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import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import{Actor, ActorRef, PoisonPill, Props, Terminated}
import akka.http.scaladsl.util.FastFuture
import akka.http.scaladsl.util.FastFuture._
import{Keep, Sink, Source}
import{OverflowStrategy, QueueOfferResult}
import otoroshi.cluster.ClusterMode
import otoroshi.env.Env
import{ElasticReadsAnalytics, ElasticWritesAnalytics, WebHookAnalytics}
import otoroshi.models._
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import otoroshi.plugins.useragent.UserAgentHelper
import otoroshi.tcp.TcpService
import play.api.Logger
import play.api.libs.json._
import otoroshi.utils.json.JsonImplicits._
import otoroshi.utils.syntax.implicits.{BetterJsReadable, BetterJsValue}

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

case object SendToAnalytics

object AnalyticsActor {
  def props(exporter: DataExporterConfig)(implicit env: Env) = Props(new AnalyticsActor(exporter))

class AnalyticsActor(exporter: DataExporterConfig)(implicit env: Env) extends Actor {

  implicit lazy val ec = env.analyticsExecutionContext

  lazy val logger = Logger("otoroshi-analytics-actor")

  lazy val kafkaWrapperAnalytics = new KafkaWrapper(env.analyticsActorSystem, env, _.topic)
  lazy val kafkaWrapperAudit     = new KafkaWrapper(env.analyticsActorSystem, env, _.topic)

  lazy val stream = Source
    .queue[AnalyticEvent](50000, OverflowStrategy.dropHead)
    .mapAsync(5)(evt => evt.toEnrichedJson)
    .groupedWithin(env.maxWebhookSize, FiniteDuration(env.analyticsWindow, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
    .mapAsync(5) { evts =>
      logger.debug(s"SEND_TO_ANALYTICS_HOOK: will send ${evts.size} evts")
      env.datastores.globalConfigDataStore.singleton() { config =>
        logger.debug("SEND_TO_ANALYTICS_HOOK: " + config.analyticsWebhooks)
        config.kafkaConfig.foreach { kafkaConfig =>
          evts.foreach {
            case evt: AuditEvent => kafkaWrapperAudit.publish(evt)(env, kafkaConfig)
            case evt             => kafkaWrapperAnalytics.publish(evt)(env, kafkaConfig)
          if (config.kafkaConfig.isEmpty) {

        val service: AnalyticsWritesService = exporter.config match {
          case c: ElasticAnalyticsConfig => new ElasticWritesAnalytics(c, env)
          case c: Webhook => new WebHookAnalytics(c, config)


  lazy val (queue, done) = stream.toMat(Sink.ignore)(Keep.both).run()(env.analyticsMaterializer)

  override def receive: Receive = {
    case ge: AnalyticEvent => {
      logger.debug("SEND_TO_ANALYTICS: Event sent to stream")
      val myself = self
      queue.offer(ge).andThen {
        case Success(QueueOfferResult.Enqueued) => logger.debug("SEND_TO_ANALYTICS: Event enqueued")
        case Success(QueueOfferResult.Dropped) =>
          logger.error("SEND_TO_ANALYTICS_ERROR: Enqueue Dropped AnalyticEvent :(")
        case Success(QueueOfferResult.QueueClosed) =>
          logger.error("SEND_TO_ANALYTICS_ERROR: Queue closed :(")
        case Success(QueueOfferResult.Failure(t)) =>
          logger.error("SEND_TO_ANALYTICS_ERROR: Enqueue Failure AnalyticEvent :(", t)
        case Failure(e: if env.liveJs =>
          // silently ignore in dev
        case e =>
          logger.error(s"SEND_TO_ANALYTICS_ERROR: analytics actor error : ${e}")
      env.datastores.globalConfigDataStore.latestSafe.filter(_.logAnalyticsOnServer).foreach(_ => ge.log())
    case _ =>

class AnalyticsActorSupervizer(env: Env) extends Actor {

  lazy val logger    = Logger("otoroshi-analytics-actor-supervizer")

  implicit val e = env
  implicit val ec  = env.analyticsExecutionContext

  val namesAndRefs: Map[ActorRef, Tuple2[String, DataExporterConfig]] = Map.empty

  // override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy =
  //   OneForOneStrategy() {
  //     case e =>
  //       Restart
  //   }

  override def receive: Receive = {
    case Terminated(ref) =>
      logger.debug("Restarting analytics actor child"), namesAndRefs(ref)._1))
    case evt => ! evt)

  override def preStart(): Unit = {
    env.datastores.dataExporterConfigDataStore.findAll() { dataExporters =>
      dataExporters.foreach(exporter => {
        val childName = s"analytics-actor-${}"
        if (context.child(childName).isEmpty) {
          logger.debug(s"Starting new child $childName")
          val ref = context.actorOf(AnalyticsActor.props(exporter)(env), childName)
          namesAndRefs + (ref -> (childName -> exporter))



  override def postStop(): Unit =
    context.children.foreach(_ ! PoisonPill)

object AnalyticsActorSupervizer {
  def props(implicit env: Env) = Props(new AnalyticsActorSupervizer(env))

object AnalyticEvent {
  lazy val logger = Logger("otoroshi-analytics-event")
  def generic(typ: String, `@service`: String = "Otoroshi", `@serviceId`: String = "")(
      additionalPayload: JsObject
  )(implicit env: Env): GenericAnalytic = {
    GenericAnalytic(typ, env, `@service`, `@serviceId`)(additionalPayload)

trait OtoroshiEvent {
  def `@id`: String
  def `@timestamp`: DateTime
  def toJson(implicit _env: Env): JsValue
  def toEnrichedJson(implicit _env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsValue] = FastFuture.successful(toJson(_env))
  def dispatch()(implicit env: Env): Unit = {

trait AnalyticEvent extends OtoroshiEvent {

  def `@type`: String
  def `@id`: String
  def `@timestamp`: DateTime
  def `@service`: String
  def `@serviceId`: String
  def fromOrigin: Option[String]
  def fromUserAgent: Option[String]

  def toJson(implicit _env: Env): JsValue
  override def toEnrichedJson(implicit _env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsValue] = {
    val jsonObject = toJson(_env).as[JsObject]
    val uaDetails  = (jsonObject \ "userAgentInfo").asOpt[JsValue] match {
      case Some(details) => details
      case None          =>
        fromUserAgent match {
          case None     => JsNull
          case Some(ua) =>
            _env.datastores.globalConfigDataStore.latestSafe match {
              case None                                              => JsNull
              case Some(config) if !config.userAgentSettings.enabled => JsNull
              case Some(config)                                      =>
                config.userAgentSettings.find(ua) match {
                  case None          => JsNull
                  case Some(details) => details
    val fOrigin    = (jsonObject \ "geolocationInfo").asOpt[JsValue] match {
      case Some(details) => FastFuture.successful(details)
      case None          =>
        fromOrigin match {
          case None            => FastFuture.successful(JsNull)
          case Some(ipAddress) => {
            _env.datastores.globalConfigDataStore.latestSafe match {
              case None                                                => FastFuture.successful(JsNull)
              case Some(config) if !config.geolocationSettings.enabled => FastFuture.successful(JsNull)
              case Some(config)                                        =>
                config.geolocationSettings.find(ipAddress).map {
                  case None          => JsNull
                  case Some(details) => details
    } =>
      jsonObject ++ Json.obj(
        "user-agent-details" -> uaDetails,
        "origin-details"     -> originDetails,
        "instance-number"    -> _env.number,
        "instance-name"      ->,
        "instance-zone"      ->,
        "instance-region"    -> _env.clusterConfig.relay.location.region,
        "instance-dc"        -> _env.clusterConfig.relay.location.datacenter,
        "instance-provider"  -> _env.clusterConfig.relay.location.provider,
        "instance-rack"      -> _env.clusterConfig.relay.location.rack,
        "cluster-mode"       ->,
        "cluster-name"       -> (_env.clusterConfig.mode match {
          case ClusterMode.Worker =>
          case ClusterMode.Leader =>
          case _                  => "none"

  def toAnalytics()(implicit env: Env): Unit = {
    env.otoroshiEventsActor ! this

  def log()(implicit _env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Unit = { =>

case class GenericAnalytic(typ: String, env: Env, `@service`: String = "Otoroshi", `@serviceId`: String = "")(
    additionalPayload: JsObject
) extends AnalyticEvent {

  val `@id`: String                 = env.snowflakeGenerator.nextIdStr()
  val `@timestamp`: DateTime        =
  val fromOrigin: Option[String]    = None
  val fromUserAgent: Option[String] = None
  val `@type`: String               = typ

  override def toJson(implicit _env: Env): JsValue = {
      "@id"        -> `@id`,
      "@timestamp" -> play.api.libs.json.JodaWrites.JodaDateTimeNumberWrites.writes(`@timestamp`),
      "@type"      -> `@type`,
      "@product"   -> _env.eventsName,
      "@serviceId" -> `@serviceId`,
      "@service"   -> `@service`,
      "@env"       -> env.env
    ) ++ additionalPayload

case class Identity(
    identityType: String,
    identity: String,
    label: String,
    tags: Seq[String],
    metadata: Map[String, String]
) {
  def json: JsValue = Identity.format.writes(this)

object Identity {
  implicit val format = new Format[Identity] {
    override def writes(o: Identity): JsValue             = Json.obj(
      "identityType" -> o.identityType,
      "identity"     -> o.identity,
      "label"        -> o.label,
      "metadata"     -> o.metadata,
      "tags"         -> o.tags
    override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[Identity] = scala.util.Try {
        identityType ="identityType").asString,
        identity ="identity").asString,
        label ="label").asString,
        metadata ="metadata").asOpt[Map[String, String]].getOrElse(Map.empty),
        tags ="tags").asOpt[Seq[String]].getOrElse(Seq.empty)
    } match {
      case Success(s) => JsSuccess(s)
      case Failure(e) => JsError(e.getMessage)

case class Location(host: String, scheme: String, uri: String)

object Location {
  implicit val format = Json.format[Location]

case class Header(key: String, value: String)

object Header {
  implicit val format                        = Json.format[Header]
  def apply(tuple: (String, String)): Header = Header(tuple._1, tuple._2)

case class DataInOut(dataIn: Long, dataOut: Long)

object DataInOut {
  implicit val fmt = Json.format[DataInOut]

case class OtoroshiViz(fromTo: String, from: String, to: String, fromLbl: String, toLbl: String) {
  def toJson = OtoroshiViz.format.writes(this)

object OtoroshiViz {
  implicit val format = Json.format[OtoroshiViz]

case class GatewayEvent(
    `@type`: String = "GatewayEvent",
    `@id`: String,
    `@timestamp`: DateTime,
    `@calledAt`: DateTime,
    reqId: String,
    parentReqId: Option[String],
    protocol: String,
    to: Location,
    target: Location,
    url: String,
    method: String,
    from: String,
    env: String,
    backendDuration: Long,
    duration: Long,
    overhead: Long,
    cbDuration: Long,
    overheadWoCb: Long,
    callAttempts: Int,
    data: DataInOut,
    status: Int,
    headers: Seq[Header],
    headersOut: Seq[Header],
    otoroshiHeadersIn: Seq[Header],
    otoroshiHeadersOut: Seq[Header],
    extraInfos: Option[JsValue],
    responseChunked: Boolean,
    identity: Option[Identity] = None,
    gwError: Option[String] = None,
    err: Boolean, // = false,
    `@serviceId`: String,
    `@service`: String,
    descriptor: Option[ServiceDescriptor],
    route: Option[NgRoute] = None,
    `@product`: String = "--",
    remainingQuotas: RemainingQuotas,
    viz: Option[OtoroshiViz],
    clientCertChain: Seq[String] = Seq.empty[String],
    userAgentInfo: Option[JsValue],
    geolocationInfo: Option[JsValue],
    extraAnalyticsData: Option[JsValue]
) extends AnalyticEvent {
  override def fromOrigin: Option[String]    = Some(from)
  override def fromUserAgent: Option[String] = headers.find(h => h.key.toLowerCase() == "user-agent").map(_.value)
  def toJson(implicit _env: Env): JsValue    = GatewayEvent.writes(this, _env)

object GatewayEvent {
  def writes(o: GatewayEvent, env: Env): JsValue =
      "@type"              -> o.`@type`,
      "@id"                -> o.`@id`,
      "@timestamp"         -> o.`@timestamp`,
      "@callAt"            -> o.`@calledAt`,
      "reqId"              -> o.reqId,
      "parentReqId"        -> => JsString(l)).getOrElse(JsNull).as[JsValue],
      "protocol"           -> o.protocol,
      "to"                 -> Location.format.writes(,
      "target"             -> Location.format.writes(,
      "url"                -> o.url,
      "method"             -> o.method,
      "from"               -> o.from,
      "@env"               -> o.env,
      "backendDuration"    -> o.backendDuration,
      "duration"           -> o.duration,
      "overhead"           -> o.overhead,
      "data"               -> DataInOut.fmt.writes(,
      "status"             -> o.status,
      "responseChunked"    -> o.responseChunked,
      "headers"            ->,
      "headersOut"         ->,
      "identity"           ->[JsValue],
      "gwError"            ->[JsValue],
      "err"                -> o.err,
      "@serviceId"         -> o.`@serviceId`,
      "@service"           -> o.`@service`,
      "descriptor"         -> => ServiceDescriptor.toJson(d)).getOrElse(JsNull).as[JsValue],
      "route"              ->[JsValue],
      "@product"           -> o.`@product`,
      "remainingQuotas"    -> o.remainingQuotas,
      "viz"                ->[JsValue],
      "cbDuration"         -> o.cbDuration,
      "overheadWoCb"       -> o.overheadWoCb,
      "callAttempts"       -> o.callAttempts,
      "clientCertChain"    -> o.clientCertChain,
      "userAgentInfo"      -> o.userAgentInfo.getOrElse(JsNull).as[JsValue],
      "geolocationInfo"    -> o.geolocationInfo.getOrElse(JsNull).as[JsValue],
      "extrasData"         -> o.extraAnalyticsData.getOrElse(JsNull).as[JsValue],
      "otoroshiHeadersIn"  ->,
      "otoroshiHeadersOut" ->,
      "extraInfos"         -> o.extraInfos.getOrElse(JsNull).as[JsValue]

case class TcpEvent(
    `@type`: String = "TcpEvent",
    `@id`: String,
    `@timestamp`: DateTime,
    reqId: String,
    protocol: String,
    port: Int,
    to: Location,
    target: Location,
    remote: String,
    local: String,
    duration: Long,
    overhead: Long,
    data: DataInOut,
    gwError: Option[String] = None,
    `@serviceId`: String,
    `@service`: String,
    service: Option[TcpService]
) extends AnalyticEvent {
  override def fromOrigin: Option[String]    = Some(remote)
  override def fromUserAgent: Option[String] = None
  def toJson(implicit _env: Env): JsValue    = TcpEvent.writes(this, _env)

object TcpEvent {
  def writes(o: TcpEvent, env: Env): JsValue =
      "@type"      -> o.`@type`,
      "@id"        -> o.`@id`,
      "@timestamp" -> o.`@timestamp`,
      "reqId"      -> o.reqId,
      "protocol"   -> o.protocol,
      "port"       -> o.port,
      "to"         -> Location.format.writes(,
      "target"     -> Location.format.writes(,
      "remote"     -> o.remote,
      "local"      -> o.local,
      "duration"   -> o.duration,
      "overhead"   -> o.overhead,
      "data"       -> DataInOut.fmt.writes(,
      "gwError"    ->[JsValue],
      "@serviceId" -> o.`@serviceId`,
      "@service"   -> o.`@service`,
      "service"    ->[JsValue]

case class HealthCheckEvent(
    `@type`: String = "HealthCheckEvent",
    `@id`: String,
    `@timestamp`: DateTime,
    `@service`: String,
    `@serviceId`: String,
    `@product`: String = "default",
    url: String,
    duration: Long,
    status: Int,
    logicCheck: Boolean,
    error: Option[String] = None,
    health: Option[String] = None
) extends AnalyticEvent {
  override def fromOrigin: Option[String]                                  = None
  override def fromUserAgent: Option[String]                               = None
  def toJson(implicit _env: Env): JsValue                                  = HealthCheckEvent.format.writes(this)
  def pushToRedis()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, env: Env): Future[Long] =
    toEnrichedJson.flatMap(e => env.datastores.healthCheckDataStore.push(e))
  def isUp: Boolean                                                        =
    if (error.isDefined) {
    } else {
      if (status > 499) {
      } else {

object HealthCheckEvent {
  implicit val format = Json.format[HealthCheckEvent]

trait HealthCheckDataStore {
  def findAll(
      serviceDescriptor: ServiceDescriptor
  )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, env: Env): Future[Seq[HealthCheckEvent]]
  def findLast(
      serviceDescriptor: ServiceDescriptor
  )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, env: Env): Future[Option[HealthCheckEvent]]
  def push(event: JsValue)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, env: Env): Future[Long]

case class WebsocketEvent(
    `@type`: String = "WebsocketEvent",
    `@id`: String,
    `@timestamp`: DateTime,
    reqId: String,
    protocol: String,
    to: Location,
    target: Location,
    frame: String,
    frameSize: Int,
    `@serviceId`: String,
    `@service`: String,
    statusCode: Option[Int] = None,
    reason: Option[String] = None
) extends AnalyticEvent {
  override def fromOrigin: Option[String]    = None
  override def fromUserAgent: Option[String] = None
  def toJson(implicit _env: Env): JsValue    = WebsocketEvent.writes(this, _env)

object WebsocketEvent {
  def writes(o: WebsocketEvent, env: Env): JsValue =
      "@type"      -> o.`@type`,
      "@id"        -> o.`@id`,
      "@timestamp" -> o.`@timestamp`,
      "reqId"      -> o.reqId,
      "protocol"   -> o.protocol,
      "to"         -> Location.format.writes(,
      "target"     -> Location.format.writes(,
      "@serviceId" -> o.`@serviceId`,
      "@service"   -> o.`@service`,
      "statusCode" -> o.statusCode,
      "reason"     -> o.reason,
      "frame"      -> o.frame,
      "frameSize"  -> o.frameSize

sealed trait Filterable
case class ServiceDescriptorFilterable(service: ServiceDescriptor) extends Filterable
case class ApiKeyFilterable(apiKey: ApiKey)                        extends Filterable
case class ServiceGroupFilterable(group: ServiceGroup)             extends Filterable

trait AnalyticsReadsService {
  def events(
      eventType: String,
      filterable: Option[Filterable],
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime],
      page: Int = 1,
      size: Int = 50,
      order: String = "desc"
  )(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchHits(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(implicit
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchDataIn(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(implicit
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchDataOut(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(implicit
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchAvgDuration(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(implicit
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchAvgOverhead(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(implicit
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchStatusesPiechart(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(implicit
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchStatusesHistogram(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(implicit
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchDataInStatsHistogram(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(implicit
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchDataOutStatsHistogram(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(implicit
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchDurationStatsHistogram(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(implicit
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchDurationPercentilesHistogram(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchOverheadPercentilesHistogram(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchOverheadStatsHistogram(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(implicit
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchProductPiechart(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime], size: Int)(
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchApiKeyPiechart(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(implicit
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchUserPiechart(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(implicit
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchServicePiechart(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime], size: Int)(
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchServicesStatus(servicesDescriptors: Seq[ServiceDescriptor], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchServiceResponseTime(servicesDescriptor: ServiceDescriptor, from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]
  def fetchRouteEfficiency(
      route: NgRoute,
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime],
      excludedPaths: Seq[String],
      interval: Option[String]
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]

trait AnalyticsWritesService {
  def init(): Unit
  def publish(event: Seq[JsValue])(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit]

class AnalyticsReadsServiceImpl(globalConfig: GlobalConfig, env: Env) extends AnalyticsReadsService {

  private def underlyingService()(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[AnalyticsReadsService]] = {
    FastFuture.successful( => new ElasticReadsAnalytics(c, env))

  override def events(
      eventType: String,
      filterable: Option[Filterable],
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime],
      page: Int,
      size: Int,
      order: String = "desc"
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, filterable, from, to, page, size, order))

  override def fetchHits(
      filterable: Option[Filterable],
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime]
  )(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to))

  override def fetchDataIn(
      filterable: Option[Filterable],
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime]
  )(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to))
  override def fetchDataOut(
      filterable: Option[Filterable],
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime]
  )(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to))

  override def fetchAvgDuration(
      filterable: Option[Filterable],
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime]
  )(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to))

  override def fetchAvgOverhead(
      filterable: Option[Filterable],
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime]
  )(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to))

  override def fetchStatusesPiechart(
      filterable: Option[Filterable],
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime]
  )(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to))

  override def fetchStatusesHistogram(
      filterable: Option[Filterable],
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime]
  )(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to))

  override def fetchDataInStatsHistogram(
      filterable: Option[Filterable],
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime]
  )(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to))

  override def fetchDataOutStatsHistogram(
      filterable: Option[Filterable],
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime]
  )(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to))

  override def fetchDurationStatsHistogram(
      filterable: Option[Filterable],
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime]
  )(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to))

  override def fetchDurationPercentilesHistogram(
      filterable: Option[Filterable],
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime]
  )(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to))

  override def fetchOverheadPercentilesHistogram(
      filterable: Option[Filterable],
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime]
  )(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to))

  override def fetchOverheadStatsHistogram(
      filterable: Option[Filterable],
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime]
  )(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to))
  override def fetchProductPiechart(
      filterable: Option[Filterable],
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime],
      size: Int
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]]                                          =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to, size))

  override def fetchApiKeyPiechart(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to))

  override def fetchUserPiechart(filterable: Option[Filterable], from: Option[DateTime], to: Option[DateTime])(implicit
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to))

  override def fetchServicePiechart(
      filterable: Option[Filterable],
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime],
      size: Int
      env: Env,
      ec: ExecutionContext
  ): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to, size))

  override def fetchServicesStatus(
      servicesDescriptors: Seq[ServiceDescriptor],
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime]
  )(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to))

  override def fetchServiceResponseTime(
      servicesDescriptor: ServiceDescriptor,
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime]
  )(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to))

  override def fetchRouteEfficiency(
      route: NgRoute,
      from: Option[DateTime],
      to: Option[DateTime],
      excludedPaths: Seq[String],
      interval: Option[String]
  )(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[JsValue]] =
    underlyingService().flatMap(, from, to, excludedPaths, interval))

case class WasmLogEvent(
    `@type`: String = "WasmLogEvent",
    `@id`: String,
    `@service`: String,
    `@serviceId`: String,
    `@product`: String = "default",
    `@timestamp`: DateTime,
    fromFunction: String,
    route: Option[NgRoute] = None,
    message: String,
    level: String
) extends AnalyticEvent {
  override def fromOrigin: Option[String]    = None
  override def fromUserAgent: Option[String] = None
  def toJson(implicit _env: Env): JsValue    = WasmLogEvent.writes(this)

object WasmLogEvent {
  def writes(o: WasmLogEvent): JsValue =
      "@type"      -> o.`@type`,
      "@id"        -> o.`@id`,
      "@timestamp" -> o.`@timestamp`,
      "@serviceId" -> o.`@serviceId`,
      "@service"   -> o.`@service`,
      "route"      ->[JsValue],
      "message"    -> o.message,
      "level"      -> o.level

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