utils.syntax.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package otoroshi.utils.syntax
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.http.scaladsl.util.FastFuture
import akka.stream.scaladsl.Source
import akka.util.ByteString
import com.auth0.jwt.interfaces.DecodedJWT
import com.github.blemale.scaffeine.Cache
import com.typesafe.config.{ConfigFactory, ConfigRenderOptions}
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.{Base64, Hex}
import otoroshi.env.Env
import otoroshi.models.WSProxyServerJson
import otoroshi.next.utils.JsonHelpers
import otoroshi.ssl.DynamicSSLEngineProvider
import otoroshi.utils.reactive.ReactiveStreamUtils
import otoroshi.utils.{JsonPathUtils, Regex, RegexPool}
import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.ws.{DefaultWSCookie, WSCookie, WSProxyServer}
import play.api.mvc.Cookie
import play.api.{ConfigLoader, Configuration, Logger}
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono
import java.io.{ByteArrayInputStream, File}
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.security.MessageDigest
import java.security.cert.{CertificateFactory, X509Certificate}
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicInteger, AtomicLong, AtomicReference}
import scala.collection.TraversableOnce
import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, FiniteDuration}
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future, Promise}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.control.{NoStackTrace, NonFatal}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
object implicits {
// type Result[Success, Failure] = Either[Failure, Success]
// type Ok[Success, Failure] = Right[Failure, Success]
// type Err[Success, Failure] = Left[Failure, Success]
implicit class BetterSeqOfInt(val seq: Seq[Int]) extends AnyVal {
def theMin(default: Int): Int = {
if (seq.isEmpty) {
} else {
def theMax(default: Int): Int = {
if (seq.isEmpty) {
} else {
implicit class BetterSeqOfTupleStringString(val seq: Seq[(String, String)]) extends AnyVal {
def appendOpt[A](opt: Option[A], f: A => (String, String)): Seq[(String, String)] = {
opt match {
case None => seq
case Some(k) => seq :+ f(k)
def appendIf(f: => Boolean, header: => (String, String)): Seq[(String, String)] =
if (f) {
seq :+ header
} else {
def appendIfElse(f: => Boolean, name: String, ten: => String, els: => String): Seq[(String, String)] =
if (f) {
seq :+ (name, ten)
} else {
seq :+ (name, els)
def removeIf(name: String, f: => Boolean): Seq[(String, String)] =
if (f) seq.filterNot(_._1.toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) else seq
def remove(name: String): Seq[(String, String)] = seq.filterNot(_._1.toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase())
def removeAll(names: Seq[String]): Seq[(String, String)] = {
val lowerNames = names.map(_.toLowerCase)
seq.filterNot(h => lowerNames.contains(h._1.toLowerCase()))
def removeAllArgs(names: String*): Seq[(String, String)] = {
val lowerNames = names.map(_.toLowerCase)
seq.filterNot(h => lowerNames.contains(h._1.toLowerCase()))
def appendAll(other: Seq[(String, String)]): Seq[(String, String)] = seq ++ other
def appendAllArgs(other: (String, String)*): Seq[(String, String)] = seq ++ other
def appendAllArgsIf(f: => Boolean)(other: (String, String)*): Seq[(String, String)] = if (f) seq ++ other else seq
def lazyAppendAllArgsIf(f: => Boolean)(other: => Seq[(String, String)]): Seq[(String, String)] =
if (f) seq ++ other else seq
def debug(name: String): Seq[(String, String)] = {
// println(name, seq.mkString("\n"))
implicit class BetterMapOf[K, V](val map: Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {
def containsAll(elems: Map[K, V]): Boolean = {
elems.forall(e => map.contains(e._1) && map.get(e._1).contains(e._2))
implicit class BetterMapOfStringString(val seq: Map[String, String]) extends AnyVal {
def appendOpt[A](opt: Option[A], f: A => (String, String)): Map[String, String] = {
opt match {
case None => seq
case Some(k) => seq + f(k)
def appendIf(f: => Boolean, header: => (String, String)): Map[String, String] = {
if (f) {
seq + header
} else {
def appendIfElse(f: => Boolean, name: String, ten: => String, els: => String): Map[String, String] = {
if (f) {
seq + ((name, ten))
} else {
seq + ((name, els))
def removeIf(name: String, f: => Boolean): Map[String, String] =
if (f) seq.filterNot(_._1.toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) else seq
def remove(name: String): Map[String, String] = seq.filterNot(_._1.toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase())
def removeAll(names: Seq[String]): Map[String, String] = {
val lowerNames = names.map(_.toLowerCase)
seq.filterNot(h => lowerNames.contains(h._1.toLowerCase()))
def removeAllArgs(names: String*): Map[String, String] = {
val lowerNames = names.map(_.toLowerCase)
seq.filterNot(h => lowerNames.contains(h._1.toLowerCase()))
def appendAll(other: Seq[(String, String)]): Map[String, String] = seq ++ other
def appendAll(other: Map[String, String]): Map[String, String] = seq ++ other
def appendAllArgs(other: (String, String)*): Map[String, String] = seq ++ other
def appendAllArgsIf(f: => Boolean)(other: (String, String)*): Map[String, String] = if (f) seq ++ other else seq
def lazyAppendAllArgsIf(f: => Boolean)(other: => Seq[(String, String)]): Map[String, String] =
if (f) seq ++ other else seq
implicit class BetterSyntax[A](private val obj: A) extends AnyVal {
def seq: Seq[A] = Seq(obj)
def set: Set[A] = Set(obj)
def list: List[A] = List(obj)
def some: Option[A] = Some(obj)
def none: Option[A] = None
def option: Option[A] = Some(obj)
def left[B]: Either[A, B] = Left(obj)
def right[B]: Either[B, A] = Right(obj)
def vfuture: Future[A] = {
// Future.successful(obj)
def stdFuture: Future[A] = Future.successful(obj)
def future: Future[A] = FastFuture.successful(obj)
def asFuture: Future[A] = FastFuture.successful(obj)
def toFuture: Future[A] = FastFuture.successful(obj)
def somef: Future[Option[A]] = FastFuture.successful(Some(obj))
def leftf[B]: Future[Either[A, B]] = FastFuture.successful(Left(obj))
def rightf[B]: Future[Either[B, A]] = FastFuture.successful(Right(obj))
def debug(f: A => Any): A = {
def debugPrintln: A = {
def debugPrintlnWithPrefix(prefix: String): A = {
println(prefix + " - " + obj)
def debugLogger(logger: Logger): A = {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"$obj")
def applyOn[B](f: A => B): B = f(obj)
def applyOnIf(predicate: => Boolean)(f: A => A): A = if (predicate) f(obj) else obj
def applyOnWithOpt[B](opt: => Option[B])(f: (A, B) => A): A = if (opt.isDefined) f(obj, opt.get) else obj
def applyOnWithPredicate(predicate: A => Boolean)(f: A => A): A = if (predicate(obj)) f(obj) else obj
def seffectOn(f: A => Unit): A = {
def seffectOnIf(predicate: => Boolean)(f: A => Unit): A = {
if (predicate) {
} else obj
def seffectOnWithPredicate(predicate: A => Boolean)(f: A => Unit): A = {
if (predicate(obj)) {
} else obj
def singleSource: Source[A, NotUsed] = Source.single(obj)
implicit class RegexOps(sc: StringContext) {
def rr = new scala.util.matching.Regex(sc.parts.mkString)
implicit class BetterString(private val obj: String) extends AnyVal {
import otoroshi.utils.string.Implicits._
def slugify: String = obj.slug
def slugifyWithSlash: String = obj.slug2
def wildcard: Regex = RegexPool.apply(obj)
def regex: Regex = RegexPool.regex(obj)
def byteString: ByteString = ByteString(obj)
def bytes: Array[Byte] = obj.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
def json: JsValue = JsString(obj)
def parseJson: JsValue = Json.parse(obj)
def encodeBase64: String = Base64.encodeBase64String(obj.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
def base64: String = Base64.encodeBase64String(obj.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
def base64UrlSafe: String = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(obj.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
def fromBase64: String = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(obj), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
def decodeBase64: String = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(obj), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
def sha256: String =
def sha512: String =
def chunks(size: Int): Source[String, NotUsed] = Source(obj.grouped(size).toList)
def camelToSnake: String = {
obj.replaceAll("([a-z])([A-Z]+)", "$1_$2").toLowerCase
// obj.replaceAll("([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])", "$1_$2").replaceAll("([a-z])([A-Z])", "$1_$2").toLowerCase
def toCertificate: X509Certificate = {
val certificateFactory: CertificateFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509")
.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(DynamicSSLEngineProvider.base64Decode(obj)))
implicit class BetterByteString(private val obj: ByteString) extends AnyVal {
def chunks(size: Int): Source[ByteString, NotUsed] = Source(obj.grouped(size).toList)
def sha256: String = Hex.encodeHexString(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256").digest(obj.toArray))
def sha512: String = Hex.encodeHexString(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512").digest(obj.toArray))
implicit class BetterBoolean(private val obj: Boolean) extends AnyVal {
def json: JsValue = JsBoolean(obj)
implicit class BetterDouble(private val obj: Double) extends AnyVal {
def json: JsValue = JsNumber(obj)
implicit class BetterInt(private val obj: Int) extends AnyVal {
def json: JsValue = JsNumber(obj)
def atomic: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(obj)
def bytes: Array[Byte] = {
((obj >> 24) & 0xff).asInstanceOf[Byte],
((obj >> 16) & 0xff).asInstanceOf[Byte],
((obj >> 8) & 0xff).asInstanceOf[Byte],
((obj >> 0) & 0xff).asInstanceOf[Byte]
implicit class BetterLong(private val obj: Long) extends AnyVal {
def json: JsValue = JsNumber(obj)
def atomic: AtomicLong = new AtomicLong(obj)
def bytes: Array[Byte] = {
((obj >> 56) & 0xff).asInstanceOf[Byte],
((obj >> 48) & 0xff).asInstanceOf[Byte],
((obj >> 40) & 0xff).asInstanceOf[Byte],
((obj >> 32) & 0xff).asInstanceOf[Byte],
((obj >> 24) & 0xff).asInstanceOf[Byte],
((obj >> 16) & 0xff).asInstanceOf[Byte],
((obj >> 8) & 0xff).asInstanceOf[Byte],
((obj >> 0) & 0xff).asInstanceOf[Byte]
implicit class BetterJsValue(private val obj: JsValue) extends AnyVal {
def stringify: String = Json.stringify(obj)
def prettify: String = Json.prettyPrint(obj)
def select(name: String): JsLookupResult = obj \ name
def select(index: Int): JsLookupResult = obj \ index
def at(path: String): JsLookupResult = {
val parts = path.split("\\.").toSeq
parts.foldLeft(Option(obj)) {
case (Some(source: JsObject), part) => (source \ part).asOpt[JsValue]
case (Some(source: JsArray), part) => (source \ part.toInt).asOpt[JsValue]
case (Some(value), part) => None
case (None, _) => None
} match {
case None => JsUndefined(s"path '${path}' does not exists")
case Some(value) => JsDefined(value)
def atPointer(path: String): JsLookupResult = {
val parts = path.split("/").toSeq.filterNot(_.trim.isEmpty)
parts.foldLeft(Option(obj)) {
case (Some(source: JsObject), part) => (source \ part).asOpt[JsValue]
case (Some(source: JsArray), part) => (source \ part.toInt).asOpt[JsValue]
case (Some(value), part) => None
case (None, _) => None
} match {
case None => JsUndefined(s"path '${path}' does not exists")
case Some(value) => JsDefined(value)
def atPath(path: String): JsLookupResult = {
JsonPathUtils.getAtPolyJson(obj, path) match {
case None => JsUndefined(s"path '${path}' does not exists")
case Some(value) => JsDefined(value)
implicit class BetterJsValueOption(private val obj: Option[JsValue]) extends AnyVal {
def orJsNull: JsValue = obj.getOrElse(JsNull)
implicit class BetterJsLookupResult(private val obj: JsLookupResult) extends AnyVal {
def select(name: String): JsLookupResult = obj \ name
def select(index: Int): JsLookupResult = obj \ index
def strConvert(): Option[String] = {
obj.asOpt[JsValue].getOrElse(JsNull) match {
case JsNull => "null".some
case JsNumber(v) => v.toString().some
case JsString(v) => v.some
case JsBoolean(v) => v.toString.some
case o @ JsObject(_) => o.stringify.some
case a @ JsArray(_) => a.stringify.some
case _ => None
implicit class BetterJsReadable(private val obj: JsReadable) extends AnyVal {
def asString: String = obj.as[String]
def asInt: Int = obj.as[Int]
def asDouble: Double = obj.as[Double]
def asLong: Long = obj.as[Long]
def asBoolean: Boolean = obj.as[Boolean]
def asObject: JsObject = obj.as[JsObject]
def asArray: JsArray = obj.as[JsArray]
def asValue: JsValue = obj.as[JsValue]
def asOptString: Option[String] = obj.asOpt[String]
def asOptBoolean: Option[Boolean] = obj.asOpt[Boolean]
def asOptInt: Option[Int] = obj.asOpt[Int]
def asOptLong: Option[Long] = obj.asOpt[Long]
implicit class BetterFuture[A](private val obj: Future[A]) extends AnyVal {
def block(atMost: Duration): A = Await.result(obj, atMost)
def awaitf(atMost: Duration)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): A = Await.result(obj, atMost)
def awaitfsafe(atMost: Duration)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Try[A] = Try(Await.result(obj, atMost))
def mono(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Mono[A] = ReactiveStreamUtils.MonoUtils.fromFuture(obj)
def fleft[B](implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Either[A, B]] = obj.map(v => Left(v))
def fright[B](implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Either[B, A]] = obj.map(v => Right(v))
def asLeft[R](implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Future[Either[A, R]] = obj.map(a => Left[A, R](a))
def asRight[R](implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Future[Either[R, A]] = obj.map(a => Right[R, A](a))
def fold[U](pf: PartialFunction[Try[A], U])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Future[U] = {
val promise = Promise[U]
obj.andThen {
case underlying: Try[A] => {
try {
} catch {
case e: Throwable => promise.tryFailure(e)
def foldM[U](pf: PartialFunction[Try[A], Future[U]])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Future[U] = {
val promise = Promise[U]
obj.andThen {
case underlying: Try[A] => {
try {
pf(underlying).andThen {
case Success(v) => promise.trySuccess(v)
case Failure(e) => promise.tryFailure(e)
} catch {
case e: Throwable => promise.tryFailure(e)
def filterWithCause(cause: String, include: Boolean = false)(
f: A => Boolean
)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[A] = {
obj.transform { t =>
if (t.isSuccess) {
val value = t.asInstanceOf[Success[A]].value
if (f(value)) {
} else {
val inc = if (include) s" - ${value.toString}" else ""
Failure[A](new FilterExceptionWithoutCause(cause + inc))
} else {
val failure = t.asInstanceOf[Failure[A]].exception
Failure[A](new FilterException(cause, failure))
class FilterException(str: String, cause: Throwable) extends RuntimeException(str, cause) with NoStackTrace
class FilterExceptionWithoutCause(str: String) extends RuntimeException(str) with NoStackTrace
implicit class BetterCache[A, B](val cache: Cache[A, B]) extends AnyVal {
def getOrElse(key: A, el: => B): B = {
cache.getIfPresent(key).getOrElse {
val res = el
cache.put(key, res)
object BetterConfiguration {
val logger = Logger("otoroshi-better-configuration")
implicit class BetterConfiguration(val configuration: Configuration) extends AnyVal {
import collection.JavaConverters._
private def readFromFile[A](path: String, loader: ConfigLoader[A], classTag: ClassTag[A]): Option[A] = {
val file = new File(path)
if (file.exists()) {
Try {
val content = Files.readAllLines(file.toPath).asScala.mkString("\n").trim
Try {
val config = Configuration(ConfigFactory.parseString(s"""value=${content}""".stripMargin))
} match {
case Failure(_) =>
classTag.runtimeClass.getName match {
case "boolean" => Option(content.toBoolean.asInstanceOf[A])
case "Boolean" => Option(content.toBoolean.asInstanceOf[A])
case "Int" => Option(content.toInt.asInstanceOf[A])
case "int" => Option(content.toInt.asInstanceOf[A])
case "Double" => Option(content.toDouble.asInstanceOf[A])
case "double" => Option(content.toDouble.asInstanceOf[A])
case "Long" => Option(content.toLong.asInstanceOf[A])
case "long" => Option(content.toLong.asInstanceOf[A])
case "String" => Option(content.asInstanceOf[A])
case "java.lang.String" => Option(content.asInstanceOf[A])
case _ => None
case Success(value) => value
} else {
def validateAndComputePath[A](_path: String, f: String => A): String = {
if (_path.startsWith("app.")) {
val newPath: String = _path.replaceFirst("app", "otoroshi")
// BetterConfiguration.logger.error(s"You chould change '${_path}' to '${newPath}'")
val app = f(_path)
val oto = f(newPath)
if (app != oto) {
val name = Try {
val caller = new Throwable().getStackTrace().tail.head
(caller.getClassName + "." + caller.getMethodName())
s"configuration key '${_path}' does not match with '${newPath}' on ${name}. Please report this error to https://github.com/MAIF/otoroshi/issues"
} else {
} else {
def betterHas(_path: String): Boolean = {
val path = validateAndComputePath(_path, configuration.has(_))
def betterGet[A](_path: String)(implicit loader: ConfigLoader[A]): A = {
val path = validateAndComputePath(_path, p => configuration.getOptional[A](p)(loader))
def betterGetOptional[A](_path: String)(implicit loader: ConfigLoader[A]): Option[A] = {
val path = validateAndComputePath(_path, p => configuration.getOptional[A](p)(loader))
def getOpt[A](path: String)(implicit loader: ConfigLoader[A]): Option[A] = {
try {
if (configuration.underlying.hasPath(path)) Some(configuration.get[A](path)) else None
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) => None
def getOptionalWithFileSupport[A](
_path: String
)(implicit loader: ConfigLoader[A], classTag: ClassTag[A]): Option[A] = {
val path = validateAndComputePath(_path, p => configuration.getOptional[A](p)(loader))
Try(configuration.getOptional[A](path)(loader)).toOption.flatten match {
case None =>
Try(configuration.getOptional[String](path)(ConfigLoader.stringLoader)).toOption.flatten match {
case Some(v) if v.startsWith("file://") => readFromFile[A](v.replace("file://", ""), loader, classTag)
case _ => None
case Some(value) =>
value match {
case Some(v: String) if v.startsWith("file://") =>
readFromFile[A](v.replace("file://", ""), loader, classTag)
case v => Some(v)
def json: JsObject = Json
implicit class BetterDecodedJWT(val jwt: DecodedJWT) extends AnyVal {
def claimStr(name: String): Option[String] =
def claimBool(name: String): Option[Boolean] =
def claimInt(name: String): Option[Int] =
def claimLng(name: String): Option[Long] =
def claimDbl(name: String): Option[Double] =
def json: JsValue = Json.obj(
"header" -> jwt.getHeader.fromBase64.parseJson,
"payload" -> jwt.getPayload.fromBase64.parseJson
implicit class BetterAtomicReference[A](val ref: AtomicReference[A]) extends AnyVal {
def getOrSet(f: => A): A = {
val initValue = ref.get()
if (initValue == null) {
val value: A = f
} else {
implicit class BetterFiniteDuration(val duration: FiniteDuration) extends AnyVal {
def timeout(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = await(env, ec)
def await(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = {
val promise = Promise.apply[Unit]()
env.otoroshiScheduler.scheduleOnce(duration) {
implicit class BetterDuration(val duration: Duration) extends AnyVal {
final def toHumanReadable: String = {
val units = Seq(
val timeStrings = units
.foldLeft((Seq.empty[String], duration.toNanos))({ case ((humanReadable, rest), unit) =>
val name = unit.toString().toLowerCase()
val result = unit.convert(rest, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
val diff = rest - TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(result, unit)
val str = result match {
case 0 => humanReadable
case 1 => humanReadable :+ s"1 ${name.init}" // Drop last 's'
case more => humanReadable :+ s"$more $name"
(str, diff)
timeStrings.size match {
case 0 => ""
case 1 => timeStrings.head
case _ => timeStrings.init.mkString(", ") + " and " + timeStrings.last
implicit class BetterMapOfStringAndB[B](val theMap: Map[String, B]) extends AnyVal {
def addAll(other: Map[String, B]): Map[String, B] = theMap.++(other)
def put(key: String, value: B): Map[String, B] = theMap.+((key, value))
def put(tuple: (String, B)): Map[String, B] = theMap.+(tuple)
def remove(key: String): Map[String, B] = theMap.-(key)
def removeIgnoreCase(key: String): Map[String, B] = theMap.-(key).-(key.toLowerCase())
def containsIgnoreCase(key: String): Boolean = theMap.contains(key) || theMap.contains(key.toLowerCase())
def getIgnoreCase(key: String): Option[B] = theMap.get(key).orElse(theMap.get(key.toLowerCase()))
def removeAndPutIgnoreCase(tuple: (String, B)): Map[String, B] = removeIgnoreCase(tuple._1).put(tuple)
implicit class BetterTrieMapOfStringAndB[B](val theMap: TrieMap[String, B]) extends AnyVal {
def add(tuple: (String, B)): TrieMap[String, B] = theMap.+=(tuple)
def addAll(all: TraversableOnce[(String, B)]): TrieMap[String, B] = theMap.++=(all)
def rem(key: String): TrieMap[String, B] = theMap.-=(key)
def remIgnoreCase(key: String): TrieMap[String, B] = theMap.-=(key).-=(key.toLowerCase())
def remAll(keys: TraversableOnce[String]): TrieMap[String, B] = theMap.--=(keys)
def remAllIgnoreCase(keys: TraversableOnce[String]): TrieMap[String, B] =
def containsIgnoreCase(key: String): Boolean = theMap.contains(key) || theMap.contains(key.toLowerCase())
def getIgnoreCase(key: String): Option[B] = theMap.get(key).orElse(theMap.get(key.toLowerCase()))
def remAndAddIgnoreCase(tuple: (String, B)): TrieMap[String, B] = remIgnoreCase(tuple._1).add(tuple)
def getOrUpdate(k: String)(op: => B): B = theMap.getOrElseUpdate(k, op)
implicit class BetterSeqOfA[A](val seq: Seq[A]) extends AnyVal {
def containsAll(elems: Seq[A]): Boolean = {
elems.forall(e => seq.contains(e))
def avgBy(f: A => Int): Double = {
if (seq.isEmpty) 0.0
else {
val sum = seq.map(f).foldLeft(0) { case (a, b) =>
a + b
sum / seq.size
def findFirstSome[B](f: A => Option[B]): Option[B] = {
if (seq.isEmpty) {
} else {
for (a <- seq) {
val res = f(a)
if (res.isDefined) {
return res
implicit class BetterWSCookieWithSameSite(val c: otoroshi.utils.http.WSCookieWithSameSite) extends AnyVal {
def json: JsValue = JsonHelpers.wsCookieToJson(c)
def toCookie: play.api.mvc.Cookie = {
name = c.name,
value = c.value,
maxAge = c.maxAge.map(_.toInt),
path = c.path.getOrElse("/"),
domain = c.domain,
secure = c.secure,
httpOnly = c.httpOnly,
sameSite = c.sameSite
implicit class BetterCookie(val cookie: Cookie) extends AnyVal {
def json: JsValue = JsonHelpers.cookieToJson(cookie)
def toWSCookie: WSCookie = wsCookie
def wsCookie: WSCookie = DefaultWSCookie(
name = cookie.name,
value = cookie.value,
domain = cookie.domain,
path = cookie.path.some,
maxAge = cookie.maxAge.map(_.toLong),
secure = cookie.secure,
httpOnly = cookie.httpOnly
// def json: JsValue = Json.obj(
// "name" -> cookie.name,
// "value" -> cookie.value,
// "maxAge" -> cookie.maxAge.map(n => JsNumber(BigDecimal(n))).getOrElse(JsNull).asValue,
// "path" -> cookie.path,
// "domain" -> cookie.domain.map(JsString.apply).getOrElse(JsNull).asValue,
// "secure" -> cookie.secure,
// "httpOnly" -> cookie.httpOnly,
// "sameSite" -> cookie.sameSite.map(_.value.json).getOrElse(JsNull).asValue
// )
implicit class BetterWSProxyServer(val proxy: WSProxyServer) extends AnyVal {
def json: JsValue = WSProxyServerJson.proxyToJson(proxy)
implicit class BetterWSCookie(val c: WSCookie) extends AnyVal {
def mvcCookie: Cookie = toCookie
def toCookie: play.api.mvc.Cookie = {
name = c.name,
value = c.value,
maxAge = c.maxAge.map(_.toInt),
path = c.path.getOrElse("/"),
domain = c.domain,
secure = c.secure,
httpOnly = c.httpOnly,
sameSite = None
def json: JsValue = JsonHelpers.wsCookieToJson(c)
// def json: JsValue = Json.obj(
// "name" -> cookie.name,
// "value" -> cookie.value,
// "maxAge" -> cookie.maxAge.map(n => JsNumber(BigDecimal(n))).getOrElse(JsNull).asValue,
// "path" -> cookie.path.map(JsString.apply).getOrElse(JsNull).asValue,
// "domain" -> cookie.domain.map(JsString.apply).getOrElse(JsNull).asValue,
// "secure" -> cookie.secure,
// "httpOnly" -> cookie.httpOnly
// )
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