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template sh:equals1 (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?q, ?o){
  sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc)
where {

  bind (sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p) as ?l1)
  bind (sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?q) as ?l2)
  values ?o { unnest(?l1) }  
  bind (xt:member(?o, ?l2) as ?suc)
  bind (st:report(sh:equals, ?sh, ?shape, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?suc, ?vis) as ?b)


template sh:not (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?cst, ?o){
  sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc)
where {
  values ?o { unnest(sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p)) }

  bind (! sh:hasPath(?shape, ?cst, false, ?s, ?p, ?o) as ?suc)
  bind (st:report(sh:not, ?sh, ?shape, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?suc, ?vis) as ?b)


template sh:disjoint (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?q, ?o){
  sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc)
where {

  bind (sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p) as ?l1)
  bind (sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?q) as ?l2)
  values ?o { unnest(?l1) }  
  bind (! xt:member(?o, ?l2) as ?suc) 
  bind (st:report(sh:disjoint, ?sh, ?shape, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?suc, ?vis) as ?b)


template sh:equals2 (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?q, ?o){
  sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc)
where {

  bind (sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p) as ?l1)
  bind (sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?q) as ?l2)
  values ?o { unnest(?l2) }  
  bind (xt:member(?o, ?l1) as ?suc)
  bind (st:report(sh:equals, ?sh, ?shape, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?suc, ?vis) as ?b)


template sh:xone (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?or, ?o) {
    sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc)
where {
    values ?o { unnest(sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p)) }
    bind (sh:xone(?or, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?shape) as ?count)
	bind (! bound(?count) AS ?failure) .
	bind ( IF (?failure, false, ?count)  as ?suc)

    bind (st:report(sh:xone, ?sh, ?shape, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?suc, ?vis) as ?b)



template sh:equals (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?q, ?o){
  if (bound(?o), 
    st:call-template(?oper, ?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?q, ?o),
    st:call-template(?oper, ?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?q))
where {

  values ?oper {sh:equals1 sh:equals2}


template sh:sparqlvalidp (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?oper, ?obj, ?o) {
   sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc)
where {

    graph ?shape {  
        ?cst sh:parameter [ sh:path ?oper ] ;
             sh:propertyValidator ?valid 
        ?valid sh:select ?q 
        filter not exists { ?cst sh:deactivated true }
        # collect prefix definitions
        # TBD: do it once and record it
            select ?valid 
              (group_concat(concat("prefix ", ?pr, ": <", str(?ns), ">") ;  separator="\n") 
              as ?define) 
            where {
                ?valid sh:prefixes ?ns
                [] sh:declare [ sh:prefix ?pr ; sh:namespace ?ns ] 
            group by ?valid
    bind (
        concat(?define, replace(?q, "\\$PATH", sh:display(?shape, ?p)), sh:values(sh:variable(?oper)))
    as ?qq)
    #filter xt:display(?qq)  
    values ($this ?value) { 
        unnest(kg:sparql(?qq, "$this", ?s, sh:variable(?oper), ?obj)) 

    # SPARQL query returns solutions that fail
    bind (false as ?suc)
    bind (st:report(sh:sparql, ?cst, ?shape, ?s, ?p, ?value, ?suc, ?vis) as ?b)

function sh:display(?shape, ?p) {
    if (isURI(?p), st:turtle(?p), st:apply-templates-with-graph(st:dspprint, ?shape, ?p))

function sh:variable(?uri) {
    concat("?", st:strip(?uri))

# pseudo declare variables in case they are not in a triple of query ?q
function sh:values(?oper){
    concat("values (?this ", ?oper, ") { (UNDEF UNDEF) }")


template sh:lessThanOrEquals(?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?q, ?o){
  sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc)
where {

  ?s ?p ?o ; ?q ?v
  bind (coalesce(?o <= ?v, false) as ?suc)
  bind (st:report(sh:lessThanOrEquals, ?sh, ?shape, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?suc, ?vis) as ?b)


template sh:hasValue (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?v, ?o){
  sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc)
where {

  bind ( exists {
    values ?o { unnest(sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p)) }
    filter coalesce(?o = ?v, false) }
  as ?suc)
  bind (st:report(sh:hasValue, ?sh, ?shape, ?s, ?p, ?v, ?suc, ?vis) as ?b)


template st:profile {}
where {}

function st:aggregate(?out) {

function st:default(?term){

function st:defaultNamed(?term){

function st:optimize(?shape, ?sh){



template sh:qualifiedValueShape (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?qsh, ?value) {
  sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc1 && ?suc2)
where {
    graph ?shape {  
        ?ns sh:property ?sh 
        ?sh sh:qualifiedValueShape ?qsh
        optional { ?sh sh:qualifiedMinCount ?min }
        optional { ?sh sh:qualifiedMaxCount ?max }
        optional { ?sh sh:qualifiedValueShapesDisjoint ?disjoint }
  bind (sh:qualified(?shape, ?qsh, ?s, ?p) as ?list)
  # test disjointness with sibling shapes
  bind (
    if (coalesce(?disjoint, false), 
        # remove elements that are in sibling shapes
        mapfindlist(sh:disjoint, ?list, xt:list(?shape), ?qsh, ?s),
    as ?qlist)
  bind (xt:size(?qlist) >= coalesce(?min, 0) as ?suc1) 
  bind (xt:size(?qlist) <= coalesce(?max, xt:size(?qlist)) as ?suc2) 

  bind (st:report(sh:qualifiedMinCount, ?sh, ?shape, ?s, ?p, ?s, ?suc1, ?vis) as ?b1)
  bind (st:report(sh:qualifiedMaxCount, ?sh, ?shape, ?s, ?p, ?s, ?suc2, ?vis) as ?b2)

# test disjointness of subject ?s value ?o with ?qsh sibling shapes
# for each sibling shape ?sh, compute ?list of values and test ?o not in ?list
function sh:disjoint(?o, ?shape, ?qsh, ?s){
   for ((?sh, ?path) in st:cget(sh:sibling, ?qsh)){
        if (xt:member(?o, sh:qualified(?shape, ?sh, ?s, ?path))){
            return (false)
   } ;
   return (true)

# Return the list of value nodes that match qualified shape ?sh 
function sh:qualified(?shape, ?sh, ?s, ?p){
     let (?list = sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p)) {
        mapfindlist(sh:qualifiedShape, ?list, xt:list(?shape), ?sh)



template sh:or (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?or, ?o) {
    sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc)
where {
    values ?o { unnest(sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p)) }
    bind (sh:or(?or, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?shape) as ?count)
	bind (! bound(?count) AS ?failure) .
	bind ( IF (?failure, false, ?count)  as ?suc)

    bind (st:report(sh:or, ?sh, ?shape, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?suc, ?vis) as ?b)



template sh:pattern (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?exp, ?o) {
  sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc)
where {
  graph ?shape {  
    ?sh sh:pattern ?exp   
    optional { ?sh sh:flags ?flag }
  values ?o { unnest(sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p)) }
  bind ( 
        ! isBlank(?o) && 
        if (bound (?flag), regex(?o, ?exp, ?flag), regex(?o, ?exp)), 
  as ?suc )

  bind (st:report(sh:pattern, ?sh, ?shape, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?suc, ?vis) as ?b)



template sh:maxCount (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?m, ?o){
  sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc)
where {

  bind (xt:size(sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p)) as ?val) 
  bind (?val <= ?m    as ?suc) 
  bind (st:report(sh:maxCount, ?sh, ?shape, ?s, ?p, ?val, ?suc, ?vis) as ?b)


template  sh:sparql (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?cst, ?o) {
   sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc)
where {
    graph ?shape {  
        ?sh sh:sparql ?cst 
        ?cst sh:select ?q
        filter not exists { ?cst sh:deactivated true }
        # collect prefix definitions
        # TBD: do it once and record it
            select ?cst 
              (group_concat(concat("prefix ", ?pr, ": <", str(?ns), ">") ;  separator="\n") 
              as ?define) 
            where {
                ?cst sh:prefixes ?ns
                [] sh:declare [ sh:prefix ?pr ; sh:namespace ?ns ] 
            group by ?cst
    bind (sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p) as ?list)
    values ?o { unnest(?list) }  
    values ($this ?path ?value) { unnest(kg:sparql(concat(?define, ?q), "$this", ?o)) }

    # SPARQL query returns solutions that fail
    bind (false as ?suc)
    bind (st:report(sh:sparql, ?cst, ?shape, ?o, ?path, ?value, ?suc, ?vis) as ?b)



template sh:uniqueLang (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?l, ?o){
    let (?suc = false, ?b = st:report(sh:uniqueLang, ?sh, ?shape, ?s, ?p, ?lang, ?suc, ?vis)){
        sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc)
where {

    select ?shape ?s ?p ?lang (count(?val) as ?c)  
    where {
        values ?val { unnest(sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p)) }
        bind (lang(?val) as ?lang)
        filter (bound(?lang) && ?lang != "")
    group by ?lang
    having (?c > 1)



template sh:and (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?and, ?o) {
  sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc)
where {
    values ?o { unnest(sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p)) }

    bind (sh:and(?and, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?shape) as ?count)
	bind (! bound(?count) AS ?failure) .
	bind ( IF (?failure, false, ?count)  as ?suc)

    bind (st:report(sh:and, ?sh, ?shape, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?suc, ?vis) as ?b)



template sh:minCount (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?m, ?o){
  sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc)
where {

  bind (xt:size(sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p)) as ?val) 
  bind (?val >= ?m as ?suc) 

  bind (st:report(sh:minCount, ?sh, ?shape, ?s, ?p, ?val, ?suc, ?vis) as ?b)



template sh:lessThan(?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?q, ?o){
  sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc)
where {

  ?s ?p ?o ; ?q ?v
  bind (coalesce(?o < ?v, false) as ?suc)
  bind (st:report(sh:lessThan, ?sh, ?shape, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?suc, ?vis) as ?b)


template (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?ls, ?p, ?o) {
  if (bound(?o), 
    st:call-template(sh:sparqlvalidp, ?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?oper, ?value, ?o),
    st:call-template(sh:sparqlvalidp, ?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?oper, ?value))
where {
  graph ?shape {  
    ?sh ?oper ?value    
    filter (! sh:isPredicate(?oper))
  values ?s { unnest(?ls) }


function sh:isPredicate(?p) {
    strstarts(?p, sh:)


template (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?ls, ?p, ?o) {
  if (bound(?o), 
    st:call-template(?oper, ?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?b, ?o),
    st:call-template(?oper, ?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?s, ?p, ?b))
where {
  graph ?shape {  
    values ?oper { 
      sh:equals sh:maxCount sh:minCount sh:pattern sh:uniqueLang sh:hasValue sh:lessThanOrEquals sh:lessThan sh:disjoint 
      sh:and sh:or sh:xone sh:not 
      sh:qualifiedValueShape sh:sparql
    ?sh ?oper ?b  
    filter if (?oper = sh:uniqueLang, sameTerm(?b, true), true)

  values ?s { unnest(?ls) }



template (?shape, ?sh, ?vis, ?ls, ?p, ?value) {
  sh:safe(?shape, ?sh, ?suc)
where {
    graph ?shape {  
        values ?q { 
            sh:minLength sh:maxLength sh:datatype sh:minInclusive sh:minExclusive sh:maxInclusive sh:maxExclusive 
            sh:nodeKind sh:class 
            sh:in sh:languageIn sh:node sh:property
        ?sh ?q ?m    

  values ?s { unnest(?ls) }

  values ?o { unnest(if (bound(?value), ?value, sh:path(?shape, ?s, ?p))) }

  bind (coalesce(sh:functioncall(?q, ?shape, ?o, ?m), false) as ?suc )
  bind (
    if (?q in (sh:property), true, st:report(?q, ?sh, ?shape, ?s, ?p, ?o, ?suc, ?vis))
    as ?b)

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