org.openide.util.ContextAwareAction Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.openide.util;
import javax.swing.Action;
* Interface to be implemented by an action whose behavior
* is dependent on some context.
* The action created by {@link #createContextAwareInstance}
* is bound to the provided context: {@link Action#isEnabled},
* {@link Action#actionPerformed}, etc. may be specific to that context.
* For example, the action representing a context menu item will usually implement
* this interface. When the actual context menu is created, rather than making a
* presenter for the generic action, the menu will contain a presenter for the
* context-aware instance. The context will then be taken from the GUI
* environment where the context menu was shown; for example it may be a
* TopComponent's context,
* often taken from an activated node selection. The context action might be
* enabled only if a certain "cookie" is present in that selection. When invoked,
* the action need not search for an object to act on, since it can use the context.
* @author Jaroslav Tulach, Peter Zavadsky
* @see NetBeans FAQ
* @see org.openide.util.Utilities#actionsToPopup
* @see org.openide.util.Utilities#actionsGlobalContext
* @since 3.29
public interface ContextAwareAction extends Action {
* Creates action instance for provided context.
* @param actionContext an arbitrary context (e.g. "cookies" from a node selection)
* @return a transient action whose behavior applies only to that context
public Action createContextAwareInstance(Lookup actionContext);