plugins.oauth1.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Lightweight api management on top of a modern http reverse proxy
The newest version!
package otoroshi.plugins.oauth1
import akka.http.scaladsl.util.FastFuture
import otoroshi.auth.Oauth1AuthModule.encodeURI
import otoroshi.env.Env
import{NgPluginCategory, NgPluginVisibility, NgStep}
import otoroshi.script._
import otoroshi.utils.crypto.Signatures
import otoroshi.utils.syntax.implicits.BetterSyntax
import play.api.Logger
import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, JsValue, Json}
import play.api.mvc.Result
import play.api.mvc.Results.BadRequest
import play.utils.UriEncoding
import java.util.Base64
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.Random
class OAuth1CallerPlugin extends RequestTransformer {
private val logger = Logger("otoroshi-plugins-oauth1-caller-plugin")
override def name: String = "OAuth1 caller"
object Keys {
val consumerKey = "oauth_consumer_key"
val consumerSecret = "oauth_consumer_secret"
val signatureMethod = "oauth_signature_method"
val signature = "oauth_signature"
val timestamp = "oauth_timestamp"
val nonce = "oauth_nonce"
val token = "oauth_token"
val tokenSecret = "oauth_token_secret"
private val Algo = Map(
"HMAC-SHA1" -> "HmacSHA1",
"HMAC-SHA256" -> "HmacSHA256",
"HMAC-SHA384" -> "HmacSHA384",
"HMAC-SHA512" -> "HmacSHA512",
override def configFlow: Seq[String] =
override def configSchema =
Keys.consumerKey -> Json.obj(
"type" -> "string",
"props" -> Json.obj(
"label" -> "Consumer key",
"help" -> "A value used by the Consumer to identify itself to the Service Provider."
Keys.consumerSecret -> Json.obj(
"type" -> "string",
"props" -> Json.obj(
"label" -> "Consumer secret",
"help" -> "A secret used by the Consumer to establish ownership of the Consumer Key."
Keys.token -> Json.obj(
"type" -> "string",
"props" -> Json.obj(
"label" -> "OAuth token",
"help" -> "A value used by the Consumer to gain access to the Protected Resources on behalf of the User, instead of using the User's Service Provider credentials."
Keys.tokenSecret -> Json.obj(
"type" -> "string",
"props" -> Json.obj(
"label" -> "OAuth token",
"help" -> "A secret used by the Consumer to establish ownership of a given Token."
"algo" -> Json.obj(
"type" -> "select",
"props" -> Json.obj(
"label" -> "Algo to sign requests",
"defaultValue" -> "HmacSHA512",
"possibleValues" -> Seq(
Json.obj("value" -> "HMAC-SHA1", "label" -> "HMAC-SHA1"),
Json.obj("value" -> "HMAC-SHA256", "label" -> "HMAC-SHA256"),
Json.obj("value" -> "HMAC-SHA384", "label" -> "HMAC-SHA384"),
Json.obj("value" -> "HMAC-SHA512", "label" -> "HMAC-SHA512"),
Json.obj("value" -> "TEXTPLAIN", "label" -> "TEXTPLAIN (not recommended)")
override def defaultConfig: Option[JsObject] = Some(
"OAuth1Caller" -> Json.obj(
"algo" -> "HmacSHA512"
override def description: Option[String] = {
s"""This plugin can be used to call api that are authenticated using OAuth1.
| Consumer key, secret, and OAuth token et OAuth token secret can be pass through the metadata of an api key
| or via the configuration of this plugin.
override def configRoot: Option[String] = "OAuth1Caller".some
override def visibility: NgPluginVisibility = NgPluginVisibility.NgUserLand
override def categories: Seq[NgPluginCategory] = Seq(NgPluginCategory.Authentication)
override def steps: Seq[NgStep] = Seq(NgStep.TransformRequest)
private def signRequest(
verb: String,
path: String,
params: Seq[(String, String)],
consumerSecret: String,
oauthTokenSecret: String,
algo: String
): String = {
val sortedEncodedParams = encodeURI(
params.sortBy(_._1).map(t => (t._1, encodeURI(t._2)).productIterator.mkString("=")).mkString("&")
val encodedURL = encodeURI(path)
val base = s"$verb&$encodedURL&$sortedEncodedParams"
val key = s"${encodeURI(consumerSecret)}&${Some(oauthTokenSecret).map(encodeURI).getOrElse("")}"
val signature = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(Signatures.hmac(Algo(algo), base, key))
private def encode(param: String): String = UriEncoding.encodePathSegment(param, Charsets.UTF_8)
def prepareParameters(params: Seq[(String, String)]): String = params
.map { case (k, v) => (encode(k), encode(v)) }
.map { case (k, v) => s"$k=$v" }
def getOauthParams(
consumerKey: String,
consumerSecret: String,
tokenSecret: Option[String] = None,
signatureMethod: String
): Map[String, String] =
Keys.consumerKey -> consumerKey,
Keys.signatureMethod -> signatureMethod,
Keys.signature -> s"${encodeURI(consumerSecret + "&" + tokenSecret.getOrElse(""))}",
Keys.timestamp -> s"${Math.floor(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000).toInt}",
Keys.nonce -> s"${Random.nextInt(1000000000)}"
private def authorization(
httpMethod: String,
url: String,
oauthParams: Map[String, String],
queryParams: Map[String, String],
consumerKey: String,
consumerSecret: String,
oauthToken: String,
oauthTokenSecret: String
): Seq[(String, String)] = {
val params: Seq[(String, String)] =
(queryParams ++ oauthParams + (Keys.token -> oauthToken))
.map { case (k, v) => (k, v) }
.filter { case (k, _) => k != "oauth_signature" }
val signature =
if (oauthParams(Keys.signatureMethod) != "TEXTPLAIN")
signRequest(httpMethod, url, params, consumerSecret, oauthTokenSecret, oauthParams(Keys.signatureMethod))
Keys.consumerKey -> consumerKey,
Keys.token -> oauthToken,
Keys.signatureMethod -> oauthParams(Keys.signatureMethod),
Keys.timestamp -> oauthParams(Keys.timestamp),
Keys.nonce -> oauthParams(Keys.nonce),
Keys.signature -> signature
private def getOrElse(config: JsValue, metadata: Map[String, String], key: String): Either[Result, String] = {
metadata.get(key) match {
case Some(value) => Right(value)
case None =>
(config \ key).asOpt[String] match {
case None => Left(BadRequest(Json.obj("error" -> "Bad parameters")))
case Some(value) => Right(value)
override def transformRequestWithCtx(
ctx: TransformerRequestContext
)(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer): Future[Either[Result, HttpRequest]] = {
val config = ctx.configFor("OAuth1Caller")
val metadata = ctx.attrs.get(otoroshi.plugins.Keys.ApiKeyKey).map(_.metadata).getOrElse(Map.empty)
val consumerKey = getOrElse(config, metadata, Keys.consumerKey)
val consumerSecret = getOrElse(config, metadata, Keys.consumerSecret)
val oauthToken = getOrElse(config, metadata, Keys.token)
val oauthTokenSecret = getOrElse(config, metadata, Keys.tokenSecret)
(consumerKey, consumerSecret, oauthToken, oauthTokenSecret) match {
case (Right(key), Right(secret), Right(token), Right(tokenSecret)) =>
val signature_method = (config \ "algo").asOpt[String].getOrElse("HmacSHA512")
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"Algo used : $signature_method")
val inParams = getOauthParams(key, secret, Some(tokenSecret), signature_method)
val params: String = authorization(
inParams,[Map[String, String]]).getOrElse(Map.empty[String, String]),
.map { case (k, v) => s"""$k="$v"""" }
ctx.otoroshiRequest.copy(headers = ctx.otoroshiRequest.headers + ("Authorization" -> s"OAuth $params"))
case _ =>
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"Consumer key : ${consumerKey.getOrElse("missing")}")
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"Consumer secret : ${consumerSecret.getOrElse("missing")}")
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"OAuth token : ${oauthToken.getOrElse("missing")}")
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"OAuth token secret : ${oauthTokenSecret.getOrElse("missing")}")
FastFuture.successful(Left(BadRequest(Json.obj("error" -> "Bad parameters"))))
override def transformResponseWithCtx(
ctx: TransformerResponseContext
)(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer): Future[Either[Result, HttpResponse]] = {
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