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gov.sandia.cognition.statistics.bayesian.RejectionSampling Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * File:      
 * Authors:             Kevin R. Dixon
 * Company:             Sandia National Laboratories
 * Project:             Cognitive Foundry
 * Copyright Mar 3, 2010, Sandia Corporation.
 * Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive
 * license for use of this work by or on behalf of the U.S. Government.
 * Export of this program may require a license from the United States
 * Government. See CopyrightHistory.txt for complete details.

package gov.sandia.cognition.statistics.bayesian;

import gov.sandia.cognition.annotation.PublicationReference;
import gov.sandia.cognition.annotation.PublicationType;
import gov.sandia.cognition.evaluator.Evaluator;
import gov.sandia.cognition.learning.algorithm.minimization.line.LineMinimizerDerivativeFree;
import gov.sandia.cognition.statistics.DataDistribution;
import gov.sandia.cognition.statistics.ProbabilityFunction;
import gov.sandia.cognition.statistics.UnivariateProbabilityDensityFunction;
import gov.sandia.cognition.statistics.distribution.DefaultDataDistribution;
import gov.sandia.cognition.statistics.distribution.UnivariateGaussian;
import gov.sandia.cognition.util.AbstractCloneableSerializable;
import gov.sandia.cognition.util.AbstractRandomized;
import gov.sandia.cognition.util.CloneableSerializable;
import gov.sandia.cognition.util.DefaultWeightedValue;
import gov.sandia.cognition.util.ObjectUtil;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Random;

 * Rejection sampling is a method of inferring hidden parameters by using
 * an easy-to-sample-from distribution (times a scale factor) that envelopes
 * another distribution that is difficult to sample from.  Typically, we sample
 * from the parameter prior to infer the likelihood of the parameters given
 * an observation sequence.  In my limited experience, vanilla rejection
 * sampling, implemented here, is inferior to ImportanceSamping.
 * @param  Type of observation
 * @param  Type of parameters to infer
 * @author Kevin R. Dixon
 * @since 3.0
    title="Rejection Sampling",
public class RejectionSampling
    extends AbstractRandomized
    implements BayesianEstimator>

     * Default number of samples, {@value}.
    public static final int DEFAULT_NUM_SAMPLES = 1000;

     * Number of samples.
    private int numSamples;

     * Updater for the ImportanceSampling algorithm.
    protected RejectionSampling.Updater updater;

     * Creates a new instance of RejectionSampling 
    public RejectionSampling()
        super( null );

    public RejectionSampling clone()
        RejectionSampling clone =
            (RejectionSampling) super.clone();
        clone.setUpdater( ObjectUtil.cloneSafe( this.getUpdater() ) );
        return clone;

    public DataDistribution learn(
        final Collection data)
        DataDistribution retval =
            new DefaultDataDistribution( this.getNumSamples() );

        for( int n = 0; n < numSamples; n++ )
            ParameterType parameter = null;
            boolean accepted = false;
            while( !accepted )
                parameter = this.getUpdater().makeProposal( this.getRandom() );
                double acceptProbability =
                double p = this.getRandom().nextDouble();
                if( p <= acceptProbability )
                    accepted = true;

        return retval;

     * Getter for numSamples
     * @return
     * Number of samples.
    public int getNumSamples()
        return this.numSamples;

     * Setter for numSamples
     * @param numSamples
     * Number of samples.
    public void setNumSamples(
        final int numSamples)
        this.numSamples = numSamples;

     * Getter for updater
     * @return
     * Updater for the ImportanceSampling algorithm.
    public RejectionSampling.Updater getUpdater()
        return this.updater;

     * Setter for updater
     * @param updater
     * Updater for the ImportanceSampling algorithm.
    public void setUpdater(
        final RejectionSampling.Updater updater)
        this.updater = updater;

     * Routine for estimating the minimum scalar needed to envelop the
     * conjunctive distribution.
     * @param 
     * Type of observations to use.
    public static class ScalarEstimator

         * Defines the parameter that connects the conditional and prior
         * distributions.
        BayesianParameter,? extends UnivariateProbabilityDensityFunction> conjunctive;

         * Data to consider
        Iterable data;

         * Creates a new instance of ScalarEstimator
         * @param conjunctive
         * Defines the parameter that connects the conditional and prior
         * distributions.
         * @param data
         * Data to consider
        public ScalarEstimator(
            final BayesianParameter,? extends UnivariateProbabilityDensityFunction> conjunctive,
            final Iterable data )
            this.conjunctive = conjunctive;
   = data;

         * Computes the logarithm of the conjunctive likelihood for the given
         * parameter
         * @param parameter
         * Parameter to update.
         * @return
         * Logarithm of the conjunctive likelihood for the given parameter
        public double logConjunctive(
            final Double parameter )
            double logSum = this.conjunctive.getParameterPrior().logEvaluate(parameter);
            if( !Double.isInfinite(logSum) )
                logSum += BayesianUtil.logLikelihood(
            return logSum;

         * Estimates the minimum scalar needed for the sampler distribution to
         * envelope the conjunctive distribution
         * @param sampler
         * Distribution from which we sample and envelop the conjunctive
         * distribution.
         * @return
         * Minimum scalar needed for the sampler distribution to envelope the
         * conjunctive distribution
        public double estimateScalarFactor(
            final UnivariateProbabilityDensityFunction sampler )
            MinimizerFunction f = new MinimizerFunction( sampler );
            LineMinimizerDerivativeFree minimizer =
                new LineMinimizerDerivativeFree();
            minimizer.setInitialGuess( sampler.getMean() );
            InputOutputPair mode = minimizer.learn(f);
            return Math.exp(-mode.getOutput());

         * Minimization function that measures the difference between the
         * logarithm of the sampler function minus the logarithm of the
         * conjunctive distribution.
        public class MinimizerFunction
            implements Evaluator

             * Sampler function
            protected ProbabilityFunction sampler;

             * Creates a new instance of MinimizerFunction
             * @param sampler
             * Sampler function
            public MinimizerFunction(
                final ProbabilityFunction sampler)
                this.sampler = sampler;
            public Double evaluate(
                final Double parameter)
                // Find the point where the conjuctive is the largest compared
                // to the sampler: min(logSampler - logConjuctive)
                final double logSampler = this.sampler.logEvaluate(parameter);
                final double logCon = logConjunctive(parameter);
                if( Double.isInfinite(logSampler) ||
                    Double.isInfinite(logCon) )
                    return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                    return logSampler-logCon;

     * Updater for ImportanceSampling
     * @param  Type of observation
     * @param  Type of parameters to infer
    public static interface Updater
        extends CloneableSerializable
         * Computes the probability of accepting the parameter for the given
         * data.
         * @param parameter
         * Parameter to consider
         * @param data
         * Data to consider.
         * @return
         * Probability of accepting the parameter
        public double computeAcceptanceProbability(
            final ParameterType parameter,
            final Iterable data );

         * Samples from the parameter prior
         * @param random
         * Random number generator.
         * @return
         * Location of the proposed sample
        public ParameterType makeProposal(
            final Random random );


     * Default ImportanceSampling Updater that uses a BayesianParameter
     * to compute the quantities of interest.
     * @param  Type of observation
     * @param  Type of parameters to infer
    public static class DefaultUpdater
        extends AbstractCloneableSerializable
        implements Updater

         * Defines the parameter that connects the conditional and prior
         * distributions.
        protected BayesianParameter,? extends ProbabilityFunction> conjuctive;

         * Scale factor to multiply the sampler function by to envelop the
         * conjunctive distribution.
        protected Double scale;

         * Distribution from which we sample and envelop the conjunctive
         * distribution.
        private ProbabilityFunction sampler;

         * Number of proposals suggested
        protected int proposals;

         * Default constructor.
        public DefaultUpdater()
            this( null );

         * Creates a new instance of DefaultUpdater
         * @param conjuctive
         * Defines the parameter that connects the conditional and prior
         * distributions.
        public DefaultUpdater(
            final BayesianParameter,? extends ProbabilityFunction> conjuctive)
            this( conjuctive, (conjuctive != null) ? conjuctive.getParameterPrior() : null );

         * Creates a new instance of DefaultUpdater
         * @param conjuctive
         * Defines the parameter that connects the conditional and prior
         * distributions.
         * @param sampler
         * Distribution from which we sample and envelop the conjunctive
         * distribution.
        public DefaultUpdater(
            final BayesianParameter,? extends ProbabilityFunction> conjuctive,
            final ProbabilityFunction sampler)
            this( conjuctive, null, sampler );

         * Creates a new instance of DefaultUpdater
         * @param conjuctive
         * Defines the parameter that connects the conditional and prior
         * distributions.
         * @param scale
         * Scale factor to multiply the sampler function by to envelop the
         * conjunctive distribution.
         * @param sampler
         * Distribution from which we sample and envelop the conjunctive
         * distribution.
        public DefaultUpdater(
            final BayesianParameter,? extends ProbabilityFunction> conjuctive,
            final Double scale,
            final ProbabilityFunction sampler)

        public double computeAcceptanceProbability(
            final ParameterType parameter,
            final Iterable data)
            if( this.scale == null )
                this.scale = this.computeOptimalScale(data);
            double logSum = BayesianUtil.logLikelihood(
                this.conjuctive.getConditionalDistribution(), data);
            logSum += this.conjuctive.getParameterPrior().logEvaluate(parameter);
            logSum -= this.sampler.logEvaluate(parameter);
            logSum -= Math.log( this.getScale());
            return Math.exp( logSum );

        public ParameterType makeProposal(
            final Random random)
            ParameterType parameter = null;
            boolean keepGoing = true;
            while( keepGoing )
                parameter = this.sampler.sample(random);
                if( this.conjuctive.getParameterPrior().evaluate(parameter) > 0.0 )
                    keepGoing = false;
            return parameter;


         * Getter for conjunctive
         * @return
         * Defines the parameter that connects the conditional and prior
         * distributions.
        public BayesianParameter,? extends ProbabilityFunction> getConjuctive()
            return this.conjuctive;

         * Setter for conjunctive
         * @param conjuctive
         * Defines the parameter that connects the conditional and prior
         * distributions.
        public void setConjuctive(
            final BayesianParameter,? extends ProbabilityFunction> conjuctive)
            this.conjuctive = conjuctive;

         * Computes the optimal scale factor for enveloping the conjunctive
         * distribution with the sampler function given the data
         * @param data
         * Data to consider
         * @return
         * optimal scale factor for enveloping the conjunctive
         * distribution with the sampler function given the data
        public double computeOptimalScale(
            final Iterable data )
            ScalarEstimator estimator =
                new ScalarEstimator(
                    (BayesianParameter,? extends UnivariateProbabilityDensityFunction>) this.getConjuctive(), data );
            return estimator.estimateScalarFactor(
                (UnivariateProbabilityDensityFunction) this.getSampler() );

         * Computes a Gaussian sample for the parameter, assuming it has is
         * a Double, using importance sampling.
         * @param data
         * (Sub)set of the data to use to estimate the Gaussian
         * @param random
         * Random number generator
         * @param numSamples
         * Number of samples to create the Gaussian... doesn't need to be
         * very large.
         * @return
         * Gaussian that has the appropriate mean and variance to generate
         * parameters.
        public UnivariateGaussian.PDF computeGaussianSampler(
            final Iterable data,
            final Random random,
            final int numSamples )
            ArrayList parameters =
                this.conjuctive.getParameterPrior().sample(random, numSamples);

            UnivariateGaussian.WeightedMaximumLikelihoodEstimator mle =
                new UnivariateGaussian.WeightedMaximumLikelihoodEstimator();
            ArrayList> values =
                new ArrayList>( parameters.size() );
            for( int n = 0; n < parameters.size(); n++ )
                ParameterType parameter = parameters.get(n);
                if( this.conjuctive.getParameterPrior().evaluate(parameter) > 0.0 )
                    double weight = BayesianUtil.logLikelihood(
                        this.conjuctive.getConditionalDistribution(), data);
                    values.add( new DefaultWeightedValue(
                        (Double) parameter, weight ) );
            return mle.learn(values);

         * Getter for scale
         * @return
         * Scale factor to multiply the sampler function by to envelop the
         * conjunctive distribution.
        public Double getScale()
            return this.scale;

         * Setter for scale
         * @param scale
         * Scale factor to multiply the sampler function by to envelop the
         * conjunctive distribution.
        public void setScale(
            final Double scale)
            this.scale = scale;

         * Getter for proposals
         * @return
         * Number of proposals suggested
        public int getProposals()
            return this.proposals;

         * Setter for proposals
         * @param proposals
         * Number of proposals suggested
        protected void setProposals(
            final int proposals)
            this.proposals = proposals;

         * Getter for sampler
         * @return 
         * Distribution from which we sample and envelop the conjunctive
         * distribution.
        public ProbabilityFunction getSampler()
            return this.sampler;

         * Setter for sampler
         * @param sampler
         * Distribution from which we sample and envelop the conjunctive
         * distribution.
        public void setSampler(
            final ProbabilityFunction sampler)
            this.sampler = sampler;


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