fr.gouv.culture.archivesdefrance.seda.v2.ObjectFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// This file was generated by the Eclipse Implementation of JAXB, v4.0.5
// See
// Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema.
package fr.gouv.culture.archivesdefrance.seda.v2;
import jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementDecl;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlIDREF;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRegistry;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
* This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface
* generated in the fr.gouv.culture.archivesdefrance.seda.v2 package.
* An ObjectFactory allows you to programmatically construct new instances of the Java
* representation for XML content. The Java representation of XML content can consist of schema
* derived interfaces and classes representing the binding of schema type definitions, element
* declarations and model groups. Factory methods for each of these are provided in this class.
public class ObjectFactory {
private static final QName _ObjectGroupExtenstionAbstract_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "ObjectGroupExtenstionAbstract");
private static final QName _OtherDimensionsAbstract_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "OtherDimensionsAbstract");
private static final QName _OtherCoreTechnicalMetadataAbstract_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "OtherCoreTechnicalMetadataAbstract");
private static final QName _ArchiveUnitReferenceAbstract_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "ArchiveUnitReferenceAbstract");
private static final QName _OtherManagementAbstract_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "OtherManagementAbstract");
private static final QName _OtherCodeListAbstract_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "OtherCodeListAbstract");
private static final QName _EventAbstract_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "EventAbstract");
private static final QName _Acknowledgement_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "Acknowledgement");
private static final QName _ArchiveDeliveryRequest_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "ArchiveDeliveryRequest");
private static final QName _ArchiveRestitutionRequest_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "ArchiveRestitutionRequest");
private static final QName _ArchiveTransfer_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "ArchiveTransfer");
private static final QName _ArchiveTransferRequest_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "ArchiveTransferRequest");
private static final QName _AuthorizationControlAuthorityRequest_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "AuthorizationControlAuthorityRequest");
private static final QName _AuthorizationOriginatingAgencyRequest_QNAME =
new QName(
"fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "AuthorizationOriginatingAgencyRequest");
private static final QName _ArchiveDeliveryRequestReply_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "ArchiveDeliveryRequestReply");
private static final QName _ArchiveRestitutionRequestReply_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "ArchiveRestitutionRequestReply");
private static final QName _ArchiveTransferReply_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "ArchiveTransferReply");
private static final QName _ArchiveTransferRequestReply_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "ArchiveTransferRequestReply");
private static final QName _AuthorizationControlAuthorityRequestReply_QNAME =
new QName(
"fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "AuthorizationControlAuthorityRequestReply");
private static final QName _AuthorizationOriginatingAgencyRequestReply_QNAME =
new QName(
"fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "AuthorizationOriginatingAgencyRequestReply");
private static final QName _ArchiveDestructionNotification_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "ArchiveDestructionNotification");
private static final QName _ArchiveModificationNotification_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "ArchiveModificationNotification");
private static final QName _ArchiveUnitTypeArchiveUnit_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "ArchiveUnit");
private static final QName _ArchiveUnitTypeDataObjectReference_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "DataObjectReference");
private static final QName _ArchiveUnitTypeDataObjectGroup_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "DataObjectGroup");
private static final QName _ToDeleteTypeArchiveUnitRefId_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "ArchiveUnitRefId");
private static final QName _HoldRuleTypeRule_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "Rule");
private static final QName _HoldRuleTypeStartDate_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "StartDate");
private static final QName _HoldRuleTypeHoldEndDate_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "HoldEndDate");
private static final QName _HoldRuleTypeHoldOwner_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "HoldOwner");
private static final QName _HoldRuleTypeHoldReassessingDate_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "HoldReassessingDate");
private static final QName _HoldRuleTypeHoldReason_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "HoldReason");
private static final QName _HoldRuleTypePreventRearrangement_QNAME =
new QName("fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2", "PreventRearrangement");
* Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes
* for package: fr.gouv.culture.archivesdefrance.seda.v2
public ObjectFactory() {}
* Create an instance of {@link CodeType }
* @return the new instance of {@link CodeType }
public CodeType createCodeType() {
return new CodeType();
* Create an instance of {@link AcknowledgementType }
* @return the new instance of {@link AcknowledgementType }
public AcknowledgementType createAcknowledgementType() {
return new AcknowledgementType();
* Create an instance of {@link ArchiveDeliveryRequestType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ArchiveDeliveryRequestType }
public ArchiveDeliveryRequestType createArchiveDeliveryRequestType() {
return new ArchiveDeliveryRequestType();
* Create an instance of {@link ArchiveRestitutionRequestType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ArchiveRestitutionRequestType }
public ArchiveRestitutionRequestType createArchiveRestitutionRequestType() {
return new ArchiveRestitutionRequestType();
* Create an instance of {@link ArchiveTransferType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ArchiveTransferType }
public ArchiveTransferType createArchiveTransferType() {
return new ArchiveTransferType();
* Create an instance of {@link ArchiveTransferRequestType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ArchiveTransferRequestType }
public ArchiveTransferRequestType createArchiveTransferRequestType() {
return new ArchiveTransferRequestType();
* Create an instance of {@link AuthorizationControlAuthorityRequestType }
* @return the new instance of {@link AuthorizationControlAuthorityRequestType }
public AuthorizationControlAuthorityRequestType createAuthorizationControlAuthorityRequestType() {
return new AuthorizationControlAuthorityRequestType();
* Create an instance of {@link AuthorizationOriginatingAgencyRequestType }
* @return the new instance of {@link AuthorizationOriginatingAgencyRequestType }
public AuthorizationOriginatingAgencyRequestType
createAuthorizationOriginatingAgencyRequestType() {
return new AuthorizationOriginatingAgencyRequestType();
* Create an instance of {@link ArchiveDeliveryRequestReplyType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ArchiveDeliveryRequestReplyType }
public ArchiveDeliveryRequestReplyType createArchiveDeliveryRequestReplyType() {
return new ArchiveDeliveryRequestReplyType();
* Create an instance of {@link ArchiveRestitutionRequestReplyType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ArchiveRestitutionRequestReplyType }
public ArchiveRestitutionRequestReplyType createArchiveRestitutionRequestReplyType() {
return new ArchiveRestitutionRequestReplyType();
* Create an instance of {@link ArchiveTransferReplyType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ArchiveTransferReplyType }
public ArchiveTransferReplyType createArchiveTransferReplyType() {
return new ArchiveTransferReplyType();
* Create an instance of {@link ArchiveTransferRequestReplyType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ArchiveTransferRequestReplyType }
public ArchiveTransferRequestReplyType createArchiveTransferRequestReplyType() {
return new ArchiveTransferRequestReplyType();
* Create an instance of {@link AuthorizationControlAuthorityRequestReplyType }
* @return the new instance of {@link AuthorizationControlAuthorityRequestReplyType }
public AuthorizationControlAuthorityRequestReplyType
createAuthorizationControlAuthorityRequestReplyType() {
return new AuthorizationControlAuthorityRequestReplyType();
* Create an instance of {@link AuthorizationOriginatingAgencyRequestReplyType }
* @return the new instance of {@link AuthorizationOriginatingAgencyRequestReplyType }
public AuthorizationOriginatingAgencyRequestReplyType
createAuthorizationOriginatingAgencyRequestReplyType() {
return new AuthorizationOriginatingAgencyRequestReplyType();
* Create an instance of {@link ArchiveDestructionNotificationType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ArchiveDestructionNotificationType }
public ArchiveDestructionNotificationType createArchiveDestructionNotificationType() {
return new ArchiveDestructionNotificationType();
* Create an instance of {@link ArchiveModificationNotificationType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ArchiveModificationNotificationType }
public ArchiveModificationNotificationType createArchiveModificationNotificationType() {
return new ArchiveModificationNotificationType();
* Create an instance of {@link CustodialHistoryType }
* @return the new instance of {@link CustodialHistoryType }
public CustodialHistoryType createCustodialHistoryType() {
return new CustodialHistoryType();
* Create an instance of {@link CustodialHistoryItemType }
* @return the new instance of {@link CustodialHistoryItemType }
public CustodialHistoryItemType createCustodialHistoryItemType() {
return new CustodialHistoryItemType();
* Create an instance of {@link KeywordsType }
* @return the new instance of {@link KeywordsType }
public KeywordsType createKeywordsType() {
return new KeywordsType();
* Create an instance of {@link KeyType }
* @return the new instance of {@link KeyType }
public KeyType createKeyType() {
return new KeyType();
* Create an instance of {@link CoverageType }
* @return the new instance of {@link CoverageType }
public CoverageType createCoverageType() {
return new CoverageType();
* Create an instance of {@link RelatedObjectReferenceType }
* @return the new instance of {@link RelatedObjectReferenceType }
public RelatedObjectReferenceType createRelatedObjectReferenceType() {
return new RelatedObjectReferenceType();
* Create an instance of {@link DataObjectOrArchiveUnitReferenceType }
* @return the new instance of {@link DataObjectOrArchiveUnitReferenceType }
public DataObjectOrArchiveUnitReferenceType createDataObjectOrArchiveUnitReferenceType() {
return new DataObjectOrArchiveUnitReferenceType();
* Create an instance of {@link EventType }
* @return the new instance of {@link EventType }
public EventType createEventType() {
return new EventType();
* Create an instance of {@link LinkingAgentIdentifierType }
* @return the new instance of {@link LinkingAgentIdentifierType }
public LinkingAgentIdentifierType createLinkingAgentIdentifierType() {
return new LinkingAgentIdentifierType();
* Create an instance of {@link SignatureType }
* @return the new instance of {@link SignatureType }
public SignatureType createSignatureType() {
return new SignatureType();
* Create an instance of {@link SignerType }
* @return the new instance of {@link SignerType }
public SignerType createSignerType() {
return new SignerType();
* Create an instance of {@link ValidatorType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ValidatorType }
public ValidatorType createValidatorType() {
return new ValidatorType();
* Create an instance of {@link ReferencedObjectType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ReferencedObjectType }
public ReferencedObjectType createReferencedObjectType() {
return new ReferencedObjectType();
* Create an instance of {@link AgentType }
* @return the new instance of {@link AgentType }
public AgentType createAgentType() {
return new AgentType();
* Create an instance of {@link BirthOrDeathPlaceType }
* @return the new instance of {@link BirthOrDeathPlaceType }
public BirthOrDeathPlaceType createBirthOrDeathPlaceType() {
return new BirthOrDeathPlaceType();
* Create an instance of {@link GpsType }
* @return the new instance of {@link GpsType }
public GpsType createGpsType() {
return new GpsType();
* Create an instance of {@link TextType }
* @return the new instance of {@link TextType }
public TextType createTextType() {
return new TextType();
* Create an instance of {@link IdentifierType }
* @return the new instance of {@link IdentifierType }
public IdentifierType createIdentifierType() {
return new IdentifierType();
* Create an instance of {@link DataObjectRefType }
* @return the new instance of {@link DataObjectRefType }
public DataObjectRefType createDataObjectRefType() {
return new DataObjectRefType();
* Create an instance of {@link MessageDigestBinaryObjectType }
* @return the new instance of {@link MessageDigestBinaryObjectType }
public MessageDigestBinaryObjectType createMessageDigestBinaryObjectType() {
return new MessageDigestBinaryObjectType();
* Create an instance of {@link BinaryObjectType }
* @return the new instance of {@link BinaryObjectType }
public BinaryObjectType createBinaryObjectType() {
return new BinaryObjectType();
* Create an instance of {@link RelationshipType }
* @return the new instance of {@link RelationshipType }
public RelationshipType createRelationshipType() {
return new RelationshipType();
* Create an instance of {@link OrganizationType }
* @return the new instance of {@link OrganizationType }
public OrganizationType createOrganizationType() {
return new OrganizationType();
* Create an instance of {@link OrganizationDescriptiveMetadataType }
* @return the new instance of {@link OrganizationDescriptiveMetadataType }
public OrganizationDescriptiveMetadataType createOrganizationDescriptiveMetadataType() {
return new OrganizationDescriptiveMetadataType();
* Create an instance of {@link SignatureMessageType }
* @return the new instance of {@link SignatureMessageType }
public SignatureMessageType createSignatureMessageType() {
return new SignatureMessageType();
* Create an instance of {@link TextTechnicalMetadataType }
* @return the new instance of {@link TextTechnicalMetadataType }
public TextTechnicalMetadataType createTextTechnicalMetadataType() {
return new TextTechnicalMetadataType();
* Create an instance of {@link DocumentTechnicalMetadataType }
* @return the new instance of {@link DocumentTechnicalMetadataType }
public DocumentTechnicalMetadataType createDocumentTechnicalMetadataType() {
return new DocumentTechnicalMetadataType();
* Create an instance of {@link ImageTechnicalMetadataType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ImageTechnicalMetadataType }
public ImageTechnicalMetadataType createImageTechnicalMetadataType() {
return new ImageTechnicalMetadataType();
* Create an instance of {@link AudioTechnicalMetadataType }
* @return the new instance of {@link AudioTechnicalMetadataType }
public AudioTechnicalMetadataType createAudioTechnicalMetadataType() {
return new AudioTechnicalMetadataType();
* Create an instance of {@link VideoTechnicalMetadataType }
* @return the new instance of {@link VideoTechnicalMetadataType }
public VideoTechnicalMetadataType createVideoTechnicalMetadataType() {
return new VideoTechnicalMetadataType();
* Create an instance of {@link DescriptiveTechnicalMetadataType }
* @return the new instance of {@link DescriptiveTechnicalMetadataType }
public DescriptiveTechnicalMetadataType createDescriptiveTechnicalMetadataType() {
return new DescriptiveTechnicalMetadataType();
* Create an instance of {@link BinaryDataObjectType }
* @return the new instance of {@link BinaryDataObjectType }
public BinaryDataObjectType createBinaryDataObjectType() {
return new BinaryDataObjectType();
* Create an instance of {@link CompressedType }
* @return the new instance of {@link CompressedType }
public CompressedType createCompressedType() {
return new CompressedType();
* Create an instance of {@link FormatIdentificationType }
* @return the new instance of {@link FormatIdentificationType }
public FormatIdentificationType createFormatIdentificationType() {
return new FormatIdentificationType();
* Create an instance of {@link FileInfoType }
* @return the new instance of {@link FileInfoType }
public FileInfoType createFileInfoType() {
return new FileInfoType();
* Create an instance of {@link PhysicalDataObjectType }
* @return the new instance of {@link PhysicalDataObjectType }
public PhysicalDataObjectType createPhysicalDataObjectType() {
return new PhysicalDataObjectType();
* Create an instance of {@link CoreMetadataType }
* @return the new instance of {@link CoreMetadataType }
public CoreMetadataType createCoreMetadataType() {
return new CoreMetadataType();
* Create an instance of {@link DimensionsType }
* @return the new instance of {@link DimensionsType }
public DimensionsType createDimensionsType() {
return new DimensionsType();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasurementType }
* @return the new instance of {@link MeasurementType }
public MeasurementType createMeasurementType() {
return new MeasurementType();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasurementWeightType }
* @return the new instance of {@link MeasurementWeightType }
public MeasurementWeightType createMeasurementWeightType() {
return new MeasurementWeightType();
* Create an instance of {@link RuleIdType }
* @return the new instance of {@link RuleIdType }
public RuleIdType createRuleIdType() {
return new RuleIdType();
* Create an instance of {@link LogBookType }
* @return the new instance of {@link LogBookType }
public LogBookType createLogBookType() {
return new LogBookType();
* Create an instance of {@link AccessRuleType }
* @return the new instance of {@link AccessRuleType }
public AccessRuleType createAccessRuleType() {
return new AccessRuleType();
* Create an instance of {@link DisseminationRuleType }
* @return the new instance of {@link DisseminationRuleType }
public DisseminationRuleType createDisseminationRuleType() {
return new DisseminationRuleType();
* Create an instance of {@link ReuseRuleType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ReuseRuleType }
public ReuseRuleType createReuseRuleType() {
return new ReuseRuleType();
* Create an instance of {@link ClassificationRuleType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ClassificationRuleType }
public ClassificationRuleType createClassificationRuleType() {
return new ClassificationRuleType();
* Create an instance of {@link StorageRuleType }
* @return the new instance of {@link StorageRuleType }
public StorageRuleType createStorageRuleType() {
return new StorageRuleType();
* Create an instance of {@link AppraisalRuleType }
* @return the new instance of {@link AppraisalRuleType }
public AppraisalRuleType createAppraisalRuleType() {
return new AppraisalRuleType();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateOperationType }
* @return the new instance of {@link UpdateOperationType }
public UpdateOperationType createUpdateOperationType() {
return new UpdateOperationType();
* Create an instance of {@link HoldRuleType }
* @return the new instance of {@link HoldRuleType }
public HoldRuleType createHoldRuleType() {
return new HoldRuleType();
* Create an instance of {@link ArchiveUnitIdentifierKeyType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ArchiveUnitIdentifierKeyType }
public ArchiveUnitIdentifierKeyType createArchiveUnitIdentifierKeyType() {
return new ArchiveUnitIdentifierKeyType();
* Create an instance of {@link ToDeleteType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ToDeleteType }
public ToDeleteType createToDeleteType() {
return new ToDeleteType();
* Create an instance of {@link ArchiveUnitType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ArchiveUnitType }
public ArchiveUnitType createArchiveUnitType() {
return new ArchiveUnitType();
* Create an instance of {@link ManagementType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ManagementType }
public ManagementType createManagementType() {
return new ManagementType();
* Create an instance of {@link ObjectGroupRefType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ObjectGroupRefType }
public ObjectGroupRefType createObjectGroupRefType() {
return new ObjectGroupRefType();
* Create an instance of {@link DescriptiveMetadataContentType }
* @return the new instance of {@link DescriptiveMetadataContentType }
public DescriptiveMetadataContentType createDescriptiveMetadataContentType() {
return new DescriptiveMetadataContentType();
* Create an instance of {@link ManagementHistoryType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ManagementHistoryType }
public ManagementHistoryType createManagementHistoryType() {
return new ManagementHistoryType();
* Create an instance of {@link ManagementHistoryDataType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ManagementHistoryDataType }
public ManagementHistoryDataType createManagementHistoryDataType() {
return new ManagementHistoryDataType();
* Create an instance of {@link CodeListVersionsType }
* @return the new instance of {@link CodeListVersionsType }
public CodeListVersionsType createCodeListVersionsType() {
return new CodeListVersionsType();
* Create an instance of {@link DataObjectGroupType }
* @return the new instance of {@link DataObjectGroupType }
public DataObjectGroupType createDataObjectGroupType() {
return new DataObjectGroupType();
* Create an instance of {@link LogBookOgType }
* @return the new instance of {@link LogBookOgType }
public LogBookOgType createLogBookOgType() {
return new LogBookOgType();
* Create an instance of {@link EventLogBookOgType }
* @return the new instance of {@link EventLogBookOgType }
public EventLogBookOgType createEventLogBookOgType() {
return new EventLogBookOgType();
* Create an instance of {@link DataObjectPackageType }
* @return the new instance of {@link DataObjectPackageType }
public DataObjectPackageType createDataObjectPackageType() {
return new DataObjectPackageType();
* Create an instance of {@link ManagementMetadataType }
* @return the new instance of {@link ManagementMetadataType }
public ManagementMetadataType createManagementMetadataType() {
return new ManagementMetadataType();
* Create an instance of {@link AuthorizationRequestContentType }
* @return the new instance of {@link AuthorizationRequestContentType }
public AuthorizationRequestContentType createAuthorizationRequestContentType() {
return new AuthorizationRequestContentType();
* Create an instance of {@link DescriptiveMetadataType }
* @return the new instance of {@link DescriptiveMetadataType }
public DescriptiveMetadataType createDescriptiveMetadataType() {
return new DescriptiveMetadataType();
* Create an instance of {@link OperationType }
* @return the new instance of {@link OperationType }
public OperationType createOperationType() {
return new OperationType();
* Create an instance of {@link OrganizationWithIdType }
* @return the new instance of {@link OrganizationWithIdType }
public OrganizationWithIdType createOrganizationWithIdType() {
return new OrganizationWithIdType();
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Object }{@code >}
* @param value Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Object }{@code >}
namespace = "fr:gouv:culture:archivesdefrance:seda:v2",
name = "ObjectGroupExtenstionAbstract")
public JAXBElement