sim.util.gui.NumberTextField Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Copyright 2006 by Sean Luke and George Mason University
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
See the file "LICENSE" for more information
package sim.util.gui;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
/** A simple class that lets you specify a label and validate a numerical value. NumberTextField assumes access
to several image files for the widgets to the right of the text field: a left-arrow button, a right-arrow button,
and a "belly button". The left-arrow button decreases the numerical value, the right-arrow button increases it,
and the belly button resets it to its initial default value. You can also change the value in the text field proper.
Why use this class instead of a slider? Because it is not ranged: the numbers can be any value.
NumberTextField lets users increase values according to a provided formula of the form
value = value * M + A, and similarly decrease values as value = (value - A) / M. You specify the
values of M and A and the initial default value. This gives you some control on how values should change:
linearly or geometrically.
You can exercise further control by subclassing the class and overriding the newValue(val) method, which
filters all newly user-set values and "corrects" them. Programmatically set values (by calling setValue(...))
are not filtered through newValue by default. If you need to filter, you should do setValue(newValue(val));
NumberTextFields can also be provided with an optional label.
public class NumberTextField extends JComponent
JTextField valField = new JTextField();
JButton downButton;
JButton upButton;
JButton bellyButton;
JLabel fieldLabel;
double initialValue;
double multiply;
double add;
protected double currentValue;
Color defaultColor;
Color editedColor = new Color(225,225,255);
public void setEditedColor(Color c) { editedColor = c; }
public Color getEditedColor() { return editedColor; }
public static final ImageIcon I_DOWN = iconFor("LeftArrow.png");
public static final ImageIcon I_DOWN_PRESSED = iconFor("LeftArrowPressed.png");
public static final ImageIcon I_BELLY = iconFor("BellyButton.png");
public static final ImageIcon I_BELLY_PRESSED = iconFor("BellyButtonPressed.png");
public static final ImageIcon I_UP = iconFor("RightArrow.png");
public static final ImageIcon I_UP_PRESSED = iconFor("RightArrowPressed.png");
static ImageIcon iconFor(String name)
return new ImageIcon(NumberTextField.class.getResource(name));
boolean edited = false;
void setEdited(boolean edited)
if (this.edited != edited)
this.edited = edited;
if (edited)
public void submit()
if (edited)
double val;
val = Double.parseDouble(valField.getText());
catch (NumberFormatException e) { val = initialValue; }
public void update()
KeyListener listener = new KeyListener()
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent keyEvent) { }
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent keyEvent) { }
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent keyEvent) {
if (keyEvent.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER)
else if (keyEvent.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) // reset
FocusAdapter focusAdapter = new FocusAdapter()
public void focusLost ( FocusEvent e )
/** Sets the value without filtering first. */
public void setValue(double val)
if (((int)val) == val)
else valField.setText(""+val);
currentValue = val;
/** Returns the most recently set value. */
public double getValue()
return currentValue;
public JTextField getField() { return valField; }
public void setInitialValue(double initialValue)
this.initialValue = initialValue;
public double getInitialValue() { return initialValue; }
/** Creates a NumberTextField which does not display the belly button or arrows. */
public NumberTextField(double initialValue)
/** Creates a NumberTextField which does not display the belly button or arrows. */
public NumberTextField(String label, double initialValue)
/** Creates a NumberTextField which (if doubleEachTime
doubles or halves the current value, or (if not doubleEachTime
increases or decreases by 1 each time. */
public NumberTextField(double initialValue, boolean doubleEachTime)
/** Creates a NumberTextField according to the provided parameters.
initialValue specifies the initial number value. multiply and add work as follows:
If the right arrow is pressed, then the current value is changed to newValue(value * multiply + add);
similarly, if the left arrow is pressed, then the current value is changed to newValue((value - add) / multiply);
if the belly button is pressed, then the current value is changed to newValue(initialValue);
Common settings include:
initialValue = 1, multiply = 2, add = 0 (start at 1, double each time)
initialValue = 0, multiply = 1, add = 1 (start at 0, add 1 each time)
If multiply is 0, then no arrows are shown at all.
public NumberTextField(double initialValue, double multiply, double add)
/** Creates a NumberTextField with a provided label. If the label is null or empty, no label is created.
Creates a NumberTextField which (if doubleEachTime
doubles or halves the current value, or (if not doubleEachTime
increases or decreases by 1 each time.
public NumberTextField(String label, double initialValue, boolean doubleEachTime)
if (doubleEachTime)
/** Creates a NumberTextField with a provided label. If the label is null or empty, no label is created.
initialValue specifies the initial number value. multiply and add work as follows:
If the right arrow is pressed, then the current value is changed to newValue(value * multiply + add);
similarly, if the left arrow is pressed, then the current value is changed to newValue((value - add) / multiply);
if the belly button is pressed, then the current value is changed to newValue(initialValue);
Common settings include:
initialValue = 1, multiply = 2, add = 0 (start at 1, double each time)
initialValue = 0, multiply = 1, add = 1 (start at 0, add 1 each time)
If multiply is 0, then no arrows are shown at all.
public NumberTextField(String label, double initialValue, double multiply, double add)
void setValues(String label, double initialValue, double multiply, double add)
defaultColor = valField.getBackground();
this.initialValue = initialValue;
this.multiply = multiply;
this.add = add;
currentValue = initialValue;
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
if (label!=null && label.length() != 0)
add(fieldLabel = new JLabel(label),BorderLayout.WEST);
if (multiply != 0.0)
Box box = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS);
// add the up, bellybutton, and down buttons
downButton = new JButton(I_DOWN);
new ActionListener()
{ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
setValue(newValue((getValue() - NumberTextField.this.add) / NumberTextField.this.multiply ));
bellyButton = new JButton(I_BELLY);
new ActionListener()
{ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
bellyButton.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(1,0,1,0)); //2,2,2,2));
upButton = new JButton(I_UP);
new ActionListener()
{ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
setValue(newValue(getValue() * NumberTextField.this.multiply + NumberTextField.this.add));
upButton.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(1,1,1,1)); //2,2,2,2));
/** Override this to be informed when a new value has been set.
The return value should be the value you want the display to show
instead. */
public double newValue(double newValue)
return newValue;
public void setToolTipText(String text)
if (downButton!=null) downButton.setToolTipText(text);
if (upButton!=null) upButton.setToolTipText(text);
if (bellyButton!=null) bellyButton.setToolTipText(text);
if (valField!=null) valField.setToolTipText(text);
if (fieldLabel!=null) fieldLabel.setToolTipText(text);
public void setEnabled(boolean b)
if (downButton!=null) downButton.setEnabled(b);
if (upButton!=null) upButton.setEnabled(b);
if (bellyButton!=null) bellyButton.setEnabled(b);
if (valField!=null) valField.setEnabled(b);
if (fieldLabel!=null) fieldLabel.setEnabled(b);
/** Only call this to access the value field directly */
public void setText(String val)
public String getText()
return valField.getText();