plugins.hmac.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package otoroshi.plugins.hmac
import akka.http.scaladsl.util.FastFuture
import otoroshi.env.Env
import{NgPluginCategory, NgPluginVisibility, NgStep}
import otoroshi.script._
import otoroshi.utils.crypto.Signatures
import otoroshi.utils.syntax.implicits.BetterSyntax
import play.api.Logger
import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, Json}
import play.api.mvc.Result
import play.api.mvc.Results.BadRequest
import java.util.Base64
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
object HMACUtils {
val Algo = Map(
"HMAC-SHA1" -> "HmacSHA1",
"HMAC-SHA256" -> "HmacSHA256",
"HMAC-SHA384" -> "HmacSHA384",
"HMAC-SHA512" -> "HmacSHA512"
class HMACCallerPlugin extends RequestTransformer {
private val logger = Logger("otoroshi-plugins-hmac-caller-plugin")
override def name: String = "HMAC caller plugin"
override def configFlow: Seq[String] = Seq(
override def configSchema =
"secret" -> Json.obj(
"type" -> "string",
"props" -> Json.obj(
"label" -> "Secret to sign and verify signed content of headers. By default, the secret of the api key is used."
"algo" -> Json.obj(
"type" -> "select",
"props" -> Json.obj(
"label" -> "Algo to sign requests",
"defaultValue" -> "HmacSHA512",
"possibleValues" -> Seq(
Json.obj("value" -> "HMAC-SHA1", "label" -> "HMAC-SHA1"),
Json.obj("value" -> "HMAC-SHA256", "label" -> "HMAC-SHA256"),
Json.obj("value" -> "HMAC-SHA384", "label" -> "HMAC-SHA384"),
Json.obj("value" -> "HMAC-SHA512", "label" -> "HMAC-SHA512")
"authorizationHeader" -> Json.obj(
"type" -> "select",
"props" -> Json.obj(
"label" -> "Header used to send HMAC signature",
"defaultValue" -> "Authorization",
"possibleValues" -> Seq(
Json.obj("value" -> "Authorization", "label" -> "Authorization"),
Json.obj("value" -> "Proxy-Authorization", "label" -> "Proxy-Authorization")
override def description: Option[String] = {
s"""This plugin can be used to call a "protected" api by an HMAC signature. It will adds a signature with the secret configured on the plugin.
| The signature string will always the content of the header list listed in the plugin configuration.
override def defaultConfig: Option[JsObject] = Some(
"HMACCallerPlugin" -> Json.obj(
"secret" -> "my-defaut-secret",
"algo" -> "HMAC-SHA512"
override def configRoot: Option[String] = "HMACCallerPlugin".some
override def visibility: NgPluginVisibility = NgPluginVisibility.NgUserLand
override def categories: Seq[NgPluginCategory] = Seq(NgPluginCategory.Authentication)
override def steps: Seq[NgStep] = Seq(NgStep.TransformRequest)
override def transformRequestWithCtx(
context: TransformerRequestContext
)(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer): Future[Either[Result, HttpRequest]] = {
val config = context.configFor("HMACCallerPlugin")
(config \ "secret").asOpt[String] match {
case None =>
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug("No api key found and no secret found in configuration of the plugin")
FastFuture.successful(Left(BadRequest(Json.obj("error" -> "Bad parameters"))))
case Some(secret) =>
val algorithm = (config \ "algorithm").asOpt[String].getOrElse("HMAC-SHA512")
val authorizationHeader = (config \ "authorizationHeader").asOpt[String].getOrElse("Authorization")
val signingString = System.currentTimeMillis().toString
val signature =
Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(Signatures.hmac(HMACUtils.Algo(algorithm), signingString, secret))
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"Secret used : $secret")
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"Signature send : $signature")
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"Algorithm used : $algorithm")
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"Date generated : $signingString")
if (logger.isDebugEnabled)
s"Send Authorization header : ${s"$authorizationHeader" -> s"""hmac algorithm="${algorithm.toLowerCase}", headers="Date", signature="$signature""""}"
.copy(headers =
context.otoroshiRequest.headers ++ Map(
"Date" -> signingString,
authorizationHeader -> s"""hmac algorithm="${algorithm.toLowerCase}", headers="Date", signature="$signature""""
class HMACValidator extends AccessValidator {
private val logger = Logger("otoroshi-plugins-hmac-access-validator-plugin")
override def name: String = "HMAC access validator"
override def configFlow: Seq[String] = Seq("secret")
override def configSchema =
"secret" -> Json.obj(
"type" -> "string",
"props" -> Json.obj(
"label" -> "[Optional] Secret to sign and verify signed content of headers"
override def description: Option[String] = {
s"""This plugin can be used to check if a HMAC signature is present and valid in Authorization header.
override def defaultConfig: Option[JsObject] = Some(
"HMACAccessValidator" -> Json.obj(
"secret" -> ""
override def configRoot: Option[String] = "HMACAccessValidator".some
override def visibility: NgPluginVisibility = NgPluginVisibility.NgUserLand
override def categories: Seq[NgPluginCategory] = Seq(NgPluginCategory.AccessControl)
override def steps: Seq[NgStep] = Seq(NgStep.ValidateAccess)
private def checkHMACSignature(authorization: String, context: AccessContext, secret: String) = {
val params = authorization
.replace("hmac ", "")
.replace("\"", "")
.map(_.split("=", 2))
.map(r => r(0).trim -> r(1).trim)
val algorithm = params.getOrElse("algorithm", "HMAC-SHA256")
val signature = params("signature")
val headers: Seq[String] = params.get("headers").map(_.split(" ").toSeq).getOrElse(Seq.empty[String])
val signingValues = context.request.headers.headers.filter(p => headers.contains(p._1)).map(_._2)
val signingString = signingValues.mkString(" ")
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"Secret used : $secret")
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"Signature generated : ${Base64.getEncoder
.encodeToString(Signatures.hmac(HMACUtils.Algo(algorithm.toUpperCase), signingString, secret))}")
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"Signature received : $signature")
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"Algorithm used : $algorithm")
if (signingValues.size != headers.size)
else if (
Signatures.hmac(HMACUtils.Algo(algorithm.toUpperCase), signingString, secret)
) == signature
override def canAccess(context: AccessContext)(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean] =
((context.configFor("HMACAccessValidator") \ "secret").asOpt[String] match {
case Some(value) if value.nonEmpty => Some(value)
case _ => context.attrs.get(otoroshi.plugins.Keys.ApiKeyKey).map(_.clientSecret)
}) match {
case None =>
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug("No api key found and no secret found in configuration of the plugin")
case Some(secret) =>
(context.request.headers.get("Authorization"), context.request.headers.get("Proxy-Authorization")) match {
case (Some(authorization), None) => checkHMACSignature(authorization, context, secret)
case (None, Some(authorization)) => checkHMACSignature(authorization, context, secret)
case (_, _) =>
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug("Missing authorization header")
override def documentation: Option[String] = Some(
| The HMAC signature needs to be set on the `Authorization` or `Proxy-Authorization` header.
| The format of this header should be : `hmac algorithm="", headers="", signature=""`
| As example, a simple nodeJS call with the expected header
| ```js
| const crypto = require('crypto');
| const fetch = require('node-fetch');
| const date = new Date()
| const secret = "my-secret" // equal to the api key secret by default
| const algo = "sha512"
| const signature = crypto.createHmac(algo, secret)
| .update(date.getTime().toString())
| .digest('base64');
| fetch('', {
| headers: {
| "Otoroshi-Client-Id": "my-id",
| "Otoroshi-Client-Secret": "my-secret",
| "Date": date.getTime().toString(),
| "Authorization": `hmac algorithm="hmac-$${algo}", headers="Date", signature="$${signature}"`,
| "Accept": "application/json"
| }
| })
| .then(r => r.json())
| .then(console.log)
| ```
| In this example, we have an Otoroshi service deployed on, protected by api keys.
| The secret used is the secret of the api key (by default, but you can change it and define a secret on the plugin configuration).
| We send the base64 encoded date of the day, signed by the secret, in the Authorization header. We specify the headers signed and the type of algorithm used.
| You can sign more than one header but you have to list them in the headers fields (each one separate by a space, example : headers="Date KeyId").
| The algorithm used can be HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384 or HMAC-SHA512.
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