graphics.scenery.backends.shaders.SAO.frag Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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flexible scenegraphing and rendering for scientific visualisation
#version 450 core
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects: enable
#define PI 3.14159265359
layout(set = 3, binding = 0) uniform sampler2D InputNormalsMaterial;
layout(set = 4, binding = 0) uniform sampler2D InputZBuffer;
layout(location = 0) out float FragColor;
layout(location = 0) in vec2 textureCoord;
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform VRParameters {
mat4 projectionMatrices[2];
mat4 inverseProjectionMatrices[2];
mat4 headShift;
float IPD;
int stereoEnabled;
} vrParameters;
layout(set = 1, binding = 0) uniform LightParameters {
mat4 ViewMatrices[2];
mat4 InverseViewMatrices[2];
mat4 ProjectionMatrix;
mat4 InverseProjectionMatrix;
vec3 CamPosition;
layout(push_constant) uniform currentEye_t {
int eye;
} currentEye;
layout(set = 2, binding = 0, std140) uniform ShaderParameters {
int displayWidth;
int displayHeight;
float occlusionRadius;
int occlusionSamples;
float maxDistance;
int algorithm;
const float IntensityScale = 1.0;
const float Epsilon = 0.01;
const float BiasDistance = 0.001;
const float Contrast = 1.0;
vec3 viewFromDepth(float depth, vec2 texcoord) {
vec2 uv = (vrParameters.stereoEnabled ^ 1) * texcoord + vrParameters.stereoEnabled * vec2((texcoord.x - 0.5 * currentEye.eye) * 2.0, texcoord.y);
mat4 invProjection = (vrParameters.stereoEnabled ^ 1) * InverseProjectionMatrix + vrParameters.stereoEnabled * vrParameters.inverseProjectionMatrices[currentEye.eye];
mat4 invView = (vrParameters.stereoEnabled ^ 1) * InverseViewMatrices[0] + vrParameters.stereoEnabled * (InverseViewMatrices[currentEye.eye]);
#ifndef OPENGL
vec4 clipSpacePosition = vec4(uv * 2.0 - 1.0, depth, 1.0);
vec4 clipSpacePosition = vec4(uv * 2.0 - 1.0, depth * 2.0 - 1.0, 1.0);
vec4 viewSpacePosition = invProjection * clipSpacePosition;
viewSpacePosition /= viewSpacePosition.w;
vec3 worldFromDepth(float depth, vec2 texcoord) {
vec2 uv = (vrParameters.stereoEnabled ^ 1) * texcoord + vrParameters.stereoEnabled * vec2((texcoord.x - 0.5 * currentEye.eye) * 2.0, texcoord.y);
mat4 invProjection = (vrParameters.stereoEnabled ^ 1) * InverseProjectionMatrix + vrParameters.stereoEnabled * vrParameters.inverseProjectionMatrices[currentEye.eye];
mat4 invView = (vrParameters.stereoEnabled ^ 1) * InverseViewMatrices[0] + vrParameters.stereoEnabled * (InverseViewMatrices[currentEye.eye]);
#ifndef OPENGL
vec4 clipSpacePosition = vec4(uv * 2.0 - 1.0, depth, 1.0);
vec4 clipSpacePosition = vec4(uv * 2.0 - 1.0, depth * 2.0 - 1.0, 1.0);
vec4 viewSpacePosition = invProjection * clipSpacePosition;
viewSpacePosition /= viewSpacePosition.w;
vec4 world = invView * viewSpacePosition;
const int NUM_SPIRAL_TURNS = 7;
vec3 tapLocation(int index, float angle) {
float alpha = float(index + 0.5) * (1.0 / occlusionSamples);
float a = alpha * NUM_SPIRAL_TURNS * 6.28 + angle;
return vec3(cos(a), sin(a), alpha);
vec3 getOffsetPosition(ivec2 ssC, vec2 unitOffset, float ssR) {
ivec2 ssP = ivec2(ssR * unitOffset) + ssC;
vec3 P = vec3(0.0);
P.z = texture(InputZBuffer, ssP/vec2(displayWidth, displayHeight)).r;
P = viewFromDepth(P.z, vec2(ssP)/vec2(displayWidth, displayHeight));
return P;
float sampleSAO(ivec2 ssC, vec3 C, vec3 N, float radius, float randomAngle, int index) {
vec3 unitOffset = tapLocation(index, randomAngle);
float ssR = unitOffset.z * radius;
vec3 Q = getOffsetPosition(ssC, unitOffset.xy, ssR);
vec3 v = Q - C;
float vdotv = dot(v, v);
float vdotN = dot(v, N);
float f = max(occlusionRadius * occlusionRadius - vdotv, 0.0);
return f * f * f * max(0.0, (vdotN - BiasDistance) / (vdotv + Epsilon));
vec2 OctWrap( vec2 v )
vec2 ret;
ret.x = (1-abs(v.y)) * (v.x >= 0 ? 1.0 : -1.0);
ret.y = (1-abs(v.x)) * (v.y >= 0 ? 1.0 : -1.0);
return ret.xy;
Decodes the octahedron normal vector from it's two component form to return the normal with its three components. Uses the
property |x| + |y| + |z| = 1 and reverses the orthogonal projection performed while encoding.
vec3 DecodeOctaH( vec2 encN )
encN = encN * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec3 n;
n.z = 1.0 - abs( encN.x ) - abs( encN.y );
n.xy = n.z >= 0.0 ? encN.xy : OctWrap( encN.xy );
n = normalize( n );
return n;
void main() {
vec2 textureCoord = gl_FragCoord.xy/vec2(displayWidth, displayHeight);
textureCoord = (vrParameters.stereoEnabled ^ 1) * textureCoord + vrParameters.stereoEnabled * vec2((textureCoord.x - 0.5 * currentEye.eye) * 2.0, textureCoord.y);
ivec2 ssC = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
mat4 view = (vrParameters.stereoEnabled ^ 1) * ViewMatrices[0] + (vrParameters.stereoEnabled * ViewMatrices[currentEye.eye]);
float Depth = texture(InputZBuffer, textureCoord).r;
vec3 viewSpaceFragPos = viewFromDepth(Depth, textureCoord);
vec3 N = normalize(cross(dFdy(viewSpaceFragPos), dFdx(viewSpaceFragPos)));
float projScale = -displayHeight/(2.0 * tan(50.0 * 0.5));
float randomAngle = (3 * ssC.x ^ ssC.y + ssC.x * ssC.y) * 10.0;
float scaledDiskRadius = -projScale * occlusionRadius / viewSpaceFragPos.z;
float intensityScaleDivR6 = IntensityScale / pow(occlusionRadius, 6.0);
float ambientOcclusion = 0.0f;
if(occlusionSamples > 0) {
//Alchemy SSAO
float A = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < occlusionSamples; ++i) {
A += sampleSAO(ssC, viewSpaceFragPos, N, scaledDiskRadius, randomAngle, i);
A = max(0.0, 1.0 - A * intensityScaleDivR6 * (5.0/occlusionSamples));
ambientOcclusion = A;
FragColor = ambientOcclusion;