org.hl7.fhir.TestScriptOperation Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, v2.2.11
// See http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb
// Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema.
// Generated on: 2018.01.12 at 11:04:27 AM MST
package org.hl7.fhir;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.Equals;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.EqualsStrategy;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.HashCode;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.HashCodeStrategy;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBEqualsStrategy;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBHashCodeStrategy;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBToStringStrategy;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.ToString;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.ToStringStrategy;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.locator.ObjectLocator;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.locator.util.LocatorUtils;
* TestScript is a resource that specifies a suite of tests against a FHIR server implementation to determine compliance against the FHIR specification.
* Java class for TestScript.Operation complex type.
The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.
* <complexType name="TestScript.Operation">
* <complexContent>
* <extension base="{http://hl7.org/fhir}BackboneElement">
* <sequence>
* <element name="type" type="{http://hl7.org/fhir}Coding" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="resource" type="{http://hl7.org/fhir}code" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="label" type="{http://hl7.org/fhir}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="description" type="{http://hl7.org/fhir}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="accept" type="{http://hl7.org/fhir}ContentType" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="contentType" type="{http://hl7.org/fhir}ContentType" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="destination" type="{http://hl7.org/fhir}integer" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="encodeRequestUrl" type="{http://hl7.org/fhir}boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="origin" type="{http://hl7.org/fhir}integer" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="params" type="{http://hl7.org/fhir}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="requestHeader" type="{http://hl7.org/fhir}TestScript.RequestHeader" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="responseId" type="{http://hl7.org/fhir}id" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="sourceId" type="{http://hl7.org/fhir}id" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="targetId" type="{http://hl7.org/fhir}id" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="url" type="{http://hl7.org/fhir}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* </sequence>
* </extension>
* </complexContent>
* </complexType>
@XmlType(name = "TestScript.Operation", propOrder = {
public class TestScriptOperation
extends BackboneElement
implements Equals, HashCode, ToString
protected Coding type;
protected Code resource;
protected org.hl7.fhir.String label;
protected org.hl7.fhir.String description;
protected ContentType accept;
protected ContentType contentType;
protected Integer destination;
protected Boolean encodeRequestUrl;
protected Integer origin;
protected org.hl7.fhir.String params;
protected List requestHeader;
protected Id responseId;
protected Id sourceId;
protected Id targetId;
protected org.hl7.fhir.String url;
* Gets the value of the type property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link Coding }
public Coding getType() {
return type;
* Sets the value of the type property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link Coding }
public void setType(Coding value) {
this.type = value;
* Gets the value of the resource property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link Code }
public Code getResource() {
return resource;
* Sets the value of the resource property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link Code }
public void setResource(Code value) {
this.resource = value;
* Gets the value of the label property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link org.hl7.fhir.String }
public org.hl7.fhir.String getLabel() {
return label;
* Sets the value of the label property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link org.hl7.fhir.String }
public void setLabel(org.hl7.fhir.String value) {
this.label = value;
* Gets the value of the description property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link org.hl7.fhir.String }
public org.hl7.fhir.String getDescription() {
return description;
* Sets the value of the description property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link org.hl7.fhir.String }
public void setDescription(org.hl7.fhir.String value) {
this.description = value;
* Gets the value of the accept property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link ContentType }
public ContentType getAccept() {
return accept;
* Sets the value of the accept property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link ContentType }
public void setAccept(ContentType value) {
this.accept = value;
* Gets the value of the contentType property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link ContentType }
public ContentType getContentType() {
return contentType;
* Sets the value of the contentType property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link ContentType }
public void setContentType(ContentType value) {
this.contentType = value;
* Gets the value of the destination property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link Integer }
public Integer getDestination() {
return destination;
* Sets the value of the destination property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link Integer }
public void setDestination(Integer value) {
this.destination = value;
* Gets the value of the encodeRequestUrl property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link Boolean }
public Boolean getEncodeRequestUrl() {
return encodeRequestUrl;
* Sets the value of the encodeRequestUrl property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link Boolean }
public void setEncodeRequestUrl(Boolean value) {
this.encodeRequestUrl = value;
* Gets the value of the origin property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link Integer }
public Integer getOrigin() {
return origin;
* Sets the value of the origin property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link Integer }
public void setOrigin(Integer value) {
this.origin = value;
* Gets the value of the params property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link org.hl7.fhir.String }
public org.hl7.fhir.String getParams() {
return params;
* Sets the value of the params property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link org.hl7.fhir.String }
public void setParams(org.hl7.fhir.String value) {
this.params = value;
* Gets the value of the requestHeader property.
* This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
* not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
* returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
* This is why there is not a set
method for the requestHeader property.
* For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
* getRequestHeader().add(newItem);
* Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
* {@link TestScriptRequestHeader }
public List getRequestHeader() {
if (requestHeader == null) {
requestHeader = new ArrayList();
return this.requestHeader;
* Gets the value of the responseId property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link Id }
public Id getResponseId() {
return responseId;
* Sets the value of the responseId property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link Id }
public void setResponseId(Id value) {
this.responseId = value;
* Gets the value of the sourceId property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link Id }
public Id getSourceId() {
return sourceId;
* Sets the value of the sourceId property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link Id }
public void setSourceId(Id value) {
this.sourceId = value;
* Gets the value of the targetId property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link Id }
public Id getTargetId() {
return targetId;
* Sets the value of the targetId property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link Id }
public void setTargetId(Id value) {
this.targetId = value;
* Gets the value of the url property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link org.hl7.fhir.String }
public org.hl7.fhir.String getUrl() {
return url;
* Sets the value of the url property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link org.hl7.fhir.String }
public void setUrl(org.hl7.fhir.String value) {
this.url = value;
public TestScriptOperation withType(Coding value) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withResource(Code value) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withLabel(org.hl7.fhir.String value) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withDescription(org.hl7.fhir.String value) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withAccept(ContentType value) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withContentType(ContentType value) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withDestination(Integer value) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withEncodeRequestUrl(Boolean value) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withOrigin(Integer value) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withParams(org.hl7.fhir.String value) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withRequestHeader(TestScriptRequestHeader... values) {
if (values!= null) {
for (TestScriptRequestHeader value: values) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withRequestHeader(Collection values) {
if (values!= null) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withResponseId(Id value) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withSourceId(Id value) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withTargetId(Id value) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withUrl(org.hl7.fhir.String value) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withModifierExtension(Extension... values) {
if (values!= null) {
for (Extension value: values) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withModifierExtension(Collection values) {
if (values!= null) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withExtension(Extension... values) {
if (values!= null) {
for (Extension value: values) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withExtension(Collection values) {
if (values!= null) {
return this;
public TestScriptOperation withId(java.lang.String value) {
return this;
public boolean equals(ObjectLocator thisLocator, ObjectLocator thatLocator, Object object, EqualsStrategy strategy) {
if (!(object instanceof TestScriptOperation)) {
return false;
if (this == object) {
return true;
if (!super.equals(thisLocator, thatLocator, object, strategy)) {
return false;
final TestScriptOperation that = ((TestScriptOperation) object);
Coding lhsType;
lhsType = this.getType();
Coding rhsType;
rhsType = that.getType();
if (!strategy.equals(LocatorUtils.property(thisLocator, "type", lhsType), LocatorUtils.property(thatLocator, "type", rhsType), lhsType, rhsType)) {
return false;
Code lhsResource;
lhsResource = this.getResource();
Code rhsResource;
rhsResource = that.getResource();
if (!strategy.equals(LocatorUtils.property(thisLocator, "resource", lhsResource), LocatorUtils.property(thatLocator, "resource", rhsResource), lhsResource, rhsResource)) {
return false;
org.hl7.fhir.String lhsLabel;
lhsLabel = this.getLabel();
org.hl7.fhir.String rhsLabel;
rhsLabel = that.getLabel();
if (!strategy.equals(LocatorUtils.property(thisLocator, "label", lhsLabel), LocatorUtils.property(thatLocator, "label", rhsLabel), lhsLabel, rhsLabel)) {
return false;
org.hl7.fhir.String lhsDescription;
lhsDescription = this.getDescription();
org.hl7.fhir.String rhsDescription;
rhsDescription = that.getDescription();
if (!strategy.equals(LocatorUtils.property(thisLocator, "description", lhsDescription), LocatorUtils.property(thatLocator, "description", rhsDescription), lhsDescription, rhsDescription)) {
return false;
ContentType lhsAccept;
lhsAccept = this.getAccept();
ContentType rhsAccept;
rhsAccept = that.getAccept();
if (!strategy.equals(LocatorUtils.property(thisLocator, "accept", lhsAccept), LocatorUtils.property(thatLocator, "accept", rhsAccept), lhsAccept, rhsAccept)) {
return false;
ContentType lhsContentType;
lhsContentType = this.getContentType();
ContentType rhsContentType;
rhsContentType = that.getContentType();
if (!strategy.equals(LocatorUtils.property(thisLocator, "contentType", lhsContentType), LocatorUtils.property(thatLocator, "contentType", rhsContentType), lhsContentType, rhsContentType)) {
return false;
Integer lhsDestination;
lhsDestination = this.getDestination();
Integer rhsDestination;
rhsDestination = that.getDestination();
if (!strategy.equals(LocatorUtils.property(thisLocator, "destination", lhsDestination), LocatorUtils.property(thatLocator, "destination", rhsDestination), lhsDestination, rhsDestination)) {
return false;
Boolean lhsEncodeRequestUrl;
lhsEncodeRequestUrl = this.getEncodeRequestUrl();
Boolean rhsEncodeRequestUrl;
rhsEncodeRequestUrl = that.getEncodeRequestUrl();
if (!strategy.equals(LocatorUtils.property(thisLocator, "encodeRequestUrl", lhsEncodeRequestUrl), LocatorUtils.property(thatLocator, "encodeRequestUrl", rhsEncodeRequestUrl), lhsEncodeRequestUrl, rhsEncodeRequestUrl)) {
return false;
Integer lhsOrigin;
lhsOrigin = this.getOrigin();
Integer rhsOrigin;
rhsOrigin = that.getOrigin();
if (!strategy.equals(LocatorUtils.property(thisLocator, "origin", lhsOrigin), LocatorUtils.property(thatLocator, "origin", rhsOrigin), lhsOrigin, rhsOrigin)) {
return false;
org.hl7.fhir.String lhsParams;
lhsParams = this.getParams();
org.hl7.fhir.String rhsParams;
rhsParams = that.getParams();
if (!strategy.equals(LocatorUtils.property(thisLocator, "params", lhsParams), LocatorUtils.property(thatLocator, "params", rhsParams), lhsParams, rhsParams)) {
return false;
List lhsRequestHeader;
lhsRequestHeader = (((this.requestHeader!= null)&&(!this.requestHeader.isEmpty()))?this.getRequestHeader():null);
List rhsRequestHeader;
rhsRequestHeader = (((that.requestHeader!= null)&&(!that.requestHeader.isEmpty()))?that.getRequestHeader():null);
if (!strategy.equals(LocatorUtils.property(thisLocator, "requestHeader", lhsRequestHeader), LocatorUtils.property(thatLocator, "requestHeader", rhsRequestHeader), lhsRequestHeader, rhsRequestHeader)) {
return false;
Id lhsResponseId;
lhsResponseId = this.getResponseId();
Id rhsResponseId;
rhsResponseId = that.getResponseId();
if (!strategy.equals(LocatorUtils.property(thisLocator, "responseId", lhsResponseId), LocatorUtils.property(thatLocator, "responseId", rhsResponseId), lhsResponseId, rhsResponseId)) {
return false;
Id lhsSourceId;
lhsSourceId = this.getSourceId();
Id rhsSourceId;
rhsSourceId = that.getSourceId();
if (!strategy.equals(LocatorUtils.property(thisLocator, "sourceId", lhsSourceId), LocatorUtils.property(thatLocator, "sourceId", rhsSourceId), lhsSourceId, rhsSourceId)) {
return false;
Id lhsTargetId;
lhsTargetId = this.getTargetId();
Id rhsTargetId;
rhsTargetId = that.getTargetId();
if (!strategy.equals(LocatorUtils.property(thisLocator, "targetId", lhsTargetId), LocatorUtils.property(thatLocator, "targetId", rhsTargetId), lhsTargetId, rhsTargetId)) {
return false;
org.hl7.fhir.String lhsUrl;
lhsUrl = this.getUrl();
org.hl7.fhir.String rhsUrl;
rhsUrl = that.getUrl();
if (!strategy.equals(LocatorUtils.property(thisLocator, "url", lhsUrl), LocatorUtils.property(thatLocator, "url", rhsUrl), lhsUrl, rhsUrl)) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean equals(Object object) {
final EqualsStrategy strategy = JAXBEqualsStrategy.INSTANCE;
return equals(null, null, object, strategy);
public int hashCode(ObjectLocator locator, HashCodeStrategy strategy) {
int currentHashCode = super.hashCode(locator, strategy);
Coding theType;
theType = this.getType();
currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(LocatorUtils.property(locator, "type", theType), currentHashCode, theType);
Code theResource;
theResource = this.getResource();
currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(LocatorUtils.property(locator, "resource", theResource), currentHashCode, theResource);
org.hl7.fhir.String theLabel;
theLabel = this.getLabel();
currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(LocatorUtils.property(locator, "label", theLabel), currentHashCode, theLabel);
org.hl7.fhir.String theDescription;
theDescription = this.getDescription();
currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(LocatorUtils.property(locator, "description", theDescription), currentHashCode, theDescription);
ContentType theAccept;
theAccept = this.getAccept();
currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(LocatorUtils.property(locator, "accept", theAccept), currentHashCode, theAccept);
ContentType theContentType;
theContentType = this.getContentType();
currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(LocatorUtils.property(locator, "contentType", theContentType), currentHashCode, theContentType);
Integer theDestination;
theDestination = this.getDestination();
currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(LocatorUtils.property(locator, "destination", theDestination), currentHashCode, theDestination);
Boolean theEncodeRequestUrl;
theEncodeRequestUrl = this.getEncodeRequestUrl();
currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(LocatorUtils.property(locator, "encodeRequestUrl", theEncodeRequestUrl), currentHashCode, theEncodeRequestUrl);
Integer theOrigin;
theOrigin = this.getOrigin();
currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(LocatorUtils.property(locator, "origin", theOrigin), currentHashCode, theOrigin);
org.hl7.fhir.String theParams;
theParams = this.getParams();
currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(LocatorUtils.property(locator, "params", theParams), currentHashCode, theParams);
List theRequestHeader;
theRequestHeader = (((this.requestHeader!= null)&&(!this.requestHeader.isEmpty()))?this.getRequestHeader():null);
currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(LocatorUtils.property(locator, "requestHeader", theRequestHeader), currentHashCode, theRequestHeader);
Id theResponseId;
theResponseId = this.getResponseId();
currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(LocatorUtils.property(locator, "responseId", theResponseId), currentHashCode, theResponseId);
Id theSourceId;
theSourceId = this.getSourceId();
currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(LocatorUtils.property(locator, "sourceId", theSourceId), currentHashCode, theSourceId);
Id theTargetId;
theTargetId = this.getTargetId();
currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(LocatorUtils.property(locator, "targetId", theTargetId), currentHashCode, theTargetId);
org.hl7.fhir.String theUrl;
theUrl = this.getUrl();
currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(LocatorUtils.property(locator, "url", theUrl), currentHashCode, theUrl);
return currentHashCode;
public int hashCode() {
final HashCodeStrategy strategy = JAXBHashCodeStrategy.INSTANCE;
return this.hashCode(null, strategy);
public java.lang.String toString() {
final ToStringStrategy strategy = JAXBToStringStrategy.INSTANCE;
final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
append(null, buffer, strategy);
return buffer.toString();
public StringBuilder append(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy strategy) {
strategy.appendStart(locator, this, buffer);
appendFields(locator, buffer, strategy);
strategy.appendEnd(locator, this, buffer);
return buffer;
public StringBuilder appendFields(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy strategy) {
super.appendFields(locator, buffer, strategy);
Coding theType;
theType = this.getType();
strategy.appendField(locator, this, "type", buffer, theType);
Code theResource;
theResource = this.getResource();
strategy.appendField(locator, this, "resource", buffer, theResource);
org.hl7.fhir.String theLabel;
theLabel = this.getLabel();
strategy.appendField(locator, this, "label", buffer, theLabel);
org.hl7.fhir.String theDescription;
theDescription = this.getDescription();
strategy.appendField(locator, this, "description", buffer, theDescription);
ContentType theAccept;
theAccept = this.getAccept();
strategy.appendField(locator, this, "accept", buffer, theAccept);
ContentType theContentType;
theContentType = this.getContentType();
strategy.appendField(locator, this, "contentType", buffer, theContentType);
Integer theDestination;
theDestination = this.getDestination();
strategy.appendField(locator, this, "destination", buffer, theDestination);
Boolean theEncodeRequestUrl;
theEncodeRequestUrl = this.getEncodeRequestUrl();
strategy.appendField(locator, this, "encodeRequestUrl", buffer, theEncodeRequestUrl);
Integer theOrigin;
theOrigin = this.getOrigin();
strategy.appendField(locator, this, "origin", buffer, theOrigin);
org.hl7.fhir.String theParams;
theParams = this.getParams();
strategy.appendField(locator, this, "params", buffer, theParams);
List theRequestHeader;
theRequestHeader = (((this.requestHeader!= null)&&(!this.requestHeader.isEmpty()))?this.getRequestHeader():null);
strategy.appendField(locator, this, "requestHeader", buffer, theRequestHeader);
Id theResponseId;
theResponseId = this.getResponseId();
strategy.appendField(locator, this, "responseId", buffer, theResponseId);
Id theSourceId;
theSourceId = this.getSourceId();
strategy.appendField(locator, this, "sourceId", buffer, theSourceId);
Id theTargetId;
theTargetId = this.getTargetId();
strategy.appendField(locator, this, "targetId", buffer, theTargetId);
org.hl7.fhir.String theUrl;
theUrl = this.getUrl();
strategy.appendField(locator, this, "url", buffer, theUrl);
return buffer;