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gov.loc.repository.bagit.verify.impl.CompleteVerifierImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package gov.loc.repository.bagit.verify.impl;

import static java.text.MessageFormat.*;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.text.Normalizer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import gov.loc.repository.bagit.Bag;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.BagFactory.Version;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.BagFile;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.Manifest;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.filesystem.DirNode;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.filesystem.FileNode;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.filesystem.FileSystemFactory;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.filesystem.FileSystemFactory.UnsupportedFormatException;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.filesystem.FileSystemNode;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.filesystem.filter.AndFileSystemNodeFilter;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.filesystem.filter.DirNodeFileSystemNodeFilter;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.filesystem.filter.FileNodeFileSystemNodeFilter;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.filesystem.filter.IgnoringFileSystemNodeFilter;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.utilities.FilenameHelper;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.utilities.FormatHelper.UnknownFormatException;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.utilities.LongRunningOperationBase;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.utilities.SimpleResult;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.utilities.SimpleResultHelper;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.verify.CompleteVerifier;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.verify.FailModeSupporting;

public class CompleteVerifierImpl extends LongRunningOperationBase implements CompleteVerifier, FailModeSupporting {
	private Normalizer.Form[] formArray = new Normalizer.Form[] { Normalizer.Form.NFC, Normalizer.Form.NFD };
	private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CompleteVerifierImpl.class);
	private boolean missingBagItTolerant = false;
	private boolean additionalDirectoriesInBagDirTolerant = false;
	private List ignoreAdditionalDirectories = new ArrayList();
	private boolean ignoreSymlinks = false;
	private FailMode failMode = FailMode.FAIL_STAGE;
	public void setIgnoreSymlinks(boolean ignore) {
		this.ignoreSymlinks = ignore;
	public void setMissingBagItTolerant(boolean missingBagItTolerant) {
		this.missingBagItTolerant = missingBagItTolerant;
	public void setAdditionalDirectoriesInBagDirTolerant(
			boolean additionalDirectoriesInBagDirTolerant) {
		this.additionalDirectoriesInBagDirTolerant = additionalDirectoriesInBagDirTolerant;
	public void setIgnoreAdditionalDirectories(List dirs) {
		this.ignoreAdditionalDirectories = dirs;
	public void setFailMode(FailMode failMode) {
		this.failMode = failMode;
	public FailMode getFailMode() {
		return this.failMode;
	public SimpleResult verify(Bag bag) {
		boolean allowTagDirectories = true;
		if (! additionalDirectoriesInBagDirTolerant && (Version.V0_93 == bag.getVersion() || Version.V0_94 == bag.getVersion() || Version.V0_95 == bag.getVersion() || Version.V0_96 == bag.getVersion())){ allowTagDirectories = false;}
		SimpleResult result = new SimpleResult(true);
		//Is at least one payload manifest
		log.debug("Checking that at least one payload manifest");
		if (bag.getPayloadManifests().isEmpty()) {
			result.addMessage(CODE_NO_PAYLOAD_MANIFEST, "Bag does not have any payload manifests.");
			if(FailMode.FAIL_FAST == failMode){ return result;}
		//Has bagit file
		log.debug("Checking that has BagIt.txt");
		if (! this.missingBagItTolerant && bag.getBagItTxt() == null) {
			result.addMessage(CODE_NO_BAGITTXT, MessageFormat.format("Bag does not have {0}.", bag.getBagConstants().getBagItTxt()));				
			if(FailMode.FAIL_FAST == failMode){ return result;}
		//Bagit is right version
		log.debug("Checking that BagIt.txt is right version");
		if (! this.missingBagItTolerant && bag.getBagItTxt() != null && ! bag.getBagConstants().getVersion().versionString.equals(bag.getBagItTxt().getVersion())) {
			result.addMessage(CODE_WRONG_VERSION, MessageFormat.format("Version is not {0}.", bag.getBagConstants().getVersion()));				
			if(FailMode.FAIL_FAST == failMode){ return result;}

		if (this.isCancelled()){ return null;}
		if (FailMode.FAIL_STEP == failMode && ! result.isSuccess()) {return result;}
		//All payload files are in data directory
		log.debug("Checking that all payload files in data directory");
		int total = bag.getPayload().size();
		int count = 0;
		for(BagFile bagFile : bag.getPayload()) {
			if (this.isCancelled()){ return null;}
			String filepath = bagFile.getFilepath();
			this.progress("verifying payload file in data directory", filepath, count, total);
			log.trace(MessageFormat.format("Verifying payload {0} in data directory", filepath));
			if (! filepath.startsWith(bag.getBagConstants().getDataDirectory() + '/')) {
				result.addMessage(CODE_PAYLOAD_NOT_IN_PAYLOAD_DIRECTORY, MessageFormat.format("Payload file {0} not in the {1} directory.", filepath, bag.getBagConstants().getDataDirectory()), filepath);
				log.warn(MessageFormat.format("Payload file {0} not in data directory", filepath));
				if(FailMode.FAIL_FAST == failMode){ return result;}				
		if (FailMode.FAIL_STEP == failMode && ! result.isSuccess()){ return result;}
		// Ensure no tag files are listed in the payload manifest.
		log.debug("Checking that no tag files are listed in payload manifests.");
		String payloadDirName = bag.getBagConstants().getDataDirectory();
		for (Manifest manifest : bag.getPayloadManifests())
			if (this.isCancelled()){ return null;}

			this.progress("checking payload manifest for tag files", manifest.getFilepath());
			for (String path : manifest.keySet())
				String normalizedPath = FilenameHelper.normalizePath(path);
				log.trace(format("Normalized path: {0} -> {1}", path, normalizedPath));
				if (!normalizedPath.startsWith(payloadDirName))
					result.addMessage(CODE_TAG_IN_PAYLOAD_MANIFEST, "Tag file is listed in payload manifest {0}: {1}", manifest.getFilepath(), path);
					if(FailMode.FAIL_FAST == failMode){ return result;}				
		if (FailMode.FAIL_STEP == failMode && ! result.isSuccess()){ return result;}
		//Every payload BagFile in at least one manifest
		log.debug("Checking that every payload file in at least one manifest");
		total = bag.getPayload().size();
		log.trace(MessageFormat.format("{0} payload files to check", total));
		count = 0;
		for(BagFile bagFile : bag.getPayload()) {
			String filepath = bagFile.getFilepath();
			this.progress("verifying payload file in at least one manifest", filepath, count, total);
			log.trace(MessageFormat.format("Verifying payload file {0} in at least one manifest", filepath));
			boolean inManifest = false;
			for(Manifest manifest : bag.getPayloadManifests()) {
				if (this.isCancelled()){ return null;}
				if (manifest.containsKey(filepath)) {
					inManifest = true;
			if (! inManifest) {
				result.addMessage(CODE_PAYLOAD_FILE_NOT_IN_PAYLOAD_MANIFEST, "Payload file {0} not found in any payload manifest.", filepath);														
				log.warn(MessageFormat.format("Payload file {0} not found in any payload manifest.", filepath));
				if(FailMode.FAIL_FAST == failMode){ return result;}				
		if (FailMode.FAIL_STEP == failMode && ! result.isSuccess()){ return result;}
		//Every payload file exists
		log.debug("Checking that every payload file exists");
		total = bag.getPayloadManifests().size();
		log.trace(MessageFormat.format("{0} payload manifests to check", total));
		count = 0;
		for(Manifest manifest : bag.getPayloadManifests()) {			
			this.progress("verifying payload files in manifest exist", manifest.getFilepath(), count, total);
			this.checkManifest(manifest, bag, result);
			if (this.isCancelled()){ return null;}
			if(FailMode.FAIL_FAST == failMode && ! result.isSuccess()){ return result;}			
		if (FailMode.FAIL_STEP == failMode && ! result.isSuccess()){ return result;}

		//Every tag file exists
		log.debug("Checking that every tag file exists");
		total = bag.getTagManifests().size();
		log.trace(MessageFormat.format("{0} tag manifests to check", total));
		count = 0;
		for(Manifest manifest : bag.getTagManifests()) {
			this.progress("verifying tag files in manifest exist", manifest.getFilepath(), count, total);
			this.checkManifest(manifest, bag, result);
			if (this.isCancelled()){ return null;}
			if(FailMode.FAIL_FAST == failMode && ! result.isSuccess()){ return result;}
		if (FailMode.FAIL_STEP == failMode && ! result.isSuccess()){ return result;}
		//Additional checks if an existing Bag
		if (bag.getFile() != null) {
			DirNode bagDirNode;
			try {
				bagDirNode = FileSystemFactory.getDirNodeForBag(bag.getFile(), bag.getBagFactory());
			} catch (UnknownFormatException e) {
				throw new RuntimeException(e);
			} catch (UnsupportedFormatException e) {
				throw new RuntimeException(e);
			try {
				//FileObject bagFileObject = VFSHelper.getFileObjectForBag(bag.getFile());
				//Only directory is a data directory
				log.debug("Checking that only directory is data directory");
				if (! allowTagDirectories) {
					Collection dirNodes = bagDirNode.listChildren(
							new AndFileSystemNodeFilter(
									new DirNodeFileSystemNodeFilter(),
									new IgnoringFileSystemNodeFilter(ignoreAdditionalDirectories, false)));
					for(FileSystemNode dirNode : dirNodes) {
						if (! bag.getBagConstants().getDataDirectory().equals(dirNode.getName())) {
							result.addMessage(CODE_DIRECTORY_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_BAG_DIR, "Directory {0} not allowed in bag_dir.", dirNode.getName());								
							if(FailMode.FAIL_FAST == failMode){ return result;}
				if (FailMode.FAIL_STEP == failMode && ! result.isSuccess()){ return result;}
				log.debug("Checking that all payload files on disk included in bag");
				DirNode dataDirNode = bagDirNode.childDir(bag.getBagConstants().getDataDirectory());
				if (dataDirNode != null) {
					Collection nodes = dataDirNode.listDescendants(new FileNodeFileSystemNodeFilter(), new IgnoringFileSystemNodeFilter(ignoreAdditionalDirectories, ignoreSymlinks));
					total = nodes.size();
					count = 0;
					for(FileSystemNode node : nodes) {
						if (this.isCancelled()){ return null;}
						FileNode fileNode = (FileNode)node;
						String filepath = FilenameHelper.removeBasePath(bagDirNode.getFilepath(), fileNode.getFilepath());
						this.progress("verifying payload files on disk are in bag", filepath, count, total);
						log.trace(MessageFormat.format("Checking that payload file {0} is in bag", filepath));
						boolean file_in_bag = false;
						for (Normalizer.Form form : formArray) {
							String normalizedPath = Normalizer.normalize(filepath, form);
							if (bag.getBagFile(normalizedPath) != null) {
								file_in_bag = true;
						if (file_in_bag == false) {
							result.addMessage(CODE_PAYLOAD_FILE_NOT_IN_PAYLOAD_MANIFEST, "Payload file {0} not found in any payload manifest.", filepath);
							String msg = MessageFormat.format("Bag has file {0} not found in manifest file.", filepath);
							if(FailMode.FAIL_FAST == failMode && ! result.isSuccess()){ return result;}
					if (FailMode.FAIL_STEP == failMode && ! result.isSuccess()){ return result;}
			} finally {
		} else {
			log.debug("Not an existing bag");
		//Check payload-oxum"Completed verification that bag is complete.");"Note that this a verification of completeness, not validity. A bag may be complete without being valid, though a valid bag must be complete.");"Result of verification that complete: " + result.toString());
		return result;

	protected void checkManifest(Manifest manifest, Bag bag, SimpleResult result) {
		log.trace("Checking manifest " + manifest.getFilepath());
		int manifestTotal = manifest.keySet().size();
		int manifestCount = 0;
		for(String filepath : manifest.keySet()) {
			if (this.isCancelled()){ return;}
			this.progress("verifying files in manifest exist", filepath, manifestCount, manifestTotal);
			log.trace(MessageFormat.format("Checking that file {0} in manifest {1} exists", filepath, manifest.getFilepath()));
			boolean file_exists = false;
			for(Normalizer.Form form : formArray) {
				String normalizedPath = Normalizer.normalize(filepath, form);
				log.trace(MessageFormat.format("Trying path {0}, normalized as {1}", normalizedPath, form));
				BagFile bagFile = bag.getBagFile(normalizedPath);
				if (bagFile == null) {
					log.trace(normalizedPath + " not found in " + manifest.getFilepath());
				if ( bagFile.exists()) {
					file_exists = true;
			if (! file_exists) {
				if (manifest.isPayloadManifest()) {
					SimpleResultHelper.missingPayloadFile(result, manifest.getFilepath(), filepath);
				} else {
					SimpleResultHelper.missingTagFile(result, manifest.getFilepath(), filepath);
				String message = MessageFormat.format("File {0} in manifest {1} missing from bag.", 
						filepath, manifest.getFilepath());
				if (failMode == FailMode.FAIL_FAST) {

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