org.openide.util.SharedClassObject Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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package org.openide.util;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
import java.io.Externalizable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInput;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutput;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.ObjectStreamException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedActionException;
import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
/** Shared object that allows different instances of the same class
* to share common data.
* The data are shared only between instances of the same class (not subclasses).
* Thus, such "variables" have neither instance nor static behavior.
* @author Ian Formanek, Jaroslav Tulach
public abstract class SharedClassObject extends Object implements Externalizable {
/** serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4527891234589143259L;
/** property change support (PropertyChangeSupport) */
private static final Object PROP_SUPPORT = new Object();
/** Map (Class, DataEntry) that maps Classes to maps of any objects */
private static final Map values = new WeakHashMap(37);
/** A set of all classes for which we are currently inside createInstancePrivileged.
* If a SCO constructor is called when an instance of that class already exists, normally
* this will print a warning. However it is common to create an instance inside a static
* block; in this case the constructor is actually called twice. Only the first instance
* is ever returned, but this set ensures that no warning is printed during creation of the
* second instance (because it is nobody's fault and it will be handled OK).
* Map from class name to nesting count.
private static final Map instancesBeingCreated = new HashMap(7);
/** Set of classes to not warn about any more.
* Names only.
private static final Set alreadyWarnedAboutDupes = new HashSet();
private static final Logger err = Logger.getLogger("org.openide.util.SharedClassObject"); // NOI18N
/** data entry for this class */
private final DataEntry dataEntry;
/** Lock for the object */
private Object lock;
/** hard reference to primary instance of this class
* This is here not to allow the finalization till at least
* one object exists
private final SharedClassObject first;
/** Stack trace indicating where the first instance was created.
* This is only set on the first instance; and only with the error manager on.
private Throwable firstTrace = null;
/** Set by {@link SystemOption}s through the special property, see {@link #putProperty}.
* SystemOption needs special handling, e.g. it needs to be deserialized by the lookup
* after its first instance is created in {@link #findObject} method, only
* SystemOption can be reset.
private boolean systemOption = false;
/** If set, this means we have a system option waiting to be loaded from lookup.
* If anyone changes a property on it before this happens, the exception is filled in,
* so we know when it is loaded that something went wrong.
private boolean waitingOnSystemOption = false;
private IllegalStateException prematureSystemOptionMutation = null;
private boolean inReadExternal = false;
/** Check that addNotify, removeNotify, initialize call super sometime. */
private boolean addNotifySuper;
/** Check that addNotify, removeNotify, initialize call super sometime. */
private boolean removeNotifySuper;
/** Check that addNotify, removeNotify, initialize call super sometime. */
private boolean initializeSuper;
/** Create a shared object.
* Typically shared-class constructors should not take parameters, since there
* will conventionally be no instance variables.
* @see #initialize
protected SharedClassObject() {
synchronized (getLock()) {
DataEntry de = values.get(getClass());
//System.err.println("SCO create: " + this + " de=" + de);
if (de == null) {
de = new DataEntry();
values.put(getClass(), de);
dataEntry = de;
// finds reference for the first object of the class
first = de.first(this);
if (first != null) {
if (first == this) {
// Could be a performance hit, so only do this when developing.
if (err.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
Throwable t = new Throwable("First instance created here"); // NOI18N
first.firstTrace = t;
} else {
String clazz = getClass().getName();
boolean creating;
synchronized (instancesBeingCreated) {
creating = instancesBeingCreated.containsKey(clazz);
if (creating) {
//System.err.println ("Nesting: " + getClass ().getName () + " " + instancesBeingCreated.get (clazz));
} else {
if (!alreadyWarnedAboutDupes.contains(clazz)) {
Exception e = new IllegalStateException(
"Warning: multiple instances of shared class " + clazz + " created."
); // NOI18N
if (first.firstTrace != null) {
err.log(Level.WARNING, "First stack trace", first.firstTrace);
} else {
err.warning("(Run with -J-Dorg.openide.util.SharedClassObject.level=0 for more details.)"); // NOI18N
err.log(Level.WARNING, null, e);
/* Calls a referenceLost to decrease the counter on the shared data.
* This method is final so no descendant can override it, but
* it calls the method unreferenced() that can be overriden to perform any
* additional tasks on finalizing.
protected final void finalize() throws Throwable {
/** Indicate whether the shared data of the last existing instance of this class
* should be cleared when that instance is finalized.
* Subclasses may perform additional tasks
* on finalization if desired. This method should be overridden
* in lieu of {@link #finalize}.
* The default implementation returns true
* Classes which have precious shared data may want to return false
, so that
* all instances may be finalized, after which new instances will pick up the same shared variables
* without requiring a recalculation.
* @return true
if all shared data should be cleared,
* false
if it should stay in memory
protected boolean clearSharedData() {
return true;
/** Test whether the classes of the compared objects are the same.
* @param obj the object to compare to
* @return true
if the classes are equal
public final boolean equals(Object obj) {
return ((obj instanceof SharedClassObject) && (getClass().equals(obj.getClass())));
/** Get a hashcode of the shared class.
* @return the hash code
public final int hashCode() {
return getClass().hashCode();
/** Obtain lock for synchronization on manipulation with this
* class.
* Can be used by subclasses when performing nonatomic writes, e.g.
* @return an arbitrary synchronizable lock object
protected final Object getLock() {
if (lock == null) {
lock = getClass().getName().intern();
return lock;
/** Should be called from within a finalize method to manage references
* to the shared data (when the last reference is lost, the object is
* removed)
private void referenceLost() {
//System.err.println ("SharedClassObject.referenceLost:");
//System.err.println ("\tLock: " + getLock());
//System.err.println ("\tDataEntry: " + dataEntry);
//System.err.println ("\tValues: " + values.containsKey(getClass()));
synchronized (getLock()) {
if ((dataEntry == null) || (dataEntry.decrease() == 0)) {
if (clearSharedData()) {
// clears the data
//System.err.println("\tValues after: " + values.containsKey(getClass()));
/** Set a shared variable.
* Automatically {@link #getLock locks}.
* @param key name of the property
* @param value value for that property (may be null)
* @return the previous value assigned to the property, or null
if none
protected final Object putProperty(Object key, Object value) {
if (key == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Tried to pass null key (value=" + value + ") to putProperty"); // NOI18N
synchronized (getLock()) {
if (
waitingOnSystemOption && (key != PROP_SUPPORT) && (prematureSystemOptionMutation == null) &&
!dataEntry.isInInitialize() && !inReadExternal
) {
// See below in findObject. Note that if we are still in initialize(),
// it is harmless to set default values of properties, and from readExternal()
// it is expected.
prematureSystemOptionMutation = new IllegalStateException("...setting property here..."); // NOI18N
return dataEntry.getMap(this).put(key, value);
//return dataEntry.getMap().put (key, value);
/** Set a shared variable available only for string names.
* Automatically {@link #getLock locks}.
Important: remember that SharedClassObject
* are like singleton beans; when you use putProperty
with a value
* of true
, or call {@link #firePropertyChange}, you must consider that
* the property name should match the JavaBeans name for a natural (introspected) property
* for the bean, if such a property uses this key. For example, if you have a method
* getFoo
which uses {@link #getProperty} and a method setFoo
* which uses putProperty(..., true)
, then the key used must
* be named foo
(assuming you did not override this name in a BeanInfo).
* Otherwise various listeners may not be prepared for the property change and may just
* ignore it. For example, the property sheet for a BeanNode based on a
* SharedClassObject
which stores its properties using a misnamed key
* will probably not refresh correctly.
* @param key name of the property
* @param value value for that property (may be null)
* @param notify should all listeners be notified about property change?
* @return the previous value assigned to the property, or null
if none
protected final Object putProperty(String key, Object value, boolean notify) {
Object previous = putProperty(key, value);
if (notify) {
firePropertyChange(key, previous, value);
return previous;
/** Get a shared variable.
* Automatically {@link #getLock locks}.
* @param key name of the property
* @return value of the property, or null
if none
protected final Object getProperty(Object key) {
synchronized (getLock()) {
//System.err.println("SCO: " + this + " get: " + key + " de=" + dataEntry);
if ("org.openide.util.SharedClassObject.initialize".equals(key)) { // NOI18N
return dataEntry.isInInitialize() ? Boolean.TRUE : null;
return dataEntry.get(this, key);
/** Initialize shared state.
* Should use {@link #putProperty} to set up variables.
* Subclasses should always call the super method.
This method need not be called explicitly; it will be called once
* the first time a given shared class is used (not for each instance!).
protected void initialize() {
initializeSuper = true;
/** Adds the specified property change listener to receive property
* change events from this object.
* @param l the property change listener
public final void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {
boolean noListener;
synchronized (getLock()) {
// System.out.println ("added listener: " + l + " to: " + getClass ()); // NOI18N
PropertyChangeSupport supp = (PropertyChangeSupport) getProperty(PROP_SUPPORT);
if (supp == null) {
// System.out.println ("Creating support"); // NOI18N
putProperty(PROP_SUPPORT, supp = new PropertyChangeSupport(this));
noListener = !supp.hasListeners(null);
if (noListener) {
addNotifySuper = false;
if (!addNotifySuper) {
// [PENDING] theoretical race condition for this warning if listeners are added
// and removed very quickly from two threads, I guess, and addNotify() impl is slow
String msg = "You must call super.addNotify() from " + getClass().getName() + ".addNotify()"; // NOI18N
* Removes the specified property change listener so that it
* no longer receives property change events from this object.
* @param l the property change listener
public final void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {
boolean callRemoved;
synchronized (getLock()) {
PropertyChangeSupport supp = (PropertyChangeSupport) getProperty(PROP_SUPPORT);
if (supp == null) {
boolean hasListener = supp.hasListeners(null);
callRemoved = hasListener && !supp.hasListeners(null);
if (callRemoved) {
putProperty(PROP_SUPPORT, null); // clean the PCS, see #25417
removeNotifySuper = false;
if (!removeNotifySuper) {
String msg = "You must call super.removeNotify() from " + getClass().getName() + ".removeNotify()"; // NOI18N
/** Notify subclasses that the first listener has been added to this object.
* Subclasses should always call the super method.
* The default implementation does nothing.
protected void addNotify() {
addNotifySuper = true;
/** Notify subclasses that the last listener has been removed from this object.
* Subclasses should always call the super method.
* The default implementation does nothing.
protected void removeNotify() {
removeNotifySuper = true;
/** Fire a property change event to all listeners.
* @param name the name of the property
* @param oldValue the old value
* @param newValue the new value
// not final - SystemOption overrides it, e.g.
protected void firePropertyChange(String name, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
PropertyChangeSupport supp = (PropertyChangeSupport) getProperty(PROP_SUPPORT);
if (supp != null) {
supp.firePropertyChange(name, oldValue, newValue);
/** Writes nothing to the stream.
* @param oo ignored
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput oo) throws IOException {
/** Reads nothing from the stream.
* @param oi ignored
public void readExternal(ObjectInput oi) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
/** This method provides correct handling of serialization and deserialization.
* When serialized the method writeExternal is used to store the state.
* When deserialized first an instance is located by a call to findObject (clazz, true)
* and then a method readExternal is called to read its state from stream.
* This allows to have only one instance of the class in the system and work
* only with it.
* @return write replace object that handles the described serialization/deserialization process
protected Object writeReplace() {
return new WriteReplace(this);
/** Obtain an instance of the desired class, if there is one.
* @param clazz the shared class to look for
* @return the instance, or null
if such does not exists
public static T findObject(Class clazz) {
return findObject(clazz, false);
/** Find an existing object, possibly creating a new one as needed.
* To create a new instance the class must be public and have a public
* default constructor.
* @param clazz the class of the object to find (must extend SharedClassObject
* @param create true
if the object should be created if it does not yet exist
* @return an instance, or null
if there was none and create
was false
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if a new instance could not be created for some reason
public static T findObject(Class clazz, boolean create) {
// synchronizing on the same object as returned from getLock()
synchronized (clazz.getName().intern()) {
DataEntry de = values.get(clazz);
// either null or the object
SharedClassObject obj = (de == null) ? null : de.get();
boolean created = false;
if ((obj == null) && create) {
// try to create new instance
SetAccessibleAction action = new SetAccessibleAction(clazz);
try {
obj = AccessController.doPrivileged(action);
} catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
Exception ex = e.getException();
IllegalArgumentException newEx = new IllegalArgumentException(ex.toString());
throw newEx;
created = true;
de = values.get(clazz);
if (de != null) {
SharedClassObject obj2 = de.get();
if ((obj != null) && (obj != obj2)) {
// Tricked! The static initializer for the class called findObject on itself.
// So we created two instances of it.
// Returning only the first (that created by the static initializer, rather
// than by us explicitly), to avoid duplication.
//System.err.println ("Nesting #2: " + clazz.getName ());
if ((obj2 == null) && create) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Inconsistent state: " + clazz); // NOI18N
return clazz.cast(obj2);
if (created) {
// This hack was created due to the remove of SystemOptions deserialization
// from project open operation, all SystemOptions are deserialized at this place
// the first time anybody asks for the option.
// It's crutial to do this just for SystemOptions and not for any other SharedClassObject,
// otherwise it can cause deadlocks.
// Lookup in the active session is used to find serialized state of the option,
// if such state exists it is deserialized before the object is returned from lookup.
if (obj.isSystemOption()) {
// Lookup will find serialized version of searched object and deserialize it
final Lookup.Result r = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(new Lookup.Template(clazz));
if (r.allInstances().isEmpty()) {
// #17711: folder lookup not yet initialized. Try to load the option later.
// In the meantime the default state of the option will be available.
// If any attempt is made to change the option, _and_ it is later loaded,
// then we print a stack trace of the mutation for debugging (since the mutations
// would get clobbered by loading the settings from layer or whatever).
obj.waitingOnSystemOption = true;
final SharedClassObject _obj = obj;
final IllegalStateException start = new IllegalStateException(
"Making a SystemOption here that is not in lookup..."
); // NOI18N
class SOLoader implements LookupListener {
public void resultChanged(LookupEvent ev) {
if (!r.allInstances().isEmpty()) {
// Got it.
synchronized (_obj.getLock()) {
_obj.waitingOnSystemOption = false;
if (_obj.prematureSystemOptionMutation != null) {
new IllegalStateException(
"...and maybe getting clobbered here, see #17711."
); // NOI18N
_obj.prematureSystemOptionMutation = null;
r.addLookupListener(new SOLoader());
if ((obj == null) && create) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Inconsistent state: " + clazz); // NOI18N
return clazz.cast(obj);
/** checks whether we are instance of system option.
private boolean isSystemOption() {
Class c = this.getClass();
while (c != SharedClassObject.class) {
if ("org.openide.options.SystemOption".equals(c.getName())) {
return true; // NOI18N
c = c.getSuperclass();
return false;
// See above:
private static void warn(Throwable t) {
err.log(Level.WARNING, null, t);
static SharedClassObject createInstancePrivileged(Class extends SharedClassObject> clazz)
throws Exception {
java.lang.reflect.Constructor extends SharedClassObject> c = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[0]);
String name = clazz.getName();
assert instancesBeingCreated != null;
synchronized (instancesBeingCreated) {
Integer i = instancesBeingCreated.get(name);
instancesBeingCreated.put(name, (i == null) ? new Integer(1) : new Integer(i.intValue() + 1));
try {
return c.newInstance(new Object[0]);
} finally {
synchronized (instancesBeingCreated) {
Integer i = instancesBeingCreated.get(name);
if (i.intValue() == 1) {
} else {
instancesBeingCreated.put(name, new Integer(i.intValue() - 1));
/** Is called by the infrastructure in cases when a clean instance is requested.
* As instances of SharedClassObject
are singletons, there is
* no way how to create new instance that would not contain the same data
* as previously existing one. This method allows all subclasses that care
* about the ability to refresh the settings (like SystemOption
* to be notified about the cleaning request and clean their settings themselves.
* Default implementation does nothing.
* @since made protected in version 4.46
protected void reset() {
/** Class that is used as default write replace.
static final class WriteReplace extends Object implements Serializable {
/** serialVersionUID */
static final long serialVersionUID = 1327893248974327640L;
/** the class */
private Class extends SharedClassObject> clazz;
/** class name, in case clazz could not be reloaded */
private String name;
/** shared instance */
private transient SharedClassObject object;
/** Constructor.
* @param the instance
public WriteReplace(SharedClassObject object) {
this.object = object;
this.clazz = object.getClass();
this.name = clazz.getName();
/** Write object.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos)
throws IOException {
/** Read object.
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
if (clazz == null) {
// Means that the class is no longer available in the restoring classloader.
// Normal enough if the module has been uninstalled etc. #15654
if (name != null) {
throw new ClassNotFoundException(name);
} else {
// Compatibility with older WR's.
throw new ClassNotFoundException();
object = findObject(clazz, true);
object.inReadExternal = true;
try {
} finally {
object.inReadExternal = false;
/** Read resolve to the read object.
* We give chance to actual instance to do its own resolution as well. It
* is necessary for achieving back compatability of certain types of settings etc.
private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException {
SharedClassObject resolved = object;
Method resolveMethod = findReadResolveMethod(object.getClass());
if (resolveMethod != null) {
// invoke resolve method and accept its result
try {
// make readResolve accessible (it can have any access modifier)
return resolveMethod.invoke(object);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// checked or runtime does not matter - we must survive
String banner = "Skipping " + object.getClass() + " resolution:"; //NOI18N
err.log(Level.WARNING, banner, ex);
} finally {
return resolved;
/** Tries to find readResolve method in given class. Finds
* both public and non-public occurences of the method and
* searches also in superclasses */
private static Method findReadResolveMethod(Class clazz) {
Method result = null;
// try ANY-MODIFIER occurences; search also in superclasses
for (Class> i = clazz; i != null; i = i.getSuperclass()) {
try {
result = accept(i.getDeclaredMethod("readResolve")); // NOI18N
// get out of cycle if method found
if (result != null) {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException exc) {
// readResolve does not exist in current class
return result;
* @return passed method if method matches exactly readResolve declaration as defined in
* Serializetion specification otherwise null
private static Method accept(Method candidate) {
if (candidate != null) {
// check exceptions clause
Class[] result = candidate.getExceptionTypes();
if ((result.length == 1) && ObjectStreamException.class.equals(result[0])) {
// returned value type
if (Object.class.equals(candidate.getReturnType())) {
return candidate;
return null;
/** The inner class that encapsulates the shared data together with
* a reference counter
static final class DataEntry extends Object {
/** The data */
private HashMap