zio.lmdb.LMDB.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2023 David Crosson
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.lmdb
import zio._
import zio.json._
import zio.stream.ZStream
import zio.config._
trait LMDB {
def databasePath: String
def platformCheck(): IO[StorageSystemError, Unit]
def collectionsAvailable(): IO[StorageSystemError, List[CollectionName]]
def collectionExists(name: CollectionName): IO[StorageSystemError, Boolean]
def collectionCreate[T](name: CollectionName, failIfExists: Boolean = true)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): IO[CreateErrors, LMDBCollection[T]]
def collectionAllocate(name: CollectionName): IO[CreateErrors, Unit]
def collectionGet[T](name: CollectionName)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): IO[GetErrors, LMDBCollection[T]]
def collectionSize(name: CollectionName): IO[SizeErrors, Long]
def collectionClear(name: CollectionName): IO[ClearErrors, Unit]
def collectionDrop(name: CollectionName): IO[DropErrors, Unit]
def fetch[T](collectionName: CollectionName, key: RecordKey)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): IO[FetchErrors, Option[T]]
def head[T](collectionName: CollectionName)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): IO[FetchErrors, Option[(RecordKey, T)]]
def previous[T](collectionName: CollectionName, beforeThatKey: RecordKey)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): IO[FetchErrors, Option[(RecordKey, T)]]
def next[T](collectionName: CollectionName, afterThatKey: RecordKey)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): IO[FetchErrors, Option[(RecordKey, T)]]
def last[T](collectionName: CollectionName)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): IO[FetchErrors, Option[(RecordKey, T)]]
def contains(collectionName: CollectionName, key: RecordKey): IO[ContainsErrors, Boolean]
def update[T](collectionName: CollectionName, key: RecordKey, modifier: T => T)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): IO[UpdateErrors, Option[T]]
def upsert[T](collectionName: CollectionName, key: RecordKey, modifier: Option[T] => T)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): IO[UpsertErrors, T]
def upsertOverwrite[T](collectionName: CollectionName, key: RecordKey, document: T)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): IO[UpsertErrors, Unit]
def delete[T](collectionName: CollectionName, key: RecordKey)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): IO[DeleteErrors, Option[T]]
def collect[T](
collectionName: CollectionName,
keyFilter: RecordKey => Boolean = _ => true,
valueFilter: T => Boolean = (_: T) => true,
startAfter: Option[RecordKey] = None,
backward: Boolean = false,
limit: Option[Int] = None
)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): IO[CollectErrors, List[T]]
def stream[T](
collectionName: CollectionName,
keyFilter: RecordKey => Boolean = _ => true,
startAfter: Option[RecordKey] = None,
backward: Boolean = false
)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): ZStream[Any, StreamErrors, T]
def streamWithKeys[T](
collectionName: CollectionName,
keyFilter: RecordKey => Boolean = _ => true,
startAfter: Option[RecordKey] = None,
backward: Boolean = false
)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): ZStream[Any, StreamErrors, (RecordKey, T)]
object LMDB {
val config: Config[LMDBConfig] = ((Config.string("name").withDefault(LMDBConfig.default.databaseName)
?? "Database name, which will be also used as the directory name") ++
?? "Where to store the database directory") ++
?? "Synchronize the file system with all database write operations") ++
?? "The maximum number of readers") ++
?? "The maximum number of collections which can be created") ++
?? "The maximum size of the whole database including metadata"))
/** Default live implementation using the current configuration provider
val live: ZLayer[Scope, Any, LMDB] = ZLayer.fromZIO(
for {
config <- ZIO.config(LMDB.config)
// doc = generateDocs(LMDB.config).toTable.toGithubFlavouredMarkdown
// _ <- ZIO.logInfo(s"Configuration documentation:\n$doc")
_ <- ZIO.logInfo(s"Configuration : $config")
lmdb <- LMDBLive.setup(config)
} yield lmdb
/** Default live implementation using the current configuration provider but overriding any configured database name with the provided one
* @param name
* database name to use
* @return
def liveWithDatabaseName(name: String): ZLayer[Scope, Any, LMDB] = ZLayer.fromZIO(
for {
config <- ZIO.config(LMDB.config).map(_.copy(databaseName = name))
// doc = generateDocs(LMDB.config).toTable.toGithubFlavouredMarkdown
// _ <- Console.printLine(s"Configuration documentation:\n$doc")
_ <- ZIO.logInfo(s"Configuration : $config")
lmdb <- LMDBLive.setup(config)
} yield lmdb
/** Get the used storage directory in your file system.
* @return
* storage directory path
def databasePath: ZIO[LMDB, StorageSystemError, String] = ZIO.serviceWith(_.databasePath)
/** Check LMDB server current configuration compatibility
def platformCheck(): ZIO[LMDB, StorageSystemError, Unit] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.platformCheck())
/** List all available collections
* @return
* the list of collection names
def collectionsAvailable(): ZIO[LMDB, StorageSystemError, List[CollectionName]] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.collectionsAvailable())
/** check if a collection exists
* @param name
* the collection name
* @return
* true if the collection exists
def collectionExists(name: CollectionName): ZIO[LMDB, StorageSystemError, Boolean] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.collectionExists(name))
/** Create a collection and return the collection helper facade. Use collection helper facade when all records are using the same json data type.
* @param name
* the collection name
* @param failIfExists
* raise an error if the collection already exists, default to true
* @tparam T
* the data type of the records which must be Json serializable
* @return
* the collection helper facade
def collectionCreate[T](name: CollectionName, failIfExists: Boolean = true)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): ZIO[LMDB, CreateErrors, LMDBCollection[T]] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.collectionCreate(name, failIfExists))
/** Create a collection
* @param name
* the collection name
def collectionAllocate(name: CollectionName): ZIO[LMDB, CreateErrors, Unit] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.collectionAllocate(name))
/** Get a collection helper facade. Use collection helper facade when all records are using the same json data type.
* @param name
* the collection name
* @return
* the collection helper facade
def collectionGet[T](name: CollectionName)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): ZIO[LMDB, GetErrors, LMDBCollection[T]] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.collectionGet(name))
/** Get how many items a collection contains
* @param name
* the collection name
* @tparam T
* the data type of the records which must be Json serializable
* @return
* the collection size
def collectionSize(name: CollectionName): ZIO[LMDB, SizeErrors, Long] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.collectionSize(name))
/** Remove all the content of a collection
* @param name
* the collection name
def collectionClear(name: CollectionName): ZIO[LMDB, ClearErrors, Unit] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.collectionClear(name))
/** Drop a collection
* @param name
* the collection name
def collectionDrop(name: CollectionName): ZIO[LMDB, DropErrors, Unit] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.collectionDrop(name))
/** Get a collection record
* @param collectionName
* the collection name
* @param key
* the key of the record to get
* @tparam T
* the data type of the record which must be Json serializable
* @return
* some record or none if no record has been found for the given key
def fetch[T](collectionName: CollectionName, key: RecordKey)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): ZIO[LMDB, FetchErrors, Option[T]] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.fetch(collectionName, key))
/** Get collection first record
* @param collectionName
* the collection name
* @tparam T
* the data type of the record which must be Json serializable
* @return
* some (key,record) tuple or none if the collection is empty
def head[T](collectionName: CollectionName)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): ZIO[LMDB, FetchErrors, Option[(RecordKey, T)]] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.head(collectionName))
/** Get the previous record for the given key
* @param collectionName
* the collection name
* @param beforeThatKey
* the key of the reference record
* @tparam T
* the data type of the record which must be Json serializable
* @return
* some (key,record) tuple or none if the key is the first one
def previous[T](collectionName: CollectionName, beforeThatKey: RecordKey)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): ZIO[LMDB, FetchErrors, Option[(RecordKey, T)]] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.previous(collectionName, beforeThatKey))
/** Get the next record for the given key
* @param collectionName
* the collection name
* @param afterThatKey
* the key of the reference record
* @tparam T
* the data type of the record which must be Json serializable
* @return
* some (key,record) tuple or none if the key is the last one
def next[T](collectionName: CollectionName, afterThatKey: RecordKey)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): ZIO[LMDB, FetchErrors, Option[(RecordKey, T)]] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.next(collectionName, afterThatKey))
/** Get collection last record
* @param collectionName
* the collection name
* @tparam T
* the data type of the record which must be Json serializable
* @return
* some (key,record) tuple or none if the collection is empty
def last[T](collectionName: CollectionName)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): ZIO[LMDB, FetchErrors, Option[(RecordKey, T)]] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.last(collectionName))
/** Check if a collection contains the given key
* @param collectionName
* the collection name
* @param key
* the key of the record to look for
* @return
* true if the key is used by the given collection
def contains(collectionName: CollectionName, key: RecordKey): ZIO[LMDB, ContainsErrors, Boolean] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.contains(collectionName, key))
/** update atomically a record in a collection.
* @param collectionName
* the collection name
* @param key
* the key for the record upsert
* @param modifier
* the lambda used to update the record content
* @tparam T
* the data type of the record which must be Json serializable
* @returns
* the updated record if a record exists for the given key
def update[T](collectionName: CollectionName, key: RecordKey, modifier: T => T)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): ZIO[LMDB, UpdateErrors, Option[T]] = {
ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.update[T](collectionName, key, modifier))
/** update or insert atomically a record in a collection.
* @param collectionName
* the collection name
* @param key
* the key for the record upsert
* @param modifier
* the lambda used to update the record content
* @tparam T
* the data type of the record which must be Json serializable
* @returns
* the updated or inserted record
def upsert[T](collectionName: CollectionName, key: RecordKey, modifier: Option[T] => T)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): ZIO[LMDB, UpsertErrors, T] = {
ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.upsert[T](collectionName, key, modifier))
/** Overwrite or insert a record in a collection. If the key is already being used for a record then the previous record will be overwritten by the new one.
* @param collectionName
* the collection name
* @param key
* the key for the record upsert
* @param document
* the record content to upsert
* @tparam T
* the data type of the record which must be Json serializable
def upsertOverwrite[T](collectionName: CollectionName, key: RecordKey, document: T)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): ZIO[LMDB, UpsertErrors, Unit] =
ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.upsertOverwrite[T](collectionName, key, document))
/** Delete a record in a collection
* @param collectionName
* the collection name
* @param key
* the key of the record to delete
* @tparam T
* the data type of the record which must be Json serializable the deleted record
* @return
* the deleted content
def delete[T](collectionName: CollectionName, key: RecordKey)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): ZIO[LMDB, DeleteErrors, Option[T]] =
ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.delete[T](collectionName, key))
/** Collect collection content into the memory, use keyFilter or valueFilter to limit the amount of loaded entries.
* @param collectionName
* the collection name
* @param keyFilter
* filter lambda to select only the keys you want, default is no filter, the value deserialization is done **after** the filtering step
* @param valueFilter
* filter lambda to select only the record your want, default is no filter
* @param startAfter
* start the stream after the given key, default is start from the beginning (when backward is false) or from end (when backward is true)
* @param backward
* going in reverse key order, default is false
* @param limit
* maximum number of item you want to get
* @tparam T
* the data type of the record which must be Json serializable
* @return
* All matching records
def collect[T](
collectionName: CollectionName,
keyFilter: RecordKey => Boolean = _ => true,
valueFilter: T => Boolean = (_: T) => true,
startAfter: Option[RecordKey] = None,
backward: Boolean = false,
limit: Option[Int] = None
)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): ZIO[LMDB, CollectErrors, List[T]] =
ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.collect[T](collectionName, keyFilter, valueFilter, startAfter, backward, limit))
/** Stream collection records, use keyFilter to apply filtering before record deserialization.
* @param collectionName
* the collection name
* @param keyFilter
* filter lambda to select only the keys you want, default is no filter, the value deserialization is done **after** the filtering step
* @param startAfter
* start the stream after the given key, default is start from the beginning (when backward is false) or from end (when backward is true)
* @param backward
* going in reverse key order, default is false
* @tparam T
* the data type of the record which must be Json serializable
* @return
* the stream of records
def stream[T](
collectionName: CollectionName,
keyFilter: RecordKey => Boolean = _ => true,
startAfter: Option[RecordKey] = None,
backward: Boolean = false
)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): ZStream[LMDB, StreamErrors, T] =
ZStream.serviceWithStream(_.stream(collectionName, keyFilter, startAfter, backward))
/** stream collection Key/record tuples, use keyFilter to apply filtering before record deserialization.
* @param collectionName
* the collection name
* @param keyFilter
* filter lambda to select only the keys you want, default is no filter, the value deserialization is done **after** the filtering step
* @param startAfter
* start the stream after the given key, default is start from the beginning (when backward is false) or from end (when backward is true)
* @param backward
* going in reverse key order, default is false
* @tparam T
* the data type of the record which must be Json serializable
* @return
* the tuple of key and record stream
def streamWithKeys[T](
collectionName: CollectionName,
keyFilter: RecordKey => Boolean = _ => true,
startAfter: Option[RecordKey] = None,
backward: Boolean = false
)(implicit je: JsonEncoder[T], jd: JsonDecoder[T]): ZStream[LMDB, StreamErrors, (RecordKey, T)] =
ZStream.serviceWithStream(_.streamWithKeys(collectionName, keyFilter, startAfter, backward))