games.rednblack.h2d.extension.bvb.BVBSkeletonRenderSeparator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package games.rednblack.h2d.extension.bvb;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.FloatArray;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.NumberUtils;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ShortArray;
import com.esotericsoftware.spine.BlendMode;
import com.esotericsoftware.spine.Skeleton;
import com.esotericsoftware.spine.Slot;
import com.esotericsoftware.spine.attachments.*;
import com.esotericsoftware.spine.utils.SkeletonClipping;
import com.esotericsoftware.spine.utils.TwoColorPolygonBatch;
import games.rednblack.h2d.extension.spine.HyperBlendMode;
import games.rednblack.h2d.extension.spine.SlotRange;
import games.rednblack.talos.runtime.ParticleEffectInstance;
import games.rednblack.talos.runtime.bvb.BoundEffect;
import games.rednblack.talos.runtime.bvb.SkeletonContainer;
import games.rednblack.talos.runtime.render.ParticleRenderer;
public class BVBSkeletonRenderSeparator {
static private final short[] quadTriangles = {0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0};
private boolean pmaColors, pmaBlendModes;
private final FloatArray vertices = new FloatArray(32);
private final SkeletonClipping clipper = new SkeletonClipping();
/** Renders the specified skeleton. If the batch is a PolygonSpriteBatch, {@link #draw(ParticleRenderer, PolygonSpriteBatch, SkeletonContainer, Skeleton, SlotRange)} is
* called. If the batch is a TwoColorPolygonBatch, {@link #draw(ParticleRenderer, TwoColorPolygonBatch, SkeletonContainer, Skeleton, SlotRange)} is called. Otherwise the
* skeleton is rendered without two color tinting and any mesh attachments will throw an exception.
* This method may change the batch's {@link Batch#setBlendFunctionSeparate(int, int, int, int) blending function}. The
* previous blend function is not restored, since that could result in unnecessary flushes, depending on what is rendered
* next. */
public void draw (ParticleRenderer particleRenderer, SkeletonContainer skeletonContainer, Skeleton skeleton, SlotRange slotRange) {
if (particleRenderer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ParticleRenderer cannot be null.");
Batch batch = particleRenderer.getBatch();
if (batch instanceof TwoColorPolygonBatch) {
draw(particleRenderer, (TwoColorPolygonBatch) batch, skeletonContainer, skeleton, slotRange);
if (batch instanceof PolygonSpriteBatch) {
draw(particleRenderer, (PolygonSpriteBatch) batch, skeletonContainer, skeleton, slotRange);
if (batch == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("batch cannot be null.");
if (skeleton == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("skeleton cannot be null.");
if (skeletonContainer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("skeleton container cannot be null.");
boolean pmaColors = this.pmaColors, pmaBlendModes = this.pmaBlendModes;
BlendMode blendMode = null;
float[] vertices = this.vertices.items;
Color skeletonColor = skeleton.getColor();
float r = skeletonColor.r, g = skeletonColor.g, b = skeletonColor.b, a = skeletonColor.a;
Object[] drawOrder = skeleton.getDrawOrder().items;
for (int i = slotRange.start, n = slotRange.end; i < n; i++) {
Slot slot = (Slot)drawOrder[i];
if (!slot.getBone().isActive()) continue;
BoundEffect boundEffect = skeletonContainer.findEffect(slot);
if (boundEffect != null && boundEffect.isNested() && boundEffect.isBehind()) {
for (ParticleEffectInstance particleEffectInstance : boundEffect.getParticleEffects()) {
Attachment attachment = slot.getAttachment();
if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment) {
RegionAttachment region = (RegionAttachment)attachment;
region.computeWorldVertices(slot, vertices, 0, 5);
Color color = region.getColor(), slotColor = slot.getColor();
float alpha = a * slotColor.a * color.a * 255;
float multiplier = pmaColors ? alpha : 255;
BlendMode slotBlendMode = slot.getData().getBlendMode();
if (slotBlendMode != blendMode) {
if (slotBlendMode == BlendMode.additive && pmaColors) {
slotBlendMode = BlendMode.normal;
alpha = 0;
blendMode = slotBlendMode;
HyperBlendMode.apply(blendMode, batch, pmaBlendModes);
float c = NumberUtils.intToFloatColor((int)alpha << 24 //
| (int)(b * slotColor.b * color.b * multiplier) << 16 //
| (int)(g * slotColor.g * color.g * multiplier) << 8 //
| (int)(r * slotColor.r * color.r * multiplier));
float[] uvs = region.getUVs();
for (int u = 0, v = 2; u < 8; u += 2, v += 5) {
vertices[v] = c;
vertices[v + 1] = uvs[u];
vertices[v + 2] = uvs[u + 1];
batch.draw(region.getRegion().getTexture(), vertices, 0, 20);
} else if (attachment instanceof ClippingAttachment) {
throw new RuntimeException(batch.getClass().getSimpleName()
+ " cannot perform clipping, PolygonSpriteBatch or TwoColorPolygonBatch is required.");
} else if (attachment instanceof MeshAttachment) {
throw new RuntimeException(batch.getClass().getSimpleName()
+ " cannot render meshes, PolygonSpriteBatch or TwoColorPolygonBatch is required.");
} else if (attachment instanceof SkeletonAttachment) {
Skeleton attachmentSkeleton = ((SkeletonAttachment)attachment).getSkeleton();
if (attachmentSkeleton != null) draw(particleRenderer, skeletonContainer, attachmentSkeleton, slotRange);
if (boundEffect != null && boundEffect.isNested() && !boundEffect.isBehind()) {
for (ParticleEffectInstance particleEffectInstance : boundEffect.getParticleEffects()) {
/** Renders the specified skeleton, including meshes, but without two color tinting.
* This method may change the batch's {@link Batch#setBlendFunctionSeparate(int, int, int, int) blending function}. The
* previous blend function is not restored, since that could result in unnecessary flushes, depending on what is rendered
* next. */
public void draw (ParticleRenderer particleRenderer, PolygonSpriteBatch batch, SkeletonContainer skeletonContainer, Skeleton skeleton, SlotRange slotRange) {
if (batch == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("batch cannot be null.");
if (skeleton == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("skeleton cannot be null.");
if (skeletonContainer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("skeleton container cannot be null.");
boolean pmaColors = this.pmaColors, pmaBlendModes = this.pmaBlendModes;
BlendMode blendMode = null;
int verticesLength = 0;
float[] vertices = null, uvs = null;
short[] triangles = null;
Color color = null, skeletonColor = skeleton.getColor();
float r = skeletonColor.r, g = skeletonColor.g, b = skeletonColor.b, a = skeletonColor.a;
Object[] drawOrder = skeleton.getDrawOrder().items;
for (int i = slotRange.start, n = slotRange.end; i < n; i++) {
Slot slot = (Slot)drawOrder[i];
if (!slot.getBone().isActive()) {
BoundEffect boundEffect = skeletonContainer.findEffect(slot);
if (boundEffect != null && boundEffect.isNested() && boundEffect.isBehind()) {
for (ParticleEffectInstance particleEffectInstance : boundEffect.getParticleEffects()) {
Texture texture = null;
int vertexSize = clipper.isClipping() ? 2 : 5;
Attachment attachment = slot.getAttachment();
if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment) {
RegionAttachment region = (RegionAttachment)attachment;
verticesLength = vertexSize << 2;
vertices = this.vertices.items;
region.computeWorldVertices(slot, vertices, 0, vertexSize);
triangles = quadTriangles;
texture = region.getRegion().getTexture();
uvs = region.getUVs();
color = region.getColor();
} else if (attachment instanceof MeshAttachment) {
MeshAttachment mesh = (MeshAttachment)attachment;
int count = mesh.getWorldVerticesLength();
verticesLength = (count >> 1) * vertexSize;
vertices = this.vertices.setSize(verticesLength);
mesh.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, count, vertices, 0, vertexSize);
triangles = mesh.getTriangles();
texture = mesh.getRegion().getTexture();
uvs = mesh.getUVs();
color = mesh.getColor();
} else if (attachment instanceof ClippingAttachment) {
ClippingAttachment clip = (ClippingAttachment)attachment;
clipper.clipStart(slot, clip);
} else if (attachment instanceof SkeletonAttachment) {
Skeleton attachmentSkeleton = ((SkeletonAttachment)attachment).getSkeleton();
if (attachmentSkeleton != null) draw(particleRenderer, batch, skeletonContainer, attachmentSkeleton, slotRange);
if (texture != null) {
Color slotColor = slot.getColor();
float alpha = a * slotColor.a * color.a * 255;
float multiplier = pmaColors ? alpha : 255;
BlendMode slotBlendMode = slot.getData().getBlendMode();
if (slotBlendMode != blendMode) {
if (slotBlendMode == BlendMode.additive && pmaColors) {
slotBlendMode = BlendMode.normal;
alpha = 0;
blendMode = slotBlendMode;
HyperBlendMode.apply(blendMode, batch, pmaBlendModes);
float c = NumberUtils.intToFloatColor((int)alpha << 24 //
| (int)(b * slotColor.b * color.b * multiplier) << 16 //
| (int)(g * slotColor.g * color.g * multiplier) << 8 //
| (int)(r * slotColor.r * color.r * multiplier));
if (clipper.isClipping()) {
clipper.clipTriangles(vertices, verticesLength, triangles, triangles.length, uvs, c, 0, false);
FloatArray clippedVertices = clipper.getClippedVertices();
ShortArray clippedTriangles = clipper.getClippedTriangles();
batch.draw(texture, clippedVertices.items, 0, clippedVertices.size, clippedTriangles.items, 0,
} else {
for (int v = 2, u = 0; v < verticesLength; v += 5, u += 2) {
vertices[v] = c;
vertices[v + 1] = uvs[u];
vertices[v + 2] = uvs[u + 1];
batch.draw(texture, vertices, 0, verticesLength, triangles, 0, triangles.length);
if (boundEffect != null && boundEffect.isNested() && !boundEffect.isBehind()) {
for (ParticleEffectInstance particleEffectInstance : boundEffect.getParticleEffects()) {
/** Renders the specified skeleton, including meshes and two color tinting.
* This method may change the batch's {@link Batch#setBlendFunctionSeparate(int, int, int, int) blending function}. The
* previous blend function is not restored, since that could result in unnecessary flushes, depending on what is rendered
* next. */
public void draw (ParticleRenderer particleRenderer, TwoColorPolygonBatch batch, SkeletonContainer skeletonContainer, Skeleton skeleton, SlotRange slotRange) {
if (batch == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("batch cannot be null.");
if (skeleton == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("skeleton cannot be null.");
if (skeletonContainer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("skeleton container cannot be null.");
boolean pmaColors = this.pmaColors, pmaBlendModes = this.pmaBlendModes;
BlendMode blendMode = null;
int verticesLength = 0;
float[] vertices = null, uvs = null;
short[] triangles = null;
Color color = null, skeletonColor = skeleton.getColor();
float r = skeletonColor.r, g = skeletonColor.g, b = skeletonColor.b, a = skeletonColor.a;
Object[] drawOrder = skeleton.getDrawOrder().items;
for (int i = slotRange.start, n = slotRange.end; i < n; i++) {
Slot slot = (Slot)drawOrder[i];
if (!slot.getBone().isActive()) {
BoundEffect boundEffect = skeletonContainer.findEffect(slot);
if (boundEffect != null && boundEffect.isNested() && boundEffect.isBehind()) {
for (ParticleEffectInstance particleEffectInstance : boundEffect.getParticleEffects()) {
Texture texture = null;
int vertexSize = clipper.isClipping() ? 2 : 6;
Attachment attachment = slot.getAttachment();
if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment) {
RegionAttachment region = (RegionAttachment)attachment;
verticesLength = vertexSize << 2;
vertices = this.vertices.items;
region.computeWorldVertices(slot, vertices, 0, vertexSize);
triangles = quadTriangles;
texture = region.getRegion().getTexture();
uvs = region.getUVs();
color = region.getColor();
} else if (attachment instanceof MeshAttachment) {
MeshAttachment mesh = (MeshAttachment)attachment;
int count = mesh.getWorldVerticesLength();
verticesLength = (count >> 1) * vertexSize;
vertices = this.vertices.setSize(verticesLength);
mesh.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, count, vertices, 0, vertexSize);
triangles = mesh.getTriangles();
texture = mesh.getRegion().getTexture();
uvs = mesh.getUVs();
color = mesh.getColor();
} else if (attachment instanceof ClippingAttachment) {
ClippingAttachment clip = (ClippingAttachment)attachment;
clipper.clipStart(slot, clip);
} else if (attachment instanceof SkeletonAttachment) {
Skeleton attachmentSkeleton = ((SkeletonAttachment)attachment).getSkeleton();
if (attachmentSkeleton != null) draw(particleRenderer, batch, skeletonContainer, attachmentSkeleton, slotRange);
if (texture != null) {
Color lightColor = slot.getColor();
float alpha = a * lightColor.a * color.a * 255;
float multiplier = pmaColors ? alpha : 255;
BlendMode slotBlendMode = slot.getData().getBlendMode();
if (slotBlendMode != blendMode) {
if (slotBlendMode == BlendMode.additive && pmaColors) {
slotBlendMode = BlendMode.normal;
alpha = 0;
blendMode = slotBlendMode;
HyperBlendMode.apply(blendMode, batch, pmaBlendModes);
float red = r * color.r * multiplier;
float green = g * color.g * multiplier;
float blue = b * color.b * multiplier;
float light = NumberUtils.intToFloatColor((int)alpha << 24 //
| (int)(blue * lightColor.b) << 16 //
| (int)(green * lightColor.g) << 8 //
| (int)(red * lightColor.r));
Color darkColor = slot.getDarkColor();
float dark = darkColor == null ? 0
: NumberUtils.intToFloatColor((int)(blue * darkColor.b) << 16 //
| (int)(green * darkColor.g) << 8 //
| (int)(red * darkColor.r));
if (clipper.isClipping()) {
clipper.clipTriangles(vertices, verticesLength, triangles, triangles.length, uvs, light, dark, true);
FloatArray clippedVertices = clipper.getClippedVertices();
ShortArray clippedTriangles = clipper.getClippedTriangles();
batch.drawTwoColor(texture, clippedVertices.items, 0, clippedVertices.size, clippedTriangles.items, 0,
} else {
for (int v = 2, u = 0; v < verticesLength; v += 6, u += 2) {
vertices[v] = light;
vertices[v + 1] = dark;
vertices[v + 2] = uvs[u];
vertices[v + 3] = uvs[u + 1];
batch.drawTwoColor(texture, vertices, 0, verticesLength, triangles, 0, triangles.length);
if (boundEffect != null && boundEffect.isNested() && !boundEffect.isBehind()) {
for (ParticleEffectInstance particleEffectInstance : boundEffect.getParticleEffects()) {
public boolean getPremultipliedAlphaColors () {
return pmaColors;
/** If true, colors will be multiplied by their alpha before being sent to the GPU. Set to false if premultiplied alpha is not
* being used or if the shader does the multiplication (libgdx's default batch shaders do not). Default is false. */
public void setPremultipliedAlphaColors (boolean pmaColors) {
this.pmaColors = pmaColors;
public boolean getPremultipliedAlphaBlendModes () {
return pmaBlendModes;
/** If true, blend modes for premultiplied alpha will be used. Set to false if premultiplied alpha is not being used. Default
* is false. */
public void setPremultipliedAlphaBlendModes (boolean pmaBlendModes) {
this.pmaBlendModes = pmaBlendModes;
/** Sets {@link #setPremultipliedAlphaColors(boolean)} and {@link #setPremultipliedAlphaBlendModes(boolean)}. */
public void setPremultipliedAlpha (boolean pmaColorsAndBlendModes) {
pmaColors = pmaColorsAndBlendModes;
pmaBlendModes = pmaColorsAndBlendModes;