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import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

 * A template parser function for {{ #time: ... }} syntax.
 * Supporting more control flags, but still not complete though.
 * See 
 * Mediwiki's Help:Extension:ParserFunctions - #time
public class Time extends AbstractTemplateFunction {
     * Static instance of this template function parser.
    public final static ITemplateFunction CONST = new Time();

    protected static Map FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA = new HashMap<>();
    protected final SimpleDateFormat RFC822DATEFORMAT;

    static {
        // year
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("Y", "yyyy"); // 4-digit year, e.g. "2011"
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("y", "yy"); // 2-digit year, e.g. "11"
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("L", "??"); // 1 or 0 whether it's a leap year or
        // not, e.g. "0"
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("o", "yyyy"); // ISO-8601 year number, e.g. "2011"

        // month
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("n", "M"); // month index, not zero-padded, e.g.
        // "10"
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("m", "MM"); // month index, zero-padded, e.g. "10"
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("M", "MMM"); // an abbreviation of the month name,
        // in the site language, e.g. "Oct"
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("F", "MMMM"); // the full month name in the site
        // language, e.g. "October"
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xg", "??"); // Output the full month name in the
        // genitive form for site languages that distinguish between genitive and
        // nominative forms.

        // week
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("y", "yy"); // W ISO 8601 week number, zero-padded,
        // e.g. "40"

        // day
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("j", "d"); // j Day of the month, not zero-padded,
        // e.g. "6"
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("d", "dd"); // d Day of the month, zero-padded, e.g.
        // "06"
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("z", "??"); // z Day of the year (January 1 = 0).
        // Note: To get the ISO day of the year add 1, e.g. "278"
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("D", "EEE"); // D An abbreviation for the day of the
        // week. Rarely internationalised,
        // e.g. "Thu"
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("l", "EEEE"); // l The full weekday name. Rarely
        // internationalised, e.g. "Thursday"
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("N", "??"); // N ISO 8601 day of the week (Monday
        // = 1, Sunday = 7), e.g. "4"
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("w", "??"); // w Number of the day of the week
        // (Sunday = 0, Saturday = 6), e.g. "4"

        // hour
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("a", "??"); // "am" during the morning (00:00:00
        // -> 11:59:59), "pm" otherwise (12:00:00 -> 23:59:59), e.g. "pm"
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("A", "a"); // Uppercase version of a above, e.g.
        // "PM"
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("g", "h"); // Hour in 12-hour format, not
        // zero-padded, e.g. "3"
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("h", "hh"); // Hour in 12-hour format, zero-padded,
        // e.g. "03"
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("G", "H"); // Hour in 24-hour format, not
        // zero-padded, e.g. "15"
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("H", "HH"); // Hour in 24-hour format, zero-padded,
        // e.g. "15"

        // minutes, seconds
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("i", "mm"); // Minutes past the hour, zero-padded,
        // e.g. "07"
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("s", "ss"); // Seconds past the minute, zero-padded,
        // e.g. "30"
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("U", "??"); // Seconds since January 1 1970
        // 00:00:00 GMT, e.g. "1317913650"

        // misc.
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("t", "??"); // Number of days in the current
        // month, e.g. "31"
        // note: assume date is in GMT+00:00:
        FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("c", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss+00:00"); // ISO 8601
        // formatted
        // date,
        // equivalent
        // to
        // Y-m-dTH:i:s+00:00,
        // e.g.
        // "2011-10-06T15:07:30+00:00"
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("r", "??"); // RFC 5322 formatted date,
        // equivalent to D, j M Y H:i:s +0000, with weekday name and month name not
        // internationalised, e.g. "Thu, 06 Oct 2011 15:07:30 +0000"

        // non-gregorian
        // Iranian:
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xij", "??"); // Day of the month, e.g. "14"
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xiF", "??"); // Full month name, e.g. "Mehr"
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xin", "??"); // Month index, e.g. "7"
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xiY", "??"); // Full year, e.g. "1390"
        // Hebrew:
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xjj", "??"); // Day of the month, e.g. "8"
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xjF", "??"); // Full month name, e.g. "Tishrei"
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xjx", "??"); // Genitive form of the month name,
        // e.g. "Tishrei"
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xjn", "??"); // Month number, e.g. "1"
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xjY", "??"); // Full year, e.g. "5772"
        // Thai solar
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xkY", "??"); // Full year, e.g. "2554"

        // Flags
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xn", "??"); // Format the next numeric code as a
        // raw ASCII number
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xN", "??"); // Like xn, but as a toggled flag,
        // which endures until the end of the string or until the next appearance of
        // xN in the string.
        // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("Xr", "??"); // Format the next number as a roman
        // numeral. Only works for numbers up to 3000

     * Creates a new parser for the #time template function.
    public Time() {
        RFC822DATEFORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE', 'dd' 'MMM' 'yyyy' 'HH:mm:ss' '+0000", Locale.US);

    public String parseFunction(List list, IWikiModel model, char[] src, int beginIndex, int endIndex, boolean isSubst) {
        if (list.size() <= 0) {
            return null;

        Date date;
        if (list.size() > 1) {
            String dateTimeParameter = isSubst ? list.get(1) : parseTrim(list.get(1), model);

            try {
                date = new StringToTime(dateTimeParameter);
            } catch (StringToTimeException e) {
                return "Error: invalid time";
        } else {
            date = model.getCurrentTimeStamp();

        String condition = isSubst ? list.get(0) : parseTrim(list.get(0), model);
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(condition.length() * 2);
        boolean inDoubleQuotes = false;
        GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(model.getLocale());
        for (int curPos = 0; curPos < condition.length(); ++curPos) {
            char curCh = condition.charAt(curPos);
            if (curPos == 0 || !inDoubleQuotes || condition.charAt(curPos - 1) == '\\') {
                String formatCh = String.valueOf(curCh);
                if (FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.containsKey(formatCh)) {
                    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.get(formatCh), model.getLocale());
                // TODO:
                // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xg", "??"); // Output the full month
                // name
                // in the genitive form for site languages that distinguish between
                // genitive and nominative forms.
                // Iranian:
                // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xij", "??"); // Day of the month, e.g.
                // "14"
                // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xiF", "??"); // Full month name, e.g.
                // "Mehr"
                // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xin", "??"); // Month index, e.g. "7"
                // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xiY", "??"); // Full year, e.g. "1390"
                // Hebrew:
                // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xjj", "??"); // Day of the month, e.g.
                // "8"
                // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xjF", "??"); // Full month name, e.g.
                // "Tishrei"
                // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xjx", "??"); // Genitive form of the
                // month
                // name, e.g. "Tishrei"
                // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xjn", "??"); // Month number, e.g. "1"
                // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xjY", "??"); // Full year, e.g. "5772"
                // Thai solar
                // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xkY", "??"); // Full year, e.g. "2554"

                // Flags
                // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xn", "??"); // Format the next numeric
                // code as a raw ASCII number
                // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("xN", "??"); // Like xn, but as a toggled
                // flag, which endures until the end of the string or until the next
                // appearance of xN in the string.
                // FORMAT_WIKI_TO_JAVA.put("Xr", "??"); // Format the next number as
                // a
                // roman numeral. Only works for numbers up to 3000
                switch (curCh) {
                case 'L': // 1 or 0 whether it's a leap year or not
                    if (cal.isLeapYear(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR))) {
                    } else {
                case 'z': // Day of the year (January 1 = 0). Note: To get the ISO
                    // day
                    // of the year add 1
                    result.append(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) - 1);
                case 'N': // ISO 8601 day of the week (Monday = 1, Sunday = 7)
                    int dayOfWeek_N = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - Calendar.MONDAY + 1;
                    if (dayOfWeek_N <= 0) {
                        result.append(dayOfWeek_N + 7);
                    } else {
                case 'w': // Number of the day of the week (Sunday = 0, Saturday =
                    // 6)
                    int dayOfWeek_w = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - Calendar.SUNDAY;
                    if (dayOfWeek_w < 0) {
                        result.append(dayOfWeek_w + 7);
                    } else {
                case 'a': // "am" during the morning (00:00:00 -> 11:59:59), "pm"
                    // otherwise (12:00:00 -> 23:59:59)
                    result.append((new SimpleDateFormat("a", model.getLocale())).format(date).toLowerCase());
                case 'U': // Seconds since January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT
                    result.append(date.getTime() / 1000);
                case 't': // Number of days in the current month
                case 'r': // RFC 5322 formatted date, equivalent to D, j M Y H:i:s
                    // +0000, with weekday name and month name not
                    // internationalised
            if (curCh == '"') {
                inDoubleQuotes = !inDoubleQuotes;
        return result.toString();

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