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next.plugins.hmac.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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import otoroshi.env.Env
import otoroshi.plugins.hmac.HMACUtils
import otoroshi.utils.crypto.Signatures
import otoroshi.utils.syntax.implicits.{BetterJsValue, BetterSyntax}
import play.api.Logger
import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.mvc.Result
import play.api.mvc.Results.BadRequest

import java.util.Base64
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

case class HMACValidatorConfig(secret: Option[String] = None) extends NgPluginConfig {
  def json: JsValue = HMACValidatorConfig.format.writes(this)

object HMACValidatorConfig {
  val format = new Format[HMACValidatorConfig] {
    override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[HMACValidatorConfig] = Try {
        secret ="secret").asOpt[String]
    } match {
      case Failure(e) => JsError(e.getMessage)
      case Success(c) => JsSuccess(c)
    override def writes(o: HMACValidatorConfig): JsValue             =
      Json.obj("secret" -> o.secret)

class HMACValidator extends NgAccessValidator {

  private val logger = Logger("otoroshi-next-plugins-hmac-access-validator-plugin")

  override def steps: Seq[NgStep]                          = Seq(NgStep.ValidateAccess)
  override def categories: Seq[NgPluginCategory]           = Seq(NgPluginCategory.AccessControl)
  override def visibility: NgPluginVisibility              = NgPluginVisibility.NgUserLand
  override def multiInstance: Boolean                      = true
  override def core: Boolean                               = true
  override def name: String                                = "HMAC access validator"
  override def isAccessAsync: Boolean                      = true
  override def defaultConfigObject: Option[NgPluginConfig] = HMACValidatorConfig().some
  override def description: Option[String] = {
    Some("This plugin can be used to check if a HMAC signature is present and valid in Authorization header.")

  private def checkHMACSignature(authorization: String, context: NgAccessContext, secret: String): NgAccess = {
    val params = authorization
      .replace("hmac ", "")
      .replace("\"", "")
      .map(_.split("=", 2))
      .map(r => r(0).trim -> r(1).trim)

    val algorithm            = params.getOrElse("algorithm", "HMAC-SHA256")
    val signature            = params("signature")
    val headers: Seq[String] = params.get("headers").map(_.split(" ").toSeq).getOrElse(Seq.empty[String])
    val signingValues        = context.request.headers.headers.filter(p => headers.contains(p._1)).map(_._2)
    val signingString        = signingValues.mkString(" ")

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"Secret used : $secret")
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"Signature generated : ${Base64.getEncoder
      .encodeToString(Signatures.hmac(HMACUtils.Algo(algorithm.toUpperCase), signingString, secret))}")
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"Signature received : $signature")
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"Algorithm used : $algorithm")

    if (signingValues.size != headers.size)
    else if (
        Signatures.hmac(HMACUtils.Algo(algorithm.toUpperCase), signingString, secret)
      ) == signature

  override def access(context: NgAccessContext)(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[NgAccess] = {
    val HMACValidatorConfig(secret) =

    ((secret match {
      case Some(value) if value.nonEmpty => Some(value)
      case _                             => context.attrs.get(otoroshi.plugins.Keys.ApiKeyKey).map(_.clientSecret)
    }) match {
      case None         =>
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug("No api key found and no secret found in configuration of the plugin")
      case Some(secret) =>
        (context.request.headers.get("Authorization"), context.request.headers.get("Proxy-Authorization")) match {
          case (Some(authorization), None) => checkHMACSignature(authorization, context, secret)
          case (None, Some(authorization)) => checkHMACSignature(authorization, context, secret)
          case (_, _)                      =>
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug("Missing authorization header")

case class HMACCallerConfig(
    secret: Option[String] = None,
    algo: String = "HMAC-SHA512",
    authorizationHeader: Option[String] = None
) extends NgPluginConfig {
  def json: JsValue = HMACCallerConfig.format.writes(this)

object HMACCallerConfig {
  val format = new Format[HMACCallerConfig] {
    override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[HMACCallerConfig] = Try {
        secret ="secret").asOpt[String],
        algo ="algo").asOpt[String].getOrElse("HMAC-SHA512"),
        authorizationHeader ="authorizationHeader").asOpt[String]
    } match {
      case Failure(e) => JsError(e.getMessage)
      case Success(c) => JsSuccess(c)
    override def writes(o: HMACCallerConfig): JsValue             =
      Json.obj("secret" -> o.secret, "algo" -> o.algo, "authorizationHeader" -> o.authorizationHeader)

class HMACCaller extends NgRequestTransformer {

  private val logger = Logger("otoroshi-next-plugins-hmac-caller-plugin")

  override def steps: Seq[NgStep]                = Seq(NgStep.TransformRequest)
  override def categories: Seq[NgPluginCategory] = Seq(NgPluginCategory.Authentication)
  override def visibility: NgPluginVisibility    = NgPluginVisibility.NgUserLand
  override def multiInstance: Boolean            = true
  override def core: Boolean                     = true
  override def usesCallbacks: Boolean            = false
  override def transformsRequest: Boolean        = true
  override def transformsResponse: Boolean       = false
  override def isTransformRequestAsync: Boolean  = false
  override def isTransformResponseAsync: Boolean = false
  override def transformsError: Boolean          = false
  override def name: String                      = "HMAC caller plugin"

  override def description: Option[String] = {
      s"""This plugin can be used to call a "protected" api by an HMAC signature. It will adds a signature with the secret configured on the plugin.
         | The signature string will always the content of the header list listed in the plugin configuration.
  override def defaultConfigObject: Option[NgPluginConfig] = HMACCallerConfig().some

  override def transformRequestSync(
      ctx: NgTransformerRequestContext
  )(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer): Either[Result, NgPluginHttpRequest] = {
    val HMACCallerConfig(secret, algo, authorizationHeader) =

    secret match {
      case None         =>
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
          logger.debug("No api key found and no secret found in configuration of the plugin")
        Left(BadRequest(Json.obj("error" -> "Bad parameters")))
      case Some(secret) =>
        val authHeader    = authorizationHeader.getOrElse("Authorization")
        val signingString = System.currentTimeMillis().toString
        val signature     =
          Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(Signatures.hmac(HMACUtils.Algo(algo), signingString, secret))

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
               |Secret used : $secret
               |Signature send : $signature
               |Algorithm used : $algo
               |Date generated : $signingString
               |Send Authorization header : ${s"$authHeader" -> s"""hmac algorithm="${algo.toLowerCase}", headers="Date", signature="$signature""""}

        val hmacHeaders = Map(
          "Date"     -> signingString,
          authHeader -> s"""hmac algorithm="${algo.toLowerCase}", headers="Date", signature="$signature""""

          .copy(headers = ctx.otoroshiRequest.headers ++ hmacHeaders)

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