in.ashwanthkumar.suuchi.router.RoutingStrategy.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package in.ashwanthkumar.suuchi.router
import in.ashwanthkumar.suuchi.membership.MemberAddress
import in.ashwanthkumar.suuchi.partitioner.{ConsistentHashRing, ConsistentHashPartitioner}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
trait RoutingStrategy {
* Decides if the incoming message should be forwarded or handled by the current node itself.
* @tparam ReqT Type of the input Message
* @return List[MemberAddress]
* > 1 when there are multiple nodes to which this needs to be replicated to including the current node
= 1 when replication factor is 1
Nil - should never happen unless there's a bug
def route[ReqT]: PartialFunction[ReqT, List[MemberAddress]]
object RoutingStrategy {
type WithKey = {def getKey: ByteString}
* Always forward the requests to a given node - useful in tests or while debugging
* @param memberAddress
class AlwaysRouteTo(memberAddress: MemberAddress) extends RoutingStrategy {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
* @inheritdoc
override def route[ReqT]: PartialFunction[ReqT, List[MemberAddress]] = {
case msg: RoutingStrategy.WithKey =>
* Uses a ConsistentHash based Partitioner to find the right node for the incoming message.
* @param partitioner - which is an implementation of ConsistentHashPartitioner
class ConsistentHashingRouting(partitioner: ConsistentHashPartitioner, nrReplicas: Int) extends RoutingStrategy {
override def route[ReqT]: PartialFunction[ReqT, List[MemberAddress]] = {
case msg: RoutingStrategy.WithKey => partitioner.find(msg.getKey.toByteArray, nrReplicas)
object ConsistentHashingRouting {
def apply(replicas: Int, nodes: MemberAddress*) = new ConsistentHashingRouting(ConsistentHashPartitioner(nodes.toList), replicas)