sim.util.distribution.Binomial Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package sim.util.distribution;
import ec.util.MersenneTwisterFast;
* Binomial distribution; See the math definition
* and animated definition.
* p(x) = k * p^k * (1-p)^(n-k) with k = n! / (k! * (n-k)!).
* Instance methods operate on a user supplied uniform random number generator; they are unsynchronized.
* Static methods operate on a default uniform random number generator; they are synchronized.
* Implementation: High performance implementation. Acceptance Rejection/Inversion method.
* This is a port of RandBinomial used in CLHEP 1.4.0 (C++).
* CLHEP's implementation is, in turn, based on
V. Kachitvichyanukul, B.W. Schmeiser (1988): Binomial random variate generation, Communications of the ACM 31, 216-222.
* @author [email protected]
* @version 1.0, 09/24/99
public class Binomial extends AbstractDiscreteDistribution {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
protected int n;
protected double p;
// cache vars for method generateBinomial(...)
private int n_last = -1, n_prev = -1;
private double par,np,p0,q,p_last = -1.0, p_prev = -1.0;
private int b,m,nm;
private double pq, rc, ss, xm, xl, xr, ll, lr, c, p1, p2, p3, p4, ch;
// cache vars for method pdf(...)
private double log_p, log_q, log_n;
* Constructs a binomial distribution.
* Example: n=1, p=0.5.
* @param n the number of trials (also known as sample size).
* @param p the probability of success.
* @param randomGenerator a uniform random number generator.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if n*Math.min(p,1-p) <= 0.0
public Binomial(int n, double p, MersenneTwisterFast randomGenerator) {
* Returns the cumulative distribution function.
public double cdf(int k) {
return Probability.binomial(k,n,p);
* Returns the cumulative distribution function.
private double cdfSlow(int k) {
if (k < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
double sum = 0.0;
for (int r = 0; r<=k; r++) sum += pdf(r);
return sum;
* *
* Binomial-Distribution - Acceptance Rejection/Inversion *
* *
* *
* Acceptance Rejection method combined with Inversion for *
* generating Binomial random numbers with parameters *
* n (number of trials) and p (probability of success). *
* For min(n*p,n*(1-p)) < 10 the Inversion method is applied: *
* The random numbers are generated via sequential search, *
* starting at the lowest index k=0. The cumulative probabilities *
* are avoided by using the technique of chop-down. *
* For min(n*p,n*(1-p)) >= 10 Acceptance Rejection is used: *
* The algorithm is based on a hat-function which is uniform in *
* the centre region and exponential in the tails. *
* A triangular immediate acceptance region in the centre speeds *
* up the generation of binomial variates. *
* If candidate k is near the mode, f(k) is computed recursively *
* starting at the mode m. *
* The acceptance test by Stirling's formula is modified *
* according to W. Hoermann (1992): The generation of binomial *
* random variates, to appear in J. Statist. Comput. Simul. *
* If p < .5 the algorithm is applied to parameters n, p. *
* Otherwise p is replaced by 1-p, and k is replaced by n - k. *
* *
* *
* FUNCTION: - samples a random number from the binomial *
* distribution with parameters n and p and is *
* valid for n*min(p,1-p) > 0. *
* REFERENCE: - V. Kachitvichyanukul, B.W. Schmeiser (1988): *
* Binomial random variate generation, *
* Communications of the ACM 31, 216-222. *
* SUBPROGRAMS: - StirlingCorrection() *
* ... Correction term of the Stirling *
* approximation for log(k!) *
* (series in 1/k or table values *
* for small k) with long int k *
* - randomGenerator ... (0,1)-Uniform engine *
* *
protected int generateBinomial(int n, double p) {
final double C1_3 = 0.33333333333333333;
final double C5_8 = 0.62500000000000000;
final double C1_6 = 0.16666666666666667;
final int DMAX_KM = 20;
int bh,i, K, Km, nK;
double f, rm, U, V, X, T, E;
if (n != n_last || p != p_last) { // set-up
n_last = n;
p_last = p;
np = n*par;
// Check for invalid input values
if( np <= 0.0 ) return -1;
rm = np + par;
m = (int) rm; // mode, integer
if (np<10) {
p0=Math.exp(n*Math.log(q)); // Chop-down
else {
rc = (n + 1.0) * (pq = par / q); // recurr. relat.
ss = np * q; // variance
i = (int) (2.195*Math.sqrt(ss) - 4.6*q); // i = p1 - 0.5
xm = m + 0.5;
xl = (double) (m - i); // limit left
xr = (double) (m + i + 1L); // limit right
f = (rm - xl) / (rm - xl*par); ll = f * (1.0 + 0.5*f);
f = (xr - rm) / (xr * q); lr = f * (1.0 + 0.5*f);
c = 0.134 + 20.5/(15.3 + (double) m); // parallelogram
// height
p1 = i + 0.5;
p2 = p1 * (1.0 + c + c); // probabilities
p3 = p2 + c/ll; // of regions 1-4
p4 = p3 + c/lr;
if (np<10) { //Inversion Chop-down
double pk;
while (U>pk) {
if (K>b) {
else {
return ((p>0.5) ? (n-K):K);
for (;;) {
V = randomGenerator.nextDouble();
if ((U = randomGenerator.nextDouble() * p4) <= p1) { // triangular region
K=(int) (xm - U + p1*V);
return (p>0.5) ? (n-K):K; // immediate accept
if (U <= p2) { // parallelogram
X = xl + (U - p1)/c;
if ((V = V*c + 1.0 - Math.abs(xm - X)/p1) >= 1.0) continue;
K = (int) X;
else if (U <= p3) { // left tail
if ((X = xl + Math.log(V)/ll) < 0.0) continue;
K = (int) X;
V *= (U - p2) * ll;
else { // right tail
if ((K = (int) (xr - Math.log(V)/lr)) > n) continue;
V *= (U - p3) * lr;
// acceptance test : two cases, depending on |K - m|
if ((Km = Math.abs(K - m)) <= DMAX_KM || Km + Km + 2L >= ss) {
// computation of p(K) via recurrence relationship from the mode
f = 1.0; // f(m)
if (m < K) {
for (i = m; i < K; ) {
if ((f *= (rc / ++i - pq)) < V) break; // multiply f
else {
for (i = K; i < m; ) {
if ((V *= (rc / ++i - pq)) > f) break; // multiply V
if (V <= f) break; // acceptance test
else {
// lower and upper squeeze tests, based on lower bounds for log p(K)
V = Math.log(V);
T = - Km * Km / (ss + ss);
E = (Km / ss) * ((Km * (Km * C1_3 + C5_8) + C1_6) / ss + 0.5);
if (V <= T - E) break;
if (V <= T + E) {
if (n != n_prev || par != p_prev) {
n_prev = n;
p_prev = par;
nm = n - m + 1;
ch = xm * Math.log((m + 1.0)/(pq * nm)) +
Arithmetic.stirlingCorrection(m + 1) + Arithmetic.stirlingCorrection(nm);
nK = n - K + 1;
// computation of log f(K) via Stirling's formula
// final acceptance-rejection test
if (V <= ch + (n + 1.0)*Math.log((double) nm / (double) nK) +
(K + 0.5)*Math.log(nK * pq / (K + 1.0)) -
Arithmetic.stirlingCorrection(K + 1) - Arithmetic.stirlingCorrection(nK)) break;
return (p>0.5) ? (n-K):K;
* Returns a random number from the distribution.
public int nextInt() {
return generateBinomial(n,p);
* Returns a random number from the distribution with the given parameters n and p; bypasses the internal state.
* @param n the number of trials
* @param p the probability of success.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if n*Math.min(p,1-p) <= 0.0
public int nextInt(int n, double p) {
if (n*Math.min(p,1-p) <= 0.0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return generateBinomial(n,p);
* Returns the probability distribution function.
public double pdf(int k) {
if (k < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int r = this.n - k;
return Math.exp(this.log_n - Arithmetic.logFactorial(k) - Arithmetic.logFactorial(r) + this.log_p * k + this.log_q * r);
* Sets the parameters number of trials and the probability of success.
* @param n the number of trials
* @param p the probability of success.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if n*Math.min(p,1-p) <= 0.0
public void setNandP(int n, double p) {
if (n*Math.min(p,1-p) <= 0.0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.n = n;
this.p = p;
this.log_p = Math.log(p);
this.log_q = Math.log(1.0-p);
this.log_n = Arithmetic.logFactorial(n);
* Returns a String representation of the receiver.
public String toString() {
return this.getClass().getName()+"("+n+","+p+")";