jvmMain.zakadabar.lib.content.backend.ContentBl.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright © 2020-2021, Simplexion, Hungary and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package zakadabar.lib.content.backend
import io.ktor.features.*
import zakadabar.core.authorize.Executor
import zakadabar.core.business.EntityBusinessLogicBase
import zakadabar.core.data.EntityId
import zakadabar.core.data.StringValue
import zakadabar.core.exception.DataConflict
import zakadabar.core.module.module
import zakadabar.core.text.lowercaseWithHyphen
import zakadabar.core.util.PublicApi
import zakadabar.lib.blobs.data.url
import zakadabar.lib.content.data.*
import zakadabar.lib.i18n.business.LocaleBl
import zakadabar.lib.i18n.data.LocaleBo
* Business Logic for ContentBo.
open class ContentBl : EntityBusinessLogicBase(
boClass = ContentBo::class
) {
override val pa = ContentPa()
override val authorizer by provider()
private val localeBl by module()
private val statusBl by module()
private val blobBl by module()
override val router = router {
query(ContentOverviewQuery::class, ::overview)
query(BySeoPath::class, ::bySeoPath)
query(MastersQuery::class, ::mastersQuery)
query(FolderQuery::class, ::foldersQuery)
query(NavQuery::class, ::navQuery)
query(ThumbnailQuery::class, ::thumbnailQuery)
query(LocaleChangeQuery::class, ::localeChangeQuery)
query(LocaleOptionsQuery::class, ::localeOptionsQuery)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Verifies that there is no document under the same parent with the
* same locale and same SEO title.
* @throws DataConflict if there is a title conflict
private fun checkConsistency(bo: ContentBo) {
val master = bo.master?.let { pa.read(it) } ?: return // masters does not have to obey collision
val locale = bo.locale ?: throw IllegalStateException("localized content without locale")
val localized = pa.bySeoTitle(locale, master.parent, bo.seoTitle) ?: return // no collision
if (localized.id == bo.id) return // this is an update
throw DataConflict("SEO title conflict")
override fun list(executor: Executor): List {
throw NotImplementedError("direct content listing is not implemented, use queries")
override fun create(executor: Executor, bo: ContentBo): ContentBo {
bo.seoTitle = bo.title.lowercaseWithHyphen()
return super.create(executor, bo)
override fun read(executor: Executor, entityId: EntityId): ContentBo {
val bo = super.read(executor, entityId)
val master = bo.master
bo.attachments = if (master == null) {
} else {
findImages(null, master, bo.id)
return bo
override fun update(executor: Executor, bo: ContentBo): ContentBo {
bo.seoTitle = bo.title.lowercaseWithHyphen()
// check that there is no loop
var current = bo.parent
while (current != null) {
if (current == bo.id) throw BadRequestException("invalid parent: loop in path")
current = pa.read(current).parent
return super.update(executor, bo)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Queries
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") // this is fine, needed for routing
private fun overview(executor: Executor, query: ContentOverviewQuery): ContentOverview {
val entries = mutableListOf()
val locales = localeBl.list(executor)
val statuses = statusBl.list(executor).sortedBy { it.id }
val bos = pa.list()
val map = bos.associateBy { it.id }
// make an entry for each Master
bos.forEach { bo ->
if (bo.master != null) return@forEach
entries += ContentOverviewEntry(
parent = bo.parent,
path = bo.title,
status = statuses.first { it.id == bo.status }.name,
localizations = MutableList(locales.size) { null }
// now we have all masters collected, time to build paths
entries.forEach {
val path = mutableListOf(it.path)
var cid = it.parent
while (cid != null) {
val parent = map[cid] ?: throw IllegalStateException("missing content parent: ${it.parent}")
path += parent.title
cid = parent.parent
it.path = path.joinToString(" / ")
// add each Non-Master to it's Master
bos.forEach { bo ->
if (bo.master == null) return@forEach
entries.first { it.id == bo.master }.also { entry ->
val index = locales.indexOfFirst { it.id == bo.locale }
(entry.localizations as MutableList)[index] = bo.id
return ContentOverview(
locales = locales,
entries = entries
fun bySeoPath(executor: Executor, query: BySeoPath): ContentBo = bySeoPath(query.locale, query.path)
fun bySeoPath(localeName: String, path: String, returnWithMaster: Boolean = false): ContentBo {
val segments = path.trim('/').split("/")
val locale = localeBl.byName(localeName)?.id ?: throw NoSuchElementException()
var localized = pa.bySeoTitle(locale, null, segments[0]) ?: throw NoSuchElementException()
var master = pa.read(localized.master !!)
for (i in 1 until segments.size) {
localized = pa.bySeoTitle(locale, master.id, segments[i]) ?: throw NoSuchElementException()
master = pa.read(localized.master !!)
if (returnWithMaster) return master
localized.attachments = findImages(null, master, localized)
return localized
fun seoPath(bo: ContentBo) = seoPathOrNull(bo) ?: throw NoSuchElementException()
fun seoPathOrNull(bo: ContentBo): String? {
val locale = bo.locale
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("localized BO ${bo.id} locale is null, cannot find SEO path")
val seoPath = mutableListOf(bo.seoTitle)
var localized = bo
var master = localized.master?.let { pa.read(it) }
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("localized BO ${localized.id} master is null")
while (master.parent != null) {
master = pa.read(master.parent !!)
localized = pa.readLocalizedOrNull(master.id, locale) ?: return null
seoPath += localized.seoTitle
return seoPath.joinToString("/")
private fun mastersQuery(executor: Executor, query: MastersQuery): List =
private fun foldersQuery(executor: Executor, query: FolderQuery): List =
fun navQuery(executor: Executor, query: NavQuery): List {
val locale = localeBl.byName(query.locale) ?: throw NoSuchElementException()
if (query.from == null) {
return pa.navQuery(locale.id, null, "/${locale.name}")
val from = pa.read(query.from)
val master = from.master?.let { pa.read(it) } ?: from
val localized = if (from.master == null) pa.readLocalized(master.id, locale.id) else from
return pa.navQuery(locale.id, master.id, "/${locale.name}/${seoPath(localized)}")
fun thumbnailQuery(executor: Executor, query: ThumbnailQuery): List {
val locale = localeBl.byName(query.locale) ?: throw NoSuchElementException()
val (master, localized) = masterAndLocalized(locale.id, query.parent)
val list = pa.thumbnailQuery(locale.id, master.id, "/${locale.name}/${seoPath(localized)}")
list.forEach {
it.thumbnailImageUrl = findImages(AttachedBlobDisposition.thumbnail, it.masterId, it.localizedId).firstOrNull()?.url
return list
fun localeChangeQuery(executor: Executor, query: LocaleChangeQuery): StringValue {
val locale = localeBl.byName(query.toLocale) ?: throw NoSuchElementException()
val master = bySeoPath(query.fromLocale, query.fromPath, returnWithMaster = true)
val localized = pa.readLocalizedOrNull(master.id, locale.id) ?: throw NoSuchElementException()
return StringValue(seoPath(localized))
fun localeOptionsQuery(executor: Executor, query: LocaleOptionsQuery): List {
val locales = localeBl.list(executor)
val master = bySeoPath(query.fromLocale, query.fromPath, returnWithMaster = true)
return pa
.map { bo ->
LocaleAndPath(locales.first { it.id == bo.locale }.name, seoPath(bo))
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions for other business logic modules
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get the SEO path for the given locale and master id.
* @param localeId Id of the locale to get the SEO path version for.
* @param masterId Id of the master content.
* @return the seo path or null if it cannot be built because a localized version is missing
fun seoPathOrNull(localeId: EntityId, masterId: EntityId) =
localizedOrNull(localeId, masterId)?.let { seoPathOrNull(it) }
* Get the SEO path for the given locale and master id.
* @param localeId Id of the locale to get the SEO path version for.
* @param masterId Id of the master content.
* @throws NoSuchElementException when the locale is unknown
* when there is no localized version
fun seoPath(localeId: EntityId, masterId: EntityId) =
seoPath(localized(localeId, masterId))
* Read the localized version of the content based on the
* locale of the executor and the id of the master.
* @param localeId Id of the locale to get the localized version for.
* @param masterId Id of the master content.
* @throws NoSuchElementException when the locale is unknown
* when there is no localized version
fun localized(localeId: EntityId, masterId: EntityId) =
pa.readLocalized(masterId, localeId)
* Read the localized version of the content based on the
* locale of the executor and the id of the master.
* @param localeId Id of the locale to get the localized version for.
* @param masterId Id of the master content.
* @return the localized version or null if no localized version found
fun localizedOrNull(localeId: EntityId, masterId: EntityId) =
pa.readLocalizedOrNull(masterId, localeId)
* Read the master and the localized versions of the content.
* @param localeId Id of the locale to get the localized version for.
* @param entityId Id of the content to read. May be the master or the
* localized version, the function sorts it out.
* @throws NoSuchElementException when the locale is unknown
* when there is no master version
* when there is no localized version
fun masterAndLocalized(localeId: EntityId, entityId: EntityId): Pair {
val base = pa.read(entityId)
val master = base.master?.let { pa.read(it) } ?: base
val localized = base.locale?.let { base } ?: pa.readLocalized(master.id, localeId)
return master to localized
* Find images. Handles disposition and localization.
* @param disposition The disposition to filter images for.
* @param master The master content BO to get images for.
* @param localized The localized content Bo to get images for.
* @return List of images for the disposition. When there is at least one localized
* image for the disposition, only the localized images are in the list.
* When there is no localized image, master images are in the list.
fun findImages(disposition: String?, master: ContentBo, localized: ContentBo) =
findImages(disposition, master.id, localized.id)
* Find images. Handles disposition and localization.
* @param disposition The disposition to filter images for.
* @param masterId The id of the master content BO to get images for.
* @param localizedId The id of the localized content Bo to get images for.
* @return List of images for the disposition. When there is at least one localized
* image for the disposition, only the localized images are in the list.
* When there is no localized image, master images are in the list.
fun findImages(disposition: String?, masterId: EntityId, localizedId: EntityId): List {
val list = blobBl.byReference(localizedId, disposition)
if (list.isNotEmpty()) return list
return blobBl.byReference(masterId)
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