info.freelibrary.pairtree.s3.S3Pairtree Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package info.freelibrary.pairtree.s3;
import static info.freelibrary.pairtree.Constants.BUNDLE_NAME;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
import com.amazonaws.regions.Region;
import info.freelibrary.pairtree.AbstractPairtree;
import info.freelibrary.pairtree.Constants;
import info.freelibrary.pairtree.HTTP;
import info.freelibrary.pairtree.MessageCodes;
import info.freelibrary.pairtree.PairtreeObject;
import info.freelibrary.util.Logger;
import info.freelibrary.util.LoggerFactory;
import info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils;
import info.freelibrary.vertx.s3.S3Client;
import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult;
import io.vertx.core.CompositeFuture;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer;
* A S3 backed Pairtree implementation.
public class S3Pairtree extends AbstractPairtree {
/** AWS access key */
public static final String AWS_ACCESS_KEY = "AWS_ACCESS_KEY";
/** AWS secret key */
public static final String AWS_SECRET_KEY = "AWS_SECRET_KEY";
/** AWS region for the S3 bucket */
public static final String AWS_REGION = "AWS_REGION";
/** An S3 Pairtree logger. */
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(S3Pairtree.class, BUNDLE_NAME);
/** The Pairtree's S3 bucket */
private final String myBucket;
/** The Pairtree's S3 bucket path */
private final Optional myBucketPath;
/** The S3 client to use for the Pairtree's operations */
private final S3Client myS3Client;
* Creates S3Pairtree using the supplied S3 bucket, access key and secret key.
* @param aVertx A Vert.x instance with which to instantiate the S3Client
* @param aBucket An S3 bucket in which to put the Pairtree
* @param aAccessKey An S3 access key
* @param aSecretKey An S3 secret key
public S3Pairtree(final Vertx aVertx, final String aBucket, final String aAccessKey, final String aSecretKey) {
this(Optional.empty(), aVertx, aBucket, Optional.empty(), aAccessKey, aSecretKey, Optional.empty());
* Creates S3Pairtree using the supplied S3 bucket, access key and secret key.
* @param aVertx A Vert.x instance with which to instantiate the S3Client
* @param aBucket An S3 bucket in which to put the Pairtree
* @param aBucketPath A path in an S3 bucket in which to put the Pairtree
* @param aAccessKey An S3 access key
* @param aSecretKey An S3 secret key
public S3Pairtree(final Vertx aVertx, final String aBucket, final String aBucketPath, final String aAccessKey,
final String aSecretKey) {
this(Optional.empty(), aVertx, aBucket, Optional.of(aBucketPath), aAccessKey, aSecretKey, Optional.empty());
* Creates S3Pairtree using the supplied S3 bucket, access key and secret key.
* @param aVertx A Vert.x instance with which to instantiate the S3Client
* @param aBucket An S3 bucket in which to put the Pairtree
* @param aAccessKey An S3 access key
* @param aSecretKey An S3 secret key
* @param aEndpoint An S3 endpoint
public S3Pairtree(final Vertx aVertx, final String aBucket, final String aAccessKey, final String aSecretKey,
final Region aEndpoint) {
this(Optional.empty(), aVertx, aBucket, Optional.empty(), aAccessKey, aSecretKey, Optional.of(aEndpoint));
* Creates S3Pairtree using the supplied S3 bucket, access key and secret key.
* @param aVertx A Vert.x instance with which to instantiate the S3Client
* @param aBucket An S3 bucket in which to put the Pairtree
* @param aBucketPath A path in an S3 bucket in which to put the Pairtree
* @param aAccessKey An S3 access key
* @param aSecretKey An S3 secret key
* @param aEndpoint An S3 endpoint
public S3Pairtree(final Vertx aVertx, final String aBucket, final String aBucketPath, final String aAccessKey,
final String aSecretKey, final Region aEndpoint) {
this(Optional.empty(), aVertx, aBucket, Optional.of(aBucketPath), aAccessKey, aSecretKey, Optional.of(
* Creates S3Pairtree using the supplied S3 bucket, access key and secret key.
* @param aPairtreePrefix A Pairtree prefix
* @param aVertx A Vert.x instance with which to instantiate the S3Client
* @param aBucket An S3 bucket in which to put the Pairtree
* @param aAccessKey An S3 access key
* @param aSecretKey An S3 secret key
public S3Pairtree(final String aPairtreePrefix, final Vertx aVertx, final String aBucket, final String aAccessKey,
final String aSecretKey) {
this(Optional.of(aPairtreePrefix), aVertx, aBucket, Optional.empty(), aAccessKey, aSecretKey, Optional
* Creates S3Pairtree using the supplied S3 bucket, access key and secret key.
* @param aPairtreePrefix A Pairtree prefix
* @param aVertx A Vert.x instance with which to instantiate the S3Client
* @param aBucket An S3 bucket in which to put the Pairtree
* @param aBucketPath A path in an S3 bucket in which to put the Pairtree
* @param aAccessKey An S3 access key
* @param aSecretKey An S3 secret key
public S3Pairtree(final String aPairtreePrefix, final Vertx aVertx, final String aBucket,
final String aBucketPath, final String aAccessKey, final String aSecretKey) {
this(Optional.of(aPairtreePrefix), aVertx, aBucket, Optional.of(aBucketPath), aAccessKey, aSecretKey, Optional
* Creates S3Pairtree using the supplied S3 bucket, access key and secret key.
* @param aPairtreePrefix A Pairtree prefix
* @param aVertx A Vert.x instance with which to instantiate the S3Client
* @param aBucket An S3 bucket in which to put the Pairtree
* @param aAccessKey An S3 access key
* @param aSecretKey An S3 secret key
* @param aRegion An S3 endpoint
public S3Pairtree(final String aPairtreePrefix, final Vertx aVertx, final String aBucket, final String aAccessKey,
final String aSecretKey, final Region aRegion) {
this(Optional.of(aPairtreePrefix), aVertx, aBucket, Optional.empty(), aAccessKey, aSecretKey, Optional.of(
* Creates S3Pairtree using the supplied S3 bucket, access key and secret key.
* @param aPairtreePrefix A Pairtree prefix
* @param aVertx A Vert.x instance with which to instantiate the S3Client
* @param aBucket An S3 bucket in which to put the Pairtree
* @param aBucketPath A path in an S3 bucket in which to put the Pairtree
* @param aAccessKey An S3 access key
* @param aSecretKey An S3 secret key
* @param aRegion An S3 endpoint
public S3Pairtree(final String aPairtreePrefix, final Vertx aVertx, final String aBucket,
final String aBucketPath, final String aAccessKey, final String aSecretKey, final Region aRegion) {
this(Optional.of(aPairtreePrefix), aVertx, aBucket, Optional.of(aBucketPath), aAccessKey, aSecretKey, Optional
* Creates S3Pairtree using the supplied S3 bucket, access key and secret key.
* @param aPairtreePrefix A Pairtree prefix
* @param aVertx A Vert.x instance with which to instantiate the S3Client
* @param aBucket An S3 bucket in which to put the Pairtree
* @param aAccessKey An S3 access key
* @param aSecretKey An S3 secret key
* @param aRegion An S3 endpoint
private S3Pairtree(final Optional aPairtreePrefix, final Vertx aVertx, final String aBucket,
final Optional aBucketPath, final String aAccessKey, final String aSecretKey,
final Optional aRegion) {
Objects.requireNonNull(StringUtils.trimToNull(aBucket), getI18n(MessageCodes.PT_015));
Objects.requireNonNull(StringUtils.trimToNull(aAccessKey), getI18n(MessageCodes.PT_016));
Objects.requireNonNull(StringUtils.trimToNull(aSecretKey), getI18n(MessageCodes.PT_017));
if (aRegion.isPresent()) {
myS3Client = new S3Client(aVertx, aAccessKey, aSecretKey, aRegion.get().getServiceEndpoint("s3"));
} else {
myS3Client = new S3Client(aVertx, aAccessKey, aSecretKey);
myBucket = aBucket;
myPrefix = aPairtreePrefix;
if (aBucketPath.isPresent()) {
if (aBucketPath.get().charAt(0) == '/') {
myBucketPath = aBucketPath;
} else {
myBucketPath = Optional.of(Constants.PATH_SEP + aBucketPath.get());
} else {
myBucketPath = aBucketPath;
if (myPrefix.isPresent()) {
LOGGER.debug(MessageCodes.PT_DEBUG_002, myBucket, myPrefix);
} else {
LOGGER.debug(MessageCodes.PT_DEBUG_001, myBucket);
public PairtreeObject getObject(final String aID) {
return new S3PairtreeObject(myS3Client, this, aID);
public List getObjects(final List aIDList) {
final List ptObjList = new ArrayList<>();
final Iterator iterator = aIDList.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
final String id =;
ptObjList.add(new S3PairtreeObject(myS3Client, this, id));
return ptObjList;
public void exists(final Handler> aHandler) {
Objects.requireNonNull(aHandler, getI18n(MessageCodes.PT_010));
final Future future = Future.future().setHandler(aHandler);
myS3Client.get(myBucket, getVersionFilePath(), getVersionResponse -> {
final int versionStatusCode = getVersionResponse.statusCode();
if (versionStatusCode == HTTP.OK) {
if (hasPrefix()) {
myS3Client.get(myBucket, getPrefixFilePath(), getPrefixResponse -> {
final int prefixStatusCode = getPrefixResponse.statusCode();
if (prefixStatusCode == HTTP.OK) {
} else if (prefixStatusCode == HTTP.NOT_FOUND) {
} else {
final int statusCode = getPrefixResponse.statusCode();
final String statusMessage = getPrefixResponse.statusMessage();, statusCode, statusMessage));
} else {
} else if (versionStatusCode == HTTP.NOT_FOUND) {
} else {
final int statusCode = getVersionResponse.statusCode();
final String statusMessage = getVersionResponse.statusMessage();, statusCode, statusMessage));
public void create(final Handler> aHandler) {
Objects.requireNonNull(aHandler, getI18n(MessageCodes.PT_010));
final Future future = Future.future().setHandler(aHandler);
final StringBuilder specNote = new StringBuilder();
final String ptVersion = getI18n(MessageCodes.PT_011, PT_VERSION_NUM);
myS3Client.put(myBucket, getVersionFilePath(), Buffer.buffer(specNote.toString()), putVersionResponse -> {
if (putVersionResponse.statusCode() == HTTP.OK) {
if (hasPrefix()) {
final String prefix = myPrefix.get();
myS3Client.put(myBucket, getPrefixFilePath(), Buffer.buffer(prefix), putPrefixResponse -> {
if (putPrefixResponse.statusCode() == HTTP.OK) {
} else {
final int statusCode = putPrefixResponse.statusCode();
final String statusMessage = putPrefixResponse.statusMessage();, statusCode, statusMessage));
} else {
} else {
final int statusCode = putVersionResponse.statusCode();
final String statusMessage = putVersionResponse.statusMessage();, statusCode, statusMessage));
public void delete(final Handler> aHandler) {
Objects.requireNonNull(aHandler, getI18n(MessageCodes.PT_010));
final Future future = Future.future().setHandler(aHandler);
myS3Client.list(myBucket, listResponse -> {
if (listResponse.statusCode() == HTTP.OK) {
listResponse.bodyHandler(bodyHandler -> {
final SAXParserFactory saxParserFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
try {
final SAXParser saxParser = saxParserFactory.newSAXParser();
final XMLReader xmlReader = saxParser.getXMLReader();
final ObjectListHandler s3ListHandler = new ObjectListHandler();
final List futures = new ArrayList<>();
final List keyList;
xmlReader.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(bodyHandler.toString())));
keyList = s3ListHandler.getKeys();
for (final String key : keyList) {
final Future deleteFuture = Future.future();
myS3Client.delete(myBucket, key, deleteResponse -> {
if (deleteResponse.statusCode() == HTTP.NO_CONTENT) {
} else {
final int statusCode = deleteResponse.statusCode();
final String statusMessage = deleteResponse.statusMessage();, statusCode, statusMessage));
CompositeFuture.all(futures).setHandler(futuresHandler -> {
if (futuresHandler.succeeded()) {
} else {;
} catch (final ParserConfigurationException | SAXException | IOException details) {;
} else {
final int statusCode = listResponse.statusCode();
final String statusMessage = listResponse.statusMessage();, statusCode, statusMessage));
public String toString() {
return "s3://" + Constants.PATH_SEP + myBucket + getBucketPath() + Constants.PATH_SEP + PAIRTREE_ROOT;
public String getPath() {
return myBucket + getBucketPath();
* Gets the path at which the Pairtree is found. This will be an empty string if the Pairtree is at the root of
* the S3 bucket.
* @return The path in the s3 bucket to the Pairtree
public String getBucketPath() {
return myBucketPath.orElse("");
public String getPrefixFilePath() {
final String bucketPath = getBucketPath();
return "".equals(bucketPath) ? PAIRTREE_PREFIX : bucketPath + Constants.PATH_SEP + PAIRTREE_PREFIX;
public String getVersionFilePath() {
final String bucketPath = getBucketPath();
return "".equals(bucketPath) ? getVersionFileName() : bucketPath + Constants.PATH_SEP + getVersionFileName();
* Returns the S3 client that the Pairtree uses.
* @return The S3 client that the Pairtree uses
public S3Client getS3Client() {
return myS3Client;
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