nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedTableHDU Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package nom.tam.image.compression.hdu;
import nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable;
import nom.tam.fits.BinaryTableHDU;
import nom.tam.fits.FitsException;
import nom.tam.fits.Header;
import nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard;
import nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardException;
import nom.tam.fits.header.Compression;
import nom.tam.fits.header.Standard;
import nom.tam.util.Cursor;
import nom.tam.util.type.ElementType;
* #%L
* nom.tam FITS library
* %%
* Copyright (C) 1996 - 2024 nom-tam-fits
* %%
* This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
* Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
* distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
* binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
* means.
* In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
* of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
* software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
* of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
* successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
* relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
* software under copyright law.
* #L%
import static nom.tam.fits.header.Compression.ZTABLE;
* A header-data unit (HDU) containing a compressed binary table. A compressed table is still a binary table but with
* some additional constraints. The original table is divided into groups of rows (tiles) and each tile is compressed on
* its own. The compressed data is then stored in the 3 data columns of this binary table (compressed, gzipped and
* uncompressed) depending on the compression type used in the tile. Additional data columns may contain specific
* compression options for each tile (i.e. compressed table row) individually. Table keywords, which conflict with those
* in the original table are 'saved' under standard alternative names, so they may be restored with the original table
* as appropriate.
* Compressing a table HDU is typically a two-step process:
* - Create a
, e.g. with {@link #fromBinaryTableHDU(BinaryTableHDU, int, String...)},
* using the specified number of table rows per compressed block, and compression algorithm(s)
* - Perform the compression via {@link #compress()}
* For example to compress a binary table:
* BinaryTableHDU table = ...
* // 1. Create compressed HDU with the
* CompressedTableHDU compressed = CompressedTableHDU.fromBinaryTableHDU(table, 4, Compression.ZCMPTYPE_RICE_1);
* // 2. Perform the compression.
* compressed.compress();
* which of course you can compact into a single line as:
* CompressedTableHDU compressed = CompressedTableHDU.fromBinaryTableHDU(table, 4, Compression.ZCMPTYPE_RICE_1).compress();
* The two step process (as opposed to a single-step one) was probably chosen because it mimics that of
* {@link CompressedImageHDU}, where further configuration steps may be inserted in-between. After the compression, the
* compressed table HDU can be handled just like any other HDU, and written to a file or stream, for example.
* The reverse process is simply via the {@link #asBinaryTableHDU()} method. E.g.:
* CompressedTableHDU compressed = ...
* BinaryTableHDU table = compressed.asBinaryTableHDU();
* @see CompressedTableData
public class CompressedTableHDU extends BinaryTableHDU {
private static boolean reversedVLAIndices = false;
* Enables or disables using reversed compressed/uncompressed heap indices for when decompressing variable-length
* arrays (VLAs), as was prescribed by the original FITS 4.0 standard and the Pence et al. 2013 convention.
* The FITS 4.0 standard defines the
* convention of compressing variable-length columns in binary tables. On page 50 it writes:
* 2. Append the VLA descriptors from the uncompressed table (which may be either Q-type or P-type) to
* the temporary array of VLA descriptors for the compressed table.
* And the original Tiled-table
* convention by W. Pence et al. also writes:
* [...] we concatenate the array of descriptors from the uncompressed table onto the end of the
* temporary array of descriptors (to the compressed VLAs in the compressed table) before the 2 combined arrays of
* descriptors are compressed and written into the heap in the compressed table.
However, it appears
* that the commonly used tools fpack
/ funpack
provided in CFITSIO do just the reverse of
* this presciption. They store the uncopressed pointer before the compressed pointers. Because these tools
* are widely used we want to support files created or consumed by these tools. As such we allow to deviate from the
* FITS standard, and swap the order of the stored VLA indices inside compressed tables.
* @param value true
if we should use VLA indices in compressed tables that follow the format
* described in the original Pence et al. 2013 convention, and also the FITS 4.0 standard as of
* 2024 Mar 1; otherwise false
. These original prescriptions define the reverse of
* what is actually implemented by CFITSIO and its tools fpack
* funpack
. (Our default is to conform to CFITSIO, and the expected revision of the
* standard to match).
* @see #hasOldStandardVLAIndexing()
* @see #asBinaryTableHDU()
* @since 1.19.1
* @author Attila Kovacs
public static void useOldStandardVLAIndexing(boolean value) {
reversedVLAIndices = value;
* Checks if we should use reversed compressed/uncompressed heap indices for when decompressing variable-length
* arrays (VLAs).
* @return value true
if we will assime VLA indices in compressed tables that follow the format
* described in the original Pence et al. 2013 convention, and also the FITS 4.0 standard as of 2024 Mar
* 1; otherwise false
. These original prescriptions define the reverse of what is actually
* implemented by CFITSIO and its tools fpack
and funpack
. (Our default is to
* conform to CFITSIO, and the expcted revision of the standard to match).
* @see #useOldStandardVLAIndexing(boolean)
* @since 1.19.1
* @author Attila Kovacs
public static boolean hasOldStandardVLAIndexing() {
return reversedVLAIndices;
* Prepare a compressed binary table HDU for the specified binary table. When the tile row size is specified with
* -1, the value will be set ti the number of rows in the table. The table will be compressed in "rows" that are
* defined by the tile size. Next step would be to set the compression options into the HDU and then compress it.
* @param binaryTableHDU the binary table to compress
* @param tileRows the number of rows that should be compressed per tile.
* @param columnCompressionAlgorithms the compression algorithms to use for the columns (optional default
* compression will be used if a column has no compression specified). You
* should typically use one or more of the enum values defined in
* {@link Compression}. The FITS standard currently allows only the lossless
* GZIP_1, GZIP_2, RICE_1, or NOCOMPRESS (e.g.
* {@link Compression#ZCMPTYPE_GZIP_1} or
* {@link Compression#ZCMPTYPE_NOCOMPRESS}.)
* @return the prepared compressed binary table HDU.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the listed compression algorithms are not approved for use with
* tables.
* @throws FitsException if the binary table could not be used to create a compressed binary table.
* @see Compression
* @see Compression#ZCMPTYPE_GZIP_1
* @see Compression#ZCMPTYPE_GZIP_2
* @see Compression#ZCMPTYPE_RICE_1
* @see Compression#ZCMPTYPE_NOCOMPRESS
* @see #asBinaryTableHDU()
* @see #useOldStandardVLAIndexing(boolean)
public static CompressedTableHDU fromBinaryTableHDU(BinaryTableHDU binaryTableHDU, int tileRows,
String... columnCompressionAlgorithms) throws FitsException {
Header header = new Header();
CompressedTableData compressedData = new CompressedTableData();
int rowsPerTile = tileRows > 0 ? tileRows : binaryTableHDU.getData().getNRows();
Cursor headerIterator = header.iterator();
Cursor imageIterator = binaryTableHDU.getHeader().iterator();
while (imageIterator.hasNext()) {
HeaderCard card =;
CompressedCard.restore(card, headerIterator);
CompressedTableHDU compressedHDU = new CompressedTableHDU(header, compressedData);
return compressedHDU;
* Check that this HDU has a valid header for this type.
* @deprecated (for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
* @param hdr header to check
* @return true
if this HDU has a valid header.
public static boolean isHeader(Header hdr) {
return hdr.getBooleanValue(ZTABLE, false);
* @deprecated (for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
* @param hdr the header that describes the compressed HDU
* @return a new blank data object created from the header description
public static CompressedTableData manufactureData(Header hdr) throws FitsException {
return new CompressedTableData(hdr);
* Creates an new compressed table HDU with the specified header and compressed data.
* @param hdr the header
* @param datum the compressed table data. The data may not be actually compressed at this point, int which case you
* may need to call {@link #compress()} before writing the new compressed HDU to a stream.
* @see #compress()
public CompressedTableHDU(Header hdr, CompressedTableData datum) {
super(hdr, datum);
* Restores the original binary table HDU by decompressing the data contained in this compresed table HDU.
* @return The uncompressed binary table HDU.
* @throws FitsException If there was an issue with the decompression.
* @see #asBinaryTableHDU(int, int)
* @see #fromBinaryTableHDU(BinaryTableHDU, int, String...)
* @see #useOldStandardVLAIndexing(boolean)
public BinaryTableHDU asBinaryTableHDU() throws FitsException {
return asBinaryTableHDU(0, getTileCount());
// Header header = getTableHeader();
// BinaryTable data = BinaryTableHDU.manufactureData(header);
// BinaryTableHDU tableHDU = new BinaryTableHDU(header, data);
// getData().asBinaryTable(data, getHeader(), header);
// return tableHDU;
* Returns the number of table rows that are compressed in each table tile. This may be useful for figuring out what
* tiles to decompress, e.g. via {@link #asBinaryTableHDU(int, int)}, when wanting to access select table rows only.
* This value is stored under the FITS keyword ZTILELEN in the compressed header. Thus, this method simply provides
* a user-friendly way to access it. Note that the last tile may contain fewer rows than the value indicated by this
* @return the number of table rows that are compressed into a tile.
* @throws FitsException if the compressed header does not contain the required ZTILELEN keyword, or it is <= 0.
* @see #asBinaryTableHDU(int, int)
* @since 1.19
public int getTileRows() throws FitsException {
int n = getHeader().getIntValue(Compression.ZTILELEN, -1);
if (n <= 0) {
throw new FitsException("imnvalid or missing ZTILELEN header keyword");
return n;
* Returns the number of compressed tiles contained in this HDU.
* @return the number of compressed tiles in this table. It is the same as the NAXIS2 value of the header, which is
* also returned by {@link #getNRows()} for this compressed table.
* @see #getTileRows()
* @since 1.19
public int getTileCount() {
return getNRows();
* Restores a section of the original binary table HDU by decompressing a selected range of compressed table tiles.
* The returned section will start at row index fromTile * getTileRows()
of the full table.
* @param fromTile Java index of first tile to decompress
* @param toTile Java index of last tile to decompress
* @return The uncompressed binary table HDU from the selected compressed tiles.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the tile range is out of bounds
* @throws FitsException If there was an issue with the decompression.
* @see #getTileRows()
* @see #getTileCount()
* @see #asBinaryTableHDU()
* @see #fromBinaryTableHDU(BinaryTableHDU, int, String...)
* @see #useOldStandardVLAIndexing(boolean)
public BinaryTableHDU asBinaryTableHDU(int fromTile, int toTile) throws FitsException, IllegalArgumentException {
Header header = getTableHeader();
int tileSize = getTileRows();
if (fromTile < 0 || toTile > getTileCount() || toTile <= fromTile) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"illegal tile range [" + fromTile + ", " + toTile + "] for " + getTileCount() + " tiles");
// Set the correct number of rows
int rows = getHeader().getIntValue(Compression.ZNAXISn.n(2));
header.addValue(Standard.NAXIS2, Integer.min(rows, toTile * tileSize) - fromTile * tileSize);
BinaryTable data = BinaryTableHDU.manufactureData(header);
BinaryTableHDU tableHDU = new BinaryTableHDU(header, data);
getData().asBinaryTable(data, getHeader(), header, fromTile);
return tableHDU;
* Restores a section of the original binary table HDU by decompressing a single compressed table tile. The returned
* section will start at row index tile * getTileRows()
of the full table.
* @param tile Java index of the table tile to decompress
* @return The uncompressed binary table HDU from the selected compressed tile.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the tile index is out of bounds
* @throws FitsException If there was an issue with the decompression.
* @see #asBinaryTableHDU(int, int)
* @see #getTileRows()
* @see #getTileCount()
* @see #useOldStandardVLAIndexing(boolean)
public final BinaryTableHDU asBinaryTableHDU(int tile) throws FitsException, IllegalArgumentException {
return asBinaryTableHDU(tile, tile + 1);
* Returns a particular section of a decompressed data column.
* @param col the Java column index
* @return The uncompressed column data as an array.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the tile range is out of bounds
* @throws FitsException If there was an issue with the decompression.
* @see #getColumnData(int, int, int)
* @see #asBinaryTableHDU()
* @see #fromBinaryTableHDU(BinaryTableHDU, int, String...)
public Object getColumnData(int col) throws FitsException, IllegalArgumentException {
return getColumnData(col, 0, getTileCount());
* Returns a particular section of a decompressed data column.
* @param col the Java column index
* @param fromTile the Java index of first tile to decompress
* @param toTile the Java index of last tile to decompress
* @return The uncompressed column data segment as an array.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the tile range is out of bounds
* @throws FitsException If there was an issue with the decompression.
* @see #getColumnData(int)
* @see #asBinaryTableHDU()
* @see #fromBinaryTableHDU(BinaryTableHDU, int, String...)
public Object getColumnData(int col, int fromTile, int toTile) throws FitsException, IllegalArgumentException {
return getData().getColumnData(col, fromTile, toTile, getHeader(), getTableHeader());
* Performs the actual compression with the selected algorithm(s) and options. When creating a compressed table HDU,
* e.g using the {@link #fromBinaryTableHDU(BinaryTableHDU, int, String...)} method, the HDU is merely prepared but
* without actually performing the compression, and this method will have to be called to actually perform the
* compression. The design would allow for setting options between creation and compressing, but in this case there
* is really nothing of the sort.
* @return itself
* @throws FitsException if the compression could not be performed
* @see #fromBinaryTableHDU(BinaryTableHDU, int, String...)
* @see #useOldStandardVLAIndexing(boolean)
public CompressedTableHDU compress() throws FitsException {
return this;
* Obtain a header representative of a decompressed TableHDU.
* @return Header with decompressed cards.
* @throws HeaderCardException if the card could not be copied
* @since 1.18
public Header getTableHeader() throws HeaderCardException {
Header header = new Header();
header.addValue(Standard.XTENSION, Standard.XTENSION_BINTABLE);
header.addValue(Standard.BITPIX, ElementType.BYTE.bitPix());
header.addValue(Standard.NAXIS, 2);
Cursor tableIterator = header.iterator();
Cursor iterator = getHeader().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
CompressedCard.backup(, tableIterator);
return header;
public CompressedTableData getData() {
return (CompressedTableData) super.getData();