in.rcard.raise4s.Raise.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package in.rcard.raise4s
import in.rcard.raise4s
import java.lang.Runtime
import scala.annotation.targetName
import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.control.{ControlThrowable, NoStackTrace, NonFatal}
trait Raise[-Error]:
def raise(e: Error): Nothing
private[raise4s] case class Raised[Error](original: Error)
extends ControlThrowable
with NoStackTrace
private[raise4s] class DefaultRaise extends Raise[Any]:
def raise(e: Any): Nothing = throw Raised(e)
infix type raises[R, Error] = Raise[Error] ?=> R
/** Defines the main scope of the functions available on the `Raise` context.
object Raise {
extension [A](a: => A)
/** Extensions method version of the [[Raise.catching]] function.
// noinspection NoTailRecursionAnnotation
inline def catching(inline catchBlock: Throwable => A): A = Raise.catching(() => a)(catchBlock)
/** Raises a _logical failure_ of type `Error`. This function behaves like a return
* statement, immediately short-circuiting and terminating the computation.
* __Alternatives:__ Common ways to raise errors include: [[ensure]], [[ensureNotNull]], and
* [[Bind.value]]. Consider using them to make your code more concise and expressive.
* __Handling raised errors:__ Refer to [[recover]]. Example
* {{{
* val actual: String = fold(
* { raise(MyError) },
* throwable => "Error: " + throwable.getMessage,
* error => "Error: " + error,
* value => "Value: " + value
* )
* }}}
* @param e
* An error of type `Error` that will short-circuit the computation. Behaves similarly to
* _return_ or _throw_.
* @param raise
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error
inline def raise[Error](e: Error)(using raise: Raise[Error]): Nothing = raise.raise(e)
/** Ensures that the `condition` is met; otherwise, [[Raise.raise]]s a logical failure of type
* `Error`.
* In summary, this is a type-safe alternative to [[assert]], using the [[Raise]] API.
* Example
* {{{
* val actual: Int = fold(
* { ensure(42 < 0) { "error" },
* error => 43,
* value => 42
* )
* actual should be(43)
* }}}
* @param condition
* The condition that must be true.
* @param raise
* A lambda that produces an error of type `Error` when the `condition` is false.
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error
inline def ensure[Error](condition: Boolean)(raise: => Error)(using r: Raise[Error]): Unit =
if !condition then r.raise(raise)
/** Ensures that the `value` is not null; otherwise, [[Raise.raise]]s a logical failure of type
* `Error`.
* In summary, this is a type-safe alternative to [[require]], using the [[Raise]] API.
* Example
* {{{
* val actual: Int = fold(
* { ensureNotNull(null) { "error" } },
* error => 43,
* value => 42
* )
* actual should be(43)
* }}}
* @param value
* The value that must be non-null.
* @param raise
* A lambda that produces an error of type `Error` when the `value` is null.
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam B
* The type of the value
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error
* @return
* The value if it is not null
inline def ensureNotNull[B, Error](value: B)(raise: => Error)(using r: Raise[Error]): B =
if value == null then r.raise(raise)
else value
/** Execute the [[Raise]] context function resulting in `A` or any _logical error_ of type
* `Error`, and recover by providing a transform `Error` into a fallback value of type `A`.
* {{{
* val actual = recover({ raise("error") }) {
* error => 43
* }
* actual should be(43)
* }}}
* @param block
* The block to execute
* @param recover
* The function to transform the error into a fallback value
* @tparam Error
* The type of the error that can be raised and recovered
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the `block`
* @return
* The result of the `block` or the fallback value
inline def recover[Error, A](inline block: Raise[Error] ?=> A)(inline recover: Error => A): A =
Raise.fold(block, ex => throw ex, recover, identity)
/** Execute the [[Raise]] context function resulting in `A` or any _logical error_ of type
* `Error`, and `recover` by providing a transform `Error` into a fallback value of type `A`, or
* `catchBlock` any unexpected exceptions by providing a transform [[Throwable]] into a fallback
* value of type `A`.
* Example
* {{{
* val actual = recover(
* { raise("error") },
* error => 43,
* ex => 44
* )
* actual should be(43)
* }}}
* @param block
* The block to execute
* @param recover
* The function to transform the error into a fallback value
* @param catchBlock
* The function to transform the exception into a fallback value
* @tparam Error
* The type of the error that can be raised and recovered
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the `block`
* @return
* The result of the `block`, the fallback value from the `recover` function, or the fallback
* value from the `catchBlock` function
inline def recover[Error, A](
inline block: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
inline recover: Error => A,
inline catchBlock: Throwable => A
): A =
Raise.fold(block, catchBlock, recover, identity)
/** Allows safely catching [[NonFatal]] exceptions without capturing exceptions like
* [[OutOfMemoryError]] or [[VirtualMachineError]], etc.
* Example
* {{{
* val actual = catching(
* () => throw new RuntimeException("error"),
* ex => 43
* )
* actual should be(43)
* }}}
* @param block
* The block to execute
* @param catchBlock
* The function to transform the exception into a fallback value
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the `block`
* @return
* The result of the `block` or the fallback value
inline def catching[A](inline block: () => A)(inline catchBlock: Throwable => A): A =
try block()
case NonFatal(e) => catchBlock(e)
case ex => throw ex
/** Execute the [[Raise]] context function resulting in `A` or any _logical error_ of type
* `OtherError`, and transform any raised `OtherError` into `Error`, which is raised to the outer
* [[Raise]].
* Example
* {{{
* val actual = either {
* withError[Int, String, Int](s => s.length) { raise("error") }
* }
* actual should be(Left(5))
* }}}
* @param transform
* The function to transform the `OtherError` into `Error`
* @param block
* The block to execute
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the transformed logical error
* @tparam OtherError
* The type of the logical error that can be raised and transformed
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the `block`
* @return
* The result of the `block`
inline def withError[Error, OtherError, A](inline transform: OtherError => Error)(
inline block: Raise[OtherError] ?=> A
)(using r: Raise[Error]): A =
recover(block) { otherError => r.raise(transform(otherError)) }
/** The most general way to execute a computation using [[Raise]]. Depending on the outcome of the
* `block`, one of the three continuations is run:
* - success `transform` result of [A] to a value of [B].
* - raised `recover` from raised value of `Error` to a value of `B`.
* - exception `catch` from [[Throwable]] by transforming value into `B`.
* This method should never be wrapped in `try`/`catch` as it will not throw any unexpected
* errors, it will only result in fatal exceptions such as [[OutOfMemoryError]].
* Example
* {{{
* val actual: String = fold(
* { 42 },
* throwable => "Error: " + throwable.getMessage,
* error => "Error: " + error,
* value => "Value: " + value
* )
* actual shouldBe "Value: 42"
* }}}
* @param block
* The block of code to execute that can raise an a logical type error
* @param catchBlock
* The block of code to execute when a [[NonFatal]] exception is thrown
* @param recover
* The block of code to execute when a logical error is raised
* @param transform
* The block of code to execute when the block of code is executed successfully
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the execution of `block` lambda
* @tparam B
* The type of the result of the `fold` method
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by the `block` lambda
inline def fold[A, B, Error](
inline block: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
inline catchBlock: (throwable: Throwable) => B,
inline recover: (error: Error) => B,
inline transform: (value: A) => B
): B = {
given raise: Raise[Error] = new DefaultRaise
try transform(block)
case Raised(error) => recover(error.asInstanceOf[Error])
case NonFatal(e) => catchBlock(e)
case e: Throwable => throw e
/** The most general way to execute a computation using [[Raise]]. Depending on the outcome of the
* `block`, one of the two continuations is run:
* - success `transform` result of `A` to a value of `B`.
* - raised `recover` from raised value of `Error` to a value of `B`.
* This function re-throws any exceptions thrown within the [[Raise]] block.
* Example
* {{{
* val actual: String = fold(
* { 42 },
* error => "Error: " + error,
* value => "Value: " + value
* )
* actual shouldBe "Value: 42"
* }}}
* @param block
* The block of code to execute that can raise an a logical type error
* @param recover
* The block of code to execute when a logical error is raised
* @param transform
* The block of code to execute when the block of code is executed successfully
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the execution of `block` lambda
* @tparam B
* The type of the result of the `fold` method
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by the `block` lambda
// noinspection NoTailRecursionAnnotation
inline def fold[A, B, Error](
inline block: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
inline recover: (error: Error) => B,
inline transform: (value: A) => B
): B = Raise.fold(block, ex => throw ex, recover, transform)
/** Runs a computation `block` using [[Raise]], and return its outcome as [[Either]].
* - [[Right]] represents success,
* - [[Left]] represents logical failure.
* This function re-throws any exceptions thrown within the [[Raise]] block.
* Example
* {{{
* val one: Either[Nothing, Int] = Right(1)
* val left: Either[String, Int] = Left("error")
* val actual = either {
* val x = one.bind()
* val y = recover(
* {
* left.bind()
* },
* { _ => 1 }
* )
* x + y
* }
* }}}
* @param block
* A computation that can raise errors of type `Error`
* @tparam A
* The type of the value returned by the computation
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by the computation
* @return
* An [[Either]] representing the outcome of the computation
inline def either[A, Error](inline block: Raise[Error] ?=> A): Either[Error, A] = _either(block)
/** Runs a computation `block` using [[Raise]], and return its outcome as [[Option]].
* - [[Some]] represents success,
* - [[None]] represents logical failure. This function re-throws any exceptions thrown within
* the [[Raise]] block.
* Example
* {{{
* val some: Option[Int] = Some(1)
* val none: Option[Int] = None
* val actual = option {
* val x = some.bind()
* val y = recover({ none.bind() }, { _ => 1 })
* x + y
* }
* actual should be(Some(2))
* }}}
* @param block
* A computation that can raise errors of type `None.type`
* @tparam A
* The type of the value returned by the computation
* @return
* An [[Option]] representing the outcome of the computation
inline def option[A](inline block: Raise[None.type] ?=> A): Option[A] = _option(block)
/** Runs a computation `block` using [[Raise]], and return its outcome as [[Try]].
* Example
* {{{
* val one: Try[Int] = Success(1)
* val failure: Try[Int] = Failure(new Exception("error"))
* val actual = asTry {
* val x = one.bind()
* val y = recover({ failure.bind() }, { _ => 1 })
* x + y
* }
* actual should be(Success(2))
* }}}
* @param block
* A computation that can raise errors of type `Throwable`
* @tparam A
* The type of the value returned by the computation
* @return
* An [[Try]] representing the outcome of the computation
inline def asTry[A](inline block: Raise[Throwable] ?=> A): Try[A] = _asTry(block)
/** Accumulate the errors obtained by executing the `transform` over every element of `iterable`.
* Example
* {{{
* val block: List[Int] raises List[String] = Raise.mapOrAccumulate(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) {
* _ + 1
* }
* val actual = Raise.fold(
* block,
* error => fail(s"An error occurred: $error"),
* identity
* )
* actual shouldBe List(2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
* }}}
* @param iterable
* The collection of elements to transform
* @param transform
* The transformation to apply to each element that can raise an error of type `Error`
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised
* @tparam A
* The type of the elements in the `iterable`
* @tparam B
* The type of the transformed elements
* @return
* A list of transformed elements
def mapOrAccumulate[Error, A, B](iterable: Iterable[A])(
transform: Raise[Error] ?=> A => B
)(using r: Raise[List[Error]]): List[B] = _mapOrAccumulate(iterable)(transform)
/** Transform every element of `iterable` using the given `transform`, or accumulate all the
* occurred errors using `combine`.
* Example
* {{{
* case class Errors(val errors: List[String])
* def combineErrors(error1: Errors, error2: Errors): Errors =
* Errors(error1.errors ++ error2.errors)
* val block: List[Int] raises Errors =
* Raise.mapOrAccumulate(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), combineErrors) { value =>
* if (value % 2 == 0) {
* Raise.raise(Errors(List(value.toString)))
* } else {
* value
* }
* }
* val actual = Raise.fold(
* block,
* identity,
* identity
* )
* actual shouldBe Errors(List("2", "4"))
* }}}
* @param iterable
* The collection of elements to transform
* @param combine
* The function to combine the errors
* @param transform
* The transformation to apply to each element that can raise an error of type `Error`
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised
* @tparam A
* The type of the elements in the `iterable`
* @tparam B
* The type of the transformed elements
* @return
* A list of transformed elements
def mapOrAccumulate[Error, A, B](iterable: Iterable[A], combine: (Error, Error) => Error)(
transform: Raise[Error] ?=> A => B
)(using r: Raise[Error]): List[B] = _mapOrAccumulate(iterable, combine)(transform)
/** Accumulate the errors from running `action1`, and `action2`.
* Example
* {{{
* val block: List[Int] raises List[String] = Raise.zipOrAccumulate(
* { 1 },
* { 2 }
* ) { case (a, b) =>
* List(a, b)
* }
* val actual = Raise.fold(
* block,
* error => fail(s"An error occurred: $error"),
* identity
* )
* actual should be(List(1, 2))
* }}}
* @param action1
* Code block to run on type `A`
* @param action2
* Code block to run on type `B`
* @param block
* Function to run on the results of the code blocks
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by any code block
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the first code block
* @tparam B
* The type of the result of the second code block
* @tparam C
* The type of the result of the block function
* @return
* The result of the block function
def zipOrAccumulate[Error, A, B, C](
action1: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
action2: Raise[Error] ?=> B
)(block: (A, B) => C)(using r: Raise[List[Error]]): C =
_zipOrAccumulate(action1, action2, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}) {
(a: A, b: B, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) =>
block(a, b)
/** Accumulate the errors from running `action1`, `action2`, and `action3`.
* Example
* {{{
* val block: List[Int] raises List[String] = Raise.zipOrAccumulate(
* { 1 },
* { 2 },
* { 3 }
* ) { case (a, b, c) =>
* List(a, b, c)
* }
* val actual = Raise.fold(
* block,
* error => fail(s"An error occurred: $error"),
* identity
* )
* actual should be(List(1, 2, 3))
* }}}
* @param action1
* Code block to run on type `A`
* @param action2
* Code block to run on type `B`
* @param action3
* Code block to run on type `C`
* @param block
* Function to run on the results of the code blocks
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by any code block
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the first code block
* @tparam B
* The type of the result of the second code block
* @tparam C
* The type of the result of the third code block
* @tparam D
* The type of the result of the block function
* @return
* The result of the block function
def zipOrAccumulate[Error, A, B, C, D](
action1: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
action2: Raise[Error] ?=> B,
action3: Raise[Error] ?=> C
block: (A, B, C) => D
)(using r: Raise[List[Error]]): D =
_zipOrAccumulate(action1, action2, action3, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}) {
(a: A, b: B, c: C, _, _, _, _, _, _) =>
block(a, b, c)
/** Accumulate the errors from running `action1`, `action2`, `action3`, and `action4`.
* Example
* {{{
* val block: List[Int] raises List[String] = Raise.zipOrAccumulate(
* { 1 },
* { 2 },
* { 3 },
* { 4 }
* ) { case (a, b, c, d) =>
* List(a, b, c, d)
* }
* val actual = Raise.fold(
* block,
* error => fail(s"An error occurred: $error"),
* identity
* )
* actual should be(List(1, 2, 3, 4))
* }}}
* @param action1
* Code block to run on type `A`
* @param action2
* Code block to run on type `B`
* @param action3
* Code block to run on type `C`
* @param action4
* Code block to run on type `D`
* @param block
* Function to run on the results of the code blocks
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by any code block
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the first code block
* @tparam B
* The type of the result of the second code block
* @tparam C
* The type of the result of the third code block
* @tparam D
* The type of the result of the fourth code block
* @tparam E
* The type of the result of the block function
* @return
* The result of the block function
def zipOrAccumulate[Error, A, B, C, D, E](
action1: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
action2: Raise[Error] ?=> B,
action3: Raise[Error] ?=> C,
action4: Raise[Error] ?=> D
block: (A, B, C, D) => E
)(using r: Raise[List[Error]]): E =
_zipOrAccumulate(action1, action2, action3, action4, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}) {
(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, _, _, _, _, _) =>
block(a, b, c, d)
/** Accumulate the errors from running `action1`, `action2`, `action3`, `action4`, and `action5`.
* Example
* {{{
* val block: List[Int] raises List[String] = Raise.zipOrAccumulate(
* { 1 },
* { 2 },
* { 3 },
* { 4 },
* { 5 }
* ) { case (a, b, c, d, e) =>
* List(a, b, c, d, e)
* }
* val actual = Raise.fold(
* block,
* error => fail(s"An error occurred: $error"),
* identity
* )
* actual should be(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
* }}}
* @param action1
* Code block to run on type `A`
* @param action2
* Code block to run on type `B`
* @param action3
* Code block to run on type `C`
* @param action4
* Code block to run on type `D`
* @param action5
* Code block to run on type `E`
* @param block
* Function to run on the results of the code blocks
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by any code block
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the first code block
* @tparam B
* The type of the result of the second code block
* @tparam C
* The type of the result of the third code block
* @tparam D
* The type of the result of the fourth code block
* @tparam E
* The type of the result of the fifth code block
* @tparam F
* The type of the result of the block function
* @return
* The result of the block function
def zipOrAccumulate[Error, A, B, C, D, E, F](
action1: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
action2: Raise[Error] ?=> B,
action3: Raise[Error] ?=> C,
action4: Raise[Error] ?=> D,
action5: Raise[Error] ?=> E
block: (A, B, C, D, E) => F
)(using r: Raise[List[Error]]): F =
_zipOrAccumulate(action1, action2, action3, action4, action5, {}, {}, {}, {}) {
(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, _, _, _, _) => block(a, b, c, d, e)
/** Accumulate the errors from running `action1`, `action2`, `action3`, `action4`, `action5`, and
* `action6`.
* Example
* {{{
* val block: List[Int] raises List[String] = Raise.zipOrAccumulate(
* { 1 },
* { 2 },
* { 3 },
* { 4 },
* { 5 },
* { 6 }
* ) { case (a, b, c, d, e, f) =>
* List(a, b, c, d, e, f)
* }
* val actual = Raise.fold(
* block,
* error => fail(s"An error occurred: $error"),
* identity
* )
* actual should be(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))
* }}}
* @param action1
* Code block to run on type `A`
* @param action2
* Code block to run on type `B`
* @param action3
* Code block to run on type `C`
* @param action4
* Code block to run on type `D`
* @param action5
* Code block to run on type `E`
* @param action6
* Code block to run on type `F`
* @param block
* Function to run on the results of the code blocks
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by any code block
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the first code block
* @tparam B
* The type of the result of the second code block
* @tparam C
* The type of the result of the third code block
* @tparam D
* The type of the result of the fourth code block
* @tparam E
* The type of the result of the fifth code block
* @tparam F
* The type of the result of the sixth code block
* @tparam G
* The type of the result of the block function
* @return
* The result of the block function
def zipOrAccumulate[Error, A, B, C, D, E, F, G](
action1: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
action2: Raise[Error] ?=> B,
action3: Raise[Error] ?=> C,
action4: Raise[Error] ?=> D,
action5: Raise[Error] ?=> E,
action6: Raise[Error] ?=> F
block: (A, B, C, D, E, F) => G
)(using r: Raise[List[Error]]): G =
_zipOrAccumulate(action1, action2, action3, action4, action5, action6, {}, {}, {}) {
(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, _, _, _) => block(a, b, c, d, e, f)
/** Accumulate the errors from running `action1`, `action2`, `action3`, `action4`, `action5`,
* `action6`, and `action7`.
* Example
* {{{
* val block: List[Int] raises List[String] = Raise.zipOrAccumulate(
* { 1 },
* { 2 },
* { 3 },
* { 4 },
* { 5 },
* { 6 },
* { 7 }
* ) { case (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) =>
* List(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
* }
* val actual = Raise.fold(
* block,
* error => fail(s"An error occurred: $error"),
* identity
* )
* actual should be(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7))
* }}}
* @param action1
* Code block to run on type `A`
* @param action2
* Code block to run on type `B`
* @param action3
* Code block to run on type `C`
* @param action4
* Code block to run on type `D`
* @param action5
* Code block to run on type `E`
* @param action6
* Code block to run on type `F`
* @param action7
* Code block to run on type `G`
* @param block
* Function to run on the results of the code blocks
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by any code block
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the first code block
* @tparam B
* The type of the result of the second code block
* @tparam C
* The type of the result of the third code block
* @tparam D
* The type of the result of the fourth code block
* @tparam E
* The type of the result of the fifth code block
* @tparam F
* The type of the result of the sixth code block
* @tparam G
* The type of the result of the seventh code block
* @tparam H
* The type of the result of the block function
* @return
* The result of the block function
def zipOrAccumulate[Error, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H](
action1: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
action2: Raise[Error] ?=> B,
action3: Raise[Error] ?=> C,
action4: Raise[Error] ?=> D,
action5: Raise[Error] ?=> E,
action6: Raise[Error] ?=> F,
action7: Raise[Error] ?=> G
block: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) => H
)(using r: Raise[List[Error]]): H =
_zipOrAccumulate(action1, action2, action3, action4, action5, action6, action7, {}, {}) {
(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G, _, _) => block(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
/** Accumulate the errors from running `action1`, `action2`, `action3`, `action4`, `action5`,
* `action6`, `action7`, and `action8`.
* Example
* {{{
* val block: List[Int] raises List[String] = Raise.zipOrAccumulate(
* { 1 },
* { 2 },
* { 3 },
* { 4 },
* { 5 },
* { 6 },
* { 7 },
* { 8 }
* ) { case (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) =>
* List(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
* }
* val actual = Raise.fold(
* block,
* error => fail(s"An error occurred: $error"),
* identity
* )
* actual should be(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8))
* }}}
* @param action1
* Code block to run on type `A`
* @param action2
* Code block to run on type `B`
* @param action3
* Code block to run on type `C`
* @param action4
* Code block to run on type `D`
* @param action5
* Code block to run on type `E`
* @param action6
* Code block to run on type `F`
* @param action7
* Code block to run on type `G`
* @param action8
* Code block to run on type `H`
* @param block
* Function to run on the results of the code blocks
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by any code block
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the first code block
* @tparam B
* The type of the result of the second code block
* @tparam C
* The type of the result of the third code block
* @tparam D
* The type of the result of the fourth code block
* @tparam E
* The type of the result of the fifth code block
* @tparam F
* The type of the result of the sixth code block
* @tparam G
* The type of the result of the seventh code block
* @tparam H
* The type of the result of the eighth code block
* @tparam I
* The type of the result of the block function
* @return
* The result of the block function
def zipOrAccumulate[Error, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I](
action1: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
action2: Raise[Error] ?=> B,
action3: Raise[Error] ?=> C,
action4: Raise[Error] ?=> D,
action5: Raise[Error] ?=> E,
action6: Raise[Error] ?=> F,
action7: Raise[Error] ?=> G,
action8: Raise[Error] ?=> H
block: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) => I
)(using r: Raise[List[Error]]): I =
) { (a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G, h: H, Unit) =>
block(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
/** Accumulate the errors from running `action1`, `action2`, `action3`, `action4`, `action5`,
* `action6`, `action7`, `action8`, and `action9`.
* Example
* {{{
* val block: List[Int] raises List[String] = Raise.zipOrAccumulate(
* { 1 },
* { 2 },
* { 3 },
* { 4 },
* { 5 },
* { 6 },
* { 7 },
* { 8 },
* { 9 }
* ) { case (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) =>
* List(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)
* }
* val actual = Raise.fold(
* block,
* error => fail(s"An error occurred: $error"),
* identity
* )
* actual should be(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9))
* }}}
* @param action1
* Code block to run on type `A`
* @param action2
* Code block to run on type `B`
* @param action3
* Code block to run on type `C`
* @param action4
* Code block to run on type `D`
* @param action5
* Code block to run on type `E`
* @param action6
* Code block to run on type `F`
* @param action7
* Code block to run on type `G`
* @param action8
* Code block to run on type `H`
* @param action9
* Code block to run on type `I`
* @param block
* Function to run on the results of the code blocks
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by any code block
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the first code block
* @tparam B
* The type of the result of the second code block
* @tparam C
* The type of the result of the third code block
* @tparam D
* The type of the result of the fourth code block
* @tparam E
* The type of the result of the fifth code block
* @tparam F
* The type of the result of the sixth code block
* @tparam G
* The type of the result of the seventh code block
* @tparam H
* The type of the result of the eighth code block
* @tparam I
* The type of the result of the ninth code block
* @tparam J
* The type of the result of the block function
* @return
* The result of the block function
def zipOrAccumulate[Error, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J](
action1: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
action2: Raise[Error] ?=> B,
action3: Raise[Error] ?=> C,
action4: Raise[Error] ?=> D,
action5: Raise[Error] ?=> E,
action6: Raise[Error] ?=> F,
action7: Raise[Error] ?=> G,
action8: Raise[Error] ?=> H,
action9: Raise[Error] ?=> I
)(block: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) => J)(using r: Raise[List[Error]]): J =
/** Accumulate the errors from running `action1`, and `action2`.
* Example
* {{{
* case class Errors(errors: List[String])
* def combineErrors(error1: Errors, error2: Errors): Errors =
* Errors(error1.errors ++ error2.errors)
* val block: List[Int] raises Errors = Raise.zipOrAccumulate(combineErrors)(
* { 1 },
* { 2 }
* ) { case (a, b) =>
* List(a, b)
* }
* val actual = Raise.fold(
* block,
* error => fail(s"An error occurred: $error"),
* identity
* )
* actual should be(List(1, 2))
* }}}
* @param combine
* The function to combine the errors
* @param action1
* Code block to run on type `A`
* @param action2
* Code block to run on type `B`
* @param block
* Function to run on the results of the code blocks
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by any code block
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the first code block
* @tparam B
* The type of the result of the second code block
* @tparam C
* The type of the result of the block function
* @return
* The result of the block function
def zipOrAccumulate[Error, A, B, C](combine: (Error, Error) => Error)(
action1: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
action2: Raise[Error] ?=> B
)(block: (A, B) => C)(using r: Raise[Error]): C =
_zipOrAccumulate(combine)(action1, action2, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}) {
(a: A, b: B, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) =>
block(a, b)
/** Accumulate the errors from running `action1`, `action2`, and `action3`.
* Example
* {{{
* case class Errors(errors: List[String])
* def combineErrors(error1: Errors, error2: Errors): Errors =
* Errors(error1.errors ++ error2.errors)
* val block: List[Int] raises Errors = Raise.zipOrAccumulate(combineErrors)(
* { 1 },
* { 2 },
* { 3 }
* ) { case (a, b, c) =>
* List(a, b, c)
* }
* val actual = Raise.fold(
* block,
* error => fail(s"An error occurred: $error"),
* identity
* )
* actual should be(List(1, 2, 3))
* }}}
* @param combine
* The function to combine the errors
* @param action1
* Code block to run on type `A`
* @param action2
* Code block to run on type `B`
* @param action3
* Code block to run on type `C`
* @param block
* Function to run on the results of the code blocks
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by any code block
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the first code block
* @tparam B
* The type of the result of the second code block
* @tparam C
* The type of the result of the third code block
* @tparam D
* The type of the result of the block function
* @return
* The result of the block function
def zipOrAccumulate[Error, A, B, C, D](combine: (Error, Error) => Error)(
action1: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
action2: Raise[Error] ?=> B,
action3: Raise[Error] ?=> C
block: (A, B, C) => D
)(using r: Raise[Error]): D =
_zipOrAccumulate(combine)(action1, action2, action3, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}) {
(a: A, b: B, c: C, _, _, _, _, _, _) =>
block(a, b, c)
/** Accumulate the errors from running `action1`, `action2`, `action3`, and `action4`.
* Example
* {{{
* case class Errors(errors: List[String])
* def combineErrors(error1: Errors, error2: Errors): Errors =
* Errors(error1.errors ++ error2.errors)
* val block: List[Int] raises Errors = Raise.zipOrAccumulate(combineErrors)
* { 1 },
* { 2 },
* { 3 },
* { 4 }
* ) { case (a, b, c, d) =>
* List(a, b, c, d)
* }
* val actual = Raise.fold(
* block,
* error => fail(s"An error occurred: $error"),
* identity
* )
* actual should be(List(1, 2, 3, 4))
* }}}
* @param combine
* The function to combine the errors
* @param action1
* Code block to run on type `A`
* @param action2
* Code block to run on type `B`
* @param action3
* Code block to run on type `C`
* @param action4
* Code block to run on type `D`
* @param block
* Function to run on the results of the code blocks
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by any code block
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the first code block
* @tparam B
* The type of the result of the second code block
* @tparam C
* The type of the result of the third code block
* @tparam D
* The type of the result of the fourth code block
* @tparam E
* The type of the result of the block function
* @return
* The result of the block function
def zipOrAccumulate[Error, A, B, C, D, E](combine: (Error, Error) => Error)(
action1: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
action2: Raise[Error] ?=> B,
action3: Raise[Error] ?=> C,
action4: Raise[Error] ?=> D
block: (A, B, C, D) => E
)(using r: Raise[Error]): E =
_zipOrAccumulate(combine)(action1, action2, action3, action4, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}) {
(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, _, _, _, _, _) =>
block(a, b, c, d)
/** Accumulate the errors from running `action1`, `action2`, `action3`, `action4`, and `action5`.
* Example
* {{{
* case class Errors(errors: List[String])
* def combineErrors(error1: Errors, error2: Errors): Errors =
* Errors(error1.errors ++ error2.errors)
* val block: List[Int] raises Errors = Raise.zipOrAccumulate(combineErrors)(
* { 1 },
* { 2 },
* { 3 },
* { 4 },
* { 5 }
* ) { case (a, b, c, d, e) =>
* List(a, b, c, d, e)
* }
* val actual = Raise.fold(
* block,
* error => fail(s"An error occurred: $error"),
* identity
* )
* actual should be(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
* }}}
* @param combine
* The function to combine the errors
* @param action1
* Code block to run on type `A`
* @param action2
* Code block to run on type `B`
* @param action3
* Code block to run on type `C`
* @param action4
* Code block to run on type `D`
* @param action5
* Code block to run on type `E`
* @param block
* Function to run on the results of the code blocks
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by any code block
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the first code block
* @tparam B
* The type of the result of the second code block
* @tparam C
* The type of the result of the third code block
* @tparam D
* The type of the result of the fourth code block
* @tparam E
* The type of the result of the fifth code block
* @tparam F
* The type of the result of the block function
* @return
* The result of the block function
def zipOrAccumulate[Error, A, B, C, D, E, F](combine: (Error, Error) => Error)(
action1: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
action2: Raise[Error] ?=> B,
action3: Raise[Error] ?=> C,
action4: Raise[Error] ?=> D,
action5: Raise[Error] ?=> E
block: (A, B, C, D, E) => F
)(using r: Raise[Error]): F =
_zipOrAccumulate(combine)(action1, action2, action3, action4, action5, {}, {}, {}, {}) {
(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, _, _, _, _) => block(a, b, c, d, e)
/** Accumulate the errors from running `action1`, `action2`, `action3`, `action4`, `action5`, and
* `action6`.
* Example
* {{{
* case class Errors(errors: List[String])
* def combineErrors(error1: Errors, error2: Errors): Errors =
* Errors(error1.errors ++ error2.errors)
* val block: List[Int] raises Errors = Raise.zipOrAccumulate(combineErrors)(
* { 1 },
* { 2 },
* { 3 },
* { 4 },
* { 5 },
* { 6 }
* ) { case (a, b, c, d, e, f) =>
* List(a, b, c, d, e, f)
* }
* val actual = Raise.fold(
* block,
* error => fail(s"An error occurred: $error"),
* identity
* )
* actual should be(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))
* }}}
* @param combine
* The function to combine the errors
* @param action1
* Code block to run on type `A`
* @param action2
* Code block to run on type `B`
* @param action3
* Code block to run on type `C`
* @param action4
* Code block to run on type `D`
* @param action5
* Code block to run on type `E`
* @param action6
* Code block to run on type `F`
* @param block
* Function to run on the results of the code blocks
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by any code block
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the first code block
* @tparam B
* The type of the result of the second code block
* @tparam C
* The type of the result of the third code block
* @tparam D
* The type of the result of the fourth code block
* @tparam E
* The type of the result of the fifth code block
* @tparam F
* The type of the result of the sixth code block
* @tparam G
* The type of the result of the block function
* @return
* The result of the block function
def zipOrAccumulate[Error, A, B, C, D, E, F, G](combine: (Error, Error) => Error)(
action1: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
action2: Raise[Error] ?=> B,
action3: Raise[Error] ?=> C,
action4: Raise[Error] ?=> D,
action5: Raise[Error] ?=> E,
action6: Raise[Error] ?=> F
block: (A, B, C, D, E, F) => G
)(using r: Raise[Error]): G =
_zipOrAccumulate(combine)(action1, action2, action3, action4, action5, action6, {}, {}, {}) {
(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, _, _, _) => block(a, b, c, d, e, f)
/** Accumulate the errors from running `action1`, `action2`, `action3`, `action4`, `action5`,
* `action6`, and `action7`.
* Example
* {{{
* case class Errors(errors: List[String])
* def combineErrors(error1: Errors, error2: Errors): Errors =
* Errors(error1.errors ++ error2.errors)
* val block: List[Int] raises Errors = Raise.zipOrAccumulate(combineErrors)(
* { 1 },
* { 2 },
* { 3 },
* { 4 },
* { 5 },
* { 6 },
* { 7 }
* ) { case (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) =>
* List(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
* }
* val actual = Raise.fold(
* block,
* error => fail(s"An error occurred: $error"),
* identity
* )
* actual should be(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7))
* }}}
* @param combine
* The function to combine the errors
* @param action1
* Code block to run on type `A`
* @param action2
* Code block to run on type `B`
* @param action3
* Code block to run on type `C`
* @param action4
* Code block to run on type `D`
* @param action5
* Code block to run on type `E`
* @param action6
* Code block to run on type `F`
* @param action7
* Code block to run on type `G`
* @param block
* Function to run on the results of the code blocks
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by any code block
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the first code block
* @tparam B
* The type of the result of the second code block
* @tparam C
* The type of the result of the third code block
* @tparam D
* The type of the result of the fourth code block
* @tparam E
* The type of the result of the fifth code block
* @tparam F
* The type of the result of the sixth code block
* @tparam G
* The type of the result of the seventh code block
* @tparam H
* The type of the result of the block function
* @return
* The result of the block function
def zipOrAccumulate[Error, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H](combine: (Error, Error) => Error)(
action1: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
action2: Raise[Error] ?=> B,
action3: Raise[Error] ?=> C,
action4: Raise[Error] ?=> D,
action5: Raise[Error] ?=> E,
action6: Raise[Error] ?=> F,
action7: Raise[Error] ?=> G
block: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) => H
)(using r: Raise[Error]): H =
) { (a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G, _, _) =>
block(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
/** Accumulate the errors from running `action1`, `action2`, `action3`, `action4`, `action5`,
* `action6`, `action7`, and `action8`.
* Example
* {{{
* case class Errors(errors: List[String])
* def combineErrors(error1: Errors, error2: Errors): Errors =
* Errors(error1.errors ++ error2.errors)
* val block: List[Int] raises Errors = Raise.zipOrAccumulate(combineErrors)(
* { 1 },
* { 2 },
* { 3 },
* { 4 },
* { 5 },
* { 6 },
* { 7 },
* { 8 }
* ) { case (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) =>
* List(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
* }
* val actual = Raise.fold(
* block,
* error => fail(s"An error occurred: $error"),
* identity
* )
* actual should be(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8))
* }}}
* @param combine
* The function to combine the errors
* @param action1
* Code block to run on type `A`
* @param action2
* Code block to run on type `B`
* @param action3
* Code block to run on type `C`
* @param action4
* Code block to run on type `D`
* @param action5
* Code block to run on type `E`
* @param action6
* Code block to run on type `F`
* @param action7
* Code block to run on type `G`
* @param action8
* Code block to run on type `H`
* @param block
* Function to run on the results of the code blocks
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by any code block
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the first code block
* @tparam B
* The type of the result of the second code block
* @tparam C
* The type of the result of the third code block
* @tparam D
* The type of the result of the fourth code block
* @tparam E
* The type of the result of the fifth code block
* @tparam F
* The type of the result of the sixth code block
* @tparam G
* The type of the result of the seventh code block
* @tparam H
* The type of the result of the eighth code block
* @tparam I
* The type of the result of the block function
* @return
* The result of the block function
def zipOrAccumulate[Error, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I](combine: (Error, Error) => Error)(
action1: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
action2: Raise[Error] ?=> B,
action3: Raise[Error] ?=> C,
action4: Raise[Error] ?=> D,
action5: Raise[Error] ?=> E,
action6: Raise[Error] ?=> F,
action7: Raise[Error] ?=> G,
action8: Raise[Error] ?=> H
block: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) => I
)(using r: Raise[Error]): I =
) { (a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G, h: H, _) =>
block(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
/** Accumulate the errors from running `action1`, `action2`, `action3`, `action4`, `action5`,
* `action6`, `action7`, `action8`, and `action9`.
* Example
* {{{
* case class Errors(errors: List[String])
* def combineErrors(error1: Errors, error2: Errors): Errors =
* Errors(error1.errors ++ error2.errors)
* val block: List[Int] raises Errors = Raise.zipOrAccumulate(combineErrors)(
* { 1 },
* { 2 },
* { 3 },
* { 4 },
* { 5 },
* { 6 },
* { 7 },
* { 8 },
* { 9 }
* ) { case (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) =>
* List(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)
* }
* val actual = Raise.fold(
* block,
* error => fail(s"An error occurred: $error"),
* identity
* )
* actual should be(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9))
* }}}
* @param combine
* Function to combine the errors
* @param action1
* Code block to run on type `A`
* @param action2
* Code block to run on type `B`
* @param action3
* Code block to run on type `C`
* @param action4
* Code block to run on type `D`
* @param action5
* Code block to run on type `E`
* @param action6
* Code block to run on type `F`
* @param action7
* Code block to run on type `G`
* @param action8
* Code block to run on type `H`
* @param action9
* Code block to run on type `I`
* @param block
* Function to run on the results of the code blocks
* @param r
* The Raise context
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by any code block
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the first code block
* @tparam B
* The type of the result of the second code block
* @tparam C
* The type of the result of the third code block
* @tparam D
* The type of the result of the fourth code block
* @tparam E
* The type of the result of the fifth code block
* @tparam F
* The type of the result of the sixth code block
* @tparam G
* The type of the result of the seventh code block
* @tparam H
* The type of the result of the eighth code block
* @tparam I
* The type of the result of the ninth code block
* @tparam J
* The type of the result of the block function
* @return
* The result of the block function
def zipOrAccumulate[Error, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J](combine: (Error, Error) => Error)(
action1: Raise[Error] ?=> A,
action2: Raise[Error] ?=> B,
action3: Raise[Error] ?=> C,
action4: Raise[Error] ?=> D,
action5: Raise[Error] ?=> E,
action6: Raise[Error] ?=> F,
action7: Raise[Error] ?=> G,
action8: Raise[Error] ?=> H,
action9: Raise[Error] ?=> I
)(block: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) => J)(using r: Raise[Error]): J =
/** Execute a block of code that can raise a logical error and return the result or the error as a
* union type `Error | A`.
* Example
* {{{
* val happyPathBlock: Int raises String = 42
* val result: String | Int = Runtime._run(happyPathBlock)
* result should be(42)
* }}}
* @param block
* The block of code to execute that can raise an a logical type error
* @tparam Error
* The type of the logical error that can be raised by the `block` lambda
* @tparam A
* The type of the result of the execution of `block` lambda
* @return
* The result of the execution of the `block` lambda or the logical error
def run[Error, A](block: Raise[Error] ?=> A): Error | A = raise4s.Runtime._run(block)
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