org.openide.util.io.NbObjectInputStream Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.openide.util.io;
import org.openide.util.Lookup;
import org.openide.util.Utilities;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInput;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectStreamClass;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
// note: keep method resolveObject consistent with NbObjectOutputStream.replaceObject
/** Controlled deserialization stream using the system class loader.
* Employs the classloader available from lookup (currently that used for modules).
* Also contains static methods to safely read objects that might have problems
* during deserialization that should not corrupt the stream. The stream also provides
* support for changing name of stored classes.
* @see #readClassDescriptor
public class NbObjectInputStream extends ObjectInputStream {
/** Create a new object input.
* @param is underlying input stream
* @throws IOException for the usual reasons
public NbObjectInputStream(InputStream is) throws IOException {
try {
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
throw new IOException(ex.toString());
/* Uses NetBeans module classloader to load the class.
* @param v description of the class to load
protected Class resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass v) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
ClassLoader cl = getNBClassLoader();
try {
return Class.forName(v.getName(), false, cl);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
String msg = "Offending classloader: " + cl; // NOI18N
Exceptions.attachMessage(cnfe, msg);
throw cnfe;
/** Lazy create default NB classloader for use during deserialization. */
private static ClassLoader getNBClassLoader() {
ClassLoader c = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ClassLoader.class);
return (c != null) ? c : ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
/** Provides a special handling for renaming of serialized classes.
* Often, as the time goes the serialized classes evolve. They can be moved
* to new packages, renamed or changed (by a mistake) to not reflect the
* version of class stored in previous sessions.
* This method deals with some of this incompatibilites and provides the
* module owners a way how to fix some of them.
* When a class is read, the Utilities.translate is consulted
* to find out what whether the name of the class is listed there and
* what new value is assigned to it. This allows complete rename of the
* serialized class. For example:
* org.netbeans.core.NbMainExplorer
* can be renamed to
* org.netbeans.core.ui.NbExp
- of course supposing that
* the new class is able to read the serialized fields of the old one.
* Another useful feature of this method is the ability to supress wrong
* serialVersionUID
. This was causing us a lot of problems,
* because people were forgetting to specify the serialVersionUID
* field in their sources and then it was hard to recover from it. Right
* now we have a solution: Just use Utilities.translate framework
* to assing your class org.yourpackage.YourClass
the same
* name as it had e.g. org.yourpackage.YourClass
. This will
* be interpreted by this method as a hit to suppress serialVersionUID
* and the NbObjectInputStream
will ignore its value.
* Please see Utilities.translate to learn how your module
* can provide list of classes that changed name or want to suppress serialVersionUID
protected ObjectStreamClass readClassDescriptor() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
ObjectStreamClass ose = super.readClassDescriptor();
String name = ose.getName();
String newN = Utilities.translate(name);
if (name == newN) {
// no translation
return ose;
// otherwise reload the ObjectStreamClass to contain the local copy
ClassLoader cl = getNBClassLoader();
Class clazz = Class.forName(newN, false, cl);
ObjectStreamClass newOse = ObjectStreamClass.lookup(clazz);
// #28021 - it is possible that lookup return null. In that case the conversion
// table contains class which is not Serializable or Externalizable.
if (newOse == null) {
throw new java.io.NotSerializableException(newN);
return newOse;
/** Reads an object from the given object input.
* The object had to be saved by the {@link NbObjectOutputStream#writeSafely} method.
* @param oi object input
* @return the read object
* @exception IOException if IO error occured
* @exception SafeException if the operation failed but the stream is ok
* for further reading
public static Object readSafely(ObjectInput oi) throws IOException {
int size = oi.readInt();
byte[] byteArray = new byte[size];
oi.readFully(byteArray, 0, size);
try {
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray);
NbObjectInputStream ois = new NbObjectInputStream(bis);
Object obj = ois.readObject();
return obj;
} catch (Exception exc) {
// encapsulate all exceptions into safe exception
throw new SafeException(exc);
} catch (LinkageError le) {
throw new SafeException(new InvocationTargetException(le));
/** Skips an object from the given object input without loading it.
* The object had to be saved by the {@link NbObjectOutputStream#writeSafely} method.
* @param oi object input
* @exception IOException if an I/O error occurred
public static void skipSafely(ObjectInput oi) throws IOException {
int size = oi.readInt();