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package org.openide.util;
import java.util.*;
/** Exception that signals that a topological sort failed due to
* unsortable nature of the graph and that provides support for
* reporting and recovering from that state.
* @author Jaroslav Tulach
* @since 3.30
* @see Utilities#topologicalSort
public final class TopologicalSortException extends Exception {
/** all vertexes */
private Collection vertexes;
/** map with edges */
private Map edges;
/** result if called twice */
private Set[] result;
/** counter to number the vertexes */
private int counter;
/** vertexes sorted by increasing value of y */
private Stack dualGraph = new Stack();
TopologicalSortException(Collection vertexes, Map edges) {
this.vertexes = vertexes;
this.edges = edges;
/** Because the full sort was not possible, this methods
* returns the best possible substitute for it that is available.
* @return list of partially sorted objects, the list can be freely modified
public final List partialSort() {
Set[] all = topologicalSets();