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package nom.tam.fits.header;
* #%L
* nom.tam.fits
* %%
* Copyright (C) 1996 - 2024 nom-tam-fits
* %%
* This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
* Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
* distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
* binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
* means.
* In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
* of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
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* relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
* software under copyright law.
* #L%
* Standard FITS keywords for defining world coordinate systems (WCS). Many (but not all) keywords listed here support
* alternative coordinate systems. These have a lower case 'a' at the end of their enum names, e.g.
* WCSNAMEa. The alternative coordinate system for these can be set via the {@link #alt(char)} method.
* @author Attila Kovacs
* @see DateTime
* @since 1.19
public enum WCS implements IFitsHeader {
* World coordinate system name
* @since 1.19
* Dimensionality of image coordinate system
* @since 1.19
* Coordinate reference frame of major/minor axes.If absent the default value is 'FK5'.
* @since 1.19
RADESYSa(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.IMAGE, VALUE.STRING, "celestial coordinate reference frame."),
* Coordinate reference frame of major/minor axes (generic).
* @deprecated Deprecated in the current FITS standard, use {@link #RADESYSa} instead.
RADECSYS(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.ANY, VALUE.STRING, "celestial coordinate reference frame."),
* [deg] The longitude of the celestial pole (for spherical coordinates).
* @since 1.19
LONPOLEa(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.IMAGE, VALUE.REAL, "[deg] celestial pole longitude"),
* [deg] The latitude of the celestial pole (for spherical coordinates).
* @since 1.19
LATPOLEa(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.IMAGE, VALUE.REAL, "[deg] celestial pole latitude"),
* The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the equinox in years for the celestial coordinate
* system in which positions are expressed. Starting with Version 1, the Standard has deprecated the use of the
* EPOCH keyword and thus it shall not be used in FITS files created after the adoption of the standard; rather, the
* EQUINOX keyword shall be used.
* @deprecated Deprecated in the current FITS standard, use {@link #EQUINOXa} instead.
EPOCH(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.ANY, VALUE.REAL, "[yr] equinox of celestial coordinate system"),
* The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the equinox in years for the celestial coordinate
* system in which positions are expressed.
* @since 1.19
EQUINOXa(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.IMAGE, VALUE.REAL, "[yr] equinox of celestial coordinate system"),
* Coordinate axis name.
* @since 1.19
CNAMEna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.IMAGE, VALUE.STRING, "coordinate system display name"),
* The value field shall contain a floating point number, identifying the location of a reference point along axis
* n, in units of the axis index. This value is based upon a counter that runs from 1 to NAXISn with an increment of
* 1 per pixel. The reference point value need not be that for the center of a pixel nor lie within the actual data
* array. Use comments to indicate the location of the index point relative to the pixel.
* @since 1.19
CRPIXna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.IMAGE, VALUE.REAL, "coordinate axis reference pixel"),
* The value field shall contain a floating point number, giving the value of the coordinate specified by the CTYPEn
* keyword at the reference point CRPIXn. Units must follow the prescriptions of section 5.3 of the FITS Standard.
* @since 1.19
CRVALna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.IMAGE, VALUE.REAL, "coordinate axis value at reference pixel"),
* The value field shall contain a character string, giving the name of the coordinate represented by axis n.
* @since 1.19
CTYPEna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.IMAGE, VALUE.STRING, "name of the coordinate axis"),
* The value field shall contain a floating point number giving the partial derivative of the coordinate specified
* by the CTYPEn keywords with respect to the pixel index, evaluated at the reference point CRPIXn, in units of the
* coordinate specified by the CTYPEn keyword. These units must follow the prescriptions of section 5.3 of the FITS
* Standard.
* @since 1.19
CDELTna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.IMAGE, VALUE.REAL, "coordinate spacing along axis"),
* Random coordinate error on axis n in the physical coordinate unit (if defined).
* @since 1.19
CRDERna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.IMAGE, VALUE.REAL, "random error in coordinate"),
* Systematic coordinate error on axis n in the physical coordinate unit (if defined).
* @since 1.19
CSYERna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.IMAGE, VALUE.REAL, "systematic error in coordinate"),
* Phase axis zero point
* @since 1.19
CZPHSna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.IMAGE, VALUE.REAL, "phase axis zero point"),
* Phase axis period
* [Hz] Rest frequency of observed spectral line.
* @since 1.19
* [Hz] Rest frequeny of observed spectral line (generic).
* @deprecated Deprecated in the current FITS standard, use {@link #RESTFRQa} instead.
RESTFREQ(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.ANY, VALUE.REAL, "[Hz] observed line rest frequency"),
* [m] Rest wavelength of observed spectral line in image.
* @since 1.19
RESTWAVa(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.IMAGE, VALUE.REAL, "[m] line rest wavelength"),
* Image spectral reference system name.
* @since 1.19
* Image spectral reference system name of observer.
* @since 1.19
SSYSOBSa(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.IMAGE, VALUE.STRING, "spectral reference frame of observer"),
* Spectral reference system name of source.
* @since 1.19
SSYSSRCa(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.IMAGE, VALUE.STRING, "spectral reference frame of source"),
* [m/s] Radial velocity of source in the spectral reference frame.
* @since 1.19
VELOSYSa(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.IMAGE, VALUE.REAL, "[m/s] source radial velocity"),
* Redshift value of source in the spectral reference frame.
* @since 1.19
* [deg] True velocity angle of source
* @since 1.19
VELANGLa(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.IMAGE, VALUE.REAL, "[deg] true velocity angle"),
* [m] Geodetic location of observer (x coordinate).
* @since 1.19
OBSGEO_X("OBSGEO-X", SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.ANY, VALUE.REAL, "[m] geodetic location x of observer"),
* [m] Geodetic location of observer (y coordinate).
* @since 1.19
OBSGEO_Y("OBSGEO-Y", SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.ANY, VALUE.REAL, "[m] geodetic location y of observer"),
* [m] Geodetic location of observer (z coordinate).
* @since 1.19
OBSGEO_Z("OBSGEO-Z", SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.ANY, VALUE.REAL, "[m] geodetic location z of observer"),
* WCS name for the array entries in the given column index.
* @since 1.19
WCSNna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.STRING, "column coordinate syste name"),
* [deg] The longitude of the celestial pole for the entries in the given column index (for spherical coordinates).
* @since 1.19
LONPna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "[deg] column celestial pole longitude"),
* [deg] The latitude of the celestial pole for the entries in the given column index (for spherical coordinates).
* @since 1.19
LATPna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "[deg] column celestial pole latitude"),
* [yr] Coordinate epoch for which the celestial coorinate system is defined for the given column index.
* @since 1.19
EQUIna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "[yr] column coordinate epoch"),
* The equatorial coordinate frame used for the given column index, e.g. 'FK4', 'FK5', or 'ICRS'.
* @since 1.19
RADEna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.STRING, "column equatorial coordinate frame"),
* [Hz] The rest frequency of the line in the given column index.
* @since 1.19
RFRQna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "[Hz] line rest frequency in column"),
* [Hz] The rest wavelength of the line in the given column index.
* @since 1.19
RWAVna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "[m] line rest wavelength in column"),
* Spectral reference frame for the given column index.
* @since 1.19
SPECna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.STRING, "column spectral reference frame"),
* Spectral reference system of observer for the given column index.
* @since 1.19
SOBSna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.STRING, "column observer spectral frame"),
* Spectral reference system of source for the given column index.
* @since 1.19
SSRCna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.STRING, "column source spectral frame"),
* [m/s] Source radial velocity for the given column index.
* @since 1.19
VSYSna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "[m/s] column radial velocity"),
* [deg] Angle of true velocity for the given column index.
* @since 1.19
VANGna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "[deg] angle of velocity in column"),
* Source redshift value for the given column index.
* @since 1.19
ZSOUna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column redshift value"),
* [m] Geodetic location (x coordinate) of observer for he given column index.
* @since 1.19
OBSGXn(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "[m] column geodetic location x"),
* [m] Geodetic location (y coordinate) of observer for he given column index.
* @since 1.19
OBSGYn(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "[m] column geodetic location y"),
* [m] Geodetic location (z coordinate) of observer for he given column index.
* @since 1.19
OBSGZn(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "[m] column geodetic location z"),
* The coordinate axis type for array entries in this column (trailing index). The number of coordinate axes
* (leading index) defined this way should match the dimensionality of the array elements in the column. This
* version does not support alternative coordinates systems.
* @see #nCTYna
* @since 1.19
nCTYPn(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.STRING, "column coordinate axis type"),
* The coordinate axis type for array entries in this column (trailing index). The number of coordinate axes
* (leading index) defined this way should match the dimensionality of the array elements in the column. This
* version supports alternative coordinates systems.
* @see #nCTYPn
* @since 1.19
nCTYna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.STRING, "column coordinate axis type"),
* The coordinate axis name for array entries in this column (trailing index). The number of coordinate axes
* (leading index) defined this way should match the dimensionality of the array elements in the column.
* @since 1.19
nCNAna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.STRING, "column coordinate axis type"),
* The physical coordinate unit for array entries in this column (trailing index). The number of coordinate axes
* (leading index) defined this way should match the dimensionality of the array elements in the column. This
* version does not support alternative coordinates systems.
* @see #nCUNna
* @since 1.19
nCUNIn(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.STRING, "column coordinate axis unit"),
* The physical coordinate unit for array entries in this column (trailing index). The number of coordinate axes
* (leading index) defined this way should match the dimensionality of the array elements in the column. This
* version supports alternative coordinates systems.
* @see #nCUNIn
* @since 1.19
nCUNna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.STRING, "column coordinate axis unit"),
* The coordinate reference value in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for array entries in this column
* (trailing index). The number of coordinate axes (leading index) defined this way should match the dimensionality
* of the array elements in the column. This version does not support alternative coordinates systems.
* @see #nCRVna
* @since 1.19
nCRVLn(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column coordinate axis reference value"),
* The coordinate reference value in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for array entries in this column
* (trailing index). The number of coordinate axes (leading index) defined this way should match the dimensionality
* of the array elements in the column. This version supports alternative coordinates systems.
* @see #nCRVLn
* @since 1.19
nCRVna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column coordinate axis reference value"),
* The coordinate axis random error in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for array entries in this column
* (trailing index). The number of coordinate axes (leading index) defined this way should match the dimensionality
* of the array elements in the column.
* @since 1.19
nCRDna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column coordinate axis random error"),
* The coordinate axis systematic error in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for array entries in this
* column (trailing index). The number of coordinate axes (leading index) defined this way should match the
* dimensionality of the array elements in the column.
* @since 1.19
nCSYna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column coordinate axis systematic error"),
* Phase axis zero point on axis (leading index) for array entries in this column (trailing index)
* @since 1.19
nCZPna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "phase axis zero point"),
* Phase axis period on axis (leading index) for array entries in this column (trailing index)
* @since 1.19
nCPRna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "phase axis period"),
* The coordinate axis spacing in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for array entries in this column
* (trailing index). The number of coordinate axes (leading index) defined this way should match the dimensionality
* of the array elements in the column. This version does not support alternative coordinates systems.
* @see #nCDEna
* @since 1.19
nCDLTn(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column coordinate axis spacing"),
* The coordinate axis spacing in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for array entries in this column
* (trailing index). The number of coordinate axes (leading index) defined this way should match the dimensionality
* of the array elements in the column. This version supports alternative coordinates systems.
* @see #nCDLTn
* @since 1.19
nCDEna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column coordinate axis spacing"),
* The 1-based coordinate reference pixel index in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for array entries in
* this column (trailing index). The number of coordinate axes (leading index) defined this way should match the
* dimensionality of the array elements in the column. This version does not support alternative coordinates
* systems.
* @see #nCRPna
* @since 1.19
nCRPXn(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column coordinate axis reference pixel"),
* The 1-based coordinate reference pixel index in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for array entries in
* this column (trailing index). The number of coordinate axes (leading index) defined this way should match the
* dimensionality of the array elements in the column. This version supports alternative coordinates systems.
* @see #nCRPXn
* @since 1.19
nCRPna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column coordinate axis reference pixel"),
* @deprecated The FITS standard deprecated this keyword. Use {@link WCS#nnPCna} and {@link WCS#nnCDna}instead.
* [deg] The coordinate axis rotation in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for array
* entries in this column (trailing index). The number of coordinate axes (leading index) defined
* this way should match the dimensionality of the array elements in the column.
* @since 1.19
nCROTn(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "[deg] column coordinate axis rotation"),
* Coordinate transformation matrix in the PC convention. from rectilinear coordinate index i (leading index)
* to coordinate index j (second index) for the for array entries in this column (trailing index). The number
* of coordinate axes (leading index) defined this way should match the dimensionality of the array elements in the
* column.
* @since 1.19
nnPCna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column coord. trans. matrix element"),
* Coordinate transformation matrix in the CD convention. from rectilinear coordinate index i (leading index)
* to coordinate index j (second index) for the for array entries in this column (trailing index). The number
* of coordinate axes (leading index) defined this way should match the dimensionality of the array elements in the
* column.
* @since 1.19
nnCDna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column coord. trans. matrix element"),
* The coordinate string parameter m (trailing index) for axis i (leading index) for array entries in
* this column (middle index). The number of coordinate axes (leading index) defined this way should match the
* dimensionality of the array elements in the column. The shorter {@link #nSn_na} form may be required for column
* indices >99 with alternate coordinate systems.
* @since 1.19
nPSn_na(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.STRING, "column axis parameter name"),
* The coordinate string parameter m (trailing index) for axis i (leading index) for array entries in
* this column (middle index). The number of coordinate axes (leading index) defined this way should match the
* dimensionality of the array elements in the column. Same as {@link #nPSn_na}. This shorter form may be required
* for column indices >99 with alternate coordinate systems.
* @since 1.19
nSn_na(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.STRING, "column axis parameter name"),
* The coordinate parameter value m (trailing index) for axis i (leading index) for array entries in
* this column (middle index). The number of coordinateaxes defined this way should match the dimensionality of the
* array elements in the column. The shorter {@link #nVn_na} form may be required for column indices >99 with
* alternate coordinate systems.
* @since 1.19
nPVn_na(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column axis parameter value"),
* The coordinate parameter value m (trailing index) for axis i (leading index) for array entries in
* this column (middle index). The number of coordinateaxes defined this way should match the dimensionality of the
* array elements in the column. Same as {@link #nPVn_na}. This shorter form may be required for column indices
* >99 with alternate coordinate systems.
* @since 1.19
nVn_na(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column axis parameter value"),
* The coordinate parameter array for axis i (leading index) in this column (middle index). The number of
* coordinate axes defined this way should match the dimensionality of the array elements in the column.
* @since 1.19
nVn_Xa(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column parameter array"),
* WCS name for the pixe list entries in the given column index. Same as {@link #TWCSna}. This shorter form may be
* required for column indices >99 with alternate coordinate systems.
* @since 1.19
* WCS name for the pixe list entries in the given column index. The shorter form {@link #WCSna} may be required for
* column indices >99 with alternate coordinate systems.
* @since 1.19
* WCS dimensions for given column index.
* @since 1.19
WCAXna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.INTEGER, "column coordinate dimensions"),
* The coordinate axis type for (1D) pixel lists in this column (trailing index). This version does not support
* alternative coordinates systems.
* @see #TCTYna
* @since 1.19
* The coordinate axis type for (1D) pixel lists in this column (trailing index). This version supports alternative
* coordinates systems.
* @see #TCTYPn
* @since 1.19
TCTYna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.STRING, "column pixel axis type"),
* The coordinate axis name for (1D) pixel lists in this column (trailing index).
* @since 1.19
TCNAna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.STRING, "column pixel axis name"),
* The physical coordinate unit for (1D) pixel lists in this column (trailing index). This version does not support
* alternative coordinates systems.
* @see #TCUNna
* @since 1.19
* The physical coordinate unit for (1D) pixel lists in this column (trailing index). This version supports
* alternative coordinates systems.
* @see #TCUNIn
* @since 1.19
TCUNna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.STRING, "column pixel axis unit"),
* The coordinate reference value in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for the (1D) pixel lists in this
* column (trailing index). This version does not support alternative coordinates systems.
* @see #TCRVna
* @since 1.19
TCRVLn(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column pixel axis reference value"),
* The coordinate reference value in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for the (1D) pixel lists in this
* column (trailing index). This version supports alternative coordinates systems.
* @see #TCRVLn
* @since 1.19
TCRVna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column pixel axis reference value"),
* The coordinate axis spacing in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for the (1D_) pixel lists in this
* column (trailing index). This version does not support alternative coordinates systems.
* @see #TCDEna
* @since 1.19
TCDLTn(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column pixel axis spacing"),
* The coordinate axis spacing in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for the (1D_) pixel lists in this
* column (trailing index). This version supports alternative coordinates systems.
* @see #TCDLTn
* @since 1.19
TCDEna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column pixel axis spacing"),
* The coordinate axis random error in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for the (1D_) pixel lists in this
* column (trailing index).
* @since 1.19
TCRDna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column pixel axis random error"),
* The coordinate axis systematics error in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for the (1D_) pixel lists in
* this column (trailing index).
* @since 1.19
TCSYna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column pixel axis random error"),
* Phase axis zero point on axis (leading index) for array entries in this column (trailing index)
* @since 1.19
TCZPna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "phase axis zero point"),
* Phase axis period on axis (leading index) for array entries in this column (trailing index)
* @since 1.19
* The 1-based coordinate reference pixel index in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for the (1D) pixel
* lists in this column (trailing index). This version does not support alternative coordinates systems.
* @see #TCRPna
* @since 1.19
TCRPXn(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column pixel axis reference pixel"),
* The 1-based coordinate reference pixel index in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for the (1D) pixel
* lists in this column (trailing index). This version supports alternative coordinates systems.
* @see #TCRPXn
* @since 1.19
TCRPna(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column pixel axis reference pixel"),
* Coordinate transformation matrix in the PC convention. from column index n (leading index) to column index
* k (second index) for the for the (1D) pixel lists in this column. The shorter form {@link #TPn_na} may be
* required for column indices >99 with alternate coordinate systems.
* @see #TPn_na
* @since 1.19
TPCn_na(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column pix trans. matrix element"),
* Coordinate transformation matrix in the PC convention. from column index n (leading index) to column index
* k (second index) for the for the (1D) pixel lists in this column. Same as {@link #TPCn_na}. This shorter
* form may be required for column indices >99 with alternate coordinate systems.
* @see #TPCn_na
* @since 1.19
TPn_na(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column pix trans. matrix element"),
* @deprecated The FITS standard deprecated this keyword. Use {@link WCS#TPCn_na} and {@link WCS#TCDn_na}instead.
* [deg] The coordinate axis rotation in the physical unit of the axis (if defined) for the (1D)
* pixel lists in this column (trailing index).
* @since 1.19
TCROTn(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "[deg] column pixel axis rotation"),
* Coordinate transformation matrix in the CD convention. from column index n (leading index) to column index
* k (second index) for the for the (1D) pixel lists in this column. The shorter form {@link #TCn_na} may be
* required for column indices >99 with alternate coordinate systems.
* @since 1.19
TCDn_na(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column pix trans. matrix element"),
* Coordinate transformation matrix in the CD convention. from column index n (leading index) to column index
* k (second index) for the for the (1D) pixel lists in this column. Same as {@link #TCDn_na}. This shorter
* form may be required for column indices >99 with alternate coordinate systems.
* @since 1.19
TCn_na(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column pix trans. matrix element"),
* The coordinate string parameter m (trailing index) for the (1D) pixel list entries in this column (leading
* index). This shorter form {@link #TSn_na} may be required for column indices >99 with alternate coordinate
* systems.
* @since 1.19
TPSn_na(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.STRING, "column axis parameter name"),
* The coordinate string parameter m (trailing index) for the (1D) pixel list entries in this column (leading
* index). Same as {@link #TPSn_na}. This shorter form may be required for column indices >99 with alternate
* coordinate systems.
* @since 1.19
TSn_na(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.STRING, "column axis parameter name"),
* The coordinate parameter value m (trailing index) for the (1D) pixel list entries in this column (leading
* index). The shorter form {@link #TVn_na} may be required for column indices >99 with alternate coordinate
* systems.
* @since 1.19
TPVn_na(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column pixel axis parameter value"),
* The coordinate parameter value m (trailing index) for the (1D) pixel list entries in this column (leading
* index). Same as {@link #TPVn_na}. This shorter form may be required for column indices >99 with alternate
* coordinate systems.
* @since 1.19
TVn_na(SOURCE.RESERVED, HDU.TABLE, VALUE.REAL, "column pixel axis parameter value");
/** ICRS coordinate reference frame */
public static final int WCSAXES_MAX_VALUE = 9;
/** ICRS coordinate reference frame */
public static final String RADESYS_ICRS = "ICRS";
/** IAU 1984 FK5 coordinate reference frame */
public static final String RADESYS_FK5 = "FK5";
/** Bessel-Newcomb FK4 coordinate reference frame */
public static final String RADESYS_FK4 = "FK4";
/** Bessel-Newcomb FK4 coordinate reference frame, without eccentricity terms */
public static final String RADESYS_FK4_NO_E = "FK4-NO-E";
/** Geocentric apparent place (IAU 1984) */
public static final String RADESYS_GAPPT = "GAPPT";
/** Logarithmically sampled algorithm code for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String ALGO_LOG = "LOG";
/** Detector sampling algorithm code for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String ALGO_GRI = "GRI";
/** Detector sampling algorithm code for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String ALGO_GRA = "GRA";
/** Irregular sampling algorithm code for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String ALGO_TAB = "TAB";
/** Spectral frequency coordinate value for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_TYPE_FREQ = "FREQ";
/** Spectral energy coordinate value for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_TYPE_ENER = "ENER";
/** Spectral wavenumber coordinate value for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_TYPE_WAVN = "WAVN";
/** Spectral radial velocity coordinate value for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_TYPE_VRAD = "VRAD";
/** Spectral vacuum wavenlength coordinate value for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_TYPE_WAVE = "WAVE";
/** Spectral optical velocity coordinate value for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_TYPE_VOPT = "VOPT";
/** Spectral redshift coordinate value for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_TYPE_ZOPT = "ZOPT";
/** Spectral wavelength in air coordinate value for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_TYPE_AWAV = "AWAV";
/** Spectral apparent radial velocity coordinate value for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_TYPE_VELO = "VELO";
/** Spectral beta factor (v/c) coordinate value for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_TYPE_BETA = "BETA";
/** Spectral frequency expressed as wavelength transformation code for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_ALGO_F2W = "F2W";
/** Spectral frequency expressed as apparent radial velocity transformation code for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_ALGO_F2V = "F2V";
/** Spectral frequency expressed as air wavelength transformation code for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_ALGO_F2A = "F2A";
/** Spectral wavelength expressed as frequency transformation code for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_ALGO_W2F = "W2F";
/** Spectral wavelength expressed as apparent radial velocity transformation code for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_ALGO_W2V = "W2V";
/** Spectral wavelength expressed as air wavelength transformation code for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_ALGO_W2A = "W2A";
/** Spectral radial velocity expressed as frequency transformation code for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_ALGO_V2F = "V2F";
/** Spectral radial velocity expressed as wavelength transformation code for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_ALGO_V2W = "V2W";
/** Spectral radial velocity expressed as air wavelength transformation code for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_ALGO_V2A = "V2A";
/** Spectral air wavelength expressed as frequency transformation code for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_ALGO_A2F = "A2F";
/** Spectral air wavelength expressed as vacuum wavelength transformation code for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords */
public static final String SPECTRAL_ALGO_A2W = "A2W";
* Spectral air wavelength expressed as apparent radial velocity transformation code for {@link #CTYPEna} keywords
public static final String SPECTRAL_ALGO_A2V = "A2V";
private final FitsKey key;
WCS(SOURCE status, HDU hdu, VALUE valueType, String comment) {
this(null, status, hdu, valueType, comment);
WCS(String headerName, SOURCE status, HDU hdu, VALUE valueType, String comment) {
key = new FitsKey(headerName == null ? name() : headerName, status, hdu, valueType, comment);
public final FitsKey impl() {
return key;
* Specifying an alternative coordinate system. Alternative systems are labelled 'A' through 'Z'. This call is
* available only for the enums, which have a lower-case 'a' at the end of their Java names (such as
* {@link #WCSNAMEa}). Attempting to call this on WCS keywords that do not end with lower-case 'a' in their Java
* names (such as {@link #OBSGEO_X} will throw and {@link UnsupportedOperationException}. You will want to call this
* before chaining other calls to {@link IFitsHeader}.
* @param c The alternative coordinate system marker 'A' through 'Z' (case
* insensitive).
* @return The standard FITS keyword with the alternate coordinate system marker
* attached.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the marker is outside of the legal range of 'A' through 'Z' (case
* insensitive).
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the keyword does not support alternative coordinate systems
* @since 1.19
public IFitsHeader alt(char c) throws IllegalArgumentException, UnsupportedOperationException {
if (!name().endsWith("a")) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("WCS keyword " + key.key() + " does not support alternatives.");
c = Character.toUpperCase(c);
if (c < 'A' || c > 'Z') {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected 'A' through 'Z': Got '%c'");
return new FitsKey(key() + Character.toUpperCase(c), status(), hdu(), valueType(), comment());