertTrue(String msg, boolean conditionThatMustHold) {
if (!conditionThatMustHold) {
throw new AssertionError(msg);
private void assertFalse(boolean condition) {
assertTrue("", !condition);
private void assertEquals(Object expected, Object actual) {
assertEquals("assertEquals violation", expected, actual);
private void assertEquals(String msg, Object expected, Object actual) {
if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
throw new AssertionError(msg);
private void assertNotSame(Object element, Object other) {
if (element == other) {
throw new AssertionError("assertSame violation");
private void assertSame(Object element, Object other) {
assertSame("assertSame violation", element, other);
private void assertSame(String msg, Object element, Object other) {
if (element != other) {
throw new AssertionError(msg);
private void fail(String msg) {
throw new AssertionError(msg);
/** checks that there is always one parent, corresponding to the scanning order */
public void checkParentContract() {
_rootPackage.filterChildren(null).forEach((CtElement elem) -> {
// there is always one parent
assertTrue("no parent for " + elem.getClass() + "-" + elem.getPosition(), elem.isParentInitialized());
// the scanner and the parent are in correspondence
new CtScanner() {
Deque elementStack = new ArrayDeque<>();
public void scan(CtElement e) {
if (e == null) {
if (e instanceof CtReference) {
if (!elementStack.isEmpty()) {
assertEquals(elementStack.peek(), e.getParent());
public void checkBoundAndUnboundTypeReference() {
new CtScanner() {
public void visitCtTypeParameterReference(CtTypeParameterReference ref) {
CtTypeParameter declaration = ref.getDeclaration();
if (declaration != null) {
assertEquals(ref.getSimpleName(), declaration.getSimpleName());
/** check that we have all shadow elements, and that they are correctly isShadow */
public void checkShadow() {
new CtScanner() {
public void scan(CtElement element) {
if (element != null && CtShadowable.class.isAssignableFrom(element.getClass())) {
assertFalse(((CtShadowable) element).isShadow());
public void visitCtTypeReference(CtTypeReference reference) {
if (CtTypeReference.NULL_TYPE_NAME.equals(reference.getSimpleName()) || "?".equals(reference.getSimpleName())) {
final CtType typeDeclaration = reference.getTypeDeclaration();
assertNotNull(reference + " cannot be found in ", typeDeclaration);
assertEquals(reference.getSimpleName(), typeDeclaration.getSimpleName());
assertEquals(reference.getQualifiedName(), typeDeclaration.getQualifiedName());
if (reference.getDeclaration() == null) {
assertTrue("typeDeclaration must be shadow", typeDeclaration.isShadow());
public void visitCtExecutableReference(CtExecutableReference reference) {
if (isLanguageExecutable(reference)) {
final CtExecutable executableDeclaration = reference.getExecutableDeclaration();
assertNotNull("cannot find decl for " + reference, executableDeclaration);
assertEquals(reference.getSimpleName(), executableDeclaration.getSimpleName());
// when a generic type is used in a parameter and return type, the shadow type doesn't have these information.
for (int i = 0; i < reference.getParameters().size(); i++) {
//TODO assertions which are checking lambdas. Till then ignore lambdas.
if (executableDeclaration instanceof CtLambda) {
CtTypeReference> methodParamTypeRef = executableDeclaration.getParameters().get(i).getType();
assertEquals(reference.getParameters().get(i).getQualifiedName(), methodParamTypeRef.getTypeErasure().getQualifiedName());
// contract: the reference and method signature are the same
if (reference.getActualTypeArguments().isEmpty()
&& executableDeclaration instanceof CtMethod
&& !((CtMethod) executableDeclaration).getFormalCtTypeParameters().isEmpty()
) {
assertEquals(reference.getSignature(), executableDeclaration.getSignature());
// contract: the reference and constructor signature are the same
if (reference.getActualTypeArguments().isEmpty()
&& executableDeclaration instanceof CtConstructor
&& !((CtConstructor) executableDeclaration).getFormalCtTypeParameters().isEmpty()
) {
assertEquals(reference.getSignature(), executableDeclaration.getSignature());
if (reference.getDeclaration() == null && CtShadowable.class.isAssignableFrom(executableDeclaration.getClass())) {
assertTrue("execDecl at " + reference + " must be shadow ", ((CtShadowable) executableDeclaration).isShadow());
private boolean isLanguageExecutable(CtExecutableReference reference) {
return "values".equals(reference.getSimpleName());
public void visitCtFieldReference(CtFieldReference reference) {
if (isLanguageField(reference) || isDeclaredInSuperClass(reference)) {
final CtField fieldDeclaration = reference.getFieldDeclaration();
assertEquals(reference.getSimpleName(), fieldDeclaration.getSimpleName());
assertEquals(reference.getType().getQualifiedName(), fieldDeclaration.getType().getQualifiedName());
if (reference.getDeclaration() == null) {
assertTrue("fieldDecl must be shadow", fieldDeclaration.isShadow());
private boolean isLanguageField(CtFieldReference reference) {
return "class".equals(reference.getSimpleName()) || "length".equals(reference.getSimpleName());
private boolean isDeclaredInSuperClass(CtFieldReference reference) {
final CtType> typeDeclaration = reference.getDeclaringType().getTypeDeclaration();
return typeDeclaration != null && typeDeclaration.getField(reference.getSimpleName()) == null;
/** verifies the core scanning contracts (enter implies exit, etc) */
public void checkContractCtScanner() {
class Counter {
int scan;
int enter;
int exit;
final Counter counter = new Counter();
final Counter counterInclNull = new Counter();
new CtScanner() {
public void scan(CtElement element) {
if (element != null) {
public void enter(CtElement element) {
public void exit(CtElement element) {
assertTrue("violated contract: when enter is called, exit is also called", counter.enter == counter.exit);
assertTrue(" violated contract: all scanned elements ust call enter", counter.enter == counter.scan);
Counter counterBiScan = new Counter();
class ActualCounterScanner extends CtBiScannerDefault {
public void biScan(CtElement element, CtElement other) {
super.biScan(element, other);
if (element == null) {
if (other != null) {
fail("element can't be null if other isn't null.");
} else if (other == null) {
fail("other can't be null if element isn't null.");
} else {
// contract: all elements have been cloned and are still equal
EqualsVisitor ev = new EqualsVisitor();
boolean res = ev.checkEquals(element, other);
Object notEqualOther = ev.getNotEqualOther();
String pb = "";
if (notEqualOther != null) {
if (notEqualOther instanceof CtElement) {
pb += " " + ((CtElement) notEqualOther).getPosition().toString();
assertTrue("not equal: " + pb, res);
assertNotSame(element, other);
final ActualCounterScanner actual = new ActualCounterScanner();
actual.biScan(_rootPackage, _rootPackage.clone());
// contract: scan and biscan are executed the same number of times
assertEquals(counterInclNull.scan, counterBiScan.scan);
// for pure beauty: parallel visit of the same tree!
Counter counterBiScan2 = new Counter();
new CtBiScannerDefault() {
public void biScan(CtElement element, CtElement other) {
// we have the exact same element
assertSame(element, other);
super.biScan(element, other);
}.biScan(_rootPackage, _rootPackage);
// contract: scan and biscan are executed the same number of times
assertEquals(counterInclNull.scan, counterBiScan2.scan);
/** checks that all assignments are aither a CtFieldWrite, a CtVariableWrite or a CtArrayWrite */
public void checkAssignmentContracts() {
for (CtAssignment assign : _rootPackage.getElements(new TypeFilter<>(CtAssignment.class))) {
CtExpression assigned = assign.getAssigned();
if (!(assigned instanceof CtFieldWrite
|| assigned instanceof CtVariableWrite || assigned instanceof CtArrayWrite)) {
throw new AssertionError("AssignmentContract error:" + assign.getPosition() + "\n" + assign + "\nAssigned is " + assigned.getClass());
/** checks that the scanner behavior and the parents correspond */
public void checkParentConsistency() {
/** public modifier for testing purpose only, not in the public API */
public void checkParentConsistency(CtElement element) {
final Set inconsistentParents = new HashSet<>();
new CtScanner() {
private Deque previous = new ArrayDeque<>();
protected void enter(CtElement e) {
if (e != null) {
if (!previous.isEmpty()) {
try {
if (e.getParent() != previous.getLast()) {
} catch (ParentNotInitializedException ignore) {
protected void exit(CtElement e) {
if (e == null) {
if (e.equals(previous.getLast())) {
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Inconsistent stack");
assertEquals("All parents have to be consistent", 0, inconsistentParents.size());
* contract: each element is used only once in the model
public void checkModelIsTree() {
Exception dummyException = new Exception("STACK");
PrinterHelper problems = new PrinterHelper(_rootPackage.getFactory().getEnvironment());
Map allElements = new IdentityHashMap<>();
_rootPackage.filterChildren(null).forEach((CtElement ele) -> {
//uncomment this line to get stacktrace of real problem. The dummyException is used to avoid OutOfMemoryException
// Exception secondStack = new Exception("STACK");
Exception secondStack = dummyException;
Exception firstStack = allElements.put(ele, secondStack);
if (firstStack != null) {
if (firstStack == dummyException) {
fail("The Spoon model is not a tree. The " + ele.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":" + ele + " is shared");
//the element ele was already visited. It means it used on more places
//report the stacktrace of first and second usage, so that place can be found easily
problems.write("The element " + ele.getClass().getSimpleName()).writeln()
.write("Is linked by these stacktraces").writeln()
.write("1) " + getStackTrace(firstStack)).writeln()
.write("2) " + getStackTrace(secondStack)).writeln()
String report = problems.toString();
if (!report.isEmpty()) {
private String getStackTrace(Exception e) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
return sw.toString();
public void checkRoleInParent() {
_rootPackage.accept(new CtScanner() {
public void scan(CtRole role, CtElement element) {
if (element != null) {
//contract: getMyRoleInParent returns the expected parent
assertSame(role, element.getRoleInParent());
super.scan(role, element);
* Asserts that all siblings and children of sp are well ordered
* @param sourceFragment
* @param minOffset TODO
* @param maxOffset TODO
* @return number of checked {@link SourcePosition} nodes
private int assertSourcePositionTreeIsCorrectlyOrder(ElementSourceFragment sourceFragment, int minOffset, int maxOffset) {
int nr = 0;
int pos = minOffset;
while (sourceFragment != null) {
assertTrue("min(" + pos + ") <= fragment.start(" + sourceFragment.getStart() + ")", pos <= sourceFragment.getStart());
assertTrue("fragment.start(" + sourceFragment.getStart() + ") <= fragment.end(" + sourceFragment.getEnd() + ")", sourceFragment.getStart() <= sourceFragment.getEnd());
pos = sourceFragment.getEnd();
nr += assertSourcePositionTreeIsCorrectlyOrder(sourceFragment.getFirstChild(), sourceFragment.getStart(), sourceFragment.getEnd());
sourceFragment = sourceFragment.getNextSibling();
assertTrue("lastFragment.end(" + pos + ") <= max(" + maxOffset + ")", pos <= maxOffset);
return nr;
/** checks that for all elements, the path can be obtained, parsed, and give the same element when evaluated */
public void checkElementToPathToElementEquivalence() {
_rootPackage.getPackage("spoon").getElements(e -> true).parallelStream().forEach(element -> {
CtPath path = element.getPath();
String pathStr = path.toString();
try {
CtPath pathRead = new CtPathStringBuilder().fromString(pathStr);
assertEquals(pathStr, pathRead.toString());
Collection returnedElements = pathRead.evaluateOn(_rootPackage);
//contract: CtUniqueRolePathElement.evaluateOn() returns a unique elements if provided only a list of one inputs
assertEquals(1, returnedElements.size());
CtElement actualElement = (CtElement) returnedElements.toArray()[0];
//contract: Element -> Path -> String -> Path -> Element leads to the original element
assertSame(element, actualElement);
} catch (CtPathException e) {
throw new AssertionError("Path " + pathStr + " is either incorrectly generated or incorrectly read", e);
} catch (AssertionError e) {
throw new AssertionError("Path " + pathStr + " detection failed on " + element.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + element, e);
/** contract: element is contained in attribute of element's parent */
public void checkElementIsContainedInAttributeOfItsParent() {
_rootPackage.accept(new CtScanner() {
public void scan(CtRole role, CtElement element) {
if (element != null) {
//contract: element is contained in attribute of element's parent
CtElement parent = element.getParent();
Object attributeOfParent = parent.getValueByRole(role);
if (attributeOfParent instanceof CtElement) {
assertSame("Element of type " + element.getClass().getName()
+ " is not the value of attribute of role " + role.name()
+ " of parent type " + parent.getClass().getName(), element, attributeOfParent);
} else if (attributeOfParent instanceof Collection) {
assertTrue("Element of type " + element.getClass().getName()
+ " not found in Collection value of attribute of role " + role.name()
+ " of parent type " + parent.getClass().getName(),
((Collection) attributeOfParent).stream().anyMatch(e -> e == element));
} else if (attributeOfParent instanceof Map) {
assertTrue("Element of type " + element.getClass().getName()
+ " not found in Map#values of attribute of role " + role.name()
+ " of parent type " + parent.getClass().getName(),
((Map) attributeOfParent).values().stream().anyMatch(e -> e == element));
} else {
fail("Attribute of Role " + role + " not checked");
super.scan(role, element);
public void checkGenericContracts() {
// assignments
// scanners
// type parameter reference.
/** checks that the identifiers are valid */
public void checkJavaIdentifiers() {
// checking method JavaIdentifiers.isLegalJavaPackageIdentifier
_rootPackage.getElements(new TypeFilter<>(CtPackage.class)).parallelStream().forEach(element -> {
// the default package is excluded (called "unnamed package")
if (element instanceof CtModelImpl.CtRootPackage) {
assertTrue("isLegalJavaPackageIdentifier is broken for " + element.getSimpleName() + " " + element.getPosition(), JavaIdentifiers.isLegalJavaPackageIdentifier(element.getSimpleName()));
// checking method JavaIdentifiers.isLegalJavaExecutableIdentifier
_rootPackage.getElements(new TypeFilter<>(CtExecutable.class)).parallelStream().forEach(element -> {
// static methods have an empty string as identifier
if (element instanceof CtAnonymousExecutable) {
assertTrue("isLegalJavaExecutableIdentifier is broken " + element.getSimpleName() + " " + element.getPosition(), JavaIdentifiers.isLegalJavaExecutableIdentifier(element.getSimpleName()));
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