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* Copyright the original author or authors.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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package de.schildbach.pte;
import static;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.JSONTokener;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Departure;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Line;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.LineDestination;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Location;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.LocationType;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.NearbyLocationsResult;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.NearbyLocationsResult.Status;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Point;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Position;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Product;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.QueryDeparturesResult;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.QueryTripsContext;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.QueryTripsResult;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.ResultHeader;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.StationDepartures;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Stop;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Style;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Style.Shape;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.SuggestLocationsResult;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.SuggestedLocation;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Trip;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Trip.Individual;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Trip.Leg;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Trip.Public;
import de.schildbach.pte.dto.TripOptions;
import de.schildbach.pte.exception.NotFoundException;
import de.schildbach.pte.exception.ParserException;
import okhttp3.HttpUrl;
* @author Antonio El Khoury
* @author Andreas Schildbach
* @author Torsten Grote
public abstract class AbstractNavitiaProvider extends AbstractNetworkProvider {
protected final static String SERVER_PRODUCT = "navitia";
protected final static String SERVER_VERSION = "v1";
protected HttpUrl apiBase = HttpUrl.parse("").newBuilder().addPathSegment(SERVER_VERSION)
private enum PlaceType {
private enum SectionType {
private enum TransferType {
private enum PhysicalMode {
private static class Context implements QueryTripsContext {
private final Location from;
private final Location to;
private final String prevQueryUri;
private final String nextQueryUri;
private Context(final Location from, final Location to, final String prevQueryUri, final String nextQueryUri) {
this.from = from; = to;
this.prevQueryUri = prevQueryUri;
this.nextQueryUri = nextQueryUri;
public boolean canQueryLater() {
return (from != null && to != null && nextQueryUri != null);
public boolean canQueryEarlier() {
return (from != null && to != null && prevQueryUri != null);
public String toString() {
return getClass().getName() + "[" + from + "|" + to + "|" + prevQueryUri + "|" + nextQueryUri + "]";
public AbstractNavitiaProvider(final NetworkId network, final HttpUrl apiBase, final String authorization) {
this(network, authorization);
this.apiBase = apiBase;
public AbstractNavitiaProvider(final NetworkId network, final String authorization) {
if (authorization != null)
httpClient.setHeader("Authorization", authorization);
protected abstract String region();
protected int computeForegroundColor(final String lineColor) {
int bgColor = Style.parseColor(lineColor);
return Style.deriveForegroundColor(bgColor);
protected Style getLineStyle(final String network, final Product product, final String code, final String color) {
return getLineStyle(network, product, code, color, null);
protected Style getLineStyle(final String network, final Product product, final String code,
final String backgroundColor, final String foregroundColor) {
if (backgroundColor != null) {
if (foregroundColor == null)
return new Style(Shape.RECT, Style.parseColor(backgroundColor),
return new Style(Shape.RECT, Style.parseColor(backgroundColor), Style.parseColor(foregroundColor));
} else {
final Style defaultStyle = Standard.STYLES.get(product);
return new Style(Shape.RECT, defaultStyle.backgroundColor, defaultStyle.backgroundColor2,
defaultStyle.foregroundColor, defaultStyle.borderColor);
private HttpUrl.Builder url() {
return apiBase.newBuilder().addPathSegment("coverage").addPathSegment(region());
private Point parseCoord(final JSONObject coord) throws IOException {
try {
final double lat = coord.getDouble("lat");
final double lon = coord.getDouble("lon");
return Point.fromDouble(lat, lon);
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);
private LocationType getLocationType(PlaceType placeType) {
switch (placeType) {
case STOP_POINT: {
return LocationType.STATION;
case STOP_AREA: {
return LocationType.STATION;
case ADDRESS: {
return LocationType.ADDRESS;
case POI: {
return LocationType.POI;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled place type: " + placeType);
* Some Navitia providers return location names with wrong case. This method can be used to fix the name
* when locations are parsed.
* @param name
* The name of the location
* @return the fixed name of the location
protected String getLocationName(String name) {
return name;
* Navitia always formats the address label in the French way.
* This method can be used to display addresses in a localized way.
* It defaults to putting the house number behind the street name.
* @param name The name of the address. Usually a street name.
* @param houseNumber The house number of the address.
* @return the localized name of the address location
protected String getAddressName(final String name, final String houseNumber) {
return name + " " + houseNumber;
private Location parsePlace(JSONObject location, PlaceType placeType) throws IOException {
try {
final LocationType type = getLocationType(placeType);
String id = null;
if (placeType != PlaceType.ADDRESS && placeType != PlaceType.POI)
id = location.getString("id");
final JSONObject coord = location.getJSONObject("coord");
final Point point = parseCoord(coord);
final String placeName = location.getString("name");
String name;
if (placeType == PlaceType.ADDRESS) {
final String houseNumber = location.optString("house_number", "0");
name = houseNumber.equals("0") ? placeName : getAddressName(placeName, houseNumber);
} else {
name = getLocationName(placeName);
String place = null;
if (location.has("administrative_regions")) {
JSONArray admin = location.getJSONArray("administrative_regions");
if (admin.length() > 0)
place = Strings.emptyToNull(admin.getJSONObject(0).optString("name"));
Set products = null;
if (location.has("stop_area") && location.getJSONObject("stop_area").has("physical_modes")) {
products = EnumSet.noneOf(Product.class);
JSONArray physicalModes = location.getJSONObject("stop_area").getJSONArray("physical_modes");
for (int i = 0; i < physicalModes.length(); i++) {
JSONObject mode = physicalModes.getJSONObject(i);
Product product = parseLineProductFromMode(mode.getString("id"));
if (product != null)
return new Location(type, id, point, place, name, products);
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);
private Location parseAdministrativeRegion(final JSONObject j) throws IOException {
try {
final JSONObject coord = j.getJSONObject("coord");
final Point point = parseCoord(coord);
final String name = j.getString("name");
return new Location(LocationType.POI, null, point, null, name);
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);
private Location parseLocation(final JSONObject j) throws IOException {
try {
final String type = j.getString("embedded_type");
final PlaceType placeType = PlaceType.valueOf(type.toUpperCase());
JSONObject location;
switch (placeType) {
case STOP_POINT: {
location = j.getJSONObject("stop_point");
case STOP_AREA: {
location = j.getJSONObject("stop_area");
case ADDRESS: {
location = j.getJSONObject("address");
case POI: {
location = j.getJSONObject("poi");
return parseAdministrativeRegion(j.getJSONObject("administrative_region"));
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled place type: " + type);
return parsePlace(location, placeType);
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);
private String printLocation(final Location location) {
if (location.hasId())
else if (location.hasCoord())
return location.getLonAsDouble() + ";" + location.getLatAsDouble();
return "";
private Date parseDate(final String dateString) throws ParseException {
return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss").parse(dateString);
private String printDate(final Date date) {
return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss").format(date);
private LinkedList parsePath(final JSONArray coordinates) throws IOException {
LinkedList path = new LinkedList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.length(); ++i) {
try {
final JSONArray jsonPoint = coordinates.getJSONArray(i);
final double lon = jsonPoint.getDouble(0);
final double lat = jsonPoint.getDouble(1);
final Point point = Point.fromDouble(lat, lon);
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);
return path;
private class LegInfo {
public final Location departure;
public final Date departureTime;
public final Location arrival;
public final Date arrivalTime;
public final List path;
public final int distance;
public final int min;
public LegInfo(final Location departure, final Date departureTime, final Location arrival,
final Date arrivalTime, final List path, final int distance, final int min) {
this.departure = departure;
this.departureTime = departureTime;
this.arrival = arrival;
this.arrivalTime = arrivalTime;
this.path = path;
this.distance = distance;
this.min = min;
private LegInfo parseLegInfo(final JSONObject section) throws IOException {
try {
final String type = section.getString("type");
if (!type.equals("waiting")) {
// Build departure location.
final JSONObject sectionFrom = section.getJSONObject("from");
final Location departure = parseLocation(sectionFrom);
// Build departure time.
final String departureDateTime = section.getString("departure_date_time");
final Date departureTime = parseDate(departureDateTime);
// Build arrival location.
final JSONObject sectionTo = section.getJSONObject("to");
final Location arrival = parseLocation(sectionTo);
// Build arrival time.
final String arrivalDateTime = section.getString("arrival_date_time");
final Date arrivalTime = parseDate(arrivalDateTime);
// Build path and distance. Check first that geojson
// object exists.
LinkedList path = null;
int distance = 0;
if (section.has("geojson")) {
final JSONObject jsonPath = section.getJSONObject("geojson");
final JSONArray coordinates = jsonPath.getJSONArray("coordinates");
path = parsePath(coordinates);
final JSONArray properties = jsonPath.getJSONArray("properties");
for (int i = 0; i < properties.length(); ++i) {
final JSONObject property = properties.getJSONObject(i);
if (property.has("length")) {
distance = property.getInt("length");
// Build duration in min.
final int min = section.getInt("duration") / 60;
return new LegInfo(departure, departureTime, arrival, arrivalTime, path, distance, min);
} else {
return null;
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);
} catch (final ParseException parseExc) {
throw new ParserException(parseExc);
private Line parseLineFromSection(final JSONObject section, final SectionType type) throws IOException {
try {
final JSONArray links = section.getJSONArray("links");
String lineId = null;
String modeId = null;
for (int i = 0; i < links.length(); ++i) {
final JSONObject link = links.getJSONObject(i);
final String linkType = link.getString("type");
if (linkType.equals("line"))
lineId = link.getString("id");
else if (linkType.equals("physical_mode"))
modeId = link.getString("id");
final Product product = type == SectionType.ON_DEMAND_TRANSPORT ? Product.ON_DEMAND
: parseLineProductFromMode(modeId);
final JSONObject displayInfo = section.getJSONObject("display_informations");
final String network = Strings.emptyToNull(displayInfo.optString("network"));
final String code = displayInfo.getString("code");
final String color = Strings.emptyToNull(displayInfo.getString("color"));
final String name = Strings.emptyToNull(displayInfo.optString("headsign"));
final Style lineStyle = getLineStyle(network, product, code, color != null ? "#" + color : null);
return new Line(lineId, network, product, code, name, lineStyle);
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);
private Stop parseStop(final JSONObject stopDateTime) throws IOException {
try {
// Build location.
final JSONObject stopPoint = stopDateTime.getJSONObject("stop_point");
final Location location = parsePlace(stopPoint, PlaceType.STOP_POINT);
// Build planned arrival time.
final Date plannedArrivalTime = parseDate(stopDateTime.getString("arrival_date_time"));
// Build planned arrival position.
final Position plannedArrivalPosition = null;
// Build planned departure time.
final Date plannedDepartureTime = parseDate(stopDateTime.getString("departure_date_time"));
// Build planned departure position.
final Position plannedDeparturePosition = null;
return new Stop(location, plannedArrivalTime, plannedArrivalPosition, plannedDepartureTime,
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);
} catch (final ParseException parseExc) {
throw new ParserException(parseExc);
private Leg parseLeg(final JSONObject section) throws IOException {
try {
// Build common leg info.
final LegInfo legInfo = parseLegInfo(section);
if (legInfo == null)
return null;
final String type = section.getString("type");
final SectionType sectionType = SectionType.valueOf(type.toUpperCase());
switch (sectionType) {
case CROW_FLY: {
// Return null leg if duration is 0.
if (legInfo.min == 0)
return null;
// Build type.
final Individual.Type individualType = Individual.Type.WALK;
return new Individual(individualType, legInfo.departure, legInfo.departureTime, legInfo.arrival,
legInfo.arrivalTime, legInfo.path, legInfo.distance);
// Build line.
final Line line = parseLineFromSection(section, sectionType);
// Build destination.
final JSONObject displayInfo = section.getJSONObject("display_informations");
final String direction = displayInfo.getString("direction");
final Location destination = new Location(LocationType.ANY, null, null, getLocationName(direction));
final JSONArray stopDateTimes = section.getJSONArray("stop_date_times");
final int nbStopDateTime = stopDateTimes.length();
// Build departure stop.
final Stop departureStop = parseStop(stopDateTimes.getJSONObject(0));
// Build arrival stop.
final Stop arrivalStop = parseStop(stopDateTimes.getJSONObject(nbStopDateTime - 1));
// Build intermediate stops.
final LinkedList intermediateStops = new LinkedList<>();
for (int i = 1; i < nbStopDateTime - 1; ++i) {
final Stop intermediateStop = parseStop(stopDateTimes.getJSONObject(i));
// Build message.
final String message = null;
return new Public(line, destination, departureStop, arrivalStop, intermediateStops, legInfo.path,
final String modeType = section.getString("mode");
final TransferType transferType = TransferType.valueOf(modeType.toUpperCase());
// Build type.
final Individual.Type individualType;
switch (transferType) {
case BIKE:
individualType = Individual.Type.BIKE;
individualType = Individual.Type.WALK;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled transfer type: " + modeType);
return new Individual(individualType, legInfo.departure, legInfo.departureTime, legInfo.arrival,
legInfo.arrivalTime, legInfo.path, legInfo.distance);
case TRANSFER: {
// Build type.
final Individual.Type individualType = Individual.Type.WALK;
return new Individual(individualType, legInfo.departure, legInfo.departureTime, legInfo.arrival,
legInfo.arrivalTime, legInfo.path, legInfo.distance);
case WAITING: {
return null;
// Do not add leg in case of waiting on the peer.
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled leg type: " + type);
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);
private void parseQueryTripsResult(final JSONObject head, final Location from, final Location to,
final QueryTripsResult result) throws IOException {
try {
// Fill trips.
final JSONArray journeys = head.getJSONArray("journeys");
for (int i = 0; i < journeys.length(); ++i) {
final JSONObject journey = journeys.getJSONObject(i);
final int changeCount = journey.getInt("nb_transfers");
// Build leg list.
final List legs = new LinkedList<>();
final JSONArray sections = journey.getJSONArray("sections");
for (int j = 0; j < sections.length(); ++j) {
final JSONObject section = sections.getJSONObject(j);
final Leg leg = parseLeg(section);
if (leg != null)
result.trips.add(new Trip(null, from, to, legs, null, null, changeCount));
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);
private Line parseLine(final JSONObject jsonRoute) throws IOException {
try {
final JSONObject jsonLine = jsonRoute.getJSONObject("line");
final String lineId = jsonLine.getString("id");
String network = null;
if (jsonLine.has("network"))
network = Strings.emptyToNull(jsonLine.getJSONObject("network").optString("name"));
final JSONObject mode = jsonRoute.getJSONArray("physical_modes").getJSONObject(0);
final String modeId = mode.getString("id");
final Product product = parseLineProductFromMode(modeId);
final String code = jsonLine.getString("code");
final String name = Strings.emptyToNull(jsonLine.optString("name"));
final String color = Strings.emptyToNull(jsonLine.getString("color"));
final String textColor = Strings.emptyToNull(jsonLine.optString("text_color"));
final Style lineStyle = getLineStyle(network, product, code, color != null ? "#" + color : null,
textColor != null ? "#" + textColor : null);
return new Line(lineId, network, product, code, name, lineStyle);
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);
private @Nullable Product parseLineProductFromMode(final String modeId) {
final String modeType = modeId.replace("physical_mode:", "");
final PhysicalMode physicalMode = PhysicalMode.valueOf(modeType.toUpperCase());
switch (physicalMode) {
case BUS:
case COACH:
return Product.BUS;
case TRAIN:
case VAL:
return Product.SUBURBAN_TRAIN;
case TRAM:
return Product.TRAM;
case METRO:
return Product.SUBWAY;
case FERRY:
return Product.FERRY;
return Product.CABLECAR;
case TAXI:
return Product.ON_DEMAND;
case OTHER:
return null;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled physical mode: " + modeId);
private LineDestination getStationLine(final Line line, final JSONObject jsonDeparture) throws IOException {
try {
final JSONObject route = jsonDeparture.getJSONObject("route");
final JSONObject direction = route.getJSONObject("direction");
final Location destination = parseLocation(direction);
return new LineDestination(line, destination);
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);
private String getStopAreaId(final String stopPointId) throws IOException {
final HttpUrl.Builder url = url().addPathSegment("stop_points").addPathSegment(stopPointId);
url.addQueryParameter("depth", "1");
final CharSequence page = httpClient.get(;
try {
final JSONObject head = new JSONObject(page.toString());
final JSONArray stopPoints = head.getJSONArray("stop_points");
final JSONObject stopPoint = stopPoints.getJSONObject(0);
final JSONObject stopArea = stopPoint.getJSONObject("stop_area");
return stopArea.getString("id");
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);
protected boolean hasCapability(final Capability capability) {
if (capability == Capability.SUGGEST_LOCATIONS || capability == Capability.NEARBY_LOCATIONS
|| capability == Capability.DEPARTURES || capability == Capability.TRIPS)
return true;
return false;
public NearbyLocationsResult queryNearbyLocations(final Set types, final Location location,
int maxDistance, final int maxLocations) throws IOException {
final ResultHeader resultHeader = new ResultHeader(network, SERVER_PRODUCT, SERVER_VERSION, null, 0, null);
// Build url depending of location type.
final HttpUrl.Builder url = url();
if (location.hasCoord()) {
final double lon = location.getLonAsDouble();
final double lat = location.getLatAsDouble();
url.addPathSegment("coords").addPathSegment(lon + ";" + lat);
} else if (location.type == LocationType.STATION) {
if (!location.isIdentified())
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
} else if (location.type == LocationType.POI) {
if (!location.isIdentified())
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled location type: " + location.type);
url.addQueryParameter("type[]", "stop_point");
url.addQueryParameter("distance", Integer.toString(maxDistance == 0 ? 50000 : maxDistance));
if (maxLocations > 0)
url.addQueryParameter("count", Integer.toString(maxLocations));
url.addQueryParameter("depth", "3");
final CharSequence page = httpClient.get(;
try {
final JSONObject head = new JSONObject(page.toString());
final JSONObject pagination = head.getJSONObject("pagination");
final int nbResults = pagination.getInt("total_result");
// If no result is available, location id must be
// faulty.
if (nbResults == 0) {
return new NearbyLocationsResult(resultHeader, Status.INVALID_ID);
} else {
final List stations = new ArrayList<>();
final JSONArray places = head.getJSONArray("places_nearby");
// Cycle through nearby stations.
for (int i = 0; i < places.length(); ++i) {
final JSONObject place = places.getJSONObject(i);
// Add location to station list only if
// station is active, i.e. at least one
// departure exists within one hour.
final Location nearbyLocation = parseLocation(place);
return new NearbyLocationsResult(resultHeader, stations);
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);
public QueryDeparturesResult queryDepartures(final String stationId, final @Nullable Date time,
final int maxDepartures, final boolean equivs) throws IOException {
final ResultHeader resultHeader = new ResultHeader(network, SERVER_PRODUCT, SERVER_VERSION, null, 0, null);
try {
final QueryDeparturesResult result = new QueryDeparturesResult(resultHeader,
// If equivs is equal to true, get stop_area corresponding
// to stop_point and query departures.
final HttpUrl.Builder url = url();
final String header = stationId.substring(0, stationId.indexOf(":"));
if (equivs && header.equals("stop_point")) {
final String stopAreaId = getStopAreaId(stationId);
} else if (header.equals("stop_area")) {
} else {
url.addQueryParameter("from_datetime", printDate(time));
url.addQueryParameter("count", Integer.toString(maxDepartures));
url.addQueryParameter("duration", "86400");
url.addQueryParameter("depth", "0");
final CharSequence page = httpClient.get(;
final JSONObject head = new JSONObject(page.toString());
final JSONArray departures = head.getJSONArray("departures");
// Fill departures in StationDepartures.
for (int i = 0; i < departures.length(); ++i) {
final JSONObject jsonDeparture = departures.getJSONObject(i);
// Build departure date.
final JSONObject stopDateTime = jsonDeparture.getJSONObject("stop_date_time");
final String departureDateTime = stopDateTime.getString("departure_date_time");
final Date plannedTime = parseDate(departureDateTime);
// Build line.
final JSONObject route = jsonDeparture.getJSONObject("route");
final Line line = parseLine(route);
final JSONObject stopPoint = jsonDeparture.getJSONObject("stop_point");
final Location location = parsePlace(stopPoint, PlaceType.STOP_POINT);
// If stop point has already been added, retrieve it from result,
// otherwise add it and add station lines.
StationDepartures stationDepartures = result.findStationDepartures(;
if (stationDepartures == null) {
stationDepartures = new StationDepartures(location, new LinkedList(),
new LinkedList());
final LineDestination lineDestination = getStationLine(line, jsonDeparture);
final List lines = stationDepartures.lines;
if (lines != null && !lines.contains(lineDestination))
final Location destination = lineDestination.destination;
// Add departure to list.
final Departure departure = new Departure(plannedTime, null, line, null, destination, null, null);
return result;
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);
} catch (final ParseException parseExc) {
throw new ParserException(parseExc);
} catch (final NotFoundException fnfExc) {
try {
final JSONObject head = new JSONObject(fnfExc.getBodyPeek().toString());
final JSONObject error = head.getJSONObject("error");
final String id = error.getString("id");
if (id.equals("unknown_object"))
return new QueryDeparturesResult(resultHeader, QueryDeparturesResult.Status.INVALID_STATION);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled error id: " + id);
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException("Cannot parse error content, original exception linked", fnfExc);
public SuggestLocationsResult suggestLocations(final CharSequence constraint) throws IOException {
final String nameCstr = constraint.toString();
final HttpUrl.Builder url = url().addPathSegment("places");
url.addQueryParameter("q", nameCstr);
url.addQueryParameter("type[]", "stop_area");
url.addQueryParameter("type[]", "address");
url.addQueryParameter("type[]", "poi");
url.addQueryParameter("type[]", "administrative_region");
url.addQueryParameter("depth", "1");
final CharSequence page = httpClient.get(;
try {
final List locations = new ArrayList<>();
final JSONObject head = new JSONObject(page.toString());
if (head.has("places")) {
final JSONArray places = head.getJSONArray("places");
final int numPlaces = places.length();
for (int i = 0; i < numPlaces; ++i) {
final JSONObject place = places.getJSONObject(i);
final int priority = numPlaces - i; // "quality" found in JSON is deprecated, only sort order matters
// Add location to station list.
final Location location = parseLocation(place);
locations.add(new SuggestedLocation(location, priority));
final ResultHeader resultHeader = new ResultHeader(network, SERVER_PRODUCT, SERVER_VERSION, null, 0, null);
return new SuggestLocationsResult(resultHeader, locations);
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);
public QueryTripsResult queryTrips(final Location from, final @Nullable Location via, final Location to,
final Date date, final boolean dep, @Nullable TripOptions options) throws IOException {
final ResultHeader resultHeader = new ResultHeader(network, SERVER_PRODUCT, SERVER_VERSION, null, 0, null);
try {
if (from != null && from.isIdentified() && to != null && to.isIdentified()) {
final HttpUrl.Builder url = apiBase.newBuilder().addPathSegment("journeys");
url.addQueryParameter("from", printLocation(from));
url.addQueryParameter("to", printLocation(to));
url.addQueryParameter("datetime", printDate(date));
url.addQueryParameter("datetime_represents", dep ? "departure" : "arrival");
url.addQueryParameter("min_nb_journeys", Integer.toString(this.numTripsRequested));
url.addQueryParameter("depth", "0");
if (options == null)
options = new TripOptions();
// Set walking speed.
if (options.walkSpeed != null) {
final double walkingSpeed;
switch (options.walkSpeed) {
case SLOW:
walkingSpeed = 1.12 * 0.8;
case FAST:
walkingSpeed = 1.12 * 1.2;
case NORMAL:
walkingSpeed = 1.12;
url.addQueryParameter("walking_speed", Double.toString(walkingSpeed));
if (options.flags != null && options.flags.contains(TripFlag.BIKE)) {
url.addQueryParameter("first_section_mode", "bike");
url.addQueryParameter("last_section_mode", "bike");
// Set forbidden physical modes.
if (options.products != null && !options.products.equals(Product.ALL)) {
url.addQueryParameter("forbidden_uris[]", "physical_mode:Air");
url.addQueryParameter("forbidden_uris[]", "physical_mode:Boat");
if (!options.products.contains(Product.REGIONAL_TRAIN)) {
url.addQueryParameter("forbidden_uris[]", "physical_mode:Localdistancetrain");
url.addQueryParameter("forbidden_uris[]", "physical_mode:Train");
if (!options.products.contains(Product.SUBURBAN_TRAIN)) {
url.addQueryParameter("forbidden_uris[]", "physical_mode:Localtrain");
url.addQueryParameter("forbidden_uris[]", "physical_mode:Train");
url.addQueryParameter("forbidden_uris[]", "physical_mode:Rapidtransit");
if (!options.products.contains(Product.SUBWAY)) {
url.addQueryParameter("forbidden_uris[]", "physical_mode:Metro");
if (!options.products.contains(Product.TRAM)) {
url.addQueryParameter("forbidden_uris[]", "physical_mode:Tramway");
if (!options.products.contains(Product.BUS)) {
url.addQueryParameter("forbidden_uris[]", "physical_mode:Bus");
url.addQueryParameter("forbidden_uris[]", "physical_mode:Busrapidtransit");
url.addQueryParameter("forbidden_uris[]", "physical_mode:Coach");
url.addQueryParameter("forbidden_uris[]", "physical_mode:Shuttle");
if (!options.products.contains(Product.FERRY)) {
url.addQueryParameter("forbidden_uris[]", "physical_mode:Ferry");
if (!options.products.contains(Product.CABLECAR)) {
url.addQueryParameter("forbidden_uris[]", "physical_mode:Funicular");
if (!options.products.contains(Product.ON_DEMAND)) {
url.addQueryParameter("forbidden_uris[]", "physical_mode:Taxi");
final CharSequence page = httpClient.get(;
try {
final JSONObject head = new JSONObject(page.toString());
if (head.has("error")) {
final JSONObject error = head.getJSONObject("error");
final String id = error.getString("id");
if (id.equals("no_solution"))
return new QueryTripsResult(resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.NO_TRIPS);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled error id: " + id);
} else {
// Fill context.
HttpUrl prevQueryUrl = null;
HttpUrl nextQueryUrl = null;
final JSONArray links = head.getJSONArray("links");
for (int i = 0; i < links.length(); ++i) {
final JSONObject link = links.getJSONObject(i);
final String type = link.getString("type");
if (type.equals("prev")) {
prevQueryUrl = HttpUrl.parse(link.getString("href"));
} else if (type.equals("next")) {
nextQueryUrl = HttpUrl.parse(link.getString("href"));
String prevQueryUrlString = prevQueryUrl != null ? prevQueryUrl.toString() : null;
String nextQueryUrlString = nextQueryUrl != null ? nextQueryUrl.toString() : null;
final QueryTripsResult result = new QueryTripsResult(resultHeader,, from,
null, to, new Context(from, to, prevQueryUrlString, nextQueryUrlString),
new LinkedList());
parseQueryTripsResult(head, from, to, result);
return result;
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);
} else if (from != null && to != null) {
List ambiguousFrom = null, ambiguousTo = null;
Location newFrom = null, newTo = null;
if (!from.isIdentified() && from.hasName()) {
ambiguousFrom = suggestLocations(;
if (ambiguousFrom.isEmpty())
return new QueryTripsResult(resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.UNKNOWN_FROM);
if (ambiguousFrom.size() == 1 && ambiguousFrom.get(0).isIdentified())
newFrom = ambiguousFrom.get(0);
if (!to.isIdentified() && to.hasName()) {
ambiguousTo = suggestLocations(;
if (ambiguousTo.isEmpty())
return new QueryTripsResult(resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.UNKNOWN_TO);
if (ambiguousTo.size() == 1 && ambiguousTo.get(0).isIdentified())
newTo = ambiguousTo.get(0);
if (newTo != null && newFrom != null)
return queryTrips(newFrom, via, newTo, date, dep, options);
if (ambiguousFrom != null || ambiguousTo != null)
return new QueryTripsResult(resultHeader, ambiguousFrom, null, ambiguousTo);
return new QueryTripsResult(resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.NO_TRIPS);
} catch (final NotFoundException fnfExc) {
try {
final JSONObject head = new JSONObject(fnfExc.getBodyPeek().toString());
final JSONObject error = head.getJSONObject("error");
final String id = error.getString("id");
if (id.equals("unknown_object")) {
// Identify unknown object.
final String fromString = printLocation(from);
final String toString = printLocation(to);
final String message = error.getString("message");
if (message.equals("Invalid id : " + fromString))
return new QueryTripsResult(resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.UNKNOWN_FROM);
else if (message.equals("Invalid id : " + toString))
return new QueryTripsResult(resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.UNKNOWN_TO);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled error message: " + message);
} else if (id.equals("date_out_of_bounds")) {
return new QueryTripsResult(resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.INVALID_DATE);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled error id: " + id);
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException("Cannot parse error content, original exception linked", fnfExc);
public QueryTripsResult queryMoreTrips(final QueryTripsContext contextObj, final boolean later) throws IOException {
final ResultHeader resultHeader = new ResultHeader(network, SERVER_PRODUCT, SERVER_VERSION, null, 0, null);
final Context context = (Context) contextObj;
final Location from = context.from;
final Location to =;
final HttpUrl queryUrl = HttpUrl.parse(later ? context.nextQueryUri : context.prevQueryUri);
final CharSequence page = httpClient.get(queryUrl);
try {
if (from.isIdentified() && to.isIdentified()) {
final JSONObject head = new JSONObject(page.toString());
// Fill context.
final JSONArray links = head.getJSONArray("links");
final JSONObject prev = links.getJSONObject(0);
final HttpUrl prevQueryUrl = HttpUrl.parse(prev.getString("href"));
final JSONObject next = links.getJSONObject(1);
final HttpUrl nextQueryUrl = HttpUrl.parse(next.getString("href"));
final QueryTripsResult result = new QueryTripsResult(resultHeader, queryUrl.toString(), from, null, to,
new Context(from, to, prevQueryUrl.toString(), nextQueryUrl.toString()),
new LinkedList());
parseQueryTripsResult(head, from, to, result);
return result;
} else {
return new QueryTripsResult(null, QueryTripsResult.Status.NO_TRIPS);
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);
public Point[] getArea() throws IOException {
final HttpUrl.Builder url = url();
final CharSequence page = httpClient.get(;
try {
// Get shape string.
final JSONObject head = new JSONObject(page.toString());
final JSONArray regions = head.getJSONArray("regions");
final JSONObject regionInfo = regions.getJSONObject(0);
final String shape = regionInfo.getString("shape");
// Parse string using JSON tokenizer for coordinates.
List pointList = new ArrayList<>();
final JSONTokener shapeTokener = new JSONTokener(shape);
char c =;
while (c != ')') {
// Navitia coordinates are in (longitude, latitude) order.
final String lonString = shapeTokener.nextTo(' ');;
final String latString = shapeTokener.nextTo(",)");
c =;
// Append new point with (latitude, longitude) order.
final double lat = Double.parseDouble(latString);
final double lon = Double.parseDouble(lonString);
pointList.add(Point.fromDouble(lat, lon));
// Fill point array.
final Point[] pointArray = new Point[pointList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < pointList.size(); ++i)
pointArray[i] = pointList.get(i);
return pointArray;
} catch (final JSONException jsonExc) {
throw new ParserException(jsonExc);