org.nuiton.topia.templates.TopiaTemplateHelper Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.nuiton.topia.templates;
* #%L
* Toolkit :: Templates
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2017 - 2024
* %%
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this program. If not, see
* .
* #L%
import fr.ird.observe.toolkit.templates.entity.query.SqlQueryDefinition;
import fr.ird.observe.toolkit.templates.entity.query.SqlQueryDefinitions;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.nuiton.eugene.AbstractGenerator;
import org.nuiton.eugene.EugeneCoreTagValues;
import org.nuiton.eugene.GeneratorUtil;
import org.nuiton.eugene.models.extension.tagvalue.TagValueUtil;
import org.nuiton.eugene.models.object.ObjectModel;
import org.nuiton.eugene.models.object.ObjectModelAssociationClass;
import org.nuiton.eugene.models.object.ObjectModelAttribute;
import org.nuiton.eugene.models.object.ObjectModelClass;
import org.nuiton.eugene.models.object.ObjectModelClassifier;
import org.nuiton.eugene.models.object.ObjectModelElement;
import org.nuiton.eugene.models.object.ObjectModelInterface;
import org.nuiton.eugene.models.object.ObjectModelOperation;
import org.nuiton.eugene.models.object.ObjectModelPackage;
import org.nuiton.eugene.models.object.ObjectModelParameter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
* Classe regroupant divers méthodes utiles pour la génération des entités.
* Remplace {@code TopiageneratorUtil} car on ne veut plus utiliser de méthodes
* statiques (par exemple pour avoir les valeurs par défaut des tagValues,...).
* Created on 7/6/14.
* @author Tony Chemit - [email protected]
* @since 3.0
public class TopiaTemplateHelper {
private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(TopiaTemplateHelper.class);
* Type de persistence Hibernate
public final String PERSISTENCE_TYPE_HIBERNATE = "hibernate";
* Type de persistence par défaut (si aucun précisé)
* Propriété des générateurs indiquant le package par défaut
public final String PROPERTY_DEFAULT_PACKAGE = "defaultPackage";
* Le package par défaut si aucun n'est spécifié
public final String DEFAULT_PACKAGE = "org.codelutin.malo";
* Stratégie d'heritage par defaut.
public final String DEFAULT_INHERITANCE_STRATEGY = "union-subclass";
private final Map indexes;
private final Map uniqueKeys;
private final Map foreignKeys;
private final TopiaExtensionTagValues extensionTagValues = new TopiaExtensionTagValues();
protected final ObjectModel model;
protected final EugeneCoreTagValues eugeneTagValues;
protected final TopiaCoreTagValues topiaCoreTagValues;
protected final TopiaHibernateTagValues topiaHibernateTagValues;
public TopiaTemplateHelper(ObjectModel model) {
this.model = model;
this.eugeneTagValues = new EugeneCoreTagValues();
this.topiaCoreTagValues = new TopiaCoreTagValues();
this.topiaHibernateTagValues = new TopiaHibernateTagValues();
indexes = new TreeMap<>();
foreignKeys = new TreeMap<>();
uniqueKeys = new TreeMap<>();
public Set queriesForType(String qualifiedName, String schemaName, String tableName) {
Set result = new LinkedHashSet<>(SqlQueryDefinitions.load(qualifiedName).map(SqlQueryDefinitions::getQueries).orElse(Set.of()));
result.add(new SqlQueryDefinition(qualifiedName,
String.format("SELECT max(lastUpdateDate) FROM %s.%s;", schemaName, tableName),
"Get last update date for the given entity type",
return result;
public TopiaCoreTagValues getTopiaCoreTagValues() {
return topiaCoreTagValues;
public TopiaHibernateTagValues getTopiaHibernateTagValues() {
return topiaHibernateTagValues;
public TopiaExtensionTagValues extensionTagValues() {
return extensionTagValues;
* Renvoie le type de persistence pour le classifier donné. Si aucun n'est
* trouvé, le type par défaut est utilisé
* @param classifier l'élément à tester
* @return le type de persitence pour l'élément donné.
* @since 2.5
public String getPersistenceType(ObjectModelClassifier classifier) {
String tag = topiaHibernateTagValues.getPersistenceTypeTagValue(classifier);
//TODO Set default value in tag metadata
if (tag == null) {
return tag;
* Renvoie le package par défaut pour le générateur donné
* @param generator le générateur donné
* @return le package par défaut du générator donné
public String getDefaultPackage(AbstractGenerator> generator) {
String packageName = generator.getProperty(PROPERTY_DEFAULT_PACKAGE);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(packageName)) {
packageName = DEFAULT_PACKAGE;
return packageName;
public String getApplicationContextPackage(ObjectModelTransformerToJava transformer,
ObjectModel model) {
return transformer.getDefaultPackageName();
public String getPersistenceContextPackage(ObjectModelTransformerToJava transformer,
ObjectModel model) {
return transformer.getDefaultPackageName();
public String getDaoPackage(ObjectModelTransformerToJava transformer, ObjectModel model) {
return transformer.getDefaultPackageName();
public String getParentDaoName(ObjectModel model) {
return "Abstract" + model.getName() + "TopiaDao";
public String getParentDaoFqn(ObjectModelTransformerToJava transformer, ObjectModel model) {
return getDaoPackage(transformer, model) + "." + getParentDaoName(model);
public String getApplicationContextInterfaceName(ObjectModel model) {
return model.getName() + "ApplicationContext";
public String getApplicationContextAbstractName(ObjectModel model) {
return "Abstract" + model.getName() + "TopiaApplicationContext";
public String getApplicationContextConcreteName(ObjectModel model) {
return model.getName() + "TopiaApplicationContext";
public String getPersistenceContextAbstractName(ObjectModel model) {
return "Abstract" + model.getName() + "TopiaPersistenceContext";
public String getPersistenceContextConcreteName(ObjectModel model) {
return model.getName() + "TopiaPersistenceContext";
public String getPersistenceContextInterfaceName(ObjectModel model) {
return model.getName() + "PersistenceContext";
public String getDaoSupplierInterfaceName(ObjectModel model) {
return model.getName() + "DaoSupplier";
public String getDaoSupplierName(ObjectModel model) {
return model.getName() + "TopiaDaoSupplier";
public String getEntityEnumName(ObjectModel model) {
return model.getName() + "EntityEnum";
public String getEntityAbstractName(ObjectModelClass input) {
return input.getName() + "Abstract";
public String getEntityConcreteName(ObjectModelClass input) {
return input.getName();
public String getAbstractDaoName(ObjectModelClass input) {
return "Abstract" + input.getName() + "TopiaDao";
public String getGeneratedDaoName(ObjectModelClass input) {
return "Generated" + input.getName() + "TopiaDao";
public String getConcreteDaoName(ObjectModelClass input) {
return input.getName() + "TopiaDao";
public String getContractDaoName(ObjectModelClass input) {
return input.getName() + "Dao";
public String getAbstractDaoFqn(ObjectModelClass input) {
return input.getPackageName() + "." + getAbstractDaoName(input);
public String getGeneratedDaoFqn(ObjectModelClass input) {
return input.getPackageName() + "." + getGeneratedDaoName(input);
public String getConcreteDaoFqn(ObjectModelClass input) {
return input.getPackageName() + "." + getConcreteDaoName(input);
public String getEntityPackage(ObjectModelTransformerToJava transformer,
ObjectModel model,
ObjectModelClassifier input) {
return input.getPackageName();
* Obtain the reverse db name of an attribute.
* Try first to get the reverse db Name from the reverseDbname tag-value, then
* if attribute has a specific reverse attribute, use his db name, otherwise
* suffix the db name of the attribute by {@code _id}.
* @param attr the attribute to seek
* @return the value of the reverse name
* @since 2.5
public String getReverseDbName(ObjectModelAttribute attr) {
String result = TagValueUtil.findDirectTagValue(TopiaHibernateTagValues.Store.reverseDbName, attr);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(result)) {
if (attr.getReverseAttribute() != null) {
result = getDbName(attr.getReverseAttribute());
} else {
result = getDbName(attr) + "_id";
return result;
* Renvoie le nom BD de l'élement passé en paramètre. Elle se base sur le
* tag associé si il existe, sinon sur le nom de l'élément
* @param element l'élément à tester
* @return le nom de table
public String getDbName(ObjectModelElement element) {
if (element == null) {
return null;
String value = topiaHibernateTagValues.getDbNameTagValue(element);
if (value != null) {
return value;
return GeneratorUtil.toLowerCaseFirstLetter(element.getName());
* Obtain the reverse db name of a reverse attribute.
* Note that the reverse attribute can't be null here.
* - Try first to get the reverse db Name from the ReverseDbname tag-value
* - If not found, try then the ReverseDbname tag-value on the same attribute but from this other side of the relation
* - If not found, try then just get the name of the reverse attribute
* @param attr the attribute to seek
* @return the value of the reverse db name on the reverse attribute
* @since
public String getReverseDbNameOnReverseAttribute(ObjectModelAttribute attr) {
ObjectModelAttribute reverseAttribute = attr.getReverseAttribute();
if (reverseAttribute == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The reverse attribute can't be null, but was on " + attr);
if (!Objects.equals(reverseAttribute.getReverseAttribute(), attr)) {
//FIXME Bug in eugene the reverse attribute may not be the good one
return getDbName(attr);
if (reverseAttribute == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The reverse attribute can't be null, but was on " + attr);
String result = getReverseDbName(reverseAttribute);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(result)) {
// Try to get it from the other site of the relation
ObjectModelAttribute reverseAttribute2 = reverseAttribute.getClassifier().getAttribute(attr.getName());
result = getReverseDbName(reverseAttribute2);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(result)) {
result = GeneratorUtil.toLowerCaseFirstLetter(reverseAttribute.getName());
return result;
* Cherche et renvoie la liste des attributs constituant la clef metier
* d'une classe.
* @param clazz la classe à tester
* @return la liste des attributs de la clef métier
public Set getNaturalIdAttributes(
ObjectModelClass clazz) {
// use {@link LinkedHashSet} to keep order and prevent duplicate natural ids found
Set results = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (ObjectModelAttribute attr : clazz.getAttributes()) {
if (topiaHibernateTagValues.getNaturalIdTagValue(attr)) {
// sletellier : #2050 Natural id and not null attributes are not propagated on generalized entities (
Collection superclasses = clazz.getSuperclasses();
for (ObjectModelClass superClass : superclasses) {
Set naturalIdsOfSuperClass = getNaturalIdAttributes(superClass);
return results;
* Cherche et renvoie la liste des attributs qui ne doivent pas etre null dans
* une classe.
* @param clazz la classe à tester
* @return la liste des attributs qui ne doivent pas etre null
public Set getNotNullAttributes(
ObjectModelClass clazz) {
// use {@link LinkedHashSet} to keep order and prevent duplicate not null found
Set results =
new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (ObjectModelAttribute attr : clazz.getAttributes()) {
if (isAttributeNotNull(attr)) {
Collection superclasses = clazz.getSuperclasses();
for (ObjectModelClass superClass : superclasses) {
Set notNullOfSuperClass = getNotNullAttributes(superClass);
// Association class participants are obviously not null
if (clazz instanceof ObjectModelAssociationClass) {
List participantsAttributes = ((ObjectModelAssociationClass) clazz).getParticipantsAttributes();
return results;
* Detecte si un attribut est marqué comme non null.
* Les naturalId sont not null par défaut
* @param attribute l'attribut à tester
* @return {@code true} si l'attribut doit être non null,
* par défaut pour les naturalId, {@code false} sinon..
* @since 2.6.9
public boolean isAttributeNotNull(ObjectModelAttribute attribute) {
Boolean value = topiaHibernateTagValues.getNotNullTagValue(attribute);
if (value == null) {
// valeur null, donc pas positionnee
return topiaHibernateTagValues.getNaturalIdTagValue(attribute);
return value;
public String getDOType(ObjectModelElement elem, ObjectModel model) {
String type = elem.getName();
if (elem instanceof ObjectModelAttribute) {
type = ((ObjectModelAttribute) elem).getType();
if (elem instanceof ObjectModelClass) {
type = ((ObjectModelClass) elem).getQualifiedName();
return getDOType(type, model);
public String getDOType(String type, ObjectModel model) {
if (!model.hasClass(type)) {
return type;
ObjectModelClass clazz = model.getClass(type);
if (isEntity(clazz)) {
//tchemit-2011-09-12 What ever abstract or not, we always use an Impl
type += "Impl";
return type;
private static final Set numberTypes = new HashSet<>();
private static final Set textTypes = new HashSet<>();
private static final Set booleanTypes = new HashSet<>();
private static final Set primitiveTypes = new HashSet<>();
private static final Map primitiveTypeToClass = new HashMap<>();
private static final String VOID_TYPE = "void";
static {
primitiveTypeToClass.put("byte", "java.lang.Byte");
primitiveTypeToClass.put("short", "java.lang.Short");
primitiveTypeToClass.put("int", "java.lang.Integer");
primitiveTypeToClass.put("long", "java.lang.Long");
primitiveTypeToClass.put("float", "java.lang.Float");
primitiveTypeToClass.put("double", "java.lang.Double");
primitiveTypeToClass.put("char", "java.lang.Char");
primitiveTypeToClass.put("boolean", "java.lang.Boolean");
public boolean isNumericType(ObjectModelAttribute attr) {
return numberTypes.contains(attr.getType());
public boolean isTextType(ObjectModelAttribute attr) {
return textTypes.contains(attr.getType());
public boolean isDateType(ObjectModelAttribute attr) {
return "java.util.Date".equals(attr.getType());
public boolean isBooleanType(ObjectModelAttribute attr) {
return booleanTypes.contains(attr.getType());
public boolean isPrimitiveType(ObjectModelAttribute attr) {
return primitiveTypes.contains(attr.getType());
public String getClassForPrimitiveType(ObjectModelAttribute attr) {
String className = primitiveTypeToClass.get(attr.getType());
return className;
* Cette méthode permet de détecter si
* - l'attribut représente une relation 1-n
* - cette relation est unidirectionnelle
* - le type de l'attribut représente un entité
* - cette entité a des sous-classes dans le modèle
* Ce cas correspond à une incompatibilité d'Hibernate qui nous oblige a
* adopter un comportement particulier.
* @param attr l'attribut a tester
* @param model le model
* @return true si et seulement si il s'agit bien de ce type de relation
public boolean hasUnidirectionalRelationOnAbstractType(
ObjectModelAttribute attr,
ObjectModel model) {
ObjectModelAttribute reverse = attr.getReverseAttribute();
//relation 1-n
if (reverse != null && GeneratorUtil.isNMultiplicity(attr) &&
!GeneratorUtil.isNMultiplicity(reverse)) {
//Pas de navigabilité
if (!reverse.isNavigable()) {
//Il s'agit d'une entity
ObjectModelClass clazz = model.getClass(attr.getType());
if (clazz != null && isEntity(clazz)) {
//Cette classe a des sous-classes dans le modèle
for (ObjectModelClass subClass : model.getClasses()) {
if (subClass.getSuperclasses().contains(clazz)) {
return true;
return false;
* Renvoie le nom unique de table pour une relation ManyToMany en fonction
* de l'attribut {@code attr}
* @param attr l'attribut servant de base au calcul du nom
* @return le nom de la table
public String getManyToManyTableName(ObjectModelAttribute attr) {
String result;
if (attr.hasAssociationClass()) {
result = getDbName(attr.getAssociationClass());
} else {
result = topiaHibernateTagValues.getManytoManyTableNameTagValue(attr);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(result)) {
String name = attr.getName();
String revers = attr.getReverseAttributeName();
// FIXME echatellier 20170414 in case of attribute with * multiplicity
// name is wrong. Should always be "parenttablename_attributename" and name sort compare
if (name.compareToIgnoreCase(revers) < 0) {
result = name + '_' + revers;
} else {
result = revers + '_' + name;
return result;
* Renvoie le type d'interface à utiliser en fonction de l'attribut
* @param attr l'attribut a traiter
* @return String
public String getNMultiplicityHibernateType(
ObjectModelAttribute attr) {
if (JavaGeneratorUtil.isOrdered(attr)) {
return "list";
} else if (EugeneCoreTagValues.isUnique(attr)) {
return "set";
//attr.isOrdered() - On génère le ordered en bag
return "bag";
* Obtain the list of entities classes with the possibility to sort the
* result.
* @param model the current model to scan
* @param sort flag to allow sort the result
* @return the list of filtred classes by their stereotype
public List getEntityClasses(ObjectModel model,
boolean sort) {
List classes = new ArrayList<>();
for (ObjectModelClass clazz : model.getClasses()) {
if (isEntity(clazz)) {
if (sort && !classes.isEmpty()) {
Collections.sort(classes, OBJECT_MODEL_CLASS_COMPARATOR);
return classes;
public final Comparator
new Comparator() {
public int compare(ObjectModelClass o1,
ObjectModelClass o2) {
return o1.getQualifiedName().compareTo(
* Obtain the list of fqn of object involed in the given class.
* @param aClass the clazz to inspect
* @param incomingFqns incoming fqns
* @return the list of fqn of attributes
public List getImports(ObjectModelClass aClass,
String... incomingFqns) {
Set tmp = new HashSet<>();
getImports(aClass, tmp);
return cleanImports(aClass.getPackageName(), tmp);
* Obtain the list of fqn of object involed in the given class.
* @param aClass the class to inspect
* @param fqns where to store found fqns
public void getImports(ObjectModelClass aClass,
Set fqns) {
// scan attributes
for (ObjectModelAttribute attr : aClass.getAttributes()) {
if (GeneratorUtil.isNMultiplicity(attr)) {
String collectionType = getCollectionType(attr).getName();
String collectionObject = getCollectionInstanceType(attr).getName();
for (ObjectModelAttribute attribute : aClass.getAllOtherAttributes()) {
// scan associations
if (aClass instanceof ObjectModelAssociationClass) {
ObjectModelAssociationClass assoc =
(ObjectModelAssociationClass) aClass;
for (ObjectModelAttribute attr :
assoc.getParticipantsAttributes()) {
if (attr == null) {
if (GeneratorUtil.isNMultiplicity(attr)) {
String collectionType = getCollectionType(attr).getName();
String collectionObject = getCollectionInstanceType(attr).getName();
// scan operations
for (ObjectModelOperation operation : aClass.getOperations()) {
getImports(operation, fqns);
// scan super interfaces
for (ObjectModelInterface modelInterface : aClass.getInterfaces()) {
getImports(modelInterface, fqns);
// scan super classes
for (ObjectModelClass modelClass : aClass.getSuperclasses()) {
* Obtain the list of fqn of object involed in the given interface.
* @param anInterface the interface to inspect
* @param fqns where to store found fqns
public void getImports(ObjectModelInterface anInterface,
Set fqns) {
// scan operations
for (ObjectModelOperation operation : anInterface.getOperations()) {
getImports(operation, fqns);
// scan super interfaces
for (ObjectModelInterface modelInterface : anInterface.getInterfaces()) {
getImports(modelInterface, fqns);
* Obtain the fqn's list of all involed type in a givne operation.
* @param operation operation to inspect
* @param fqns where to store found fqns
public void getImports(ObjectModelOperation operation,
Set fqns) {
String fqn = operation.getReturnType();
for (ObjectModelParameter parameter : operation.getParameters()) {
* Clean a set of fqns, transform it into a {@link List} and sort it.
* @param packageName the current package name
* @param fqns the dirty set of fqns
* @return the sorted cleaned list of fqns.
public List cleanImports(String packageName,
Set fqns) {
int packageLength = packageName.length();
List genericType = new ArrayList<>();
for (Iterator it = fqns.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
String fqn =;
int lastIndex = fqn.lastIndexOf(".");
if (lastIndex == packageLength && fqn.startsWith(packageName)) {
// same package
int genericIndex = fqn.indexOf('<');
if (genericIndex != -1) {
genericType.add(fqn.substring(0, genericIndex));
ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>(fqns);
return result;
public Map>
searchDirectUsages(ObjectModel model) {
List allEntities;
Map allEntitiesByFQN;
Map> usages;
allEntities = getEntityClasses(model, true);
allEntitiesByFQN = new TreeMap<>();
usages = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// prepare usages map and fill allEntitiesByFQN map
for (ObjectModelClass klass : allEntities) {
usages.put(klass, new HashSet());
allEntitiesByFQN.put(klass.getQualifiedName(), klass);
// first pass to detect direct usages
for (ObjectModelClass klass : allEntities) {
searchDirectUsages(klass, allEntitiesByFQN, usages);
return usages;
public void searchDirectUsages(
ObjectModelClass klass,
Map allEntitiesByFQN,
Map> usages) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("for entity " + klass.getQualifiedName());
for (ObjectModelAttribute attr : klass.getAttributes()) {
if (!attr.isNavigable()) {
// skip this case
String type;
if (attr.hasAssociationClass()) {
type = attr.getAssociationClass().getQualifiedName();
} else {
type = attr.getType();
if (!allEntitiesByFQN.containsKey(type)) {
// not a entity, can skip for this attribute
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(" uses " + type);
// register the klass as using the targetEntity
ObjectModelClass targetEntity = allEntitiesByFQN.get(type);
Set classes = usages.get(targetEntity);
public boolean isImportNeeded(Collection operations,
String importName) {
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(operations)) {
for (ObjectModelOperation op : operations) {
if (op.getReturnType().contains(importName)) {
return true;
for (ObjectModelParameter param : op.getParameters()) {
if (param.getType().contains(importName)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean isCollectionNeeded(
Collection operations) {
return isImportNeeded(operations,
public boolean isSetNeeded(Collection operations) {
return isImportNeeded(operations,
* Check if the given attribute type is an entity.
* @param attribute attribute to test
* @param model model containing the attribute
* @return {@code true} if type of attribute is an entity,
* {@code false} otherwise
* @see TopiaCoreTagValues.Store#entity
* @since 2.7
public boolean isEntity(ObjectModelAttribute attribute,
ObjectModel model) {
if (isPrimitiveType(attribute)) {
return false;
String attributeType = attribute.getType();
ObjectModelClassifier typeclassifier =
return typeclassifier != null && isEntity(typeclassifier);
* Check if the given classifier has the
* {@link TopiaCoreTagValues.Store#entity} and is not an enumeration
* @param classifier classifier to test
* @return {@code true} if stereotype was found and classifier is not
* enumeration, {@code false} otherwise
* @see TopiaCoreTagValues.Store#entity
* @since 2.5
public boolean isEntity(ObjectModelClassifier classifier) {
ObjectModelPackage aPackage = model.getPackage(classifier);
return !classifier.isEnum() && topiaCoreTagValues.isEntity(classifier, aPackage);
* Check if the given classifier is an abstract class
* @param classifier classifier to test
* @return {@code true} if the classifier is abstract, {@code false} otherwise
public boolean isAbstract(ObjectModelClassifier classifier) {
ObjectModelClass aClass = model.getClass(classifier.getQualifiedName());
return aClass.isAbstract();
* Obtain the value of the {@link TopiaHibernateTagValues.Store#inheritanceStrategy} tag value on the given classifier.
* @param classifier classifier to seek
* @return the none empty value of the found tag value or {@code null} if not found nor empty.
* @see TopiaHibernateTagValues.Store#inheritanceStrategy
* @since 3.0
public String getInheritanceStrategy(ObjectModelClassifier classifier) {
ObjectModelPackage aPackage = model.getPackage(classifier);
String value = topiaHibernateTagValues.getInheritanceStrategyTagValue(classifier,
if (value == null) {
return value;
public Class> getCollectionType(ObjectModelAttribute attribute) {
return JavaGeneratorUtil.getCollectionType(attribute);
public Class> getCollectionInstanceType(ObjectModelAttribute attribute) {
boolean unique = EugeneCoreTagValues.isUnique(attribute);
boolean ordered = EugeneCoreTagValues.isOrdered(attribute);
boolean orderBy = topiaHibernateTagValues.getOrderByTagValue(attribute) != null;
Class> result;
if (unique && orderBy && !ordered) {
// Special case, we want to keep the order coming from database
// This does not mean we keep order while saving a such relation
result = LinkedHashSet.class;
} else {
result = JavaGeneratorUtil.getCollectionInstanceType(attribute);
return result;
public Pair registerIndexKeyName(String schema, String tableName, String attrColumn) {
String result = "idx_";
if (schema != null) {
result += schema + "_";
result += tableName + "_" + attrColumn;
result = result.toLowerCase();
if (!indexes.containsKey(result)) {
String create = String.format("CREATE INDEX %s ON %s.%s(%s)", result, schema, tableName, attrColumn);
indexes.put(result, create);
return Pair.of(result, create);
return null;
public Pair registerUniqueKeyName(String schema, String tableName, String attrColumn) {
String result = "uk_";
if (schema != null) {
result += schema + "_";
result += tableName + "_" + attrColumn;
result = result.toLowerCase();
if (!uniqueKeys.containsKey(result)) {
String create = String.format("ALTER TABLE %s.%s ADD CONSTRAINT %s unique (%s)", schema, tableName, result, attrColumn);
uniqueKeys.put(result, create);
return Pair.of(result, create);
return null;
public void registerForeignKey(String result, String schema, String tableName, ObjectModelAttribute attr) {
String attrColumn = getDbName(attr);
if (!foreignKeys.containsKey(result)) {
ObjectModelClassifier attrClassifier = attr.getClassifier();
String attrSchema = attrClassifier == null ? schema : getSchema(attrClassifier);
String attrTableName = attrClassifier == null ? attrColumn : getDbName(attrClassifier);
String create = String.format("ALTER TABLE %s.%s ADD CONSTRAINT %s FOREIGN KEY(%s) REFERENCES %s.%s", schema, tableName, result, attrColumn, attrSchema, attrTableName);
foreignKeys.put(result, create);
public Map getIndexes() {
return indexes;
public Map getForeignKeys() {
return foreignKeys;
public Map getUniqueKeys() {
return uniqueKeys;
public String getSchema(ObjectModelClassifier classifier) {
return topiaHibernateTagValues.getDbSchemaNameTagValue(classifier, model.getPackage(classifier), model);
public String getEntityEnumLiteralName(ObjectModelClassifier clazz) {
String literalName = clazz.getName();
ObjectModelPackage aPackage = model.getPackage(clazz);
String dbSchema = topiaHibernateTagValues.getDbSchemaNameTagValue(clazz, aPackage, model);
if (dbSchema != null) {
literalName = dbSchema + "_" + literalName;
return literalName;
public TopiaHibernateTagValues topiaHibernateTagValues() {
return topiaHibernateTagValues;
//-- DEPRECATED API TO REMOVE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* dependency to add extra operations for entity dao.
* @param input FIXME
* @return FIXME
* @since 2.3.4
* @deprecated only used for warn to help migration to 3.0, should be deleted
// TODO brendan 03/10/14 delete in 3.1
public static String getLegacyDaoName(ObjectModelClass input) {
return input.getName() + "DAO";