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Corese is a Semantic Web Factory (triple store and SPARQL endpoint) implementing RDF, RDFS, SPARQL 1.1 Query and Update.
The newest version!
template st:start {
where {
bind (st:visit(st:start, st:trace) as ?vis)
bind (coalesce(st:get(st:shape), st:shape) as ?shape)
bind (sh:starter() as ?st)
bind (st:call-template(sh:sibling, ?shape) as ?sib)
bind (st:apply-templates(?shape) as ?suc)
bind (sh:success(?suc) as ?b)
prefix fun:
prefix java:
prefix doc:
#@compile @path
template st:profile {} where {}
function st:aggregate(?out) {
function st:default(?term){
function st:defaultNamed(?term){
# Template optimizer
# Results of graph ?shape { ?sh sh:property ?cst } are cached in table: ?sh -> Mappings
# Next evaluations are retrieved from cache: 40% faster
function st:optimize(?shape, ?sh){
@public {
function sh:test(){
st:get(st:test, true)
function sh:pack(?test, ?name){
if (sh:test(),
return(concat("/user/corby/home/AAData/sttl/datashapelds/", ?test)), ?name)
function sh:main(){
sh:pack("main", st:dsmain)
function sh:core(){
sh:pack("core", st:dscore)
function sh:constraint(){
sh:pack("constraint", st:dsconstraint)
function sh:path(){
sh:pack("path", st:dspath)
# test and may report error
# main target & noscope
function sh:hasShape(?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?ls) {
st:apply-templates-with-all(sh:core(), ?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?ls)
# test without target and do not report error
# sh:node sh:or sh:and sh:not
function sh:testShapeCore(?shape, ?sh, ?s) {
st:apply-templates-with-all(sh:core(), ?shape, ?sh, false, ?s)
function sh:hasConstraint(?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s) {
st:apply-templates-with-all(sh:constraint(), ?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s)
function sh:hasPath(?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p) {
st:apply-templates-with-all(sh:path(), ?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p)
function sh:hasPath(?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?o) {
st:apply-templates-with-all(sh:path(), ?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?o)
function sh:path(?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p) {
st:apply-templates-with-all(sh:path(), ?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p)
function sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc) {
function st:report(?name, ?s, ?suc, ?vis) {
if (?vis) {
st:visit(?name, ?s, ?suc)
} ;
return (true)
# ?suc is success/failure of the shape
# ?vis true means generate a ValidationResult
function st:report(?name, ?sh, ?shape, ?foc, ?p, ?o, ?suc, ?vis){
if (?vis && ! ?suc) {
sh:result(?name, ?sh, ?shape, ?foc, ?p, ?o) ;
st:visit(?name, ?foc, ?suc)
} ;
function st:report(?name, ?sh, ?shape, ?foc, ?suc, ?vis){
if (?vis && ! ?suc) {
sh:result(?name, ?sh, ?shape, ?foc, st:null, st:null) ;
st:visit(?name, ?foc, ?suc)
} ;
function sh:value(?v){
if (?v = st:null, return(error()), ?v)
function sh:result2(?name, ?sh, ?shape, ?foc, ?s, ?p, ?o){
# create a validation result graph
# stored in the visitor graph
# get it with st:visitedGraph()
function sh:result(?name, ?sh, ?shape, ?foc, ?p, ?o){
let (?g =
construct {
?bnode a sh:ValidationReport ;
sh:result ?r ;
sh:conforms false .
?r rdf:type sh:ValidationResult ;
sh:resultSeverity ?sev ;
sh:focusNode ?foc ;
sh:focusNodeDetail ?focDetail ;
sh:resultPath ?pathDetail ;
#sh:resultPath ?pp ;
#sh:pathDetail ?pathDetail ;
sh:value ?oo ;
sh:valueDetail ?valueDetail ;
sh:resultMessage ?mes ;
sh:sourceConstraintComponent ?def ;
sh:sourceShape ?sh
#?sr ?pr ?or
where {
bind (uuid() as ?r)
graph ?shape {
# ?sh can be a constraint or a shape
bind (java:severity(?sh) as ?sev)
bind (java:message(?sh) as ?m)
bind (
if (bound(?m), ?m, concat("Fail at: ", st:apply-templates-with(st:turtle, ?sh)))
as ?mes)
bind (coalesce(java:isdefby(?name), ?name) as ?def)
bind (java:value(?p) as ?pp)
bind (java:value(?o) as ?oo)
bind (if (bound(?pp), java:graph(?pp), error()) as ?pathDetail)
bind (java:graphbnode(?foc) as ?focDetail)
bind (if (bound(?oo), java:graphbnode(?oo), error()) as ?valueDetail)
bind (java:bnodeid() as ?bnode)
values (?name ?sh ?shape ?foc ?p ?o){ (UNDEF UNDEF UNDEF UNDEF UNDEF UNDEF) }
st:visit(st:trace, st:graph, ?g) ;
# within graph ?shape {}
function sh:severity(?sh){
for ((?s, ?p, ?o) in xt:edge(?sh, sh:severity)){
return (?o)
} ;
return (sh:Violation)
function sh:message(?sh){
for ((?s, ?p, ?o) in xt:edge(?sh, sh:message)){
return (?o)
} ;
return (error())
function sh:success(?b){
if (?b){
let (?g =
construct { [] a sh:ValidationReport ; sh:conforms true }
where { }
) {
st:visit(st:trace, st:graph, ?g)
} ;
return (true)
function sh:bnodeid(){
let (?bnode = coalesce(st:cget(sh:bnodeid, sh:bnodeid), st:null)) {
if (?bnode = st:null, return (st:cset(sh:bnodeid, sh:bnodeid, bnode())), return (?bnode))
function sh:bnodeid2(){
coalesce(st:get(sh:bnodeid), st:set(sh:bnodeid, bnode()))
function sh:graph(?var){
if (isBlank(?var),
return(strdt(st:apply-templates-with(st:turtle, ?var), xt:graph)),
function sh:graphbnode(?var){
if (isBlank(?var),
function sh:starter(){
function sh:init(){
map (sh:define, sh:def())
function sh:define(?def){
let ((?name, ?value) = ?def){
st:cset(sh:def, ?name, ?value)
} ;
function sh:def(){
let (?list = @(
(sh:class sh:ClassConstraintComponent)
(sh:datatype sh:DatatypeConstraintComponent)
(sh:nodeKind sh:NodeKindConstraintComponent)
(sh:minCount sh:MinCountConstraintComponent)
(sh:maxCount sh:MaxCountConstraintComponent)
(sh:minExclusive sh:MinExclusiveConstraintComponent)
(sh:minInclusive sh:MinInclusiveConstraintComponent)
(sh:maxExclusive sh:MaxExclusiveConstraintComponent)
(sh:maxInclusive sh:MaxInclusiveConstraintComponent)
(sh:minLength sh:MinLengthConstraintComponent)
(sh:maxLength sh:MaxLengthConstraintComponent)
(sh:pattern sh:PatternConstraintComponent)
(sh:languageIn sh:LanguageInConstraintComponent)
(sh:uniqueLang sh:UniqueLangConstraintComponent)
(sh:equals sh:EqualsConstraintComponent)
(sh:disjoint sh:DisjointConstraintComponent)
(sh:lessThan sh:LessThanConstraintComponent)
(sh:lessThanOrEquals sh:LessThanOrEqualsConstraintComponent)
(sh:not sh:NotConstraintComponent)
(sh:and sh:AndConstraintComponent)
(sh:or sh:OrConstraintComponent)
(sh:xone sh:XoneConstraintComponent)
(sh:node sh:NodeConstraintComponent)
(sh:qualifiedValueShape sh:QualifiedValueShapeConstraintComponent)
(sh:qualifiedMinCount sh:QualifiedMinCountConstraintComponent)
(sh:qualifiedMaxCount sh:QualifiedMaxCountConstraintComponent)
(sh:qualifiedValueShapeDisjoint sh:qualifiedValueShapeDisjointConstraintComponent)
(sh:closed sh:ClosedConstraintComponent)
(sh:hasValue sh:HasValueConstraintComponent)
(sh:in sh:InConstraintComponent)
(sh:sparql sh:SPARQLConstraintComponent)
) ) {
function sh:isdefby(?name){
st:cget(sh:def, ?name)
function sh:functioncall(?q, ?shape, ?s, ?m){
funcall(sh:clean(?q), ?shape, ?s, ?m)
function sh:clean(?q){
if (?q = sh:class, sh:classsh, ?q)
function sh:count(?s, ?p){
let (select ?s ?p (count(*) as ?c) where { ?s ?p ?o })
{ return(?c) }
function sh:invCount(?o, ?p){
let (select ?o ?p (count(*) as ?c) where { ?s ?p ?o })
{ return(?c) }
function sh:minCount(?s, ?p, ?m){
sh:count(?s, ?p) >= ?m
function sh:maxCount(?s, ?p, ?m){
sh:count(?s, ?p) <= ?m
function sh:nodeKind(?shape, ?value, ?kind){
(isURI(?value) && ?kind IN ( sh:IRI, sh:BlankNodeOrIRI, sh:IRIOrLiteral ) ) ||
(isLiteral(?value) && ?kind IN ( sh:Literal, sh:BlankNodeOrLiteral, sh:IRIOrLiteral ) ) ||
(isBlank(?value) && ?kind IN ( sh:BlankNode, sh:BlankNodeOrIRI, sh:BlankNodeOrLiteral ) )
function sh:minLength(?shape, ?s, ?m){
! isBlank(?s) && coalesce(strlen(?s) >= ?m, false)
function sh:maxLength(?shape, ?s, ?m){
! isBlank(?s) && coalesce(strlen(?s) <= ?m, false)
function sh:minInclusive(?shape, ?o, ?m){
?o >= ?m
function sh:minExclusive(?shape, ?o, ?m){
?o > ?m
function sh:maxInclusive(?shape, ?o, ?m){
?o <= ?m
function sh:maxExclusive(?shape, ?o, ?m){
?o < ?m
function sh:datatype(?shape, ?o, ?d){
sh:datatype(?o, ?d)
function sh:datatype(?o, ?d){
if (isLiteral(?o), return(datatype(?o) = ?d && isWellFormed(?o)), false)
function sh:minCount(?s, ?m){
?s >= ?m
function sh:maxCount(?s, ?m){
?s <= ?m
function sh:hasValue(?shape, ?s, ?v) {
?s = ?v
function sh:class(?shape, ?o, ?c){
exists { ?o rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* ?c }
function sh:classsh(?shape, ?o, ?c){
exists { ?o rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* ?c }
function sh:in(?shape, ?o, ?lv){
exists {
# "declare" Node ?o to allow parameter passing
values ?o { UNDEF }
graph ?shape { ?lv rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?v
filter (?o = ?v && ( ! isLiteral(?o) || datatype(?o) = datatype(?v)))
function sh:languageIn(?shape, ?o, ?lv){
exists {
# "declare" Node ?o to allow parameter passing
values ?o { UNDEF }
bind (lang(?o) as ?lang)
filter bound(?lang)
graph ?shape {
?lv rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?l
filter langMatches(?lang, ?l)
function sh:node(?shape, ?o, ?cst){
sh:testShapeCore(?shape, ?cst, ?o)
function sh:property(?shape, ?o, ?cst){
# sh:testShapeCore(?shape, ?cst, ?o)
sh:hasShape(?shape, ?cst, true, ?o)
function sh:qualifiedShape(?subject, ?shape, ?qsh){
sh:testShapeCore(?shape, ?qsh, ?subject)
# used by predicate/path
# count failure
function sh:and(?and, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?shape){
(sh:bool(?and, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?shape, 0, 1) = 0)
# used by predicate/path
# count success
function sh:or(?or, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?shape){
(sh:bool(?or, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?shape, 1, 0) > 0)
# used by predicate/path
# count success
function sh:xone(?or, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?shape){
(sh:bool(?or, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?shape, 1, 0) = 1)
# property (predicate or path)
# ?fun = sh:hasPath
function sh:bool(?sh, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?shape, ?suc, ?fail){
let (
SELECT ?sh ?s ?p ?o ?shape ?suc ?fail (SUM(?val) AS ?count)
GRAPH ?shape {
?sh rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?cst
optional { ?cst sh:property|sh:path|sh:closed ?prop }
if (bound(?prop),
java:testShapeCore(?shape, ?cst, ?o),
java:hasPath(?shape, ?cst, false, ?s, ?p, ?o))
AS ?hasShape)
BIND (IF (bound(?hasShape), IF (?hasShape, ?suc, ?fail), 'error') AS ?val) .
values (?s ?suc ?fail ?p ?o ) { (UNDEF UNDEF UNDEF UNDEF UNDEF) })
{ return(?count) }
# used by core
# count fail
function sh:and(?and, ?s, ?shape){
(sh:bool(?and, ?s, ?shape, 0, 1) = 0)
# used by core
# count success
function sh:or(?or, ?s, ?shape){
(sh:bool(?or, ?s, ?shape, 1, 0) > 0)
# used by core
# count success
function sh:xone(?or, ?s, ?shape){
(sh:bool(?or, ?s, ?shape, 1, 0) = 1)
# core
function sh:bool(?sh, ?s, ?shape, ?suc, ?fail){
let (
SELECT ?sh ?s ?shape ?suc ?fail (SUM(?val) AS ?count)
graph ?shape {
?sh rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?cst
BIND (java:testShapeCore(?shape, ?cst, ?s) AS ?hasShape)
BIND (IF(bound(?hasShape), IF (?hasShape, ?suc, ?fail), 'error') AS ?val)
values (?s ?suc ?fail) { (UNDEF UNDEF UNDEF) })
{ return(?count) }
function sh:disjoint(?l1, ?l2){
for (?x in ?l1){
if (xt:member(?x, ?l2)){
} ;
function sh:equal(?l1, ?l2){
if (xt:size(?l1) != xt:size(?l2), return(false),
for (?x in ?l1){
if (! xt:member(?x, ?l2)){
}) ;
return (true)
# Data Shape Property Path Interpreter
# PP expressions are searched in graph ?shape
# Olivier Corby - Wimmics Inria I3S - 2016
# Rewrite Property Path shape expression as a LDScript list
# ([sh:zeroOrMorePath rdf:rest] rdf:first)
# ->
# (sh:sequence ((sh:zeroOrMorePath rdf:rest) rdf:first))
# URI may be URI of a subpath such as:
# [sh:path ex:parent] .
# ex:parent sh:alternativePath (ex:father ex:mother)
function sh:path(?shape, ?pp) {
if (isURI(?pp)) { ?pp }
else {
let (
select ?shape ?pp ?q ?path where {
graph ?shape {
# rdf:rest is for a sequence
values ?q {
rdf:rest sh:inversePath sh:alternativePath
sh:zeroOrMorePath sh:oneOrMorePath sh:zeroOrOnePath }
?pp ?q ?path
} ) {
if (! bound(?q))
{ return(error()) }
else {
if (?q = rdf:rest) { return(xt:list(sh:sequence, sh:listsh(?shape, ?pp))) }
else { return(xt:list(?q, sh:path(?shape, ?path))) }
# Rewrite recursively RDF list ?pp as a list
function sh:listsh(?shape, ?pp){
let (
select ?shape ?pp (aggregate(java:path(?shape, ?e)) as ?l)
where { graph ?shape { ?pp rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?e }}) {
# Return list of nodes related to node ?s by path ?p
# ?s is subject, ?p is PP expression
# ?s = us:John ; ?p = [sh:zeroOrMorePath foaf:knows]
function sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p){
sh:path(?shape, ?s, sh:getPath(?shape, ?p), false)
# rewrite PP once as a list and record it
function sh:getPath(?shape, ?p){
let (?res = coalesce(st:cget(sh:path, ?p), st:null)) {
if (?res = st:null) {
return (st:cset(sh:path, ?p, sh:path(?shape, ?p)))
else {
function sh:getPath2(?shape, ?p){
st:cget(sh:path, ?p),
st:cset(sh:path, ?p, sh:path(?shape, ?p)))
# Evaluate PP ?p as a list
# Return list of target nodes that match the path
# ?inv = true means within inverse path
function sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p, ?inv){
if (isURI(?p)){
return(sh:pathProperty(?s, ?p, ?inv))
else {
let ((?oper, ?path) = ?p) {
return(funcall(?oper, ?shape, ?s, ?path, ?inv))
function sh:zeroOrOnePath(?shape, ?s, ?p, ?inv){
let (?l = sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p, ?inv)){
if (xt:member(?s, ?l),
return(xt:cons(?s, ?l)))
function sh:zeroOrMorePath(?shape, ?s, ?p, ?inv){
sh:rec(?shape, ?s, ?p, xt:list(?s), ?inv)
function sh:oneOrMorePath(?shape, ?s, ?p, ?inv){
sh:rec(?shape, ?s, ?p, xt:list(), ?inv)
# ?p is a PP expression exp
# compute exp*
# ?res is the list of nodes already reached by exp*
# ?res prevents loops
function sh:rec(?shape, ?s, ?p, ?res, ?inv){
let (?l = sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p, ?inv)){
if (xt:size(?l) = 0){ return(?res) }
else {
for (?e in ?l){
if (! xt:member(?e, ?res)){
xt:add(?e, ?res) ;
sh:rec(?shape, ?e, ?p, ?res, ?inv)
} ;
# s ^exp
# inverse PP expression
function sh:inversePath(?shape, ?s, ?p, ?inv){
sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p, ! ?inv)
# ?p is a sequence list
function sh:sequence(?shape, ?s, ?p, ?inv){
if (?inv) {
return(sh:seqlist(?shape, ?s, xt:reverse(?p), ?inv))
return(sh:seqlist(?shape, ?s, ?p, ?inv))
# Recursive traversal of sequence list ?lp
# recurse on xt:rest(?lp)
function sh:seqlist(?shape, ?s, ?lp, ?inv){
if (xt:size(?lp) = 0){
# reach end of sequence: add target node ?s
else {
let (?l = sh:path(?shape, ?s, xt:first(?lp), ?inv),
?res = xt:list()){
for (?e in ?l){
# merge removes duplicate nodes
set(?res = xt:merge(?res, sh:seqlist(?shape, ?e, xt:rest(?lp), ?inv)))
} ;
# ?p = (sh:sequence (exp .. exp))
function sh:alternativePath(?shape, ?s, ?p, ?inv){
let (?l = xt:get(?p, 1)) {
#mapmerge(sh:path, ?shape, ?s, ?l, ?inv)
return(mapmerge(sh:pathmap, ?l, ?shape, ?s, ?inv))
function sh:pathmap(?l, ?shape, ?s, ?inv){
sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?l, ?inv)
function sh:pathProperty(?s, ?p, ?inv){
if (?inv) {
return(sh:inverse(?s, ?p))
else {
return(sh:predicate(?s, ?p))
function sh:predicate(?s, ?p){
let (select ?s ?p (aggregate(?o) as ?l) where { ?s ?p ?o }){
function sh:inverse(?o, ?p){
let (select ?o ?p (aggregate(?s) as ?l) where { ?s ?p ?o }){
template (?shape) {
where {
select ?s ?shape ?sh (aggregate(distinct ?s) as ?list)
where {
{graph ?shape {
?sh sh:targetSubjectsOf ?p
filter not exists { ?sh sh:deactivated true} }
?s ?p ?o}
{graph ?shape {
?sh sh:targetObjectsOf ?p
filter not exists { ?sh sh:deactivated true} }
?x ?p ?s}
{graph ?shape {
?sh sh:targetClass ?c
filter not exists { ?sh sh:deactivated true} }
?s rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* ?c}
{graph ?shape {
?sh a sh:NodeShape, rdfs:Class
filter not exists { ?sh sh:deactivated true} }
?s rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* ?sh}
{graph ?shape {
?sh sh:targetNode ?s
filter not exists { ?sh sh:deactivated true} }
} group by ?sh
#filter xt:display("target: ", ?list)
filter (xt:size(?list) > 0)
bind (sh:hasShape(?shape, ?sh, true, ?list) as ?suc)
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