fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.calendar.CalendarPeriod Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.calendar;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class CalendarPeriod
// List of untouching periods in chronological order
private List periods = null;
// list of days this period is available
// if in this mode, it is implied that its boundaries are
// Functions.TIME_BEGIN to Functions.TIME_END
private Days days = null;
// Constructors
public CalendarPeriod()
public CalendarPeriod( CalendarPeriod model )
if( model.periods != null )
periods = new ArrayList();
periods.addAll( model.periods );
if( model.days != null )
days = new Days( model.days );
// Laurent : Constructors added for commodity
public CalendarPeriod( String pFrom, String pTo )
Init( pFrom, pTo );
public CalendarPeriod( Period p )
Init( p.getFrom(), p.getTo() );
public CalendarPeriod( int pDay )
InitWeekDays( pDay );
// Getters
public Days getDays()
return days;
public List getPeriods()
return periods;
// Setters
public boolean setPeriods( List p )
periods = p;
return true;
// Public methods
// init
public void Init()
periods = new ArrayList();
public void Init( String pFrom, String pTo )
if( (pFrom != null) && (pTo != null) )
periods.add( new Period( pFrom, pTo ) );
// init as a week days unresolved period
public void InitWeekDays( int pDay )
days = new Days();
days.setDay( pDay );
// print string
public String Out()
if( periods == null )
// means we are in unresolved week days mode
return "Unresolved days : " + days.implode( "," );
String out = "";
for( int i = 0; i < periods.size(); i++ )
out += "[" + periods.get( i ).getFrom() + "->" + periods.get( i ).getTo() + "]
return out;
public String GetBeautiful()
if( periods == null )
if( days == null ) // security added to avoid null exception
return "";
return "Unresolved days : " + days.implode( "," );
if( periods.size() == 0 )
return CalendarMessages.INSTANCE.never();
if( (periods.size() == 1) && (periods.get( 0 ).getFrom() == CalendarFunctions.TIME_BEGIN) && (periods.get( 0 ).getTo() == CalendarFunctions.TIME_END) )
return CalendarMessages.INSTANCE.always();
String expr = "";
for( int i = 0; i < periods.size(); i++ )
if( periods.get( i ).getFrom().compareTo( periods.get( i ).getTo() ) == 0 )
expr += CalendarFunctions.date2Display( periods.get( i ).getFrom() );
if( periods.get( i ).getFrom().compareTo( CalendarFunctions.TIME_BEGIN ) == 0 )
expr += CalendarMessages.INSTANCE.until( CalendarFunctions.date2Display( periods.get( i ).getTo() ) );
else if( periods.get( i ).getTo().compareTo( CalendarFunctions.TIME_END ) == 0 )
expr += CalendarMessages.INSTANCE.from( CalendarFunctions.date2Display( periods.get( i ).getFrom() ) );
expr += CalendarMessages.INSTANCE.dateRange( CalendarFunctions.date2Display( periods.get( i ).getFrom() ), CalendarFunctions.date2Display( periods.get( i ).getTo() ) );
if( i < (periods.size() - 1) )
expr = expr + ", ";
return expr;
public String GetExpression()
String expr;
if( periods == null )
expr = "";
int nb = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < days.size(); i++ )
Day value = days.getDay( i );
if( value.get() == 0 )
expr += " d" + value.toString();
for( int i = 0; i < nb - 1; i++ )
expr += " |";
return expr;
if( periods.size() == 0 )
return "n";
if( (periods.size() == 1) && (periods.get( 0 ).getFrom() == CalendarFunctions.TIME_BEGIN) && (periods.get( 0 ).getTo() == CalendarFunctions.TIME_END) )
return "a";
expr = "";
for( int i = 0; i < periods.size(); i++ )
expr += "[" + periods.get( i ).getFrom() + ";" + periods.get( i ).getTo() + "] ";
if( i > 0 )
expr = expr + " |";
return expr;
// returns true if the submitted date is included in the list of periods,
// false if not
public boolean IsInside( String pDate )
if( periods == null )
if( days == null ) // security added to avoid null exception
return false;
if( days.getDay( CalendarFunctions.date_get_day( pDate ) ).get() > 0 )
return true;
return false;
for( int i = 0; i < periods.size(); i++ )
Period period = periods.get( i );
if( period.getFrom().compareTo( pDate ) > 0 )
return false;
if( (period.getFrom().compareTo( pDate ) <= 0) && (period.getTo().compareTo( pDate ) >= 0) )
return true;
return false;
// returns true if the submitted period is completely covered within the
// list of periods, false if not
public boolean IsContained( String pFrom, String pTo )
if( periods == null )
// echo "IsContained() TO BE IMPLEMENTED FLLKJ :: {{ } ''
throw new RuntimeException( "Error Periods is Null" );
for( int i = 0; i < periods.size(); i++ )
Period period = periods.get( i );
if( period.getFrom().compareTo( pFrom ) > 0 )
return false;
if( (pFrom.compareTo( period.getFrom() ) >= 0) && (pTo.compareTo( period.getTo() ) <= 0) )
return true;
return false;
public int GetNbDays()
if( periods == null )
// echo "IsContained() TO BE IMPLEMENTED FLLKJ :: {{ } ''
throw new RuntimeException( "Error Periods is Null" );
int nbDays = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < periods.size(); i++ )
Period p = periods.get( i );
// add one because the period description is inclusive
nbDays += 1 + CalendarFunctions.date_interval_days( p.getFrom(), p.getTo() );
return nbDays;
public int GetNbNights()
if( periods == null )
// echo "IsContained() TO BE IMPLEMENTED FLLKJ :: {{ } ''
throw new RuntimeException( "Error Periods is Null" );
int nbNights = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < periods.size(); i++ )
Period p = periods.get( i );
nbNights += CalendarFunctions.date_interval_days( p.getFrom(), p.getTo() );
return nbNights;
public int GetBoundaries( PeriodBoundaries boundaries ) // String from and
// to as attributes
// in class
if( periods == null )
boundaries.from = CalendarFunctions.TIME_BEGIN;
boundaries.to = CalendarFunctions.TIME_END;
return 0;
if( periods.size() == 0 )
boundaries.from = CalendarFunctions.TIME_BEGIN;
boundaries.to = CalendarFunctions.TIME_BEGIN; // change made on the
// 2011-02-10, hope
// it doesn't break
// anyting...
// $to = CalendarFunctions.TIME_END;
return 0;
boundaries.from = periods.get( 0 ).getFrom();
boundaries.to = periods.get( periods.size() - 1 ).getTo();
return 1;
public int GetLeastBoundaries( PeriodBoundaries boundaries ) // String from
// and to as
// attributes
// in class
if( periods == null )
boundaries.from = CalendarFunctions.TIME_BEGIN;
boundaries.to = CalendarFunctions.TIME_END;
return 0;
if( periods.size() == 0 )
boundaries.from = CalendarFunctions.TIME_BEGIN;
boundaries.to = CalendarFunctions.TIME_END;
return 0;
boundaries.from = periods.get( 0 ).getFrom();
boundaries.to = periods.get( 0 ).getTo();
return 1;
// OR combination
public void Add( CalendarPeriod pPeriod )
if( (days != null) && (pPeriod.getDays() != null) )
for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
if( days.getDay( i ).get() + pPeriod.getDays().getDay( i ).get() >= 1 )
days.setDay( i );
// if one of the two operands is unresolved, it's a good time to resolve
// it now
List _periods = null;
CalendarPeriod _toResolve = null;
if( (days != null) || (pPeriod.getDays() != null) )
if( days == null )
_periods = this.getPeriods();
_toResolve = pPeriod;
_periods = pPeriod.getPeriods();
_toResolve = this;
String _from = _periods.get( 0 ).getFrom();
String _to = _periods.get( _periods.size() - 1 ).getTo();
_toResolve.Resolve( _from, _to );
// Laurent: added to prevent uninitialized periods
if( periods == null )
// combine les deux tableaux dans ordre croissant
List combined = _Combine( periods, pPeriod.getPeriods() );
// merge overlapping periods
List result = _Merge( combined );
periods = result;
// AND operator
public void Intersect( CalendarPeriod pPeriod )
if( (days != null) && (pPeriod.getDays() != null) )
for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
if( days.getDay( i ).get() + pPeriod.getDays().getDay( i ).get() >= 2 )
days.getDay( i ).set();
days.getDay( i ).reset();
// if one of the two operands is unresolved, it's a good time to resolve
// it now
List _periods;
CalendarPeriod _toResolve;
if( (days != null) || (pPeriod.getDays() != null) )
if( days == null )
_periods = periods;
_toResolve = pPeriod;
_periods = pPeriod.getPeriods();
_toResolve = this;
String from = _periods.get( 0 ).getFrom();
String to = _periods.get( _periods.size() - 1 ).getTo();
_toResolve.Resolve( from, to );
// echo "Intersect " . $this->Out() . " with " . $period->Out() .
// "
// intersect the two period list
List result = _Intersect( periods, pPeriod.getPeriods() );
periods = result;
// starting from an unresolved periods, we build a resolved one, based on
// from and to parameters
public void Resolve( String pFrom, String pTo )
if( periods != null )
// call on an already resolved CalendarPeriod
// echo
throw new RuntimeException( "Error call on an already resolved CalendarPeriod" );
// echo "Resolving from $from to $to " . implode( ".", $this->days ) .
// "
// if all days are selected, make a whole period
// build the micro periods
int nb = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
nb += days.getDay( i ).get();
if( nb == 7 )
periods = new ArrayList();
periods.add( new Period( pFrom, pTo ) );
else if( nb == 0 )
periods = new ArrayList();
// echo "Continuing
int fromDay = CalendarFunctions.date_get_day( pFrom );
// we have at least one gap
Groups groups = new Groups();
Group curGroup = null;
for( int i = fromDay; i < fromDay + 7; i++ )
if( days.getDay( i % 7 ).get() > 0 )
if( curGroup == null ) // no group created yet
curGroup = new Group( i - fromDay, i - fromDay );
else if( curGroup.getTo() == i - fromDay - 1 ) // day jointed to
// current group
curGroup.setTo( i - fromDay );
// day disjointed from current group
groups.add( curGroup );
curGroup = new Group( i - fromDay, i - fromDay );
if( curGroup != null )
groups.add( curGroup );
// Dump( $groups );
// now generate the periods
// String msg = "Starts on " + pFrom + ", which day is a " + fromDay +
// "
// for( int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++ )
// {
// Group group = groups.get( i );
// msg += "Group : " + group.implode( " to " ) + "
// }
// echo "From day : $from : $fromDay
String firstOccurence = pFrom;
// echo "First occurence : $firstOccurence
days = null;
periods = new ArrayList();
while( firstOccurence.compareTo( pTo ) <= 0 )
// msg += "Occurence " + firstOccurence + "
// day of $firstOccurence is always $fromDay
// foreach( $groups as $group )
for( int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++ )
Group group = groups.get( i );
String mpFrom = CalendarFunctions.date_add_day( firstOccurence, group.getFrom() );
if( mpFrom.compareTo( pTo ) <= 0 )
String mpTo = CalendarFunctions.date_add_day( firstOccurence, group.getTo() );
if( mpTo.compareTo( pTo ) > 0 )
mpTo = pTo;
// msg += "Adding " + mpFrom + ", " + mpTo + "
periods.add( new Period( mpFrom, mpTo ) );
firstOccurence = CalendarFunctions.date_add_day( firstOccurence, 7 );
// ServerState::inst()->AddMessage( $msg );
// NOT operator
public void Not()
if( periods == null )
if( days == null ) // // security added to avoid null exception
for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
days.getDay( i ).not();
List result = new ArrayList();
String curBegin = CalendarFunctions.TIME_BEGIN;
for( int i = 0; i < periods.size(); i++ )
Period period = periods.get( i );
if( (!period.getFrom().equals( CalendarFunctions.TIME_BEGIN )) && (CalendarFunctions.date_add_day( period.getFrom(), -1 ).compareTo( curBegin ) >= 0) )
result.add( new Period( curBegin, CalendarFunctions.date_add_day( period.getFrom(), -1 ) ) );
curBegin = CalendarFunctions.date_add_day( period.getTo(), 1 );
if( CalendarFunctions.TIME_END.compareTo( curBegin ) >= 0 )
result.add( new Period( curBegin, CalendarFunctions.TIME_END ) );
periods = result;
// intersect two period arrays
private List _Intersect( List periods1, List periods2 )
List result = new ArrayList();
int count1 = periods1.size();
int count2 = periods2.size();
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
while( i < count1 && j < count2 )
// one of the periods begins after the end of the other
if( periods1.get( i ).getFrom().compareTo( periods2.get( j ).getTo() ) > 0 )
{ // period 1 begins after period 2 finishes => period2 is
// eliminated !
else if( periods2.get( j ).getFrom().compareTo( periods1.get( i ).getTo() ) > 0 )
{ // period 2 begins after end of period 1 => period 1 is eliminated
// !
// after that test, we can assume there is a non-void intersection
// result[] = array( max($periods1[$i][0],$periods2[$j][0]),
// min($periods1[$i][1],$periods2[$j][1]) );
result.add( new Period( CalendarFunctions.max_date( periods1.get( i ).getFrom(), periods2.get( j ).getFrom() ), CalendarFunctions.min_date( periods1.get( i ).getTo(), periods2.get( j ).getTo() ) ) );
if( periods1.get( i ).getTo().compareTo( periods2.get( j ).getTo() ) > 0 )
return result;
// combine two period arrays ordered by from date
public List _Combine( List periods1, List periods2 )
List result = new ArrayList();
int count1 = periods1.size();
int count2 = periods2.size();
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
while( i < count1 && j < count2 )
if( periods1.get( i ).getFrom().compareTo( periods2.get( j ).from ) <= 0 )
result.add( periods1.get( i ) );
result.add( periods2.get( j ) );
while( i < count1 )
result.add( periods1.get( i ) );
while( j < count2 )
result.add( periods2.get( j ) );
return result;
// merge, that is combine overlapping periods
public List _Merge( List pPeriods )
List result = new ArrayList();
int count = pPeriods.size();
if( count == 0 )
return result;
// copy the first period
result.add( pPeriods.get( 0 ) );
// init
int resIdx = 0;
int i = 1;
while( i < count )
if( pPeriods.get( i ).getFrom().compareTo( CalendarFunctions.date_add_day( result.get( resIdx ).getTo(), 1 ) ) > 0 )
// period is disjointed, so add it
result.add( pPeriods.get( i ) );
// period is jointed so merge
result.get( resIdx ).setTo( CalendarFunctions.max_date( result.get( resIdx ).getTo(), pPeriods.get( i ).getTo() ) );
return result;
public String toString()
return Out();
public class Days
private ArrayList days = null;
// Constructor
public Days()
days = new ArrayList();
for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
days.add( new Day() );
public Days( Days model )
days = new ArrayList();
for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
Day day = new Day();
day.day = model.days.get( i ).day;
days.add( day );
// Getters
public Day getDay( int d )
if( (d >= 0) && (d <= 7) )
return days.get( d );
return null;
// Setters
public boolean setDay( int d )
if( (d >= 0) && (d <= 7) )
days.get( d ).set();
return true;
return false;
public boolean resetDay( int d )
if( (d >= 0) && (d <= 7) )
days.get( d ).reset();
return true;
return false;
// Public methods
public String implode( String sep )
String str = "";
for( Day d : days )
str += d.toString() + sep;
if( str.length() > 1 )
return str.substring( 0, str.length() - 1 ); // remove last
// separator
return str;
public int size()
return days.size();
public String toString()
return days.toString();
public class Day
// attributes
private int day;
// Constructor
public Day()
day = 0;
// Getters
public int get()
return day;
// Setters
public boolean set()
day = 1;
return true;
public boolean reset()
day = 0;
return true;
// Public methods
public void not()
if( day > 0 )
day = 0;
day = 1;
public String toString()
return Integer.toString( day );
public static class Period
// Attributes
private String from = null;
private String to = null;
// Constructors
public Period()
public Period( String pFrom, String pTo )
from = pFrom;
to = pTo;
// Getters
public String getFrom()
return from;
public String getTo()
return to;
// Setters
public boolean setFrom( String pFrom )
from = pFrom;
return true;
public boolean setTo( String pTo )
to = pTo;
return true;
// Public methods
public String toString()
return "[" + from + ":" + to + "]";
public class PeriodsByYear
// Attributes
private ArrayList periods;
// Contructors
periods = new ArrayList();
PeriodsByYear( PeriodByYear p )
periods = new ArrayList();
add( p );
// Public methods
public boolean add( PeriodByYear p )
return periods.add( p );
public String toString()
String res = "[";
for( int i = 0; i < periods.size(); i++ )
res += periods.get( i ).toString();
res += "]";
return res;
public class PeriodByYear
// Attributes
private Integer year;
private String expression;
// Constructors
PeriodByYear( Integer pYear, String pExpr )
year = pYear;
expression = pExpr;
// Getters
public Integer getYear()
return year;
public String getExpression()
return expression;
// Public methods
public String toString()
return "{" + year + " : " + expression + "}";
private class Groups
// Attributes
private ArrayList groups = null;
// Constructors
public Groups()
groups = new ArrayList();
// Getters
public Group get( int index )
return groups.get( index );
// Public methods
public boolean add( Group g )
return groups.add( g );
public int size()
return groups.size();
public String toString()
String str = "";
for( Group g : groups )
str += g.toString();
return str;
private class Group
// Attributes
int from;
int to;
// Constructor
public Group( int pFrom, int pTo )
from = pFrom;
to = pTo;
// Getters
public int getFrom()
return from;
public int getTo()
return to;
// Setters
// public boolean setFrom( int pFrom )
// {
// from = pFrom;
// return true;
// }
public boolean setTo( int pTo )
to = pTo;
return true;
// Public methods
// public String implode( String sep )
// {
// return from + sep + to;
// }
public String toString()
return "[" + from + ":" + to + "]";
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