org.openide.util.actions.BooleanStateAction Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.openide.util.actions;
/** An action that can be toggled on or off.
* The actual "performing" of the action is the toggle itself, so
* this action should be used by listening to the {@link #PROP_BOOLEAN_STATE} property.
* The default value of the state is true
* @author Ian Formanek, Petr Hamernik
public abstract class BooleanStateAction extends SystemAction implements Presenter.Menu, Presenter.Popup,
Presenter.Toolbar {
/** serialVersionUID */
static final long serialVersionUID = 6394800019181426199L;
/** Name of property hold the state of the action. */
public static final String PROP_BOOLEAN_STATE = "booleanState"; // NOI18N
/* Returns a JMenuItem that presents the Action, that implements this
* interface, in a MenuBar.
* @return the JMenuItem representation for the Action
public javax.swing.JMenuItem getMenuPresenter() {
return org.netbeans.modules.openide.util.AWTBridge.getDefault().createMenuPresenter(this);
/* Returns a JMenuItem that presents the Action, that implements this
* interface, in a Popup Menu.
* The default implmentation returns the same JMenuItem as the getMenuPresenter.
* @return the JMenuItem representation for the Action
public javax.swing.JMenuItem getPopupPresenter() {
return org.netbeans.modules.openide.util.AWTBridge.getDefault().createPopupPresenter(this);
/* Returns a Component that presents the Action, that implements this
* interface, in a ToolBar.
* @return the Component representation for the Action
public java.awt.Component getToolbarPresenter() {
return org.netbeans.modules.openide.util.AWTBridge.getDefault().createToolbarPresenter(this);
/** Get the current state.
* @return true
if on
public boolean getBooleanState() {
return getProperty(PROP_BOOLEAN_STATE).equals(Boolean.TRUE);
/** Set the current state.
* Fires a change event, which should be used to affect other components when
* its state is toggled.
* @param value true
to turn on, false
to turn off
public void setBooleanState(boolean value) {
Boolean newValue = value ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
Boolean oldValue = (Boolean) putProperty(PROP_BOOLEAN_STATE, newValue);
firePropertyChange(PROP_BOOLEAN_STATE, oldValue, newValue);
/* Initializes its own properties (and let superclass initialize
* too).
protected void initialize() {
putProperty(PROP_BOOLEAN_STATE, Boolean.TRUE);
/* Implementation of method of javax.swing.Action interface.
* Changes the boolean state.
* @param ev ignored
public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent ev) {