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fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.processor.JsInteropOutputProcessor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.processor;
import static fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.processor.AngularComponentProcessor.COMPONENT_HELPER_CLASS_SUFFIX;
import static fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.processor.AngularComponentProcessor.ComponentAnnotationFqn;
import static fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.processor.AngularComponentProcessor.ComponentConstructorGetterName;
import static fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.processor.AngularComponentProcessor.DIRECTIVE_HELPER_CLASS_SUFFIX;
import static fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.processor.AngularComponentProcessor.DirectiveAnnotationFqn;
import static fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.processor.AngularComponentProcessor.DirectiveConstructorGetterName;
import static fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.processor.AngularComponentProcessor.INJECTABLE_HELPER_CLASS_SUFFIX;
import static fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.processor.AngularComponentProcessor.InjectableAnnotationFqn;
import static fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.processor.AngularComponentProcessor.InjectableConstructorGetterName;
import static fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.processor.AngularComponentProcessor.NG_MODULE_HELPER_CLASS_SUFFIX;
import static fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.processor.AngularComponentProcessor.NgModuleAnnotationFqn;
import static fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.processor.AngularComponentProcessor.NgModuleConstructorGetterName;
import static fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.processor.AngularComponentProcessor.PIPE_HELPER_CLASS_SUFFIX;
import static fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.processor.AngularComponentProcessor.PipeAnnotationFqn;
import static fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.processor.AngularComponentProcessor.PipeConstructorGetterName;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValue;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter;
import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8;
import javax.tools.Diagnostic.Kind;
import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.JsArray;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.JsObject;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.JsToolsInjector;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.interop.ng.AngularComponentConstructorFunction;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.interop.ng.ProviderWrapper;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.interop.ng.core.ComponentMetadata;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.interop.ng.core.DirectiveMetadata;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.interop.ng.core.NgModuleMetadata;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.interop.ng.core.PipeMetadata;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.ng.core.Component;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.ng.core.Directive;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.ng.core.Host;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.ng.core.HostBinding;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.ng.core.HostListener;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.ng.core.Injectable;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.ng.core.Input;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.ng.core.NgModule;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.ng.core.Output;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.ng.core.Pipe;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.ng.core.PropertyGetter;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.ng.core.ViewChild;
import fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.ng.core.ViewChildren;
import fr.lteconsulting.roaster.Block;
import fr.lteconsulting.roaster.JavaClassText;
import jsinterop.annotations.JsProperty;
import jsinterop.annotations.JsType;
public class JsInteropOutputProcessor
private final ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv;
private final Checks checks;
public JsInteropOutputProcessor( ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv )
this.processingEnv = processingEnv;
checks = new Checks( processingEnv.getMessager() );
public boolean process( Set extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv )
for( TypeElement element : ElementFilter.typesIn( roundEnv
.getElementsAnnotatedWith( processingEnv.getElementUtils().getTypeElement( NgModuleAnnotationFqn ) ) ) )
processModule( element );
for( TypeElement element : ElementFilter.typesIn( roundEnv
.getElementsAnnotatedWith( processingEnv.getElementUtils().getTypeElement( ComponentAnnotationFqn ) ) ) )
processComponent( element );
for( TypeElement element : ElementFilter.typesIn( roundEnv
.getElementsAnnotatedWith( processingEnv.getElementUtils().getTypeElement( DirectiveAnnotationFqn ) ) ) )
processDirective( element );
for( TypeElement element : ElementFilter.typesIn( roundEnv
.getElementsAnnotatedWith( processingEnv.getElementUtils().getTypeElement( PipeAnnotationFqn ) ) ) )
processPipe( element );
for( TypeElement element : ElementFilter.typesIn( roundEnv
.getElementsAnnotatedWith( processingEnv.getElementUtils().getTypeElement( InjectableAnnotationFqn ) ) ) )
processInjectable( element );
return true;
private void processModule( TypeElement element )
checks.checkIsJsTypeNonNative( element );
String packageName = ((PackageElement) element.getEnclosingElement()).getQualifiedName().toString();
String angularModuleName = element.getSimpleName() + NG_MODULE_HELPER_CLASS_SUFFIX;
HashMap generatedAccessorTypestypes = new HashMap<>();
JavaClassText javaClassText = new JavaClassText( packageName );
javaClassText.addImport( JsProperty.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( JsObject.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( JsArray.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( AngularComponentConstructorFunction.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.interop.ng.core.NgModule.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( NgModuleMetadata.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( JsToolsInjector.class.getName() );
Block classBlock = javaClassText.rootBlock().clazz( angularModuleName );
// imports, exports, declarations, providers, bootstrap
String imports = findModuleAttributes( element, "imports", classBlock, generatedAccessorTypestypes );
String exports = findModuleAttributes( element, "exports", classBlock, generatedAccessorTypestypes );
String providers = findModuleAttributes( element, "providers", classBlock, generatedAccessorTypestypes );
String declarations = findModuleAttributes( element, "declarations", classBlock, generatedAccessorTypestypes );
String entryComponents = findModuleAttributes( element, "entryComponents", classBlock,
generatedAccessorTypestypes );
String bootstrap = findModuleAttributes( element, "bootstrap", classBlock, generatedAccessorTypestypes );
classBlock.line( "@JsProperty( namespace = [{#}], name = [{#}] )", packageName, element.getSimpleName() );
classBlock.line( "private native static AngularComponentConstructorFunction constructorFunction();" );
classBlock.line( "public static Object [{}]()", NgModuleConstructorGetterName );
classBlock.block( ( e ) -> {
e.line( "JsToolsInjector.inject();" );
e.line( "AngularComponentConstructorFunction constructorFunction = constructorFunction();" );
e.line( "if( constructorFunction.annotations == null )" ).block( ( i ) -> {
i.line( "JsObject options = new JsObject();" );
if( imports != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"imports\", [{}] );", imports );
if( exports != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"exports\", [{}] );", exports );
if( declarations != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"declarations\", [{}] );", declarations );
if( providers != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"providers\", [{}] );", providers );
if( bootstrap != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"bootstrap\", [{}] );", bootstrap );
if( entryComponents != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"entryComponents\", [{}] );", entryComponents );
i.line( "NgModuleMetadata metadata = new NgModuleMetadata( options );" );
i.line( "constructorFunction.annotations = JsArray.of( new NgModule( metadata ) );" );
} );
e.line( "return constructorFunction;" );
} );
String targetClassFqn = packageName + "." + angularModuleName;
JavaFileObject jfo = processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile( targetClassFqn, element );
OutputStream os = jfo.openOutputStream();
OutputStreamWriter pw = new OutputStreamWriter( os, "UTF-8" );
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
javaClassText.render( sb );
pw.write( sb.toString() );
catch( IOException e )
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage( Kind.ERROR, "AngularModule not generated !" + e, element );
private void processComponent( TypeElement element )
checks.checkIsJsTypeNonNative( element );
String packageName = ((PackageElement) element.getEnclosingElement()).getQualifiedName().toString();
String angularComponentName = element.getSimpleName() + COMPONENT_HELPER_CLASS_SUFFIX;
Component annotation = element.getAnnotation( Component.class );
HashMap generatedAccessorTypes = new HashMap<>();
JavaClassText javaClassText = new JavaClassText( packageName );
javaClassText.addImport( JsProperty.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( JsObject.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( JsArray.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( AngularComponentConstructorFunction.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.interop.ng.core.Component.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( ComponentMetadata.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( JsToolsInjector.class.getName() );
Block classBlock = javaClassText.rootBlock().clazz( angularComponentName );
String aSelector = "".equals( annotation.selector() ) ? null : annotation.selector();
String aTemplate = annotation.template().isEmpty() ? null : annotation.template();
String aTemplateUrl = annotation.templateUrl().isEmpty() ? null : annotation.templateUrl();
String aStyles = findComponentStyles( annotation );
String aStyleUrls = findComponentStyleUrls( annotation );
String directives = findComponentDirectives( element, classBlock, generatedAccessorTypes );
String providers = findComponentProviders( element, classBlock, generatedAccessorTypes );
String outputs = findComponentOutputs( element );
String parameters = findComponentConstructorParameters( element, classBlock, generatedAccessorTypes );
String host = findDirectiveHostsEventActions( element, classBlock );
String animations = findAnimationProviders( element );
String inputs = findInputs( element );
findPropertyGetters( element );
Map viewChildFields = findComponentViewChildFields( element, classBlock,
generatedAccessorTypes );
classBlock.line( "@JsProperty( namespace = [{#}], name = [{#}] )", packageName, element.getSimpleName() );
classBlock.line( "private native static AngularComponentConstructorFunction constructorFunction();" );
classBlock.line( "public static Object [{}]()", ComponentConstructorGetterName );
classBlock.block( ( e ) -> {
e.line( "JsToolsInjector.inject();" );
e.line( "AngularComponentConstructorFunction constructorFunction = constructorFunction();" );
if( parameters != null )
e.line( "if( constructorFunction.parameters == null )" ).block( ( i ) -> {
i.line( "constructorFunction.parameters = [{}];", parameters );
} );
e.line( "if( constructorFunction.annotations == null )" ).block( ( i ) -> {
i.line( "JsObject options = new JsObject();" );
if( aSelector != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"selector\", [{#}] );", aSelector );
if( aTemplate != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"template\", [{#}] );", aTemplate );
if( aTemplateUrl != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"templateUrl\", [{#}] );", aTemplateUrl );
if( aStyles != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"styles\", [{}] );", aStyles );
if( aStyleUrls != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"styleUrls\", [{}] );", aStyleUrls );
if( directives != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"directives\", [{}] );", directives );
if( providers != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"providers\", [{}] );", providers );
if( inputs != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"inputs\", [{}] );", inputs );
if( outputs != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"outputs\", [{}] );", outputs );
if( host != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"host\", [{}] );", host );
if( animations != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"animations\", [{}] );", animations );
if( !viewChildFields.isEmpty() )
i.line( "JsObject queries = new JsObject();" );
for( Entry entry : viewChildFields.entrySet() )
if( entry.getValue().isMultiple )
fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.interop.ng.core.ViewChildren.class.getName() );
i.line( "queries.set( [{#}], new ViewChildren( [{}] ) );", entry.getKey(),
entry.getValue().accessCode );
fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.interop.ng.core.ViewChild.class.getName() );
i.line( "queries.set( [{#}], new ViewChild( [{}] ) );", entry.getKey(),
entry.getValue().accessCode );
i.line( "options.set( \"queries\", queries );" );
i.line( "ComponentMetadata metadata = new ComponentMetadata( options );" );
i.line( "constructorFunction.annotations = JsArray.of( new Component( metadata ) );" );
} );
e.line( "return constructorFunction;" );
} );
String targetClassFqn = packageName + "." + angularComponentName;
JavaFileObject jfo = processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile( targetClassFqn, element );
OutputStream os = jfo.openOutputStream();
OutputStreamWriter pw = new OutputStreamWriter( os, "UTF-8" );
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
javaClassText.render( sb );
pw.write( sb.toString() );
catch( IOException e )
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage( Kind.ERROR, "AngularComponent not generated !" + e, element );
private void processInjectable( TypeElement element )
checks.checkIsJsTypeNonNative( element );
String packageName = ((PackageElement) element.getEnclosingElement()).getQualifiedName().toString();
String angularComponentName = element.getSimpleName() + INJECTABLE_HELPER_CLASS_SUFFIX;
JavaClassText javaClassText = new JavaClassText( packageName );
javaClassText.addImport( JsProperty.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( JsArray.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( AngularComponentConstructorFunction.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.interop.ng.core.Injectable.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( JsToolsInjector.class.getName() );
Block classBlock = javaClassText.rootBlock().clazz( angularComponentName );
HashMap generatedAccessorTypestypes = new HashMap<>();
String parameters = findComponentConstructorParameters( element, classBlock, generatedAccessorTypestypes );
classBlock.line( "@JsProperty( namespace = [{#}], name = [{#}] )", packageName, element.getSimpleName() );
classBlock.line( "private native static AngularComponentConstructorFunction constructorFunction();" );
classBlock.line( "public static Object [{}]()", InjectableConstructorGetterName );
classBlock.block( ( e ) -> {
e.line( "JsToolsInjector.inject();" );
e.line( "AngularComponentConstructorFunction constructorFunction = constructorFunction();" );
if( parameters != null )
e.line( "if( constructorFunction.parameters == null )" ).block( ( i ) -> {
i.line( "constructorFunction.parameters = [{}];", parameters );
} );
e.line( "if( constructorFunction.annotations == null )" ).block( ( i ) -> {
i.line( "constructorFunction.annotations = JsArray.of( new Injectable() );" );
} );
e.line( "return constructorFunction;" );
} );
String targetClassFqn = packageName + "." + angularComponentName;
JavaFileObject jfo = processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile( targetClassFqn, element );
OutputStream os = jfo.openOutputStream();
OutputStreamWriter pw = new OutputStreamWriter( os, "UTF-8" );
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
javaClassText.render( sb );
pw.write( sb.toString() );
catch( IOException e )
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage( Kind.ERROR, "AngularComponent non généré !" + e, element );
private void processPipe( TypeElement element )
checks.checkIsJsTypeNonNative( element );
String packageName = ((PackageElement) element.getEnclosingElement()).getQualifiedName().toString();
String angularPipeName = element.getSimpleName() + PIPE_HELPER_CLASS_SUFFIX;
JavaClassText javaClassText = new JavaClassText( packageName );
Pipe pipe = element.getAnnotation( Pipe.class );
String pipeName = pipe.name();
boolean purePipe = pipe.pure();
javaClassText.addImport( JsProperty.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( JsArray.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( JsObject.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.interop.ng.core.Pipe.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( PipeMetadata.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( AngularComponentConstructorFunction.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( JsToolsInjector.class.getName() );
Block classBlock = javaClassText.rootBlock().clazz( angularPipeName );
HashMap generatedAccessorTypestypes = new HashMap<>();
String parameters = findComponentConstructorParameters( element, classBlock, generatedAccessorTypestypes );
classBlock.line( "@JsProperty( namespace = [{#}], name = [{#}] )", packageName, element.getSimpleName() );
classBlock.line( "private native static AngularComponentConstructorFunction constructorFunction();" );
classBlock.line( "public static Object [{}]()", PipeConstructorGetterName );
classBlock.block( ( e ) -> {
e.line( "JsToolsInjector.inject();" );
e.line( "AngularComponentConstructorFunction constructorFunction = constructorFunction();" );
e.line( "if( constructorFunction.parameters == null )" ).block( ( i ) -> {
i.line( "constructorFunction.parameters = [{}];", parameters );
} );
e.line( "if( constructorFunction.annotations == null )" ).block( ( i ) -> {
i.line( "JsObject options = new JsObject();" );
i.line( "options.set( \"name\", [{#}] );", pipeName );
i.line( "options.set( \"pure\", [{}] );", purePipe );
i.line( "PipeMetadata metadata = new PipeMetadata( options );" );
i.line( "constructorFunction.annotations = JsArray.of( new Pipe( metadata ) );" );
} );
e.line( "return constructorFunction;" );
} );
String targetClassFqn = packageName + "." + angularPipeName;
JavaFileObject jfo = processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile( targetClassFqn, element );
OutputStream os = jfo.openOutputStream();
OutputStreamWriter pw = new OutputStreamWriter( os, "UTF-8" );
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
javaClassText.render( sb );
pw.write( sb.toString() );
catch( IOException e )
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage( Kind.ERROR, "AngularPipe could not be generated !" + e, element );
private void processDirective( TypeElement element )
checks.checkIsJsTypeNonNative( element );
String packageName = ((PackageElement) element.getEnclosingElement()).getQualifiedName().toString();
String angularComponentName = element.getSimpleName() + DIRECTIVE_HELPER_CLASS_SUFFIX;
JavaClassText javaClassText = new JavaClassText( packageName );
javaClassText.addImport( JsProperty.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( JsArray.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( JsObject.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.interop.ng.core.Directive.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( DirectiveMetadata.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( AngularComponentConstructorFunction.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.interop.ng.core.Injectable.class.getName() );
javaClassText.addImport( JsToolsInjector.class.getName() );
Block classBlock = javaClassText.rootBlock().clazz( angularComponentName );
HashMap generatedAccessorTypestypes = new HashMap<>();
String parameters = findComponentConstructorParameters( element, classBlock, generatedAccessorTypestypes );
Directive directive = element.getAnnotation( Directive.class );
String aSelector = directive.selector();
String host = findDirectiveHostsEventActions( element, classBlock );
String animations = findAnimationProviders( element );
// input fields
String inputs = findInputs( element );
findPropertyGetters( element );
classBlock.line( "@JsProperty( namespace = [{#}], name = [{#}] )", packageName, element.getSimpleName() );
classBlock.line( "private native static AngularComponentConstructorFunction constructorFunction();" );
classBlock.line( "public static Object [{}]()", DirectiveConstructorGetterName );
classBlock.block( ( e ) -> {
e.line( "JsToolsInjector.inject();" );
e.line( "AngularComponentConstructorFunction constructorFunction = constructorFunction();" );
e.line( "if( constructorFunction.parameters == null )" ).block( ( i ) -> {
i.line( "constructorFunction.parameters = [{}];", parameters );
} );
e.line( "if( constructorFunction.annotations == null )" ).block( ( i ) -> {
i.line( "JsObject options = new JsObject();" );
i.line( "options.set( \"selector\", [{#}] );", aSelector );
if( host != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"host\", [{}] );", host );
if( inputs != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"inputs\", [{}] );", inputs );
if( animations != null )
i.line( "options.set( \"animations\", [{}] );", animations );
i.line( "DirectiveMetadata metadata = new DirectiveMetadata( options );" );
i.line( "constructorFunction.annotations = JsArray.of( new Directive( metadata ) );" );
} );
e.line( "return constructorFunction;" );
} );
String targetClassFqn = packageName + "." + angularComponentName;
JavaFileObject jfo = processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile( targetClassFqn, element );
OutputStream os = jfo.openOutputStream();
OutputStreamWriter pw = new OutputStreamWriter( os, "UTF-8" );
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
javaClassText.render( sb );
pw.write( sb.toString() );
catch( IOException e )
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage( Kind.ERROR, "AngularDirective could not be generated !" + e,
element );
* returns the processed accessor or the generated accessor method
* @param fqn
* @return
private String getConstructorFunctionAccessorName( String fqn, Block classBlock,
HashMap generatedAccessorTypes )
TypeElement element = processingEnv.getElementUtils().getTypeElement( fqn );
if( element != null )
if( element.getAnnotation( Directive.class ) != null )
return fqn + DIRECTIVE_HELPER_CLASS_SUFFIX + "." + DirectiveConstructorGetterName + "()";
if( element.getAnnotation( Component.class ) != null )
return fqn + COMPONENT_HELPER_CLASS_SUFFIX + "." + ComponentConstructorGetterName + "()";
if( element.getAnnotation( Injectable.class ) != null )
return fqn + INJECTABLE_HELPER_CLASS_SUFFIX + "." + InjectableConstructorGetterName + "()";
if( element.getAnnotation( Pipe.class ) != null )
return fqn + PIPE_HELPER_CLASS_SUFFIX + "." + PipeConstructorGetterName + "()";
if( element.getAnnotation( NgModule.class ) != null )
return fqn + NG_MODULE_HELPER_CLASS_SUFFIX + "." + NgModuleConstructorGetterName + "()";
Optional extends TypeMirror> optProviderWrapper = element.getInterfaces().stream()
.filter( ( t ) -> t.toString().equals( ProviderWrapper.class.getName() ) ).findFirst();
if( optProviderWrapper.isPresent() )
return "new " + fqn + "().get()";
if( generatedAccessorTypes.containsKey( fqn ) )
return generatedAccessorTypes.get( fqn );
String name = element.getSimpleName().toString();
String ns = element.getEnclosingElement().toString().replace( "package ", "" );
Optional extends AnnotationMirror> optAM = getElementAnnotation( element, JsType.class.getName() );
if( optAM.isPresent() )
AnnotationMirror am = optAM.get();
Optional extends AnnotationValue> optName = getAnnotationValue( am, "name" );
if( optName.isPresent() )
name = optName.get().toString();
name = name.replaceAll( "\"", "" );
Optional extends AnnotationValue> optNamespace = getAnnotationValue( am, "namespace" );
if( optNamespace.isPresent() )
ns = optNamespace.get().toString();
ns = ns.replaceAll( "\"", "" );
String constructorFunctionName = "constructorFunctionOf_" + ns.replaceAll( "\\.", "_" ) + "_" + name;
classBlock.line( "@JsProperty( namespace = [{#}], name = [{#}] )", ns, name );
classBlock.line( "private native static AngularComponentConstructorFunction [{}]();",
constructorFunctionName );
String result = constructorFunctionName + "()";
generatedAccessorTypes.put( fqn, result );
return result;
return "/* no type element for " + fqn + " ! */ $wnd." + fqn;
* @param element
* @param memberName
* imports, exports, declarations, providers, bootstrap
* @param classBlock
* @param generatedAccessorTypestypes
* @return
private String findModuleAttributes( TypeElement element, String memberName, Block classBlock,
HashMap generatedAccessorTypestypes )
List classNames = getAnnotationClassListValue( element, NgModuleAnnotationFqn, memberName );
if( classNames == null || classNames.isEmpty() )
return null;
StringBuilder directives = new StringBuilder();
directives.append( "JsArray.of( " );
boolean add = false;
if( !classNames.isEmpty() )
directives.append( classNames.stream()
.map( name -> getConstructorFunctionAccessorName( name, classBlock, generatedAccessorTypestypes ) )
.collect( Collectors.joining( ", " ) ) );
if( add )
directives.append( ", " );
add = true;
directives.append( " )" );
return directives.toString();
private String findComponentStyles( Component annotation )
if( annotation.styles().length == 0 )
return null;
StringBuilder aStyles = new StringBuilder();
aStyles.append( "JsArray.of( " );
for( int i = 0; i < annotation.styles().length; i++ )
if( i > 0 )
aStyles.append( ", " );
aStyles.append( "\"" + annotation.styles()[i] + "\"" );
aStyles.append( " )" );
return aStyles.toString();
private String findComponentStyleUrls( Component annotation )
if( annotation.styleUrls().length == 0 )
return null;
StringBuilder aStyleUrls = new StringBuilder();
aStyleUrls.append( "JsArray.of( " );
for( int i = 0; i < annotation.styleUrls().length; i++ )
if( i > 0 )
aStyleUrls.append( ", " );
aStyleUrls.append( "\"" + annotation.styleUrls()[i] + "\"" );
aStyleUrls.append( " )" );
return aStyleUrls.toString();
private String findComponentDirectives( TypeElement element, Block classBlock,
HashMap generatedAccessorTypestypes )
List directiveClassNames = getAnnotationClassListValue( element, ComponentAnnotationFqn, "directives" );
if( directiveClassNames == null || directiveClassNames.isEmpty() )
return null;
StringBuilder directives = new StringBuilder();
directives.append( "JsArray.of( " );
boolean add = false;
if( !directiveClassNames.isEmpty() )
directives.append( directiveClassNames.stream()
.map( name -> getConstructorFunctionAccessorName( name, classBlock, generatedAccessorTypestypes ) )
.collect( Collectors.joining( ", " ) ) );
if( add )
directives.append( ", " );
add = true;
directives.append( " )" );
return directives.toString();
private String findComponentProviders( TypeElement element, Block classBlock,
HashMap generatedAccessorTypestypes )
List providerClassNames = getAnnotationClassListValue( element, ComponentAnnotationFqn, "providers" );
if( providerClassNames == null || providerClassNames.isEmpty() )
return null;
StringBuilder providers = new StringBuilder();
providers.append( "JsArray.of( " );
if( !providerClassNames.isEmpty() )
providers.append( providerClassNames.stream()
.map( name -> getConstructorFunctionAccessorName( name, classBlock, generatedAccessorTypestypes ) )
.collect( Collectors.joining( ", " ) ) );
providers.append( " )" );
return providers.toString();
private String findAnimationProviders( TypeElement element )
List animationProviderClassNames = getAnnotationClassListValue( element, ComponentAnnotationFqn,
"animations" );
if( animationProviderClassNames == null || animationProviderClassNames.isEmpty() )
return null;
StringBuilder providers = new StringBuilder();
providers.append( "JsArray.of( " );
if( !animationProviderClassNames.isEmpty() )
providers.append( animationProviderClassNames.stream().map( name -> "new " + name + "().get()" )
.collect( Collectors.joining( ", " ) ) );
providers.append( " )" );
return providers.toString();
private String findComponentOutputs( TypeElement element )
StringBuilder outputs = new StringBuilder();
ElementFilter.fieldsIn( processingEnv.getElementUtils().getAllMembers( element ) ).stream()
.filter( f -> f.getAnnotation( Output.class ) != null )
.map( f -> checks.checkIsJsProperty( f ).getSimpleName().toString() ).forEach( name -> {
if( outputs.length() > 0 )
outputs.append( ", " );
outputs.append( "\"" );
outputs.append( name );
outputs.append( "\"" );
} );
if( outputs.length() == 0 )
return null;
return "JsArray.of( " + outputs.toString() + " )";
private String findComponentConstructorParameters( TypeElement element, Block classBlock,
HashMap generatedAccessorTypestypes )
StringBuilder parameters = new StringBuilder();
List constructors = ElementFilter.constructorsIn( element.getEnclosedElements() );
if( constructors != null && !constructors.isEmpty() )
if( constructors.size() > 1 )
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage( Kind.ERROR, "Multiple constructors not yet supported",
element );
return null;
ExecutableElement constructor = constructors.get( 0 );
constructor.getParameters().forEach( p -> {
if( parameters.length() > 0 )
parameters.append( ", " );
String parameterName = p.getSimpleName().toString();
String fqn = p.asType().toString();
Host host = p.getAnnotation( Host.class );
fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.ng.core.Optional optional = p
.getAnnotation( fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.ng.core.Optional.class );
List parts = new ArrayList<>();
switch( fqn )
case "boolean":
case "short":
case "char":
case "int":
case "long":
case "float":
case "double":
case "java.lang.Boolean":
case "java.lang.Short":
case "java.lang.Char":
case "java.lang.Integer":
case "java.lang.Long":
case "java.lang.Float":
case "java.lang.Double":
case "java.lang.String":
parts.add( "\"" + parameterName + "\"" );
parts.add( getConstructorFunctionAccessorName( fqn, classBlock, generatedAccessorTypestypes ) );
if( host != null )
parts.add( "new " + fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.interop.ng.core.Host.class.getName() + "()" );
if( optional != null )
parts.add( "new " + fr.lteconsulting.angular2gwt.client.interop.ng.core.Optional.class.getName()
+ "()" );
parameters.append( "JsArray.of( " + concat( parts ) + " )" );
} );
if( parameters.length() == 0 )
return null;
return "JsArray.of( " + parameters.toString() + " )";
private Map findComponentViewChildFields( TypeElement element, Block classBlock,
HashMap generatedAccessorTypes )
Map result = new HashMap<>();
ElementFilter.fieldsIn( processingEnv.getElementUtils().getAllMembers( element ) ).stream()
.filter( f -> f.getAnnotation( ViewChild.class ) != null ).forEach( field -> {
String fieldName = field.getSimpleName().toString();
ViewChild annotation = field.getAnnotation( ViewChild.class );
if( annotation.selector() != null && !annotation.selector().isEmpty() )
result.put( fieldName, ViewChildrenInfo.child( "\"" + annotation.selector() + "\"" ) );
Holder holder = new Holder<>();
holder.value = false;
Optional extends AnnotationMirror> annotationMirror = getElementAnnotation( field,
ViewChild.class.getName() );
annotationMirror.ifPresent( am -> {
Optional value = getAnnotationValue( am, "component" );
value.ifPresent( v -> {
String componentClassName = v.getValue().toString();
String accessorName = getConstructorFunctionAccessorName( componentClassName, classBlock,
generatedAccessorTypes );
result.put( fieldName, ViewChildrenInfo.child( accessorName ) );
holder.value = true;
} );
} );
if( !holder.value )
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage( Kind.ERROR,
"@ViewChild annotation should specify either a selector or a component !", field );
} );
ElementFilter.fieldsIn( processingEnv.getElementUtils().getAllMembers( element ) ).stream()
.filter( f -> f.getAnnotation( ViewChildren.class ) != null ).forEach( field -> {
String fieldName = field.getSimpleName().toString();
ViewChildren annotation = field.getAnnotation( ViewChildren.class );
if( annotation.selector() != null && !annotation.selector().isEmpty() )
result.put( fieldName, ViewChildrenInfo.children( "\"" + annotation.selector() + "\"" ) );
Holder holder = new Holder<>();
holder.value = false;
Optional extends AnnotationMirror> annotationMirror = getElementAnnotation( field,
ViewChildren.class.getName() );
annotationMirror.ifPresent( am -> {
Optional value = getAnnotationValue( am, "component" );
value.ifPresent( v -> {
String componentClassName = v.getValue().toString();
String accessorName = getConstructorFunctionAccessorName( componentClassName, classBlock,
generatedAccessorTypes );
result.put( fieldName, ViewChildrenInfo.children( accessorName ) );
holder.value = true;
} );
} );
if( !holder.value )
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage( Kind.ERROR,
"@ViewChildren annotation should specify either a selector or a component !",
field );
} );
return result;
private void findPropertyGetters( TypeElement element )
ElementFilter.methodsIn( processingEnv.getElementUtils().getAllMembers( element ) ).stream().forEach( method -> {
PropertyGetter propertyGetter = method.getAnnotation( PropertyGetter.class );
if( propertyGetter == null )
if( !method.getParameters().isEmpty() )
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage( Kind.ERROR, "@PropertyGetter method should have no argument",
method );
String getterMethodName = method.getSimpleName().toString();
if( propertyGetter.name() != null && !propertyGetter.name().trim().isEmpty() )
if( !getterMethodName.startsWith( "get" ) )
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage( Kind.ERROR,
"@PropertyGetter method name should begin by 'get', or you should use the 'name' attribute of the @PropertyGetter annotation",
method );
} );
private String findInputs( TypeElement element )
List inputs = new ArrayList<>();
// gather fields
ElementFilter.fieldsIn( processingEnv.getElementUtils().getAllMembers( element ) ).stream().forEach( field -> {
Input input = field.getAnnotation( Input.class );
if( input == null )
checks.checkIsJsProperty( field );
String propertyName = field.getSimpleName().toString();
String inputName = input.name();
if( inputName == null || inputName.trim().isEmpty() )
inputName = propertyName;
inputs.add( new InputInformation( inputName, propertyName ) );
} );
// gather methods
ElementFilter.methodsIn( processingEnv.getElementUtils().getAllMembers( element ) ).stream().forEach( method -> {
Input input = method.getAnnotation( Input.class );
if( input == null )
checks.checkIsJsProperty( method );
// TODO get property name from JsInterop if possible!
String methodName = method.getSimpleName().toString();
if( !methodName.startsWith( "set" ) )
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage( Kind.ERROR, "@Input method name should begin by 'set'",
method );
if( method.getParameters().size() != 1 )
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage( Kind.ERROR,
"@Input method should have one and only one argument", method );
String propertyName = methodName.substring( 3, 4 ).toLowerCase() + methodName.substring( 4 );
String inputName = input.name();
if( inputName == null || inputName.trim().isEmpty() )
inputName = propertyName;
inputs.add( new InputInformation( inputName, propertyName ) );
} );
if( inputs.isEmpty() )
return null;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for( InputInformation input : inputs )
if( sb.length() > 0 )
sb.append( ", " );
sb.append( "\"" );
if( input.inputName.equals( input.propertyName ) )
sb.append( input.inputName );
sb.append( input.propertyName );
sb.append( ": " );
sb.append( input.inputName );
sb.append( "\"" );
return "JsArray.of( " + sb.toString() + " )";
private String findDirectiveHostsEventActions( TypeElement element, Block classBlock )
List hostsEventActions = new ArrayList<>();
ElementFilter.methodsIn( processingEnv.getElementUtils().getAllMembers( element ) ).stream()
.filter( method -> method.getAnnotation( HostListener.class ) != null ).forEach( method -> {
checks.checkIsJsMethod( method );
HostListener hostListener = method.getAnnotation( HostListener.class );
String eventName = hostListener.value();
if( "".equals( eventName ) )
eventName = method.getSimpleName().toString();
.add( ".set( \"(" + eventName + ")\", \"" + method.getSimpleName().toString() + "()\" )" );
} );
ElementFilter.fieldsIn( processingEnv.getElementUtils().getAllMembers( element ) ).stream()
.filter( field -> field.getAnnotation( HostBinding.class ) != null ).forEach( field -> {
checks.checkIsJsProperty( field );
HostBinding hostBinding = field.getAnnotation( HostBinding.class );
String propertyName = hostBinding.value();
if( "".equals( propertyName ) )
propertyName = field.getSimpleName().toString();
.add( ".set( \"[" + propertyName + "]\", \"" + field.getSimpleName().toString() + "\" )" );
} );
if( hostsEventActions.isEmpty() )
return null;
return "new JsObject()" + hostsEventActions.stream().collect( Collectors.joining() );
static class ViewChildrenInfo
boolean isMultiple; // determines if we use ViewChild or ViewChildren
String accessCode;
static ViewChildrenInfo child( String accessCode )
ViewChildrenInfo res = new ViewChildrenInfo();
res.isMultiple = false;
res.accessCode = accessCode;
return res;
static ViewChildrenInfo children( String accessCode )
ViewChildrenInfo res = new ViewChildrenInfo();
res.isMultiple = true;
res.accessCode = accessCode;
return res;
private static class InputInformation
private final String inputName;
private final String propertyName;
public InputInformation( String inputName, String propertyName )
this.inputName = inputName;
this.propertyName = propertyName;
private static class Holder
T value;
private String concat( List s )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
s.forEach( i -> sb.append( (sb.length() == 0 ? "" : ", ") + i ) );
return sb.toString();
private Optional extends AnnotationMirror> getElementAnnotation( Element element, String annotationFqn )
Optional extends AnnotationMirror> optAnnotationMirror = element.getAnnotationMirrors().stream().filter( m -> {
return processingEnv.getTypeUtils().isSameType( m.getAnnotationType(),
processingEnv.getElementUtils().getTypeElement( annotationFqn ).asType() );
} ).findFirst();
return optAnnotationMirror;
private List getAnnotationClassListValue( TypeElement element, String annotationFqn,
String annotationFieldName )
List result = new ArrayList<>();
Optional extends AnnotationMirror> optAnnotationMirror = getElementAnnotation( element, annotationFqn );
if( optAnnotationMirror.isPresent() )
AnnotationMirror annotationMirror = optAnnotationMirror.get();
Optional extends AnnotationValue> optValue = getAnnotationValue( annotationMirror, annotationFieldName );
if( optValue.isPresent() )
AnnotationValue value = optValue.get();
value.accept( new SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8()
public Void visitArray( List extends AnnotationValue> vals, Void p )
for( AnnotationValue v : vals )
v.accept( new SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8()
public Void visitType( javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror t, Void p )
String name = t.toString();
result.add( name );
return null;
}, null );
return null;
}, null );
return result;
private Optional getAnnotationValue( AnnotationMirror annotationMirror,
String annotationFieldName )
for( Entry extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> e : annotationMirror.getElementValues()
.entrySet() )
if( e.getKey().getSimpleName().toString().equals( annotationFieldName ) )
return Optional.of( e.getValue() );
return Optional.empty();
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