nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package nom.tam.fits;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Set;
import nom.tam.fits.header.Bitpix;
import nom.tam.fits.header.Standard;
import nom.tam.util.ArrayDataOutput;
import nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs;
import nom.tam.util.FitsOutput;
* #%L
* nom.tam FITS library
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2004 - 2024 nom-tam-fits
* %%
* This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
* Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
* distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
* binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
* means.
* In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
* of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
* software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
* of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
* successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
* relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
* software under copyright law.
* #L%
import static nom.tam.fits.header.Standard.BITPIX;
import static nom.tam.fits.header.Standard.GCOUNT;
import static nom.tam.fits.header.Standard.GROUPS;
import static nom.tam.fits.header.Standard.NAXIS;
import static nom.tam.fits.header.Standard.NAXISn;
import static nom.tam.fits.header.Standard.PCOUNT;
import static nom.tam.fits.header.Standard.SIMPLE;
import static nom.tam.fits.header.Standard.XTENSION;
import static nom.tam.fits.header.Standard.XTENSION_IMAGE;
* Random groups header/data unit. Random groups were an early attempt at extending FITS support beyond images, and was
* eventually superseded by binary tables, which offer the same functionality and more in a more generic way. The use of
* random group HDUs is discouraged, even by the FITS standard. Some old radio data may be packaged in this format. Thus
* apart from provided limited support for reading such data, users should not create random groups anew.
* {@link BinaryTableHDU} offers a much more flexible and capable way for storing an ensemble of parameters, arrays, and
* more.
* Note that the internal storage of random groups is a Object[ngroups][2]
array. The first element of each
* group (row) is a 1D array of parameter data of a numerical primitive type (e.g. short[]
* double[]
). The second element in each group (row) is an image of the same element type as the
* parameters. When analyzing group data structure only the first group is examined, but for a valid FITS file all
* groups must have the same structure.
* As of version 1.19, we provide support for accessing parameters by names including building up higher-precision
* values by combining multiple related parameter conversion recipes through scalings and offsets, as described in the
* FITS standard (e.g. combining 3 or 4 related byte
parameter values to obtain a full-precision 32-bit
* float
parameter value when BITPIX
is 8).
* @see BinaryTableHDU
public class RandomGroupsHDU extends BasicHDU {
private Hashtable parameters;
protected final String getCanonicalXtension() {
return Standard.XTENSION_IMAGE;
* @deprecated (for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
* @return a random groups data structure from an array of objects representing the data.
* @param o the array of object to create the random groups
* @throws FitsException if the data could not be created.
public static RandomGroupsData encapsulate(Object o) throws FitsException {
if (o instanceof Object[][]) {
return new RandomGroupsData((Object[][]) o);
throw new FitsException("Attempt to encapsulate invalid data in Random Group");
static Object[] generateSampleRow(Header h) throws FitsException {
int ndim = h.getIntValue(NAXIS, 0) - 1;
int[] dims = new int[ndim];
Class> baseClass = Bitpix.fromHeader(h).getNumberType();
// Note that we have to invert the order of the axes
// for the FITS file to get the order in the array we
// are generating. Also recall that NAXIS1=0, so that
// we have an 'extra' dimension.
for (int i = 0; i < ndim; i++) {
long cdim = h.getIntValue(NAXISn.n(i + 2), 0);
if (cdim < 0) {
throw new FitsException("Invalid array dimension:" + cdim);
dims[ndim - i - 1] = (int) cdim;
Object[] sample = new Object[2];
sample[0] = ArrayFuncs.newInstance(baseClass, h.getIntValue(PCOUNT));
sample[1] = ArrayFuncs.newInstance(baseClass, dims);
return sample;
* Check if this data is compatible with Random Groups structure. Must be an Object[nGroups][2]
* structure with both elements of each group having the same base type and the first element being a simple
* primitive array. We do not check anything but the first row.
* @deprecated (for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
* @param potentialData data to check
* @return is this data compatible with Random Groups structure
public static boolean isData(Object potentialData) {
if (potentialData instanceof Object[][]) {
Object[][] o = (Object[][]) potentialData;
if (o.length > 0 && o[0].length == 2 && //
ArrayFuncs.getBaseClass(o[0][0]) == ArrayFuncs.getBaseClass(o[0][1])) {
String cn = o[0][0].getClass().getName();
if (cn.length() == 2 && cn.charAt(1) != 'Z' || cn.charAt(1) != 'C') {
return true;
return false;
* @deprecated (for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
* @return Is this a random groups header?
* @param hdr The header to be tested.
public static boolean isHeader(Header hdr) {
if (hdr.getBooleanValue(SIMPLE)) {
return hdr.getBooleanValue(GROUPS);
String xtension = hdr.getStringValue(XTENSION);
xtension = xtension == null ? "" : xtension.trim();
if (XTENSION_IMAGE.equals(xtension)) {
return hdr.getBooleanValue(GROUPS);
return false;
* Prepares a data object into which the actual data can be read from an input subsequently or at a later time.
* @deprecated (for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
* @param header The FITS header that describes the data
* @return A data object that support reading content from a stream.
* @throws FitsException if the data could not be prepared to prescriotion.
public static RandomGroupsData manufactureData(Header header) throws FitsException {
int gcount = header.getIntValue(GCOUNT, -1);
int pcount = header.getIntValue(PCOUNT, -1);
if (!header.getBooleanValue(GROUPS) || header.getIntValue(NAXISn.n(1), -1) != 0 || gcount < 0 || pcount < 0
|| header.getIntValue(NAXIS) < 2) {
throw new FitsException("Invalid Random Groups Parameters");
return new RandomGroupsData(gcount, generateSampleRow(header));
* @deprecated (for internal use) Will reduce visibility in the future
* @return Make a header point to the given object.
* @param d The random groups data the header should describe.
* @throws FitsException if the operation failed
static Header manufactureHeader(Data d) throws FitsException {
if (d == null) {
throw new FitsException("Attempt to create null Random Groups data");
Header h = new Header();
return h;
* Creates a random groups HDU from an Object[nGroups][2]
array. Prior to 1.18, we used
* {@link Fits#makeHDU(Object)} to create random groups HDUs automatically from matching data. However, FITS
* recommends using binary tables instead of random groups in general, and this type of HDU is included in the
* standard only to support reading some older radio data. Hence, as of 1.18 {@link Fits#makeHDU(Object)} will never
* return random groups HDUs any longer, and will instead create binary (or ASCII) table HDUs instead. If the need
* arises to create new random group HDUs programatically, beyond reading of older files, then this method can take
* its place.
* @param data The random groups table. The second dimension must be 2. The first element in each group
* (row) must be a 1D numerical primitive array, while the second element may be a
* multi-dimensional image of the same element type. All rows must consists of arrays of
* the same primitive numerical types and sized, e.g.
* { float[5], float[7][2] }
or { short[3], short[2][2][4] }
* @return a new random groups HDU, which encapsulated the supploed data table.
* @throws FitsException if the seconds dimension of the array is not 2.
* @see Fits#makeHDU(Object)
* @since 1.18
public static RandomGroupsHDU createFrom(Object[][] data) throws FitsException {
if (!isData(data)) {
throw new FitsException("Type or layout of data is not random groups compatible.");
RandomGroupsData d = encapsulate(data);
return new RandomGroupsHDU(manufactureHeader(d), d);
private void parseParameters(Header header) {
// Parse the parameter descriptions from the header
int nparms = header.getIntValue(Standard.PCOUNT);
parameters = new Hashtable<>();
for (int i = 1; i <= nparms; i++) {
String name = header.getStringValue(Standard.PTYPEn.n(i));
if (name == null) {
Parameter p = parameters.get(name);
if (p == null) {
p = new Parameter();
parameters.put(name, p);
p.components.add(new ParameterConversion(header, i));
* Create an HDU from the given header and data.
* @deprecated (for internal use) Its visibility should be reduced to package level in the future.
* @param header header to use
* @param data data to use
public RandomGroupsHDU(Header header, RandomGroupsData data) {
super(header, data);
if (header == null) {
public void info(PrintStream stream) {
stream.println("Random Groups HDU");
if (myHeader != null) {
stream.println(" HeaderInformation:");
stream.println(" Ngroups:" + myHeader.getIntValue(GCOUNT));
stream.println(" Npar: " + myHeader.getIntValue(PCOUNT));
stream.println(" BITPIX: " + myHeader.getIntValue(BITPIX));
stream.println(" NAXIS: " + myHeader.getIntValue(NAXIS));
for (int i = 0; i < myHeader.getIntValue(NAXIS); i++) {
stream.println(" NAXIS" + (i + 1) + "= " + myHeader.getIntValue(NAXISn.n(i + 1)));
} else {
stream.println(" No Header Information");
Object[][] data = null;
if (myData != null) {
try {
data = myData.getData();
} catch (FitsException e) {
// nothing to do...
if (data == null || data.length < 1 || data[0].length != 2) {
stream.println(" Invalid/unreadable data");
} else {
stream.println(" Number of groups:" + data.length);
stream.println(" Parameters: " + ArrayFuncs.arrayDescription(data[0][0]));
stream.println(" Data:" + ArrayFuncs.arrayDescription(data[0][1]));
* Returns the number of parameter bytes (per data group) accompanying each data object in the group.
public int getParameterCount() {
return super.getParameterCount();
* Returns the number of data objects (of identical shape and size) that are group together in this HDUs data
* segment.
public int getGroupCount() {
return super.getGroupCount();
* Check that this HDU has a valid header.
* @return true
if this HDU has a valid header.
public boolean isHeader() {
return isHeader(myHeader);
* Returns the name of the physical unit in which image data are represented.
* @return the standard name of the physical unit in which the image is expressed, e.g. "Jy beam^{-1}"
public String getBUnit() {
return super.getBUnit();
* Returns the integer value that signifies blank (missing or null
) data in an integer image.
* @return the integer value used for identifying blank / missing data in integer images.
* @throws FitsException if the header does not specify a blanking value or if it is not appropriate for the type of
* imge (that is not an integer type image)
public long getBlankValue() throws FitsException {
if (getBitpix().getHeaderValue() < 0) {
throw new FitsException("No integer blanking value in floating-point images.");
return super.getBlankValue();
* Returns the floating-point increment between adjacent integer values in the image. Strictly speaking, only
* integer-type images should define a quantization scaling, but there is no harm in having this value in
* floating-point images also -- which may be interpreted as a hint for quantization, perhaps.
* @return the floating-point quantum that corresponds to the increment of 1 in the integer data representation.
* @see #getBZero()
public double getBScale() {
return super.getBScale();
* Returns the floating-point value that corresponds to an 0 integer value in the image. Strictly speaking, only
* integer-type images should define a quantization scaling, but there is no harm in having this value in
* floating-point images also -- which may be interpreted as a hint for quantization, perhaps.
* @return the floating point value that correspond to the integer 0 in the image data.
* @see #getBScale()
public double getBZero() {
return super.getBZero();
public void write(ArrayDataOutput stream) throws FitsException {
if (stream instanceof FitsOutput) {
if (!((FitsOutput) stream).isAtStart()) {
throw new FitsException("Random groups are only permitted in the primary HDU");
* Returns a list of parameter names bundled along the images in each group, as extracted from the PTYPE_n_ header
* entries.
* @return A set containing the parameter names contained in this HDU
* @see #getParameter(String, int)
* @since 1.19
public Set getParameterNames() {
return parameters.keySet();
* Returns the value for a given group parameter.
* @param name the parameter name
* @param group the zero-based group index
* @return the stored parameter value in the specified group, or {@link Double#NaN}
* if the there is no such group.
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the group index is out of bounds.
* @throws FitsException if the deferred parameter data cannot be accessed
* @see #getParameterNames()
* @see RandomGroupsData#getImage(int)
* @since 1.19
public double getParameter(String name, int group) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, FitsException {
Parameter p = parameters.get(name);
if (p == null) {
return Double.NaN;
return p.getValue(getData().getParameterArray(group));
* A conversion recipe from the native BITPIX type to a floating-point value. Each parameter may have multiple such
* recipes, the sum of which can provide the required precision for the parameter regardless the BITPIX storage
* type.
* @author Attila Kovacs
* @since 1.19
private static final class ParameterConversion {
private int index;
private double scaling;
private double offset;
private ParameterConversion(Header h, int n) {
index = n - 1;
scaling = h.getDoubleValue(Standard.PSCALn.n(n), 1.0);
offset = h.getDoubleValue(Standard.PZEROn.n(n), 0.0);
* Represents a single parameter in the random groups data.
* @author Attila Kovacs
* @since 1.19
private static final class Parameter {
private ArrayList components = new ArrayList<>();
private double getValue(Object array) {
double value = 0.0;
for (ParameterConversion c : components) {
double x = Array.getDouble(array, c.index);
value += c.scaling * x + c.offset;
return value;