hu.icellmobilsoft.roaster.api.dto.AnyDto Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2020 i-Cell Mobilsoft Zrt.
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package hu.icellmobilsoft.roaster.api.dto;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import hu.icellmobilsoft.roaster.api.Any;
import hu.icellmobilsoft.roaster.api.Condition;
* Class to hold any XSD related Any method (like random request id).
public abstract class AnyDto {
private static final int MAXIMUM_ARRAY_ELEMENT_NUMBER = 1000;
public static final String ALPHABETIC_CHARACTERS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
public static final String NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = "0123456789";
private static final String ERR_MSG_COUNT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_ONE = "count should be greater than zero!";
private AnyDto() {
public static final int REQUEST_ID_TYPE_SIZE = 32;
public static final int SESSION_ID_SIZE = 50;
* @return random XSD valid request id.
public static String requestId() {
return Any.string(REQUEST_ID_TYPE_SIZE);
* @return random XSD valid session id.
public static String sessionId() {
return Any.string(SESSION_ID_SIZE);
* @param count
* the size of the random string
* @param characters
* the set of the characters to to use for generation
* @return new random string
public static String string(int count, String characters) {
Condition.ensure(count > 0, ERR_MSG_COUNT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_ONE);
return RandomStringUtils.random(count, characters);
* @param minCountInclusive
* the minimum size of the string (inclusive)
* @param maxCountExclusive
* the possible maximum size-1 of the string (exclusive)
* @param characters
* the set of the characters to to use for generation
* @return new random string
public static String string(int minCountInclusive, int maxCountExclusive, String characters) {
Condition.ensure(minCountInclusive > 0, "minCountInclusive should not be negative!");
Condition.ensure(maxCountExclusive > minCountInclusive, "maxCountExclusive should be greater than minCountInclusive!");
return string(minCountInclusive, characters) + string(Any.aPositiveInt(maxCountExclusive - minCountInclusive), characters);
* @return a new xsd valid randdom zipcode
public static String zipCode() {
* @return a new xsd valid random country code
public static String countryCode() {
return alphabetic(3).toUpperCase();
* @param count
* the size of the new string
* @return new random string that contains only alphabetic characters.
public static String alphabetic(int count) {
Condition.ensure(count > 0, ERR_MSG_COUNT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_ONE);
return RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(count);
* @param minCountInclusive
* the minimum size of the string (inclusive)
* @param maxCountExclusive
* the possible maximum size-1 of the string (exclusive)
* @return new random string that contains alphabetic and numeric characters
public static String alphaNumeric(int minCountInclusive, int maxCountExclusive) {
Condition.ensure(minCountInclusive > -1, "minCountInclusive should not be negative!");
Condition.ensure(maxCountExclusive >= minCountInclusive, "maxCountExclusive should be equal or greater than minCountInclusive!");
return RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(minCountInclusive)
+ RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(maxCountExclusive - minCountInclusive));
* @param count
* the size of the new string
* @return new random string that contains alphabetic and numeric characters
public static String alphaNumeric(int count) {
Condition.ensure(count > 0, ERR_MSG_COUNT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_ONE);
return RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(count);
* build an array with maximum {@value #MAXIMUM_ARRAY_ELEMENT_NUMBER} element
* @param
* generic type
* @param clazz
* the base type of the elements
* @return an newly created list.
public static List array(Class clazz) {
return array(clazz, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_ELEMENT_NUMBER);
* Build a distinct array with maximum {@code maxSize} element.
* @param clazz
* the base type of the elements
* @param predicate
* function that returns the value to sort the items
* @param maxSize
* the maximum number of the elements in the result list
* @param
* the type of the list elements
* @param
* type to filter the data (String, etc.)
* @return unique list of the elements
public static List array(Class clazz, Function super T, ? extends R> predicate, int maxSize) {
return new ArrayList<>(array(clazz, maxSize).stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(predicate, i -> i, (lhs, rhs) -> lhs)).values());
* build a distinct array with maximum {@code #maxSize} element.
* The last parameter an method the provide the uniques of an element.
* @param clazz
* the base type of the elements
* @param predicate
* function that returns the value to sort the items
* @param
* the type of the list elements
* @param
* type to filter the data (String, etc.)
* @return unique list of the elements
public static List array(Class clazz, Function super T, ? extends R> predicate) {
return array(clazz, predicate, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_ELEMENT_NUMBER);
* Build an random list of elements. The maximum size of the list is {@code maxSize}
* @param clazz
* the class of the element type
* @param maxSize
* the number of the elements
* @param
* the type of the list elements
* @return new random array with the max length {@code maxSize}
public static List array(Class clazz, int maxSize) {
Condition.notNull(clazz, "Element class type should not be null.");
Condition.expected(maxSize > 0, "Maximum size of the array should be least one.");
List result = new ArrayList<>();
if (clazz.isEnum()) {
Any.fillToSize(result, clazz, Any::enumItem, maxSize);
} else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
Any.fillToSize(result, clazz, t -> (T) Any.string(), maxSize);
} else if (Builder.has(clazz)) {
IBaseBuilder builder = Builder.get(clazz);
Any.fillToSize(result, builder::build, maxSize);
} else if (clazz.getAnnotation(XmlType.class) != null) {
IBaseBuilder builder = GenericTypeBuilder.create(clazz, Any.createEntity(clazz));
Any.fillToSize(result, builder::build, maxSize);
} else {
Any.fillToSize(result, Any.createEntity(clazz), maxSize);
return result;
* generate a random list that contains random elements.
* @param clazz
* the class definition of the object
* @param
* the type of the object
* @return a new list with random elements
public static List list(Class clazz) {
* generate a random list that contains random elements.
* @param clazz
* the class definition of the object
* @param size
* the size of the list
* @param
* the type of the object
* @return a new list with random elements
public static List list(Class clazz, int size) {
if (clazz.isEnum()) {
return list(clazz, () -> Any.enumItem(clazz), size);
} else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
return list(clazz, () -> (T) Any.string(), size);
} else if (Builder.has(clazz)) {
IBaseBuilder builder = Builder.get(clazz);
return list(clazz, builder::build, size);
} else if (clazz.getAnnotation(XmlType.class) != null) {
IBaseBuilder builder = GenericTypeBuilder.create(clazz, Any.createEntity(clazz));
return list(clazz, builder::build, size);
return list(clazz, Any.createEntity(clazz), size);
* generate a random list that contains random elements supplied by {@code supplier}.
* @param clazz
* the class definition of the object
* @param supplier
* the object supplier
* @param
* the type of the object
* @return a new list with random elements
public static List list(Class clazz, Supplier supplier) {
return list(clazz, supplier, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_ELEMENT_NUMBER);
* generate a random list that contains random elements supplied by {@code supplier}.
* @param clazz
* the class definition of the object
* @param supplier
* the object supplier
* @param size
* the size of the list
* @param
* the type of the object
* @return a new list with random elements
public static List list(Class clazz, Supplier supplier, int size) {
Condition.notNull(clazz, "Element class type should not be null.");
Condition.notNull(supplier, "Element supplier should not be null.");
Condition.expected(size > 0, "Size of the list should be least one.");
List result = new ArrayList<>();
Any.fillToSize(result, clazz, t -> supplier.get(), size);
return result;