wasm.proxywasm.coraza.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package otoroshi.wasm.proxywasm
import akka.stream.Materializer
import akka.util.ByteString
import com.sksamuel.exts.concurrent.Futures.RichFuture
import io.otoroshi.wasm4s.scaladsl._
import org.extism.sdk.HostFunction
import org.extism.sdk.wasmotoroshi._
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import otoroshi.api.{GenericResourceAccessApiWithState, Resource, ResourceVersion}
import otoroshi.env.Env
import otoroshi.events.AnalyticEvent
import otoroshi.models.{EntityLocation, EntityLocationSupport}
import otoroshi.next.extensions._
import otoroshi.next.models.NgRoute
import otoroshi.next.plugins.api._
import otoroshi.next.utils.JsonHelpers
import otoroshi.security.IdGenerator
import otoroshi.storage.{BasicStore, RedisLike, RedisLikeStore}
import otoroshi.utils.{ReplaceAllWith, TypedMap}
import otoroshi.utils.cache.types.UnboundedTrieMap
import otoroshi.utils.http.RequestImplicits.EnhancedRequestHeader
import otoroshi.utils.syntax.implicits._
import otoroshi.wasm._
import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api._
import play.api.libs.typedmap.TypedKey
import play.api.mvc.RequestHeader
import java.util.concurrent.atomic._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.util._
object CorazaPlugin {
val rootContextIds = new AtomicInteger(100)
val testRules = Json.parse("""{
"directives_map": {
"default": []
"rules": [
"SecDebugLogLevel 9",
"SecRuleEngine On",
"SecRule REQUEST_URI \"@streq /admin\" \"id:101,phase:1,t:lowercase,deny\""
"default_directive": "default"
val corazaDefaultRules = """{
| "directives_map": {
| "default": [
| "Include @recommended-conf",
| "Include @crs-setup-conf",
| "Include @owasp_crs/*.conf",
| "SecRuleEngine On"
| ]
| },
| "default_directives": "default",
| "metric_labels": {},
| "per_authority_directives": {}
object CorazaPluginKeys {
val CorazaContextIdKey = TypedKey[Int]("otoroshi.next.plugins.CorazaContextId")
val CorazaWasmVmKey = TypedKey[WasmVm]("otoroshi.next.plugins.CorazaWasmVm")
class CorazaPlugin(wasm: WasmConfig, val config: CorazaWafConfig, key: String, env: Env) {
// WasmVmPool.logger.debug("new CorazaPlugin")
private implicit val ev = env
private implicit val ec = env.otoroshiExecutionContext
private implicit val ma = env.otoroshiMaterializer
private lazy val timeout = 10.seconds
private lazy val started = new AtomicBoolean(false)
private lazy val logger = Logger("otoroshi-plugin-coraza")
private lazy val vmConfigurationSize = 0
private lazy val rules = config.config
private lazy val pluginConfigurationSize = rules.stringify.byteString.length
private lazy val contextId = new AtomicInteger(0)
private lazy val state =
new ProxyWasmState(
Some((l, m, vmd) => logCallback(l, m, vmd)),
private lazy val pool: WasmVmPool = WasmVmPool.forConfigurationWithId(key, wasm)(env.wasmIntegration.context)
def logCallback(level: org.slf4j.event.Level, msg: String, data: VmData): Unit = {
CorazaTrailEvent(level, msg, data.request, data.route).debug(evt => evt.toJson.prettify.debugPrintln).toAnalytics()
def isStarted(): Boolean = started.get()
def createFunctions(ref: AtomicReference[WasmVmData]): Seq[HostFunction[EnvUserData]] = {
ProxyWasmFunctions.build(state, ref)
def callPluginWithoutResults(
function: String,
params: Parameters,
data: VmData,
attrs: TypedMap
): Future[Either[JsValue, ResultsWrapper]] = {
attrs.get(otoroshi.wasm.proxywasm.CorazaPluginKeys.CorazaWasmVmKey) match {
case None =>
/* TODO - REPLACE WITH logger.error( */
println("no vm found in attrs")
Left(Json.obj("error" -> "no vm found in attrs")).vfuture
case Some(vm) => {
WasmUtils.traceHostVm(function + s" - vm: ${vm.index}")
val callId = attrs.get(otoroshi.wasm.proxywasm.CorazaPluginKeys.CorazaContextIdKey).getOrElse(0)
WasmFunctionParameters.NoResult(function, params),
Some(data.copy(properties = data.properties + ("wasm-vm-id" -> callId.bytes)))
).map { opt =>
opt.map { res =>
def callPluginWithResults(
function: String,
params: Parameters,
results: Int,
data: VmData,
attrs: TypedMap
): Future[ResultsWrapper] = {
attrs.get(otoroshi.wasm.proxywasm.CorazaPluginKeys.CorazaWasmVmKey) match {
case None =>
/* TODO - REPLACE WITH logger.error( */
println("no vm found in attrs")
Future.failed(new RuntimeException("no vm found in attrs"))
case Some(vm) => {
WasmUtils.traceHostVm(function + s" - vm: ${vm.index}")
val callId = attrs.get(otoroshi.wasm.proxywasm.CorazaPluginKeys.CorazaContextIdKey).getOrElse(0)
WasmFunctionParameters.BothParamsResults(function, params, results),
Some(data.copy(properties = data.properties + ("wasm-vm-id" -> callId.bytes)))
).flatMap {
case Left(err) =>
/* TODO - REPLACE WITH logger.error( */
println(s"error while calling plugin: ${err}")
Future.failed(new RuntimeException(s"callPluginWithResults: ${err.stringify}"))
case Right((_, results)) => results.vfuture
def proxyOnContexCreate(contextId: Int, rootContextId: Int, attrs: TypedMap, rootData: VmData): Future[Unit] = {
val prs = new Parameters(2)
.pushInts(contextId, rootContextId)
callPluginWithoutResults("proxy_on_context_create", prs, rootData, attrs).map(_ => ())
// TODO - just try to reset context for each request without call proxyOnConfigure
def proxyOnVmStart(attrs: TypedMap, rootData: VmData): Future[Boolean] = {
val prs = new Parameters(2)
.pushInts(0, vmConfigurationSize)
callPluginWithResults("proxy_on_vm_start", prs, 1, rootData, attrs).map { proxyOnVmStartAction =>
val res = proxyOnVmStartAction.results.getValues()(0).v.i32 != 0
def proxyOnConfigure(rootContextId: Int, attrs: TypedMap, rootData: VmData): Future[Boolean] = {
val prs = new Parameters(2)
.pushInts(rootContextId, pluginConfigurationSize)
callPluginWithResults("proxy_on_configure", prs, 1, rootData, attrs).map { proxyOnConfigureAction =>
val res = proxyOnConfigureAction.results.getValues()(0).v.i32 != 0
def proxyOnDone(rootContextId: Int, attrs: TypedMap): Future[Boolean] = {
val prs = new Parameters(1).pushInt(rootContextId)
val rootData = VmData.empty()
callPluginWithResults("proxy_on_done", prs, 1, rootData, attrs).map { proxyOnConfigureAction =>
val res = proxyOnConfigureAction.results.getValues()(0).v.i32 != 0
def proxyOnDelete(rootContextId: Int, attrs: TypedMap): Future[Unit] = {
val prs = new Parameters(1).pushInt(rootContextId)
val rootData = VmData.empty()
callPluginWithoutResults("proxy_on_delete", prs, rootData, attrs).map(_ => ())
def proxyStart(attrs: TypedMap, rootData: VmData): Future[ResultsWrapper] = {
callPluginWithoutResults("_start", new Parameters(0), rootData, attrs).map { res =>
def proxyCheckABIVersion(attrs: TypedMap, rootData: VmData): Future[Unit] = {
new Parameters(0),
).map(_ => ())
def reportError(result: Result, vm: WasmVm, from: String): Unit = {
/* TODO - REPLACE WITH logger.error( */
println(s"[${vm.index}] from: $from - error: ${result.value} - ${vm.calls} / ${vm.current}")
def proxyOnRequestHeaders(
contextId: Int,
request: RequestHeader,
attrs: TypedMap
): Future[Either[play.api.mvc.Result, Unit]] = {
val vm = attrs.get(otoroshi.wasm.proxywasm.CorazaPluginKeys.CorazaWasmVmKey).get
val data = VmData.empty().withRequest(request, attrs.get(otoroshi.next.plugins.Keys.RouteKey), attrs)(env)
val endOfStream = 1
val sizeHeaders = 0
val prs = new Parameters(3).pushInts(contextId, sizeHeaders, endOfStream)
callPluginWithResults("proxy_on_request_headers", prs, 1, data, attrs).map { requestHeadersAction =>
val number = requestHeadersAction.results.getValues()(0).v.i32
val result = Result.valueToType(number)
if (result != Result.ResultOk || data.httpResponse.isDefined) {
data.httpResponse match {
case None =>
reportError(result, vm, "proxyOnRequestHeaders")
.InternalServerError(Json.obj("error" -> s"no http response in context 1: ${result.value}"))
) // TODO: not sure if okay
case Some(response) => Left(response)
} else {
def proxyOnRequestBody(
contextId: Int,
request: RequestHeader,
req: NgPluginHttpRequest,
body_bytes: ByteString,
attrs: TypedMap
): Future[Either[play.api.mvc.Result, Unit]] = {
val vm = attrs.get(otoroshi.wasm.proxywasm.CorazaPluginKeys.CorazaWasmVmKey).get
val data = VmData.empty().withRequest(request, attrs.get(otoroshi.next.plugins.Keys.RouteKey), attrs)(env)
val endOfStream = 1
val sizeBody = body_bytes.size.bytes.length
val prs = new Parameters(3).pushInts(contextId, sizeBody, endOfStream)
callPluginWithResults("proxy_on_request_body", prs, 1, data, attrs).map { requestHeadersAction =>
val result = Result.valueToType(requestHeadersAction.results.getValues()(0).v.i32)
if (result != Result.ResultOk || data.httpResponse.isDefined) {
data.httpResponse match {
case None =>
reportError(result, vm, "proxyOnRequestBody")
.InternalServerError(Json.obj("error" -> s"no http response in context 2: ${result.value}"))
) // TODO: not sure if okay
case Some(response) => Left(response)
} else {
def proxyOnResponseHeaders(
contextId: Int,
response: NgPluginHttpResponse,
body_bytes: Option[ByteString],
attrs: TypedMap
): Future[Either[play.api.mvc.Result, Unit]] = {
val vm = attrs.get(otoroshi.wasm.proxywasm.CorazaPluginKeys.CorazaWasmVmKey).get
val data = VmData.empty().withResponse(response, attrs, body_bytes)(env)
val endOfStream = 1
val sizeHeaders = 0
val prs = new Parameters(3).pushInts(contextId, sizeHeaders, endOfStream)
callPluginWithResults("proxy_on_response_headers", prs, 1, data, attrs).map { requestHeadersAction =>
val result = Result.valueToType(requestHeadersAction.results.getValues()(0).v.i32)
if (result != Result.ResultOk || data.httpResponse.isDefined) {
data.httpResponse match {
case None =>
reportError(result, vm, "proxyOnResponseHeaders")
.InternalServerError(Json.obj("error" -> s"no http response in context 3: ${result.value}"))
) // TODO: not sure if okay
case Some(response) => Left(response)
} else {
def proxyOnResponseBody(
contextId: Int,
response: NgPluginHttpResponse,
body_bytes: ByteString,
attrs: TypedMap
): Future[Either[play.api.mvc.Result, Unit]] = {
val vm = attrs.get(otoroshi.wasm.proxywasm.CorazaPluginKeys.CorazaWasmVmKey).get
val data = VmData.empty().withResponse(response, attrs, body_bytes.some)(env)
val endOfStream = 1
val sizeBody = body_bytes.size.bytes.length
val prs = new Parameters(3).pushInts(contextId, sizeBody, endOfStream)
callPluginWithResults("proxy_on_response_body", prs, 1, data, attrs).map { requestHeadersAction =>
val result = Result.valueToType(requestHeadersAction.results.getValues()(0).v.i32)
if (result != Result.ResultOk || data.httpResponse.isDefined) {
data.httpResponse match {
case None =>
reportError(result, vm, "proxyOnResponseBody")
.InternalServerError(Json.obj("error" -> s"no http response in context 4: ${result.value}"))
) // TODO: not sure if okay
case Some(response) => Left(response)
} else {
def start(attrs: TypedMap): Future[Unit] = {
pool.getPooledVm(WasmVmInitOptions(false, true, createFunctions)).flatMap { vm =>
val data = VmData.withRules(rules)
attrs.put(otoroshi.wasm.proxywasm.CorazaPluginKeys.CorazaWasmVmKey -> vm)
vm.finitialize {
proxyStart(attrs, data).flatMap { _ =>
proxyCheckABIVersion(attrs, data).flatMap { _ =>
// according to ABI, we should create a root context id before any operations
proxyOnContexCreate(state.rootContextId, 0, attrs, data).flatMap { _ =>
proxyOnVmStart(attrs, data).flatMap {
case true =>
proxyOnConfigure(state.rootContextId, attrs, data).map {
case true => started.set(true)
case _ => /* TODO - REPLACE WITH logger.error( */ println("failed to configure coraza")
case _ => /* TODO - REPLACE WITH logger.error( */ println("failed to start coraza vm").vfuture
def stop(attrs: TypedMap): Future[Unit] = {
// TODO - need to save VmData in attrs to get it from the start function and reuse the same slotId
def runRequestPath(request: RequestHeader, attrs: TypedMap): Future[NgAccess] = {
val contId = contextId.incrementAndGet()
attrs.put(otoroshi.wasm.proxywasm.CorazaPluginKeys.CorazaContextIdKey -> contId)
val instance = attrs.get(otoroshi.wasm.proxywasm.CorazaPluginKeys.CorazaWasmVmKey).get
val data = VmData.withRules(rules)
proxyOnContexCreate(contId, state.rootContextId, attrs, data).flatMap { _ =>
proxyOnRequestHeaders(contId, request, attrs).map {
case Left(errRes) =>
proxyOnDone(contId, attrs)
proxyOnDelete(contId, attrs)
case Right(_) => NgAccess.NgAllowed
def runRequestBodyPath(
request: RequestHeader,
req: NgPluginHttpRequest,
body_bytes: Option[ByteString],
attrs: TypedMap
): Future[Either[mvc.Result, Unit]] = {
val contId = attrs.get(otoroshi.wasm.proxywasm.CorazaPluginKeys.CorazaContextIdKey).get
val f =
if (body_bytes.isDefined) proxyOnRequestBody(contId, request, req, body_bytes.get, attrs) else Right(()).vfuture
// proxy_on_http_request_trailers
// proxy_on_http_request_metadata : H2 only
f.map {
case Left(errRes) =>
proxyOnDone(contId, attrs)
proxyOnDelete(contId, attrs)
case Right(_) => Right(())
def runResponsePath(
response: NgPluginHttpResponse,
body_bytes: Option[ByteString],
attrs: TypedMap
): Future[Either[mvc.Result, Unit]] = {
val contId = attrs.get(otoroshi.wasm.proxywasm.CorazaPluginKeys.CorazaContextIdKey).get
proxyOnResponseHeaders(contId, response, body_bytes, attrs).flatMap {
case Left(e) => Left(e).vfuture
case Right(_) => {
val res =
if (body_bytes.isDefined) proxyOnResponseBody(contId, response, body_bytes.get, attrs) else Right(()).vfuture
// proxy_on_http_response_trailers
// proxy_on_http_response_metadata : H2 only
proxyOnDone(contId, attrs)
proxyOnDelete(contId, attrs)
case class NgCorazaWAFConfig(ref: String) extends NgPluginConfig {
override def json: JsValue = NgCorazaWAFConfig.format.writes(this)
object NgCorazaWAFConfig {
val format = new Format[NgCorazaWAFConfig] {
override def writes(o: NgCorazaWAFConfig): JsValue = Json.obj("ref" -> o.ref)
override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[NgCorazaWAFConfig] = Try {
ref = json.select("ref").asString
} match {
case Success(e) => JsSuccess(e)
case Failure(e) => JsError(e.getMessage)
object NgCorazaWAF {
private val plugins = new UnboundedTrieMap[String, CorazaPlugin]()
def getPlugin(ref: String, attrs: TypedMap)(implicit env: Env): CorazaPlugin = plugins.synchronized {
val config = env.adminExtensions.extension[CorazaWafAdminExtension].get.states.config(ref).get
val configHash = config.json.stringify.sha512
val key = s"ref=${ref}&hash=${configHash}"
val plugin = if (plugins.contains(key)) {
} else {
val url = "wasm/coraza-proxy-wasm-v6fb6b5f34ffef5b87039dfd3d2543e244bbf2a0b.wasm"
val p = new CorazaPlugin(
source = WasmSource(
kind = WasmSourceKind.ClassPath,
path = url
memoryPages = 10000,
functionName = None,
wasi = true,
// lifetime = WasmVmLifetime.Forever,
instances = config.poolCapacity,
killOptions = WasmVmKillOptions(
maxCalls = 2000,
maxMemoryUsage = 0.9,
maxAvgCallDuration = 1.day,
maxUnusedDuration = 5.minutes
plugins.put(key, p)
val oldVersionsKeys = plugins.keySet.filter(_.startsWith(s"ref=${ref}&hash=")).filterNot(_ == key)
val oldVersions = oldVersionsKeys.flatMap(plugins.get)
if (oldVersions.nonEmpty) {
class NgCorazaWAF extends NgAccessValidator with NgRequestTransformer {
override def steps: Seq[NgStep] = Seq(NgStep.ValidateAccess, NgStep.TransformRequest, NgStep.TransformResponse)
override def categories: Seq[NgPluginCategory] = Seq(NgPluginCategory.AccessControl)
override def visibility: NgPluginVisibility = NgPluginVisibility.NgUserLand
override def multiInstance: Boolean = true
override def core: Boolean = true
override def name: String = "Coraza WAF"
override def description: Option[String] = "Coraza WAF plugin".some
override def defaultConfigObject: Option[NgPluginConfig] = NgCorazaWAFConfig("none").some
override def isAccessAsync: Boolean = true
override def isTransformRequestAsync: Boolean = true
override def isTransformResponseAsync: Boolean = true
override def usesCallbacks: Boolean = true
override def transformsRequest: Boolean = true
override def transformsResponse: Boolean = true
override def transformsError: Boolean = false
override def beforeRequest(
ctx: NgBeforeRequestContext
)(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer): Future[Unit] = {
val config = ctx.cachedConfig(internalName)(NgCorazaWAFConfig.format).getOrElse(NgCorazaWAFConfig("none"))
val plugin = NgCorazaWAF.getPlugin(config.ref, ctx.attrs)
override def afterRequest(
ctx: NgAfterRequestContext
)(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer): Future[Unit] = {
override def access(ctx: NgAccessContext)(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[NgAccess] = {
val config = ctx.cachedConfig(internalName)(NgCorazaWAFConfig.format).getOrElse(NgCorazaWAFConfig("none"))
val plugin = NgCorazaWAF.getPlugin(config.ref, ctx.attrs)
plugin.runRequestPath(ctx.request, ctx.attrs)
override def transformRequest(
ctx: NgTransformerRequestContext
)(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer): Future[Either[mvc.Result, NgPluginHttpRequest]] = {
val config = ctx.cachedConfig(internalName)(NgCorazaWAFConfig.format).getOrElse(NgCorazaWAFConfig("none"))
val plugin = NgCorazaWAF.getPlugin(config.ref, ctx.attrs)
val hasBody = ctx.request.theHasBody
val bytesf: Future[Option[ByteString]] =
if (!plugin.config.inspectBody) None.vfuture
else if (!hasBody) None.vfuture
else {
ctx.otoroshiRequest.body.runFold(ByteString.empty)(_ ++ _).map(_.some)
bytesf.flatMap { bytes =>
val req =
if (plugin.config.inspectBody && hasBody) ctx.otoroshiRequest.copy(body = bytes.get.chunks(16 * 1024))
else ctx.otoroshiRequest
.map {
case Left(result) => Left(result)
case Right(_) => Right(req)
override def transformResponse(
ctx: NgTransformerResponseContext
)(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer): Future[Either[mvc.Result, NgPluginHttpResponse]] = {
val config = ctx.cachedConfig(internalName)(NgCorazaWAFConfig.format).getOrElse(NgCorazaWAFConfig("none"))
val plugin = NgCorazaWAF.getPlugin(config.ref, ctx.attrs)
val bytesf: Future[Option[ByteString]] =
if (!plugin.config.inspectBody) None.vfuture
else ctx.otoroshiResponse.body.runFold(ByteString.empty)(_ ++ _).map(_.some)
bytesf.flatMap { bytes =>
val res =
if (plugin.config.inspectBody) ctx.otoroshiResponse.copy(body = bytes.get.chunks(16 * 1024))
else ctx.otoroshiResponse
.map {
case Left(result) => Left(result)
case Right(_) => Right(res)
class NgIncomingRequestValidatorCorazaWAF extends NgIncomingRequestValidator {
override def steps: Seq[NgStep] = Seq(NgStep.ValidateAccess)
override def categories: Seq[NgPluginCategory] = Seq(NgPluginCategory.AccessControl)
override def visibility: NgPluginVisibility = NgPluginVisibility.NgUserLand
override def multiInstance: Boolean = true
override def core: Boolean = true
override def name: String = "Coraza WAF - Incoming Request Validtor"
override def description: Option[String] = "Coraza WAF - Incoming Request Validtor plugin".some
override def defaultConfigObject: Option[NgPluginConfig] = NgCorazaWAFConfig("none").some
override def access(
ctx: NgIncomingRequestValidatorContext
)(implicit env: Env, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[NgAccess] = {
ctx.config.select("ref").asOpt[String] match {
case None => NgAccess.NgAllowed.vfuture
case Some(ref) => {
val plugin = NgCorazaWAF.getPlugin(ref, ctx.attrs)
plugin.start(ctx.attrs).flatMap { _ =>
val res = plugin.runRequestPath(ctx.request, ctx.attrs)
case class CorazaWafConfig(
location: EntityLocation,
id: String,
name: String,
description: String,
tags: Seq[String],
metadata: Map[String, String],
inspectBody: Boolean,
config: JsObject,
poolCapacity: Int
) extends EntityLocationSupport {
override def internalId: String = id
override def json: JsValue = CorazaWafConfig.format.writes(this)
override def theName: String = name
override def theDescription: String = description
override def theTags: Seq[String] = tags
override def theMetadata: Map[String, String] = metadata
object CorazaWafConfig {
def template(): CorazaWafConfig = CorazaWafConfig(
location = EntityLocation.default,
id = s"coraza-waf-config_${IdGenerator.uuid}",
name = "New WAF",
description = "New WAF",
metadata = Map.empty,
tags = Seq.empty,
config = CorazaPlugin.corazaDefaultRules.asObject,
inspectBody = true,
poolCapacity = 2
val format = new Format[CorazaWafConfig] {
override def writes(o: CorazaWafConfig): JsValue = o.location.jsonWithKey ++ Json.obj(
"id" -> o.id,
"name" -> o.name,
"description" -> o.description,
"metadata" -> o.metadata,
"tags" -> JsArray(o.tags.map(JsString.apply)),
"config" -> o.config,
"inspect_body" -> o.inspectBody,
"pool_capacity" -> o.poolCapacity
override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[CorazaWafConfig] = Try {
location = otoroshi.models.EntityLocation.readFromKey(json),
id = (json \ "id").as[String],
name = (json \ "name").as[String],
description = (json \ "description").as[String],
metadata = (json \ "metadata").asOpt[Map[String, String]].getOrElse(Map.empty),
tags = (json \ "tags").asOpt[Seq[String]].getOrElse(Seq.empty[String]),
config = (json \ "config").asOpt[JsObject].getOrElse(Json.obj()),
inspectBody = (json \ "inspect_body").asOpt[Boolean].getOrElse(true),
poolCapacity = (json \ "pool_capacity").asOpt[Int].getOrElse(2)
} match {
case Failure(ex) => JsError(ex.getMessage)
case Success(value) => JsSuccess(value)
trait CorazaWafConfigDataStore extends BasicStore[CorazaWafConfig]
class KvCorazaWafConfigDataStore(extensionId: AdminExtensionId, redisCli: RedisLike, _env: Env)
extends CorazaWafConfigDataStore
with RedisLikeStore[CorazaWafConfig] {
override def fmt: Format[CorazaWafConfig] = CorazaWafConfig.format
override def redisLike(implicit env: Env): RedisLike = redisCli
override def key(id: String): String = s"${_env.storageRoot}:extensions:${extensionId.cleanup}:configs:$id"
override def extractId(value: CorazaWafConfig): String = value.id
class CorazaWafConfigAdminExtensionDatastores(env: Env, extensionId: AdminExtensionId) {
val corazaConfigsDatastore: CorazaWafConfigDataStore =
new KvCorazaWafConfigDataStore(extensionId, env.datastores.redis, env)
class CorazaWafConfigAdminExtensionState(env: Env) {
private val configs = new UnboundedTrieMap[String, CorazaWafConfig]()
def config(id: String): Option[CorazaWafConfig] = configs.get(id)
def allConfigs(): Seq[CorazaWafConfig] = configs.values.toSeq
private[proxywasm] def updateConfigs(values: Seq[CorazaWafConfig]): Unit = {
configs.addAll(values.map(v => (v.id, v))).remAll(configs.keySet.toSeq.diff(values.map(_.id)))
class CorazaWafAdminExtension(val env: Env) extends AdminExtension {
private[proxywasm] lazy val datastores = new CorazaWafConfigAdminExtensionDatastores(env, id)
private[proxywasm] lazy val states = new CorazaWafConfigAdminExtensionState(env)
override def id: AdminExtensionId = AdminExtensionId("otoroshi.extensions.CorazaWAF")
override def name: String = "Coraza WAF extension"
override def description: Option[String] = "Coraza WAF extension".some
override def enabled: Boolean = true
override def start(): Unit = ()
override def stop(): Unit = ()
override def syncStates(): Future[Unit] = {
implicit val ec = env.otoroshiExecutionContext
implicit val ev = env
for {
configs <- datastores.corazaConfigsDatastore.findAll()
} yield {
// override def frontendExtensions(): Seq[AdminExtensionFrontendExtension] = {
// Seq(
// AdminExtensionFrontendExtension("/__otoroshi_assets/javascripts/extensions/coraza-extension.js")
// )
// }
override def entities(): Seq[AdminExtensionEntity[EntityLocationSupport]] = {
ResourceVersion("v1", true, false, true),
id => datastores.corazaConfigsDatastore.key(id),
c => datastores.corazaConfigsDatastore.extractId(c),
json => json.select("id").asString,
() => "id",
tmpl = (v, p) => CorazaWafConfig.template().json,
stateAll = () => states.allConfigs(),
stateOne = id => states.config(id),
stateUpdate = values => states.updateConfigs(values)
case class CorazaTrailEvent(
level: org.slf4j.event.Level,
msg: String,
request: Option[RequestHeader],
route: Option[NgRoute]
) extends AnalyticEvent {
override def `@service`: String = "--"
override def `@serviceId`: String = "--"
def `@id`: String = IdGenerator.uuid
def `@timestamp`: org.joda.time.DateTime = timestamp
def `@type`: String = "CorazaTrailEvent"
override def fromOrigin: Option[String] = None
override def fromUserAgent: Option[String] = None
private val timestamp = DateTime.now()
override def toJson(implicit env: Env): JsValue = {
var fields = Map.empty[String, String]
val txt = Try(
.replaceOn(msg, 1) { token =>
val parts = token.split(" ")
val key = parts.head
val value = parts.tail
.mkString(" ")
fields = fields.put((key, value))
"@id" -> `@id`,
"@timestamp" -> play.api.libs.json.JodaWrites.JodaDateTimeNumberWrites.writes(timestamp),
"@type" -> "CorazaTrailEvent",
"@product" -> "otoroshi",
"@serviceId" -> `@serviceId`,
"@service" -> `@service`,
"@env" -> "prod",
"level" -> level.name(),
"raw" -> msg,
"msg" -> txt,
"fields" -> JsObject(fields.mapValues(JsString.apply)),
"route" -> route.map(_.json).getOrElse(JsNull).asValue,
"request" -> request.map(JsonHelpers.requestToJson).getOrElse(JsNull).asValue
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