sim.util.distribution.Distributions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package sim.util.distribution;
import ec.util.MersenneTwisterFast;
* Contains methods for conveniently generating pseudo-random numbers from special distributions such as the Burr, Cauchy, Erlang, Geometric, Lambda, Laplace, Logistic, Weibull, etc.
* About this class:
All distributions are obtained by using a uniform pseudo-random number generator.
* followed by a transformation to the desired distribution.
* Example usage:
* cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwisterFast generator;
* generator = new cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister(new java.util.Date());
* //generator = new edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranecu(new java.util.Date());
* //generator = new edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranmar(new java.util.Date());
* //generator = new edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranlux(new java.util.Date());
* //generator = AbstractDistribution.makeDefaultGenerator();
* for (int i=1000000; --i >=0; ) {
* int cauchy = Distributions.nextCauchy(generator);
* ...
* }
* @see cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister
* @see java.util.Random
* @see java.lang.Math
* @author [email protected]
* @version 1.0, 09/24/99
public class Distributions implements {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
* Makes this class non instantiable, but still let's others inherit from it.
protected Distributions() {
throw new RuntimeException("Non instantiable");
* Returns the probability distribution function of the discrete geometric distribution.
* p(k) = p * (1-p)^k for k >= 0.
* @param k the argument to the probability distribution function.
* @param p the parameter of the probability distribution function.
public static double geometricPdf(int k, double p) {
if (k<0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return p * Math.pow(1-p,k);
* Returns a random number from the Burr II, VII, VIII, X Distributions.
* Implementation: Inversion method.
* This is a port of burr1.c from the C-RAND / WIN-RAND library.
* C-RAND's implementation, in turn, is based upon
* L. Devroye (1986): Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation, Springer Verlag, New York.
* @param r must be > 0.
* @param nr the number of the burr distribution (e.g. 2,7,8,10).
public static double nextBurr1(double r, int nr, MersenneTwisterFast randomGenerator) {
* *
* Burr II, VII, VIII, X Distributions - Inversion *
* *
* *
* FUNCTION : - burr1 samples a random number from one of the *
* Burr II, VII, VIII, X distributions with *
* parameter r > 0 , where the no. of the *
* distribution is indicated by a pointer *
* variable. *
* REFERENCE : - L. Devroye (1986): Non-Uniform Random Variate *
* Generation, Springer Verlag, New York. *
* SUBPROGRAM : - drand(seed) ... (0,1)-uniform generator with *
* unsigned long integer *seed. *
* *
double y;
y=Math.exp(Math.log(randomGenerator.nextDouble())/r); /* y=u^(1/r) */
switch (nr) {
case 2 : return(-Math.log(1/y-1));
case 7 : return(Math.log(2*y/(2-2*y))/2);
case 8 : return(Math.log(Math.tan(y*Math.PI/2.0)));
case 10 : return(Math.sqrt(-Math.log(1-y)));
return 0;
* Returns a random number from the Burr III, IV, V, VI, IX, XII distributions.
* Implementation: Inversion method.
* This is a port of burr2.c from the C-RAND / WIN-RAND library.
* C-RAND's implementation, in turn, is based upon
* L. Devroye (1986): Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation, Springer Verlag, New York.
* @param r must be > 0.
* @param k must be > 0.
* @param nr the number of the burr distribution (e.g. 3,4,5,6,9,12).
public static double nextBurr2(double r, double k, int nr, MersenneTwisterFast randomGenerator) {
* *
* Burr III, IV, V, VI, IX, XII Distribution - Inversion *
* *
* *
* FUNCTION : - burr2 samples a random number from one of the *
* Burr III, IV, V, VI, IX, XII distributions with *
* parameters r > 0 and k > 0, where the no. of *
* the distribution is indicated by a pointer *
* variable. *
* REFERENCE : - L. Devroye (1986): Non-Uniform Random Variate *
* Generation, Springer Verlag, New York. *
* SUBPROGRAM : - drand(seed) ... (0,1)-Uniform generator with *
* unsigned long integer *seed. *
* *
double y,u;
u = randomGenerator.nextDouble(); // U(0/1)
y = Math.exp(-Math.log(u)/r)-1.0; // u^(-1/r) - 1
switch (nr) {
case 3 : // BURR III
return(Math.exp(-Math.log(y)/k)); // y^(-1/k)
case 4 : // BURR IV
y=Math.exp(k*Math.log(y))+1.0; // y^k + 1
case 5 : // BURR V
y=Math.atan(-Math.log(y/k)); // arctan[log(y/k)]
case 6 : // BURR VI
y=Math.log(y+Math.sqrt(y*y +1.0));
case 9 : // BURR IX
y=Math.exp(Math.log(y)/r)-1.0; // y^(1/r) -1
return Math.log(y);
case 12 : // BURR XII
return Math.exp(Math.log(y)/k); // y^(1/k)
return 0;
* Returns a cauchy distributed random number from the standard Cauchy distribution C(0,1).
* math definition
* and animated definition.
* p(x) = 1/ (mean*pi * (1+(x/mean)^2)).
* Implementation:
* This is a port of cin.c from the C-RAND / WIN-RAND library.
* @returns a number in the open unit interval (0.0,1.0)
(excluding 0.0 and 1.0).
public static double nextCauchy(MersenneTwisterFast randomGenerator) {
return Math.tan(Math.PI*randomGenerator.nextDouble());
* Returns an erlang distributed random number with the given variance and mean.
public static double nextErlang(double variance, double mean, MersenneTwisterFast randomGenerator) {
int k = (int)( (mean * mean ) / variance + 0.5 );
k = (k > 0) ? k : 1;
double a = k / mean;
double prod = 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) prod *= randomGenerator.nextDouble();
return -Math.log(prod)/a;
* Returns a discrete geometric distributed random number; Definition.
* p(k) = p * (1-p)^k for k >= 0.
* Implementation: Inversion method.
* This is a port of geo.c from the C-RAND / WIN-RAND library.
* @param p must satisfy 0 < p < 1.
public static int nextGeometric(double p, MersenneTwisterFast randomGenerator) {
* *
* Geometric Distribution - Inversion *
* *
* *
* On generating random numbers of a discrete distribution by *
* Inversion normally sequential search is necessary, but in the *
* case of the Geometric distribution a direct transformation is *
* possible because of the special parallel to the continuous *
* Exponential distribution Exp(t): *
* X - Exp(t): G(x)=1-exp(-tx) *
* Geo(p): pk=G(k+1)-G(k)=exp(-tk)*(1-exp(-t)) *
* p=1-exp(-t) *
* A random number of the Geometric distribution Geo(p) is *
* obtained by k=(long int)x, where x is from Exp(t) with *
* parameter t=-log(1-p). *
* *
* *
* FUNCTION: - geo samples a random number from the Geometric *
* distribution with parameter 0
* Implementation: Inversion method.
* This is a port of lamin.c from the C-RAND / WIN-RAND library.
* C-RAND's implementation, in turn, is based upon
* J.S. Ramberg, B:W. Schmeiser (1974): An approximate method for generating asymmetric variables, Communications ACM 17, 78-82.
public static double nextLambda(double l3, double l4, MersenneTwisterFast randomGenerator) {
double l_sign;
if ((l3<0) || (l4<0)) l_sign=-1.0; // sign(l)
else l_sign=1.0;
double u = randomGenerator.nextDouble(); // U(0/1)
double x = l_sign*(Math.exp(Math.log(u)*l3) - Math.exp(Math.log(1.0 - u)*l4));
return x;
* Returns a Laplace (Double Exponential) distributed random number from the standard Laplace distribution L(0,1).
* Implementation: Inversion method.
* This is a port of lapin.c from the C-RAND / WIN-RAND library.
* @returns a number in the open unit interval (0.0,1.0)
(excluding 0.0 and 1.0).
public static double nextLaplace(MersenneTwisterFast randomGenerator) {
double u = randomGenerator.nextDouble();
u = u+u-1.0;
if (u>0) return -Math.log(1.0-u);
else return Math.log(1.0+u);
* Returns a random number from the standard Logistic distribution Log(0,1).
* Implementation: Inversion method.
* This is a port of login.c from the C-RAND / WIN-RAND library.
public static double nextLogistic(MersenneTwisterFast randomGenerator) {
double u = randomGenerator.nextDouble();
return(-Math.log(1.0 / u-1.0));
* Returns a power-law distributed random number with the given exponent and lower cutoff.
* @param alpha the exponent
* @param cut the lower cutoff
public static double nextPowLaw(double alpha, double cut, MersenneTwisterFast randomGenerator) {
return cut*Math.pow(randomGenerator.nextDouble(), 1.0/(alpha+1.0) ) ;
* Returns a random number from the standard Triangular distribution in (-1,1).
* Implementation: Inversion method.
* This is a port of tra.c from the C-RAND / WIN-RAND library.
public static double nextTriangular(MersenneTwisterFast randomGenerator) {
* *
* Triangular Distribution - Inversion: x = +-(1-sqrt(u)) *
* *
* *
* FUNCTION : - tra samples a random number from the *
* standard Triangular distribution in (-1,1) *
* SUBPROGRAM : - drand(seed) ... (0,1)-Uniform generator with *
* unsigned long integer *seed. *
* *
double u;
if (u<=0.5) return(Math.sqrt(2.0*u)-1.0); /* -1 <= x <= 0 */
else return(1.0-Math.sqrt(2.0*(1.0-u))); /* 0 <= x <= 1 */
* Returns a weibull distributed random number.
* Polar method.
* See Simulation, Modelling & Analysis by Law & Kelton, pp259
public static double nextWeibull(double alpha, double beta, MersenneTwisterFast randomGenerator) {
// Polar method.
// See Simulation, Modelling & Analysis by Law & Kelton, pp259
return Math.pow(beta * ( - Math.log(1.0 - randomGenerator.nextDouble()) ), 1.0 / alpha);
* Returns a zipfian distributed random number with the given skew.
* Algorithm from page 551 of:
* Devroye, Luc (1986) `Non-uniform random variate generation',
* Springer-Verlag: Berlin. ISBN 3-540-96305-7 (also 0-387-96305-7)
* @param z the skew of the distribution (must be >1.0).
* @returns a zipfian distributed number in the closed interval [1,Integer.MAX_VALUE].
public static int nextZipfInt(double z, MersenneTwisterFast randomGenerator) {
/* Algorithm from page 551 of:
* Devroye, Luc (1986) `Non-uniform random variate generation',
* Springer-Verlag: Berlin. ISBN 3-540-96305-7 (also 0-387-96305-7)
final double b = Math.pow(2.0,z-1.0);
final double constant = -1.0/(z-1.0);
int result=0;
for (;;) {
double u = randomGenerator.nextDouble();
double v = randomGenerator.nextDouble();
result = (int) (Math.floor(Math.pow(u,constant)));
double t = Math.pow(1.0 + 1.0/result, z-1.0);
if (v*result*(t-1.0)/(b-1.0) <= t/b) break;
return result;