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org.netbeans.api.visual.border.BorderFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.netbeans.api.visual.border;

import org.netbeans.api.visual.widget.ResourceTable;
import org.netbeans.api.visual.widget.Scene;
import org.netbeans.api.visual.widget.Widget;
import org.netbeans.modules.visual.border.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.visual.util.GeomUtil;

import java.awt.*;
import org.openide.util.Parameters;

 * This class is a factory of all built-in implementation of borders.
 * Instances of built-in borders can be shared by multiple widgets.
 * @author David Kaspar
// TODO - check insets values
public final class BorderFactory {

    private static final Border BORDER_EMPTY = new EmptyBorder (0, 0, 0, 0, false);
    private static final Border BORDER_LINE = createLineBorder (1);

    private BorderFactory () {

     * Creates an default empty border with 0px layout.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @return the empty border
    public static Border createEmptyBorder () {
        return BORDER_EMPTY;

     * Creates an empty border with specific thickness.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param thickness the border thickness
     * @return the empty border
    public static Border createEmptyBorder (int thickness) {
        return thickness > 0 ? createEmptyBorder (thickness, thickness, thickness, thickness) : BORDER_EMPTY;

     * Creates an empty border with specific thickness.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
    * @param horizontal the horizontal thickness
     * @param vertical the vertical thickness
     * @return the empty border
    public static Border createEmptyBorder (int horizontal, int vertical) {
        return createEmptyBorder (vertical, horizontal, vertical, horizontal);

     * Creates an empty border with specific thickness.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param top the top inset
     * @param left the left inset
     * @param bottom the bottom inset
     * @param right the right inset
     * @return the empty border
    public static Border createEmptyBorder (int top, int left, int bottom, int right) {
        return new EmptyBorder (top, left, bottom, right, false);

     * Creates an opaque border with specific thickness.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param top the top inset
     * @param left the left inset
     * @param bottom the bottom inset
     * @param right the right inset
     * @return the empty border
    public static Border createOpaqueBorder (int top, int left, int bottom, int right) {
        return new EmptyBorder (top, left, bottom, right, true);

     * Creates a composite border that consists of a list of specified borders - one embedded to another.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param borders the list of borders
     * @return the composite border
    public static Border createCompositeBorder (Border... borders) {
        return new CompositeBorder (borders);

     * Creates a layout from a Swing border.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets but cannot be used in multiple scenes.
     * @param scene the scene where the border is used.
     * @param border the Swing border
     * @return the border
    public static Border createSwingBorder (Scene scene, javax.swing.border.Border border) {
        Parameters.notNull("scene", scene);
        // Makes SwingBorderGetterTest fail: Parameters.notNull("scene.view", scene.getView());
        Parameters.notNull("border", border);
        return new SwingBorder (scene, border);

     * Creates a line border with default style.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @return the line border
    public static Border createLineBorder () {
        return BORDER_LINE;
     * Creates a line border with default style.
     * The instance can not be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param property the property name
     * @param associated the widget used to retrieve the resource table.
     * @return the line border
    public static Border createLineBorder (String property, Widget associated) {
        return createLineBorder (1, property, associated);
     * Creates a line border with default style.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param property the property name
     * @param table the resource table.
     * @return the line border
    public static Border createLineBorder (String property, ResourceTable table) {
        return createLineBorder (1, property, table);
     * Creates a line border with specific thickness. The line is still one pixel but the layout insets are calculated from thickness.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param thickness the border thickness
     * @return the line border
    public static Border createLineBorder (int thickness) {
        return createLineBorder (thickness, null);

     * Creates a line border with specific thickness and color. The line is still one pixel but the layout insets are calculated from thickness.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param thickness the border thickness
     * @param color     the line color
     * @return the line border
    public static Border createLineBorder (int thickness, Color color) {
        return new LineBorder (thickness, thickness, thickness, thickness, color != null ? color : Color.BLACK);
     * Creates a line border with specific thickness and color. The line is 
     * still one pixel but the layout insets are calculated from thickness.
     * The color is specified by a resource property that is retrieved from a   
     * resource table.  The resource table is retrieved from the associated 
     * widget.
     * The instance can not be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param thickness the border thickness
     * @param property the property name
     * @param associated the widget used to retrieve the resource table.
     * @return the line border
    public static Border createLineBorder (int thickness, String property, Widget associated) {
        return new LineBorder (thickness, thickness, thickness, thickness, property, associated);
     * Creates a line border with specific thickness and color. The line is 
     * still one pixel but the layout insets are calculated from thickness.
     * The color is specified by a resource property that is retrieved from a   
     * resource table.  The resource table is retrieved from the associated 
     * widget.
     * The instance can not be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param thickness the border thickness
     * @param property the property name
     * @param table the resource table.
     * @return the line border
    public static Border createLineBorder (int thickness, String property, ResourceTable table) {
        return new LineBorder (thickness, thickness, thickness, thickness, property, table);
     * Creates a line border with specific insets and color. The line is still one pixel but the layout insets are specified.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param top the top inset
     * @param left the left inset
     * @param bottom the bottom inset
     * @param right the right inset
     * @param color the line color
     * @return the line border
    public static Border createLineBorder (int top, int left, int bottom, int right, Color color) {
        return new LineBorder (top, left, bottom, right, color != null ? color : Color.BLACK);
     * Creates a line border with specific insets and color. The line is still 
     * one pixel but the layout insets are specified.  The color is specified
     * by a resource property that is retrieved from a resource table.  
     * The resource table is retrieved from the associated widget.
     * The instance can not shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param top the top inset
     * @param left the left inset
     * @param bottom the bottom inset
     * @param right the right inset
     * @param property the property name
     * @param associated the widget used to retrieve the resource table.
     * @return the line border
    public static Border createLineBorder (int top, int left, int bottom, int right, 
                                           String property, Widget associated) {
        return new LineBorder (top, left, bottom, right, property, associated);
     * Creates a line border with specific insets and color. The line is still 
     * one pixel but the layout insets are specified.  The color is specified
     * by a resource property that is retrieved from a resource table. 
     * The instance can not shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param top the top inset
     * @param left the left inset
     * @param bottom the bottom inset
     * @param right the right inset
     * @param property the property name
     * @param table the resource table.
     * @return the line border
    public static Border createLineBorder (int top, int left, int bottom, int right, 
                                           String property, ResourceTable table) {
        return new LineBorder (top, left, bottom, right, property, table);
     * Creates a bevel border.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param raised if true, then it is a raised-bevel border; if false, then it is a lowered-bevel layout
     * @return the bevel border
    public static Border createBevelBorder (boolean raised) {
        return createBevelBorder (raised, null);

     * Creates a bevel border.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param raised if true, then it is a raised-bevel layout; if false, then it is a lowered-bevel border
     * @param color the border color
     * @return the bevel border
    public static Border createBevelBorder (boolean raised, Color color) {
        return new BevelBorder (raised, color != null ? color : Color.GRAY);
     * Creates a bevel border.
     * The instance can not be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param raised if true, then it is a raised-bevel layout; if false, then 
     * it is a lowered-bevel border
     * @param property the property name
     * @param table the resource table.
     * @return the bevel border
    public static Border createBevelBorder (boolean raised, 
                                            String property, 
                                            ResourceTable table) {
        return new BevelBorder (raised, property, table);
     * Creates a bevel border.
     * The instance can not be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param raised if true, then it is a raised-bevel layout; if false, then 
     * it is a lowered-bevel border
     * @param property the property name
     * @param associated the widget used to retrieve the resource table.
     * @return the bevel border
    public static Border createBevelBorder (boolean raised, 
                                            String property, 
                                            Widget associated) {
        return new BevelBorder (raised, property, associated);
     * Creates an image layout. The border is painted using a supplied Image. The image is split into 3x3 regions defined by insets.
     * The middle regions are tiled for supplying variable width and height of border. Central region is not painted.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param insets the border insets
     * @param image the border image
     * @return the image border
    public static Border createImageBorder (Insets insets, Image image) {
        return createImageBorder (insets, insets, image);

     * Creates an image layout. The border is painted using a supplied Image. The image is split into 3x3 regions defined by imageInsets.
     * The middle regions are tiled for supplying variable width and height of border. Central region is not painted.
     * The insets of the border is specified by borderInsets.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param borderInsets the border insets
     * @param imageInsets the image insets
     * @param image the border image
     * @return the image border
    public static Border createImageBorder (Insets borderInsets, Insets imageInsets, Image image) {
        assert borderInsets != null  &&  imageInsets != null  &&  image != null;
        return new ImageBorder (borderInsets, imageInsets, image);

     * Creates an rounded-rectangle border with a specified style. Insets are calculated from arcWidth and arcHeight.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param arcWidth the arc width
     * @param arcHeight the arc height
     * @param fillColor the fill color
     * @param drawColor the draw color
     * @return the rounded border
    public static Border createRoundedBorder (int arcWidth, int arcHeight, Color fillColor, Color drawColor) {
        return createRoundedBorder (arcWidth, arcHeight, arcWidth, arcHeight, fillColor, drawColor);
     * Creates an rounded-rectangle border with a specified style. Insets are 
     * calculated from arcWidth and arcHeight.
     * The instance can not be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param arcWidth the arc width
     * @param arcHeight the arc height
     * @param fillProperty the property name for the fill color
     * @param drawProperty the property name for the draw color
     * @param associated the widget used to retrieve the resource table.
     * @return the rounded border
    public static Border createRoundedBorder (int arcWidth, int arcHeight, 
                                              String fillProperty,  String drawProperty,  
                                              Widget associated) {
        return createRoundedBorder (arcWidth, arcHeight, arcWidth, arcHeight, 
                                    fillProperty, drawProperty,
     * Creates an rounded-rectangle border with a specified style. Insets are 
     * calculated from arcWidth and arcHeight.
     * The instance can not be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param arcWidth the arc width
     * @param arcHeight the arc height
     * @param fillProperty the property name for the fill color
     * @param drawProperty the property name for the draw color
     * @param table the resource table.
     * @return the rounded border
    public static Border createRoundedBorder (int arcWidth, int arcHeight, 
                                              String fillProperty,  String drawProperty, 
                                              ResourceTable table) {
        return createRoundedBorder (arcWidth, arcHeight, arcWidth, arcHeight, 
                                    fillProperty, drawProperty,
     * Creates an rounded-rectangle border with a specified style.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param arcWidth the arc width
     * @param arcHeight the arc height
     * @param insetWidth the inset width
     * @param insetHeight the inset height
     * @param fillColor the fill color
     * @param drawColor the draw color
     * @return the rounded border
    public static Border createRoundedBorder (int arcWidth, int arcHeight, int insetWidth, int insetHeight, Color fillColor, Color drawColor) {
        return new RoundedBorder (arcWidth, arcHeight, insetWidth, insetHeight, fillColor, drawColor);
     * Creates an rounded-rectangle border with a specified style.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param arcWidth the arc width
     * @param arcHeight the arc height
     * @param insetWidth the inset width
     * @param insetHeight the inset height
     * @param fillProperty the property name for the fill color
     * @param drawProperty the property name for the draw color
     * @param table the resource table.
     * @return the rounded border
    public static Border createRoundedBorder (int arcWidth, int arcHeight, int insetWidth, int insetHeight, 
                                              String fillProperty,  String drawProperty, 
                                              ResourceTable table) 
        return new RoundedBorder (arcWidth, arcHeight, insetWidth, insetHeight, 
                                  fillProperty, drawProperty,
     * Creates an rounded-rectangle border with a specified style.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param arcWidth the arc width
     * @param arcHeight the arc height
     * @param insetWidth the inset width
     * @param insetHeight the inset height
     * @param fillProperty the property name for the fill color
     * @param drawProperty the property name for the draw color
     * @param associated the widget used to retrieve the resource table.
     * @return the rounded border
    public static Border createRoundedBorder (int arcWidth, int arcHeight, int insetWidth, int insetHeight, 
                                              String fillProperty,  String drawProperty,  
                                              Widget associated)
        return new RoundedBorder (arcWidth, arcHeight, insetWidth, insetHeight, 
                                  fillProperty, drawProperty,
     * Creates a resize border. Usually used as resizing handles for ResizeAction. It renders a bounding rectangle with 8-direction squares.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param thickness the thickness of the border
     * @return the resize border
    public static Border createResizeBorder (int thickness) {
        return createResizeBorder (thickness, null, false);
     * Creates a resize border. Usually used as resizing handles for ResizeAction. It renders a bounding rectangle with 8-direction squares.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param thickness the thickness of the border
     * @param property the property name for the border color
     * @param associated the widget used to retrieve the resource table.
     * @return the resize border
    public static Border createResizeBorder (int thickness, String property,  
                                              Widget assocaited) {
        return createResizeBorder (thickness, property, assocaited, false);
     * Creates a resize border. Usually used as resizing handles for ResizeAction. It renders a bounding rectangle with 8-direction squares.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param thickness the thickness of the border
     * @param drawProperty the property name for the border color
     * @param table the resource table.
     * @return the resize border
    public static Border createResizeBorder (int thickness, String property,  
                                             ResourceTable table) {
        return createResizeBorder (thickness, property, table, false);
     * Creates a resize border. Usually used as resizing handles for ResizeAction. It renders a bounding rectangle with 8-direction squares.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param thickness the thickness of the border
     * @param color the border color
     * @param outer if true, then the rectangle encapsulate the squares too; if false, then the rectangle encapsulates the widget client area only
     * @return the resize border
    public static Border createResizeBorder (int thickness, Color color, boolean outer) {
        return new ResizeBorder (thickness, color != null ? color : Color.BLACK, outer);
     * Creates a resize border. Usually used as resizing handles for ResizeAction. It renders a bounding rectangle with 8-direction squares.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param thickness the thickness of the border
     * @param property the property name for the border color
     * @param associated the widget used to retrieve the resource table.
     * @param outer if true, then the rectangle encapsulate the squares too; if false, then the rectangle encapsulates the widget client area only
     * @return the resize border
    public static Border createResizeBorder (int thickness, String property,
                                             Widget associated, boolean outer) {
        return new ResizeBorder (thickness, property, associated, outer);
     * Creates a resize border. Usually used as resizing handles for ResizeAction. It renders a bounding rectangle with 8-direction squares.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param thickness the thickness of the border
     * @param property the property name for the border color
     * @param table the resource table.
     * @param outer if true, then the rectangle encapsulate the squares too; if false, then the rectangle encapsulates the widget client area only
     * @return the resize border
    public static Border createResizeBorder (int thickness, String property,
                                             ResourceTable table, boolean outer) {
        return new ResizeBorder (thickness, property, table, outer);
     * Creates a resize border rendered with dashed stroke.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param color the border color
     * @param width the inset width
     * @param height the inset height
     * @return the dashed border
    public static Border createDashedBorder (Color color, int width, int height) {
        return createDashedBorder (color, width, height, false);
     * Creates a resize border rendered with dashed stroke.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param property the property name for the border color
     * @param associated the widget used to retrieve the resource table.
     * @param width the inset width
     * @param height the inset height
     * @return the dashed border
    public static Border createDashedBorder (String property, Widget associated,
                                             int width, int height) {
        return createDashedBorder (property, associated, width, height, false);
     * Creates a resize border rendered with dashed stroke.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param property the property name for the border color
     * @param table the resource table.
     * @param width the inset width
     * @param height the inset height
     * @return the dashed border
    public static Border createDashedBorder (String property, ResourceTable table,
                                             int width, int height) {
        return createDashedBorder (property, table, width, height, false);
     * Creates a resize border rendered with dashed stroke.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param color  the border color
     * @param width  the inset width
     * @param height the inset height
     * @param squares the
     * @return the dashed border
    public static Border createDashedBorder (Color color, int width, int height, boolean squares) {
        if (! squares)
            return new FancyDashedBorder (color != null ? color : Color.BLACK, width, height);
            return new DashedBorder (color != null ? color : Color.BLACK, width, height);
     * Creates a resize border rendered with dashed stroke.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param color  the border color
     * @param width  the inset width
     * @param height the inset height
     * @param squares the
     * @return the dashed border
    public static Border createDashedBorder (String property, Widget associated,
                                             int width, int height, boolean squares) {
        if (! squares)
            return new FancyDashedBorder (property, associated, width, height);
            return new DashedBorder (property, associated, width, height);
     * Creates a resize border rendered with dashed stroke.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param color  the border color
     * @param width  the inset width
     * @param height the inset height
     * @param squares the
     * @return the dashed border
    public static Border createDashedBorder (String property, ResourceTable table,
                                             int width, int height, boolean squares) {
        if (! squares)
            return new FancyDashedBorder (property, table, width, height);
            return new DashedBorder (property, table, width, height);
     * Creates a resize border rendered with fancy dashed stroke.
     * The instance can be shared by multiple widgets.
     * @param color the border color
     * @param width the inset width
     * @param height the inset height
     * @return the fancy dashed border
     * @deprecated use createDashedBorder (color, width, height, true) method instead
    public static Border createFancyDashedBorder (Color color, int width, int height) {
        GeomUtil.LOG.warning ("BorderFactory.createFancyDashedBorder() method is deprecated. Use BorderFactory.createDashedBorder(color,width,height,true) method instead."); // NOI18N
        return new FancyDashedBorder (color != null ? color : Color.BLACK, width, height);


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