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sim.util.gui.PropertyField Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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MASON is a fast discrete-event multiagent simulation library core in Java, designed to be the foundation for large custom-purpose Java simulations, and also to provide more than enough functionality for many lightweight simulation needs. MASON contains both a model library and an optional suite of visualization tools in 2D and 3D.

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  Copyright 2006 by Sean Luke and George Mason University
  Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
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package sim.util.gui;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.*;
import sim.util.*;

   A simple class designed to allow the user to modify a property in the form of a string, number, boolean value, or option.    PropertyField lets you control the values which the user sets by subclassing the class and overriding the newValue(val) method filters all newly user-set values and "corrects" them.  Programmatically set values (by calling setValue(...)) are not filtered through newValue by default.  If you need to filter, you should do setValue(newValue(val));


You can optionally specify how the string will be presented to the user: as a text field, as a text field with a slider (requiring certain numerical constraints on the text field), as a list of options (also requiring certain numerical constraints), as a check box (requiring the string to hold boolean values ("true" or "false"), or as a read-only field with a button to press (which in turn calls the viewProperty() method, which you may override).

The specifics about how to present the user with these options is described in the constructor documentation and in the documentation for setValues(...).

PropertyFields can also be set to be either read-only or read/write by the user. When the user edits a read/write PropertyField, the text field changes color. If the user then presses RETURN, the result is submitted to newValue(...). If the user presses ESCAPE, the result is cancelled and reset. */ public class PropertyField extends JComponent { JComboBox list = new JComboBox(); JTextField valField = new JTextField(); JCheckBox checkField = new JCheckBox(); JButton viewButton = new JButton("View"); // optionally displayed instead of valField (array or Object) JLabel viewLabel = new JLabel(); JLabel optionalLabel = new JLabel(); static final int SLIDER_MAX = 1000; static final int SLIDER_WIDTH = 80; JSlider slider = new JSlider(0,SLIDER_MAX) { public Dimension getMaximumSize() { return new Dimension(SLIDER_WIDTH, super.getMaximumSize().height); } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return getMaximumSize(); } }; DecimalFormat sliderFormatter = new DecimalFormat(); // to control the slider's number of decimal places public JTextField getField() { return valField; } Border valFieldBorder; Border emptyBorder; String currentValue; boolean isReadWrite; Object domain; int displayState; public static final int SHOW_CHECKBOX = 0; public static final int SHOW_TEXTFIELD = 1; public static final int SHOW_VIEWBUTTON = 2; public static final int SHOW_SLIDER = 3; public static final int SHOW_LIST = 4; Color defaultColor; Color editedColor = new Color(225,225,255); public void setEditedColor(Color c) { editedColor = c; } public Color getEditedColor() { return editedColor; } /** Commits to the current setting of the propertyField, filtering it through newValue. */ public void submit() { if (edited) { setValue(newValue( valField.getText() )); } } /** Reverts the property field to its previous string value WITHOUT calling newValue() */ public void update() { setValue(getValue()); } boolean edited = false; void setEdited(boolean edited) { this.edited = edited; if (edited) { valField.setBackground(editedColor); } else { valField.setBackground(isReadWrite ? defaultColor : checkField.getBackground()); } } KeyListener listener = new KeyListener() { public void keyReleased(KeyEvent keyEvent) { } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent keyEvent) { } public void keyPressed(KeyEvent keyEvent) { if (keyEvent.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) { submit(); } else if (keyEvent.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) // reset { update(); } else { setEdited(true); } } }; ActionListener checkListener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) { setValue(newValue( "" + checkField.isSelected() )); } }; ActionListener viewButtonListener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) { viewProperty(); } }; FocusAdapter focusAdapter = new FocusAdapter() { public void focusLost ( FocusEvent e ) { submit(); } }; boolean sliding = false; /* * Calculate the number of decimal places needed to show the smallest possible change for a slider. * @param low bottom of the range * @param high top of the range * @param ticks number of discrete stops within the range * @return the number of decimal places to show * @author jharrison */ int calcDecimalPlacesForInterval(double low, double high, int ticks) { double epsilon = (high - low) / (double)ticks; return (int)Math.ceil(Math.log10(1/epsilon)); } boolean ignoreEvent = false; // set to true when we're first setting the PropertyField ChangeListener sliderListener = new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged (ChangeEvent e) { if (!ignoreEvent && domain != null && domain instanceof Interval) { double d = 0; Interval domain = (Interval)(PropertyField.this.domain); int i = slider.getValue(); String str; if (domain.isDouble()) { double min = domain.getMin().doubleValue(); double max = domain.getMax().doubleValue(); d = (i / (double)SLIDER_MAX) * (max - min) + min; sliderFormatter.setMinimumFractionDigits(calcDecimalPlacesForInterval(min, max, SLIDER_WIDTH)); str = sliderFormatter.format(d); } else // integer str = Integer.toString(i); sliding = true; setValue(newValue(str)); sliding = false; } ignoreEvent = false; // reset } }; ActionListener listListener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) { if (!settingList) setValue(newValue(""+list.getSelectedIndex())); } }; boolean settingList = false; /** Sets the value, not filtering it through newValue(val) first. */ public void setValue(String val) { switch(displayState) { case SHOW_SLIDER: setEdited(false); if (!sliding) { slide(val); } valField.setText(val); break; case SHOW_TEXTFIELD: setEdited(false); valField.setText(val); break; case SHOW_CHECKBOX: if(val!=null && val.equals("true")) checkField.setSelected(true); else checkField.setSelected(false); break; case SHOW_VIEWBUTTON: viewLabel.setText(val); break; case SHOW_LIST: settingList = true; try { list.setSelectedIndex(Integer.parseInt(val)); } catch (Exception e) { settingList = false; throw new RuntimeException(""+e); } settingList = false; break; default: throw new RuntimeException("default case should never occur"); } currentValue = val; } void slide(String val) { try { if (domain instanceof Interval) { Interval domain = (Interval)(this.domain); double d = Double.parseDouble(val); double min = domain.getMin().doubleValue(); double max = domain.getMax().doubleValue(); int i = (int)((d - min) / (max - min) * SLIDER_MAX); if (!domain.isDouble()) i = (int)d; slider.setValue(i); } } catch (Exception e) { } } /** Returns the most recently set value. */ public String getValue() { return currentValue; } /** Constructs a PropertyField as just a writeable, empty text field. */ public PropertyField() { this(null,"",true); } /** Constructs a PropertyField as a writeable text field with the provided initial value. */ public PropertyField(String initialValue) { this(null,initialValue,true); } /** Constructs a PropertyField as a text field with the provided initial value, either writeable or not. */ public PropertyField(String initialValue, boolean isReadWrite) { this(null,initialValue,isReadWrite); } /** Constructs a labelled PropertyField as a writeable text field with the provided initial value. */ public PropertyField(String label, String initialValue) { this(label,initialValue,true); } /** Constructs a labelled PropertyField as a text field with the provided initial value, either writeable or not. */ public PropertyField(String label, String initialValue, boolean isReadWrite) { this(label,initialValue,isReadWrite, null, SHOW_TEXTFIELD); } /** Constructs a PropertyField with an optional label, an initial value, a "writeable" flag, an optional domain (for the slider and list options), and a display form (checkboxes, view buttons, text fields, sliders, or lists).

  • If show is SHOW_CHECKBOX, a checkbox will be shown (expecting "true" and "false" string values); pass in null for domain.
  • If show is SHOW_VIEWBUTTON, a view button will be shown (expecting a true object); pass in null for domain.
  • If show is SHOW_TEXTFIELD, a textfield will be shown; pass in null for domain.
  • If show is SHOW_SLIDER, both a textfield and a slider will be shown; the initialValue must be a number, and domain must be a sim.util.Interval. In this case, newValue(...) will be passed a String holding a number in the Interval range and must return a number. PropertyField will automatically make certain that the numbers are integral or real-valued; you do not need to check this so long as the Interval returns Longs or Doubles respectively. If isReadWrite is false, then the slider is not shown -- only the textfield.
  • If show is SHOW_LIST, a list will be shown; the initialValue must be an integer specifying the number in the list, and domain must be an array of Objects (strings, whatnot) or a java.util.List providing the objects in the list. In this case, newValue(...) will be passed a String holding a number; that number is the index in the list which the user has checked. newValue(...) must also return a String with the desired index for the list to be set to. */ public PropertyField(String label, String initialValue, boolean isReadWrite, Object domain, int show) { // create object setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(optionalLabel,BorderLayout.WEST); valFieldBorder = valField.getBorder(); Insets i = valFieldBorder.getBorderInsets(valField); emptyBorder = new EmptyBorder(,i.left,i.bottom,i.right); defaultColor = valField.getBackground(); valField.addKeyListener(listener); valField.addFocusListener(focusAdapter); checkField.addActionListener(checkListener); viewButton.addActionListener(viewButtonListener); slider.addChangeListener(sliderListener); list.addActionListener(listListener); // quaquaify viewButton.putClientProperty("","square"); if ((domain != null) && (domain instanceof Interval)) { Interval interval = (Interval)domain; if (interval.isDouble()) { // nothing } else { slider.setMinimum(interval.getMin().intValue()); slider.setMaximum(interval.getMax().intValue()); } } sliderFormatter.setGroupingUsed(false); // no commas // set values ignoreEvent = true; // don't change the underlying data yet setValues(label, initialValue, isReadWrite, domain, show); } /* Resets a PropertyField with an optional label, an initial value, a "writeable" flag, an optional domain (for the slider and list options), and a display form (checkboxes, view buttons, text fields, sliders, or lists).
    • If show is SHOW_CHECKBOX, a checkbox will be shown (expecting "true" and "false" string values); pass in null for domain.
    • If show is SHOW_VIEWBUTTON, a view button will be shown (expecting a true object); pass in null for domain.
    • If show is SHOW_TEXTFIELD, a textfield will be shown; pass in null for domain.
    • If show is SHOW_SLIDER, both a textfield and a slider will be shown; the initialValue must be a number, and domain must be a sim.util.Interval. In this case, newValue(...) will be passed a String holding a number in the Interval range and must return a number. PropertyField will automatically make certain that the numbers are integral or real-valued; you do not need to check this so long as the Interval returns Longs or Doubles respectively. If isReadWrite is false, then the slider is not shown -- only the textfield.
    • If show is SHOW_LIST, a list will be shown; the initialValue must be an integer specifying the number in the list, and domain must be an array of Objects (strings, whatnot) or a java.util.List providing the objects in the list. In this case, newValue(...) will be passed a String holding a number; that number is the index in the list which the user has checked. newValue(...) must also return a String with the desired index for the list to be set to. */ void setValues(String label, String initialValue, boolean isReadWrite, Object domain, int show) { this.domain = domain; removeAll(); add(optionalLabel,BorderLayout.WEST); // some conversions if (show==SHOW_SLIDER && !isReadWrite) show = SHOW_TEXTFIELD; if (domain !=null && domain.getClass().isArray()) { domain = Arrays.asList((Object[])domain); } displayState = show; switch(displayState) { case SHOW_SLIDER: JPanel p = new JPanel(); p.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); p.add(valField, BorderLayout.CENTER); if (isReadWrite && domain!=null && domain instanceof Interval) p.add(slider, BorderLayout.WEST); add(p,BorderLayout.CENTER); break; case SHOW_TEXTFIELD: add(valField, BorderLayout.CENTER); break; case SHOW_CHECKBOX: add(checkField, BorderLayout.CENTER); break; case SHOW_VIEWBUTTON: add(viewLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER); add(viewButton, BorderLayout.WEST); break; case SHOW_LIST: if (domain != null && domain instanceof java.util.List) { settingList = true; list.setEditable(false); list.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(new Vector((java.util.List)domain))); add(list,BorderLayout.CENTER); list.setEnabled(isReadWrite); settingList = false; } break; default: throw new RuntimeException("default case should never occur"); } revalidate(); repaint(); currentValue = initialValue; optionalLabel.setText(label); checkField.setEnabled(isReadWrite); valField.setEditable(isReadWrite); valField.setBorder(isReadWrite? valFieldBorder : emptyBorder); this.isReadWrite = isReadWrite; setValue(currentValue); } /** Override this to be informed when a new value has been set. The return value should be the value you want the display to show instead. */ public String newValue(String newValue) { return newValue; } /** Override this to be informed when a property is to be viewed in its own inspector because the user pressed the "view" button. */ public void viewProperty() { } public void setToolTipText(String text) { super.setToolTipText(text); valField.setToolTipText(text); checkField.setToolTipText(text); optionalLabel.setToolTipText(text); viewButton.setToolTipText(text); viewLabel.setToolTipText(text); slider.setToolTipText(text); list.setToolTipText(text); } public Dimension getMinimumSize() { Dimension s = super.getMinimumSize(); s.height = valField.getMinimumSize().height; return s; } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { Dimension s = super.getPreferredSize(); s.height = valField.getPreferredSize().height; return s; } public void setEnabled(boolean b) { super.setEnabled(b); valField.setEnabled(b); checkField.setEnabled(b); optionalLabel.setEnabled(b); viewButton.setEnabled(b); viewLabel.setEnabled(b); slider.setEnabled(b); list.setEnabled(b); } }

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