fr.iscpif.gridscale.ssh.impl.SSHJSFTPClient.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2016 Jonathan Passerat-Palmbach
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package fr.iscpif.gridscale.ssh.impl
import java.io.InputStream
import java.util
import fr.iscpif.gridscale.storage.{ DirectoryType, FileType, LinkType, ListEntry }
import fr.iscpif.gridscale.tools._
object SSHJSFTPClient {
import net.schmizz.sshj.sftp.{ FileMode, OpenMode, SFTPClient }
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
def ls(path: String)(predicate: String ⇒ Boolean)(implicit sshjSFTPClient: SFTPClient): List[ListEntry] = {
sshjSFTPClient.ls(path).filterNot(e ⇒ {
}).map {
e ⇒
val t =
e.getAttributes.getType match {
case FileMode.Type.DIRECTORY ⇒ DirectoryType
case FileMode.Type.SYMKLINK ⇒ LinkType
case _ ⇒ FileType
ListEntry(e.getName, t, Some(e.getAttributes.getMtime))
}.toList // FIXME is it because the List<> gets converted to a buffer?
def chmod(path: String, perms: Int)(implicit sshjSFTPClient: SFTPClient) = sshjSFTPClient.chmod(path, perms)
def close()(implicit sshjSFTPClient: SFTPClient) = sshjSFTPClient.close()
def canonicalize(path: String)(implicit sshjSFTPClient: SFTPClient) = sshjSFTPClient.canonicalize(path)
def exists(path: String)(implicit sshjSFTPClient: SFTPClient) = sshjSFTPClient.statExistence(path) != null
def mkdir(path: String)(implicit sshjSFTPClient: SFTPClient) = sshjSFTPClient.mkdir(path)
def rmdir(path: String)(implicit sshjSFTPClient: SFTPClient) = sshjSFTPClient.rmdir(path)
def rm(path: String)(implicit sshjSFTPClient: SFTPClient) = sshjSFTPClient.rm(path)
def rename(oldName: String, newName: String)(implicit sshjSFTPClient: SFTPClient) = sshjSFTPClient.rename(oldName, newName)
lazy val unconfirmedExchanges = 32
def withClosable[C <: java.io.Closeable, T](open: ⇒ C)(f: C ⇒ T)(implicit sshjSFTPClient: SFTPClient): T = {
val c = open
try f(c)
catch {
case e: Throwable ⇒
throw e
finally c.close()
// FIXME takes care of too much things => should not close the sftpclient for instance
def readAheadFileInputStream(path: String)(implicit sshjSFTPClient: SFTPClient): InputStream = {
val fileHandle =
try sshjSFTPClient.open(path, util.EnumSet.of(OpenMode.READ))
catch {
case e: Throwable ⇒
try sshjSFTPClient.close()
finally close
throw e
def closeAll() = {
try fileHandle.close()
finally try sshjSFTPClient.close()
finally close
new fileHandle.ReadAheadRemoteFileInputStream(unconfirmedExchanges) {
override def close() = {
try closeAll()
finally super.close()
// FIXME this is badly named as it writes but does not return an output stream
def fileOutputStream(is: InputStream, path: String)(implicit sshjSFTPClient: SFTPClient): Unit = {
withClosable(sshjSFTPClient.open(path, util.EnumSet.of(OpenMode.WRITE, OpenMode.CREAT, OpenMode.TRUNC))) {
fileHandle => withClosable(new fileHandle.RemoteFileOutputStream(0, unconfirmedExchanges)) { copyStream(is, _) }